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## Description
[Nest](https://github.com/nestjs/nest) framework TypeScript starter repository.
## Project setup
$ npm install
## Compile and run the project
# development
$ npm run start
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
## Run tests
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
## Deployment
When you're ready to deploy your NestJS application to production, there are some key steps you can take to ensure it runs as efficiently as possible. Check out the [deployment documentation](https://docs.nestjs.com/deployment) for more information.
If you are looking for a cloud-based platform to deploy your NestJS application, check out [Mau](https://mau.nestjs.com), our official platform for deploying NestJS applications on AWS. Mau makes deployment straightforward and fast, requiring just a few simple steps:
$ npm install -g mau
$ mau deploy
With Mau, you can deploy your application in just a few clicks, allowing you to focus on building features rather than managing infrastructure.
## Resources
Check out a few resources that may come in handy when working with NestJS:
- Visit the [NestJS Documentation](https://docs.nestjs.com) to learn more about the framework.
- For questions and support, please visit our [Discord channel](https://discord.gg/G7Qnnhy).
- To dive deeper and get more hands-on experience, check out our official video [courses](https://courses.nestjs.com/).
- Deploy your application to AWS with the help of [NestJS Mau](https://mau.nestjs.com) in just a few clicks.
- Visualize your application graph and interact with the NestJS application in real-time using [NestJS Devtools](https://devtools.nestjs.com).
- Need help with your project (part-time to full-time)? Check out our official [enterprise support](https://enterprise.nestjs.com).
- To stay in the loop and get updates, follow us on [X](https://x.com/nestframework) and [LinkedIn](https://linkedin.com/company/nestjs).
- Looking for a job, or have a job to offer? Check out our official [Jobs board](https://jobs.nestjs.com).
## Support
Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please [read more here](https://docs.nestjs.com/support).
## Stay in touch
- Author - [Kamil Myśliwiec](https://twitter.com/kammysliwiec)
- Website - [https://nestjs.com](https://nestjs.com/)
- Twitter - [@nestframework](https://twitter.com/nestframework)
## License
Nest is [MIT licensed](https://github.com/nestjs/nest/blob/master/LICENSE).