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No commits in common. "16520c36644d166e4d8028a43df1d8836fe77016" and "8d2ffe30141196e5ecb2655e1e0096b5d6624487" have entirely different histories.

20 changed files with 268 additions and 689 deletions

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<path class="st0" d="m2404 717.3c-77.2-12.7-62.8-105-62.8-105 68.6 8.2 154.9 6.3 213.9 0.4 51.1-5 151.9-17.7 180.6-96.3 28.5-77.9 6.9-140.9-87.1-158.5-69.3-12.8-133.6-13.5-217.6-2.2-119.9 16.1-185.7 56.7-215.1 128-16.2 39.3-25.9 86-30.1 128.4-7.6 77.1 6.9 147.8 103.4 155.5 129.3 10.4 231.1 8.1 339.1-8.8l33.5-47.9c-102.3 17-218.8 12.9-257.8 6.4m-32.4-229c20.5-49 50.8-79.8 107.4-92.8 25.1-5.8 46.6-5.7 76.6 0.8 44.5 9.5 58.1 61.4 38.7 101.9-21.9 45.2-51 55.3-89.2 63.1-41.4 8.6-95.9 9.8-155.9 5.7 4.1-25.1 14.6-60.4 22.4-78.7" clip-path="url(#vlpa)"/>
<path class="st0" d="m272.3 492.2c8.8-50.2 26.6-79.2 81.1-89.1 48.8-8.9 139.1-3 192.1 2.9l35.6-50.9c-80.3-5.8-215.9-12.4-296.3-0.7-114.6 16.6-161.3 40-174.3 113.3-7.7 43.9-42.3 242.3-52.1 298.6h166.1c11.4-65.4 39.7-227.7 47.8-274.1" clip-path="url(#vlpa)"/>
<path class="st0" d="m2065 103.3c-94.4 66.2-126.4 147.4-143.8 247.2l-70.4 402.7c-15.8 91.6-22.8 139.4-38.4 184.4-12.5 37.7-53.6 93.1-122 94l-29.9 42.6c88.3 4.3 158.9-21.2 208.8-56.1 94.4-66.1 129.2-160.7 146.7-260.3 1.2-6.8 31.9-183.1 46.6-266.6 10.7-59.3 41.8-91.8 107.3-92.7l30.4-43.3h-114c16.2-92.4 22-132.3 35.3-170.7 13-37.7 53.7-93.1 121.9-93.9l30.4-43.3c-88.5-4.4-159 21.1-208.9 56" clip-path="url(#vlpa)"/>


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View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -32,32 +32,11 @@ function AutocompleteStop(params) {
filterOptions={(x) => x} filterOptions={(x) => x}
getOptionKey={option =>} getOptionKey={option =>}
getOptionLabel={option =>} getOptionLabel={option =>}
groupBy={option => getOptionGroup(option)} groupBy={option =>"IDFM") ? "Transilien" : "TER/TGV/Intercités"}
isOptionEqualToValue={(option, value) => ===} isOptionEqualToValue={(option, value) => ===}
renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="Arrêt" />} renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="Arrêt" />}
{...params} /> {...params} />
</> </>
} }
function getOptionGroup(option) {
switch (option.transport_type) {
case "TGV":
case "IC":
case "TER":
return "TGV/TER/Intercités"
case "TN":
return "Transilien"
case "ES":
return "Eurostar"
case "TI":
return "Trenitalia France"
case "RENFE":
return "RENFE"
case "OBB":
return "ÖBB"
return option.transport_type
export default AutocompleteStop; export default AutocompleteStop;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ function DateTimeSelector({stop, date, time}) {
const navigate = useNavigate() const navigate = useNavigate()
function onStationSelected(event, stop) { function onStationSelected(event, stop) {
if (stop !== null)
navigate(`/station/${}/`) navigate(`/station/${}/`)
} }

View File

@ -107,11 +107,7 @@ function TrainRow({train, tableType, date, time}) {
enabled: !!trip.route, enabled: !!trip.route,
}) })
const route = ?? {} const route = ?? {}
const trainType = getTrainType(train, trip, route) const trainType = getTrainType(train, route)
const backgroundColor = getBackgroundColor(train, trip, route)
const textColor = getTextColor(train, trip, route)
const trainTypeDisplay = getTrainTypeDisplay(trainType)
const stopTimesQuery = useQuery({ const stopTimesQuery = useQuery({
queryKey: ['stop_times',], queryKey: ['stop_times',],
@ -155,6 +151,7 @@ function TrainRow({train, tableType, date, time}) {
const delay = tableType === "departures" ? realtimeData.departure_delay : realtimeData.arrival_delay const delay = tableType === "departures" ? realtimeData.departure_delay : realtimeData.arrival_delay
const prettyDelay = delay && scheduleRelationship !== 3 ? getPrettyDelay(delay) : "" const prettyDelay = delay && scheduleRelationship !== 3 ? getPrettyDelay(delay) : ""
const [prettyScheduleRelationship, scheduleRelationshipColor] = getPrettyScheduleRelationship(scheduleRelationship) const [prettyScheduleRelationship, scheduleRelationshipColor] = getPrettyScheduleRelationship(scheduleRelationship)
let stopsFilter let stopsFilter
if (scheduleRelationship === 3) if (scheduleRelationship === 3)
@ -177,9 +174,9 @@ function TrainRow({train, tableType, date, time}) {
height="4em" height="4em"
borderRadius="15%" borderRadius="15%"
fontWeight="bold" fontWeight="bold"
backgroundColor={backgroundColor} backgroundColor={`#${getBackgroundColor(train, route)}`}
color={textColor}> color={`#${getTextColor(train, route)}`}>
{trainTypeDisplay} {trainType}
</Box> </Box>
</div> </div>
</TableCell> </TableCell>
@ -214,99 +211,46 @@ function TrainRow({train, tableType, date, time}) {
</> </>
} }
function getTrainType(train, trip, route) { function getTrainType(train, route) {
switch (route.transport_type) { if ("IDFM"))
case "TGV":
case "TER":
case "IC":
let trainType = train.stop.split("StopPoint:OCE")[1].split("-")[0]
switch (trainType) {
case "Train TER":
return "TER"
return "INTER-CITÉS"
case "INTERCITES de nuit":
return "INTER-CITÉS de nuit"
return trainType
case "TN":
return route.short_name return route.short_name
case "ES": else {
return "Eurostar" let trainType = train.stop.split("StopPoint:OCE")[1].split("-")[0]
case "TI": if (trainType === "Train TER")
return "Trenitalia" trainType = "TER"
case "RENFE": else if (trainType === "INTERCITES")
return "RENFE" trainType = "INTER-CITÉS"
case "OBB": else if (trainType === "INTERCITES de nuit")
if (trip.short_name.startsWith("NJ")) trainType = "INTER-CITÉS de nuit"
return "NJ"
return "ÖBB"
return ""
function getTrainTypeDisplay(trainType) {
switch (trainType) {
case "TGV INOUI":
return <img src="/tgv_inoui.svg" alt="TGV INOUI" width="80%" />
case "OUIGO":
return <img src="/ouigo.svg" alt="OUIGO" width="80%" />
case "TER":
return <img src="/ter.svg" alt="TER" width="80%" />
case "Car TER":
return <div><img src="/bus.svg" alt="Car" width="40%" />
<img src="/ter.svg" alt="TER" width="40%" /></div>
case "ICE":
return <img src="/ice.svg" alt="ICE" width="80%" />
case "Eurostar":
return <img src="/eurostar_mini.svg" alt="Eurostar" width="80%" />
case "Trenitalia":
return <img src="/trenitalia.svg" alt="Frecciarossa" width="80%" />
case "RENFE":
return <img src="/renfe.svg" alt="RENFE" width="80%" />
case "NJ":
return <img src="/nightjet.svg" alt="NightJet" width="80%" />
return trainType return trainType
} }
} }
function getBackgroundColor(train, trip, route) { function getBackgroundColor(train, route) {
let trainType = getTrainType(train, trip, route)
switch (trainType) {
case "OUIGO":
return "#0096CA"
case "Eurostar":
return "#00286A"
case "NJ":
return "#272759"
if (route.color) if (route.color)
return `#${route.color}` return route.color
return "#FFFFFF" else if (getTrainType(train, route) === "OUIGO")
} return "E60075"
return "FFFFFF"
} }
function getTextColor(train, trip, route) { function getTextColor(train, route) {
if (route.text_color) if (route.text_color)
return `#${route.text_color}` return route.text_color
else { else {
let trainType = getTrainType(train, trip, route) let trainType = getTrainType(train, route)
switch (trainType) { switch (trainType) {
case "OUIGO": case "OUIGO":
return "#FFFFFF" return "FFFFFF"
case "TGV INOUI": case "TGV INOUI":
return "#9B2743" return "9B2743"
case "ICE": case "ICE":
return "#B4B4B4" return "B4B4B4"
case "INTER-CITÉS de nuit": case "INTER-CITÉS de nuit":
return "#404042" return "404042"
default: default:
return "#000000" return "000000"
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ from sncfgtfs.models import Agency, Stop, Route, Trip, StopTime, Calendar, Calen
Transfer, FeedInfo, TripUpdate, StopTimeUpdate Transfer, FeedInfo, TripUpdate, StopTimeUpdate
CACHE_CONTROL = cache_control(max_age=7200) CACHE_CONTROL = cache_control(max_age=7200)
LAST_MODIFIED = last_modified(lambda *args, **kwargs: datetime.fromisoformat( LAST_MODIFIED = last_modified(lambda *args, **kwargs: datetime.fromisoformat(FeedInfo.objects.get().version))
LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX = r"[\w.: |-]+"
@method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED]) @method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED])
@ -27,7 +25,6 @@ class AgencyViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = AgencySerializer serializer_class = AgencySerializer
filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend] filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
filterset_fields = '__all__' filterset_fields = '__all__'
lookup_value_regex = LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX
@method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED]) @method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED])
@ -38,7 +35,6 @@ class StopViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend, SearchFilter] filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend, SearchFilter]
filterset_fields = '__all__' filterset_fields = '__all__'
search_fields = ['name',] search_fields = ['name',]
lookup_value_regex = LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX
@method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED]) @method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED])
@ -48,7 +44,6 @@ class RouteViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = RouteSerializer serializer_class = RouteSerializer
filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend] filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
filterset_fields = '__all__' filterset_fields = '__all__'
lookup_value_regex = LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX
@method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED]) @method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED])
@ -58,7 +53,6 @@ class TripViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = TripSerializer serializer_class = TripSerializer
filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend] filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
filterset_fields = '__all__' filterset_fields = '__all__'
lookup_value_regex = LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX
@method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED]) @method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED])
@ -70,7 +64,6 @@ class StopTimeViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
filterset_fields = '__all__' filterset_fields = '__all__'
ordering_fields = ['arrival_time', 'departure_time', 'stop_sequence', ] ordering_fields = ['arrival_time', 'departure_time', 'stop_sequence', ]
ordering = ['stop_sequence', ] ordering = ['stop_sequence', ]
lookup_value_regex = LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX
@method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED]) @method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED])
@ -80,7 +73,6 @@ class CalendarViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = CalendarSerializer serializer_class = CalendarSerializer
filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend] filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
filterset_fields = '__all__' filterset_fields = '__all__'
lookup_value_regex = LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX
@method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED]) @method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED])
@ -90,7 +82,6 @@ class CalendarDateViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = CalendarDateSerializer serializer_class = CalendarDateSerializer
filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend] filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
filterset_fields = '__all__' filterset_fields = '__all__'
lookup_value_regex = LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX
@method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED]) @method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED])
@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ class TransferViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
queryset = Transfer.objects.all() queryset = Transfer.objects.all()
serializer_class = TransferSerializer serializer_class = TransferSerializer
filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend] filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
lookup_value_regex = LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX
@method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED]) @method_decorator(name='list', decorator=[CACHE_CONTROL, LAST_MODIFIED])
@ -109,7 +99,6 @@ class FeedInfoViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = FeedInfoSerializer serializer_class = FeedInfoSerializer
filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend] filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
filterset_fields = '__all__' filterset_fields = '__all__'
lookup_value_regex = LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX
class TripUpdateViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): class TripUpdateViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
@ -117,7 +106,6 @@ class TripUpdateViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = TripUpdateSerializer serializer_class = TripUpdateSerializer
filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend] filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
filterset_fields = '__all__' filterset_fields = '__all__'
lookup_value_regex = LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX
class StopTimeUpdateViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): class StopTimeUpdateViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
@ -125,7 +113,6 @@ class StopTimeUpdateViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
serializer_class = StopTimeUpdateSerializer serializer_class = StopTimeUpdateSerializer
filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend] filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
filterset_fields = '__all__' filterset_fields = '__all__'
lookup_value_regex = LOOKUP_VALUE_REGEX
class NextDeparturesViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): class NextDeparturesViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
@ -153,7 +140,7 @@ class NextDeparturesViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
stop = Stop.objects.get(id=stop_id) stop = Stop.objects.get(id=stop_id)
stops = Stop.objects.filter(Q(id=stop_id) stops = Stop.objects.filter(Q(id=stop_id)
| Q(parent_station=stop_id)) | Q(parent_station=stop_id))
if stop.location_type == 0 and stop.parent_station_id is not None: if stop.location_type == 0:
stops |= Stop.objects.filter(parent_station=stop.parent_station_id) stops |= Stop.objects.filter(parent_station=stop.parent_station_id)
stop_filter = Q(stop__in=stops.values_list('id', flat=True)) stop_filter = Q(stop__in=stops.values_list('id', flat=True))
elif stop_name: elif stop_name:
@ -214,7 +201,7 @@ class NextArrivalsViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
stop = Stop.objects.get(id=stop_id) stop = Stop.objects.get(id=stop_id)
stops = Stop.objects.filter(Q(id=stop_id) stops = Stop.objects.filter(Q(id=stop_id)
| Q(parent_station=stop_id)) | Q(parent_station=stop_id))
if stop.location_type == 0 and stop.parent_station_id is not None: if stop.location_type == 0:
stops |= Stop.objects.filter(parent_station=stop.parent_station_id) stops |= Stop.objects.filter(parent_station=stop.parent_station_id)
stop_filter = Q(stop__in=stops.values_list('id', flat=True)) stop_filter = Q(stop__in=stops.values_list('id', flat=True))
elif stop_name: elif stop_name:

View File

@ -4,37 +4,6 @@ from sncfgtfs.models import Agency, Stop, Route, Trip, StopTime, Calendar, Calen
Transfer, FeedInfo, StopTimeUpdate, TripUpdate Transfer, FeedInfo, StopTimeUpdate, TripUpdate
class CalendarDateInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = CalendarDate
extra = 0
class TripInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Trip
extra = 0
autocomplete_fields = ('route', 'service',)
show_change_link = True
ordering = ('service',)
class StopTimeInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = StopTime
extra = 0
autocomplete_fields = ('stop',)
show_change_link = True
ordering = ('stop_sequence',)
class TripUpdateInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = TripUpdate
extra = 0
class StopTimeUpdateInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = StopTimeUpdate
extra = 0
@admin.register(Agency) @admin.register(Agency)
class AgencyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class AgencyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'id', 'url', 'timezone',) list_display = ('name', 'id', 'url', 'timezone',)
@ -44,7 +13,7 @@ class AgencyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
@admin.register(Stop) @admin.register(Stop)
class StopAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class StopAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'id', 'lat', 'lon', 'location_type',) list_display = ('name', 'id', 'lat', 'lon', 'location_type',)
list_filter = ('location_type', 'transport_type',) list_filter = ('location_type',)
search_fields = ('name', 'id',) search_fields = ('name', 'id',)
ordering = ('name',) ordering = ('name',)
autocomplete_fields = ('parent_station',) autocomplete_fields = ('parent_station',)
@ -52,33 +21,29 @@ class StopAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
@admin.register(Route) @admin.register(Route)
class RouteAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class RouteAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('short_name', 'long_name', 'id', 'type',) list_display = ('long_name', 'short_name', 'id', 'type',)
list_filter = ('transport_type', 'type', 'agency',) list_filter = ('type',)
search_fields = ('long_name', 'short_name', 'id',) search_fields = ('long_name', 'short_name', 'id',)
ordering = ('long_name',) ordering = ('long_name',)
autocomplete_fields = ('agency',) autocomplete_fields = ('agency',)
inlines = (TripInline,)
@admin.register(Trip) @admin.register(Trip)
class TripAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class TripAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('id', 'route', 'service', 'headsign', 'direction_id',) list_display = ('id', 'route', 'service', 'headsign', 'direction_id',)
list_filter = ('direction_id', 'route__transport_type',) list_filter = ('direction_id', 'service__transport_type',)
search_fields = ('id', 'route__id', 'route__long_name', 'service__id', 'headsign',) search_fields = ('id', 'route__id', 'route__long_name', 'service__id', 'headsign',)
ordering = ('route', 'service',) ordering = ('route', 'service',)
autocomplete_fields = ('route', 'service',)
inlines = (StopTimeInline, TripUpdateInline,)
@admin.register(StopTime) @admin.register(StopTime)
class StopTimeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class StopTimeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('trip', 'stop', 'arrival_time', 'departure_time', list_display = ('trip', 'stop', 'arrival_time', 'departure_time',
'stop_sequence', 'pickup_type', 'drop_off_type',) 'stop_sequence', 'pickup_type', 'drop_off_type',)
list_filter = ('pickup_type', 'drop_off_type', 'trip__route__transport_type',) list_filter = ('pickup_type', 'drop_off_type', 'trip__service__transport_type',)
search_fields = ('trip__id', 'stop__name', 'arrival_time', 'departure_time',) search_fields = ('trip__id', 'stop__name', 'arrival_time', 'departure_time',)
ordering = ('trip', 'stop_sequence',) ordering = ('trip', 'stop_sequence',)
autocomplete_fields = ('trip', 'stop',) autocomplete_fields = ('trip', 'stop',)
inlines = (StopTimeUpdateInline,)
@admin.register(Calendar) @admin.register(Calendar)
@ -89,7 +54,6 @@ class CalendarAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
'start_date', 'end_date',) 'start_date', 'end_date',)
search_fields = ('id', 'start_date', 'end_date',) search_fields = ('id', 'start_date', 'end_date',)
ordering = ('transport_type', 'id',) ordering = ('transport_type', 'id',)
inlines = (CalendarDateInline, TripInline,)
@admin.register(CalendarDate) @admin.register(CalendarDate)

View File

@ -17,71 +17,47 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
"IC": "", "IC": "",
"TER": "", "TER": "",
"TN": "", "TN": "",
# "ES": "",
# "TI": "",
# "RENFE": "",
# "OBB": "",
} }
def add_arguments(self, parser): def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('--bulk_size', type=int, default=1000, help="Number of objects to create in bulk.") parser.add_argument('--bulk_size', type=int, default=1000, help='Number of objects to create in bulk.')
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true',
help="Do not update the database, only print what would be done.")
parser.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_true', help="Force the update of the database.")
def handle(self, *args, **options): def handle(self, *args, **options):
bulk_size = options['bulk_size'] bulk_size = options['bulk_size']
dry_run = options['dry_run']
force = options['force']
if dry_run:
self.stdout.write("Dry run mode activated."))
if not FeedInfo.objects.exists(): if not FeedInfo.objects.exists():
last_update_date = "1970-01-01" last_update_date = "1970-01-01"
else: else:
last_update_date = FeedInfo.objects.get(publisher_name='SNCF_default').version last_update_date = FeedInfo.objects.get().version
for url in self.GTFS_FEEDS.values(): for url in self.GTFS_FEEDS.values():
resp = requests.head(url) last_modified = requests.head(url).headers["Last-Modified"]
if "Last-Modified" not in resp.headers:
last_modified = resp.headers["Last-Modified"]
last_modified = datetime.strptime(last_modified, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") last_modified = datetime.strptime(last_modified, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
if > last_update_date: if > last_update_date:
break break
else: else:
if not force:
self.stdout.write("Database already up-to-date.")) self.stdout.write("Database already up-to-date."))
return return
self.stdout.write("Updating database...") self.stdout.write("Updating database...")
all_trips = []
for transport_type, feed_url in self.GTFS_FEEDS.items(): for transport_type, feed_url in self.GTFS_FEEDS.items():
self.stdout.write(f"Downloading {transport_type} GTFS feed...") self.stdout.write(f"Downloading {transport_type} GTFS feed...")
with ZipFile(BytesIO(requests.get(feed_url).content)) as zipfile: with ZipFile(BytesIO(requests.get(feed_url).content)) as zipfile:
def read_file(filename):
lines ='\ufeff', '').splitlines()
return [line.strip() for line in lines]
agencies = [] agencies = []
for agency_dict in csv.DictReader(read_file("agency.txt")): for agency_dict in csv.DictReader("agency.txt").decode().splitlines()):
agency_dict: dict agency_dict: dict
if transport_type == "ES" \
and agency_dict['agency_id'] != 'ES' and agency_dict['agency_id'] != 'ER':
agency = Agency( agency = Agency(
id=agency_dict['agency_id'], id=agency_dict['agency_id'],
name=agency_dict['agency_name'], name=agency_dict['agency_name'],
url=agency_dict['agency_url'], url=agency_dict['agency_url'],
timezone=agency_dict['agency_timezone'], timezone=agency_dict['agency_timezone'],
lang=agency_dict.get('agency_lang', "fr"), lang=agency_dict['agency_lang'],
phone=agency_dict.get('agency_phone', ""), phone=agency_dict.get('agency_phone', ""),
email=agency_dict.get('agency_email', ""), email=agency_dict.get('agency_email', ""),
) )
agencies.append(agency) agencies.append(agency)
if agencies and not dry_run: if agencies:
Agency.objects.bulk_create(agencies, Agency.objects.bulk_create(agencies,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['name', 'url', 'timezone', 'lang', 'phone', 'email'], update_fields=['name', 'url', 'timezone', 'lang', 'phone', 'email'],
@ -89,91 +65,78 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
agencies.clear() agencies.clear()
stops = [] stops = []
for stop_dict in csv.DictReader(read_file("stops.txt")): for stop_dict in csv.DictReader("stops.txt").decode().splitlines()):
stop_dict: dict stop_dict: dict
stop_id = stop_dict['stop_id']
if transport_type in ["ES", "TI", "RENFE"]:
stop_id = f"{transport_type}-{stop_id}"
stop = Stop( stop = Stop(
id=stop_id, id=stop_dict["stop_id"],
name=stop_dict['stop_name'], name=stop_dict['stop_name'],
desc=stop_dict.get('stop_desc', ""), desc=stop_dict['stop_desc'],
lat=stop_dict['stop_lat'], lat=stop_dict['stop_lat'],
lon=stop_dict['stop_lon'], lon=stop_dict['stop_lon'],
zone_id=stop_dict.get('zone_id', ""), zone_id=stop_dict['zone_id'],
url=stop_dict.get('stop_url', ""), url=stop_dict['stop_url'],
location_type=stop_dict.get('location_type', 1) or 1, location_type=stop_dict['location_type'],
parent_station_id=stop_dict.get('parent_station', None) or None parent_station_id=stop_dict['parent_station'] or None
if last_update_date != "1970-01-01" or transport_type != "TN" else None, if last_update_date != "1970-01-01" or transport_type != "TN" else None,
timezone=stop_dict.get('stop_timezone', ""), timezone=stop_dict.get('stop_timezone', ""),
wheelchair_boarding=stop_dict.get('wheelchair_boarding', 0), wheelchair_boarding=stop_dict.get('wheelchair_boarding', 0),
level_id=stop_dict.get('level_id', ""), level_id=stop_dict.get('level_id', ""),
platform_code=stop_dict.get('platform_code', ""), platform_code=stop_dict.get('platform_code', ""),
) )
stops.append(stop) stops.append(stop)
if len(stops) >= bulk_size and not dry_run: if len(stops) >= bulk_size:
Stop.objects.bulk_create(stops, Stop.objects.bulk_create(stops,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['name', 'desc', 'lat', 'lon', 'zone_id', 'url', update_fields=['name', 'desc', 'lat', 'lon', 'zone_id', 'url',
'location_type', 'parent_station_id', 'timezone', 'location_type', 'parent_station_id', 'timezone',
'wheelchair_boarding', 'level_id', 'platform_code', 'wheelchair_boarding', 'level_id', 'platform_code'],
unique_fields=['id']) unique_fields=['id'])
stops.clear() stops.clear()
if stops and not dry_run: if stops:
Stop.objects.bulk_create(stops, Stop.objects.bulk_create(stops,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['name', 'desc', 'lat', 'lon', 'zone_id', 'url', update_fields=['name', 'desc', 'lat', 'lon', 'zone_id', 'url',
'location_type', 'parent_station_id', 'timezone', 'location_type', 'parent_station_id', 'timezone',
'wheelchair_boarding', 'level_id', 'platform_code', 'wheelchair_boarding', 'level_id', 'platform_code'],
unique_fields=['id']) unique_fields=['id'])
stops.clear() stops.clear()
routes = [] routes = []
for route_dict in csv.DictReader(read_file("routes.txt")): for route_dict in csv.DictReader("routes.txt").decode().splitlines()):
route_dict: dict route_dict: dict
route_id = route_dict['route_id']
if transport_type == "TI":
route_id = f"{transport_type}-{route_id}"
route = Route( route = Route(
id=route_id, id=route_dict['route_id'],
agency_id=route_dict['agency_id'], agency_id=route_dict['agency_id'],
short_name=route_dict['route_short_name'], short_name=route_dict['route_short_name'],
long_name=route_dict['route_long_name'], long_name=route_dict['route_long_name'],
desc=route_dict.get('route_desc', ""), desc=route_dict['route_desc'],
type=route_dict['route_type'], type=route_dict['route_type'],
url=route_dict.get('route_url', ""), url=route_dict['route_url'],
color=route_dict.get('route_color', ""), color=route_dict['route_color'],
text_color=route_dict.get('route_text_color', ""), text_color=route_dict['route_text_color'],
) )
routes.append(route) routes.append(route)
if len(routes) >= bulk_size and not dry_run: if len(routes) >= bulk_size:
Route.objects.bulk_create(routes, Route.objects.bulk_create(routes,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['agency_id', 'short_name', 'long_name', 'desc', update_fields=['agency_id', 'short_name', 'long_name', 'desc',
'type', 'url', 'color', 'text_color', 'type', 'url', 'color', 'text_color'],
unique_fields=['id']) unique_fields=['id'])
routes.clear() routes.clear()
if routes and not dry_run: if routes:
Route.objects.bulk_create(routes, Route.objects.bulk_create(routes,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['agency_id', 'short_name', 'long_name', 'desc', update_fields=['agency_id', 'short_name', 'long_name', 'desc',
'type', 'url', 'color', 'text_color', 'type', 'url', 'color', 'text_color'],
unique_fields=['id']) unique_fields=['id'])
routes.clear() routes.clear()
calendar_ids = [] calendar_ids = []
if "calendar.txt" in zipfile.namelist(): if "calendar.txt" in zipfile.namelist():
calendars = [] calendars = []
for calendar_dict in csv.DictReader(read_file("calendar.txt")): for calendar_dict in csv.DictReader("calendar.txt").decode().splitlines()):
calendar_dict: dict calendar_dict: dict
calendar = Calendar( calendar = Calendar(
id=f"{transport_type}-{calendar_dict['service_id']}", id=f"{transport_type}-{calendar_dict['service_id']}",
@ -191,7 +154,7 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
calendars.append(calendar) calendars.append(calendar)
calendar_ids.append( calendar_ids.append(
if len(calendars) >= bulk_size and not dry_run: if len(calendars) >= bulk_size:
Calendar.objects.bulk_create(calendars, Calendar.objects.bulk_create(calendars,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', update_fields=['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday',
@ -199,7 +162,7 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
'end_date', 'transport_type'], 'end_date', 'transport_type'],
unique_fields=['id']) unique_fields=['id'])
calendars.clear() calendars.clear()
if calendars and not dry_run: if calendars:
Calendar.objects.bulk_create(calendars, update_conflicts=True, Calendar.objects.bulk_create(calendars, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', update_fields=['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday',
'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday', 'start_date', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday', 'start_date',
@ -209,7 +172,7 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
calendars = [] calendars = []
calendar_dates = [] calendar_dates = []
for calendar_date_dict in csv.DictReader(read_file("calendar_dates.txt")): for calendar_date_dict in csv.DictReader("calendar_dates.txt").decode().splitlines()):
calendar_date_dict: dict calendar_date_dict: dict
calendar_date = CalendarDate( calendar_date = CalendarDate(
id=f"{transport_type}-{calendar_date_dict['service_id']}-{calendar_date_dict['date']}", id=f"{transport_type}-{calendar_date_dict['service_id']}-{calendar_date_dict['date']}",
@ -235,7 +198,7 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
) )
calendars.append(calendar) calendars.append(calendar)
if len(calendar_dates) >= bulk_size and not dry_run: if len(calendar_dates) >= bulk_size:
Calendar.objects.bulk_create(calendars, Calendar.objects.bulk_create(calendars,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['end_date'], update_fields=['end_date'],
@ -247,7 +210,7 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
calendars.clear() calendars.clear()
calendar_dates.clear() calendar_dates.clear()
if calendar_dates and not dry_run: if calendar_dates:
Calendar.objects.bulk_create(calendars, Calendar.objects.bulk_create(calendars,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['end_date'], update_fields=['end_date'],
@ -260,38 +223,23 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
calendar_dates.clear() calendar_dates.clear()
trips = [] trips = []
for trip_dict in csv.DictReader(read_file("trips.txt")): for trip_dict in csv.DictReader("trips.txt").decode().splitlines()):
trip_dict: dict trip_dict: dict
trip_id = trip_dict['trip_id']
route_id = trip_dict['route_id']
if transport_type in ["TGV", "IC", "TER"]:
trip_id, last_update = trip_id.split(':', 1)
last_update = datetime.fromisoformat(last_update)
elif transport_type in ["ES", "RENFE"]:
trip_id = f"{transport_type}-{trip_id}"
last_update = None
elif transport_type == "TI":
trip_id = f"{transport_type}-{trip_id}"
route_id = f"{transport_type}-{route_id}"
last_update = None
last_update = None
trip = Trip( trip = Trip(
id=trip_id, id=trip_dict['trip_id'],
route_id=route_id, route_id=trip_dict['route_id'],
service_id=f"{transport_type}-{trip_dict['service_id']}", service_id=f"{transport_type}-{trip_dict['service_id']}",
headsign=trip_dict.get('trip_headsign', ""), headsign=trip_dict['trip_headsign'],
short_name=trip_dict.get('trip_short_name', ""), short_name=trip_dict.get('trip_short_name', ""),
direction_id=trip_dict.get('direction_id', None) or None, direction_id=trip_dict['direction_id'] or None,
block_id=trip_dict.get('block_id', ""), block_id=trip_dict['block_id'],
shape_id=trip_dict.get('shape_id', ""), shape_id=trip_dict['shape_id'],
wheelchair_accessible=trip_dict.get('wheelchair_accessible', None), wheelchair_accessible=trip_dict.get('wheelchair_accessible', None),
bikes_allowed=trip_dict.get('bikes_allowed', None), bikes_allowed=trip_dict.get('bikes_allowed', None),
) )
trips.append(trip) trips.append(trip)
if len(trips) >= bulk_size and not dry_run: if len(trips) >= bulk_size:
Trip.objects.bulk_create(trips, Trip.objects.bulk_create(trips,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['route_id', 'service_id', 'headsign', 'short_name', update_fields=['route_id', 'service_id', 'headsign', 'short_name',
@ -299,7 +247,7 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
'wheelchair_accessible', 'bikes_allowed'], 'wheelchair_accessible', 'bikes_allowed'],
unique_fields=['id']) unique_fields=['id'])
trips.clear() trips.clear()
if trips and not dry_run: if trips:
Trip.objects.bulk_create(trips, Trip.objects.bulk_create(trips,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['route_id', 'service_id', 'headsign', 'short_name', update_fields=['route_id', 'service_id', 'headsign', 'short_name',
@ -308,57 +256,29 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
unique_fields=['id']) unique_fields=['id'])
trips.clear() trips.clear()
stop_times = [] stop_times = []
for stop_time_dict in csv.DictReader(read_file("stop_times.txt")): for stop_time_dict in csv.DictReader("stop_times.txt").decode().splitlines()):
stop_time_dict: dict stop_time_dict: dict
stop_id = stop_time_dict['stop_id']
if transport_type in ["ES", "TI", "RENFE"]:
stop_id = f"{transport_type}-{stop_id}"
trip_id = stop_time_dict['trip_id']
if transport_type in ["TGV", "IC", "TER"]:
trip_id = trip_id.split(':', 1)[0]
elif transport_type in ["ES", "TI", "RENFE"]:
trip_id = f"{transport_type}-{trip_id}"
arr_time = stop_time_dict['arrival_time'] arr_time = stop_time_dict['arrival_time']
arr_h, arr_m, arr_s = map(int, arr_time.split(':')) arr_time = int(arr_time[:2]) * 3600 + int(arr_time[3:5]) * 60 + int(arr_time[6:])
arr_time = arr_h * 3600 + arr_m * 60 + arr_s
dep_time = stop_time_dict['departure_time'] dep_time = stop_time_dict['departure_time']
dep_h, dep_m, dep_s = map(int, dep_time.split(':')) dep_time = int(dep_time[:2]) * 3600 + int(dep_time[3:5]) * 60 + int(dep_time[6:])
dep_time = dep_h * 3600 + dep_m * 60 + dep_s
pickup_type = stop_time_dict.get('pickup_type', 0)
drop_off_type = stop_time_dict.get('drop_off_type', 0)
if transport_type in ["ES", "RENFE", "OBB"]:
if stop_time_dict['stop_sequence'] == "1":
drop_off_type = 1
elif arr_time == dep_time:
pickup_type = 1
elif transport_type == "TI":
if stop_time_dict['stop_sequence'] == "0":
drop_off_type = 1
elif arr_time == dep_time:
pickup_type = 1
st = StopTime( st = StopTime(
id=f"{trip_id}-{stop_id}", id=f"{stop_time_dict['trip_id']}-{stop_time_dict['stop_id']}",
trip_id=trip_id, trip_id=stop_time_dict['trip_id'],
arrival_time=timedelta(seconds=arr_time), arrival_time=timedelta(seconds=arr_time),
departure_time=timedelta(seconds=dep_time), departure_time=timedelta(seconds=dep_time),
stop_id=stop_id, stop_id=stop_time_dict['stop_id'],
stop_sequence=stop_time_dict['stop_sequence'], stop_sequence=stop_time_dict['stop_sequence'],
stop_headsign=stop_time_dict.get('stop_headsign', ""), stop_headsign=stop_time_dict['stop_headsign'],
pickup_type=pickup_type, pickup_type=stop_time_dict['pickup_type'],
drop_off_type=drop_off_type, drop_off_type=stop_time_dict['drop_off_type'],
timepoint=stop_time_dict.get('timepoint', None), timepoint=stop_time_dict.get('timepoint', None),
) )
stop_times.append(st) stop_times.append(st)
if len(stop_times) >= bulk_size and not dry_run: if len(stop_times) >= bulk_size:
StopTime.objects.bulk_create(stop_times, StopTime.objects.bulk_create(stop_times,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['stop_id', 'arrival_time', 'departure_time', update_fields=['stop_id', 'arrival_time', 'departure_time',
@ -366,7 +286,7 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
'drop_off_type', 'timepoint'], 'drop_off_type', 'timepoint'],
unique_fields=['id']) unique_fields=['id'])
stop_times.clear() stop_times.clear()
if stop_times and not dry_run: if stop_times:
StopTime.objects.bulk_create(stop_times, StopTime.objects.bulk_create(stop_times,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['stop_id', 'arrival_time', 'departure_time', update_fields=['stop_id', 'arrival_time', 'departure_time',
@ -375,18 +295,11 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
unique_fields=['id']) unique_fields=['id'])
stop_times.clear() stop_times.clear()
if "transfers.txt" in zipfile.namelist():
transfers = [] transfers = []
for transfer_dict in csv.DictReader(read_file("transfers.txt")): for transfer_dict in csv.DictReader("transfers.txt").decode().splitlines()):
transfer_dict: dict transfer_dict: dict
from_stop_id = transfer_dict['from_stop_id']
to_stop_id = transfer_dict['to_stop_id']
if transport_type in ["ES", "RENFE", "OBB"]:
from_stop_id = f"{transport_type}-{from_stop_id}"
to_stop_id = f"{transport_type}-{to_stop_id}"
transfer = Transfer( transfer = Transfer(
id=f"{from_stop_id}-{to_stop_id}", id=f"{transfer_dict['from_stop_id']}-{transfer_dict['to_stop_id']}",
from_stop_id=transfer_dict['from_stop_id'], from_stop_id=transfer_dict['from_stop_id'],
to_stop_id=transfer_dict['to_stop_id'], to_stop_id=transfer_dict['to_stop_id'],
transfer_type=transfer_dict['transfer_type'], transfer_type=transfer_dict['transfer_type'],
@ -394,30 +307,30 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
) )
transfers.append(transfer) transfers.append(transfer)
if len(transfers) >= bulk_size and not dry_run: if len(transfers) >= bulk_size:
Transfer.objects.bulk_create(transfers, Transfer.objects.bulk_create(transfers,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['transfer_type', 'min_transfer_time'], update_fields=['transfer_type', 'min_transfer_time'],
unique_fields=['id']) unique_fields=['id'])
transfers.clear() transfers.clear()
if transfers and not dry_run: if transfers:
Transfer.objects.bulk_create(transfers, Transfer.objects.bulk_create(transfers,
update_conflicts=True, update_conflicts=True,
update_fields=['transfer_type', 'min_transfer_time'], update_fields=['transfer_type', 'min_transfer_time'],
unique_fields=['id']) unique_fields=['id'])
transfers.clear() transfers.clear()
if "feed_info.txt" in zipfile.namelist() and not dry_run: if "feed_info.txt" in zipfile.namelist():
for feed_info_dict in csv.DictReader(read_file("feed_info.txt")): for feed_info_dict in csv.DictReader("feed_info.txt").decode().splitlines()):
feed_info_dict: dict feed_info_dict: dict
FeedInfo.objects.update_or_create( FeedInfo.objects.update_or_create(
publisher_name=feed_info_dict['feed_publisher_name'], publisher_name=feed_info_dict['feed_publisher_name'],
defaults=dict( defaults=dict(
publisher_url=feed_info_dict['feed_publisher_url'], publisher_url=feed_info_dict['feed_publisher_url'],
lang=feed_info_dict['feed_lang'], lang=feed_info_dict['feed_lang'],
start_date=feed_info_dict.get('feed_start_date',, start_date=feed_info_dict['feed_start_date'],
end_date=feed_info_dict.get('feed_end_date',, end_date=feed_info_dict['feed_end_date'],
version=feed_info_dict.get('feed_version', 1), version=feed_info_dict['feed_version'],
) )
) )

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Generated by Django 5.0.1 on 2024-02-10 16:30 # Generated by Django 5.0.1 on 2024-01-27 14:08
import django.db.models.deletion import django.db.models.deletion
from django.db import migrations, models from django.db import migrations, models
@ -22,7 +22,12 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
verbose_name="Agency ID", verbose_name="Agency ID",
), ),
), ),
("name", models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name="Agency name")), (
max_length=255, unique=True, verbose_name="Agency name"
("url", models.URLField(verbose_name="Agency URL")), ("url", models.URLField(verbose_name="Agency URL")),
( (
"timezone", "timezone",
@ -82,10 +87,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
("TER", "TER"), ("TER", "TER"),
("IC", "Intercités"), ("IC", "Intercités"),
("TN", "Transilien"), ("TN", "Transilien"),
("ES", "Eurostar"),
("TI", "Trenitalia"),
("RENFE", "Renfe"),
("OBB", "ÖBB"),
], ],
max_length=255, max_length=255,
verbose_name="Transport type", verbose_name="Transport type",
@ -154,6 +155,19 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
verbose_name="Exception type", verbose_name="Exception type",
), ),
), ),
("TGV", "TGV"),
("TER", "TER"),
("IC", "Intercités"),
("TN", "Transilien"),
verbose_name="Transport type",
( (
"service", "service",
models.ForeignKey( models.ForeignKey(
@ -225,30 +239,13 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
blank=True, max_length=255, verbose_name="Route text color" blank=True, max_length=255, verbose_name="Route text color"
), ),
), ),
("TGV", "TGV"),
("TER", "TER"),
("IC", "Intercités"),
("TN", "Transilien"),
("ES", "Eurostar"),
("TI", "Trenitalia"),
("RENFE", "Renfe"),
("OBB", "ÖBB"),
verbose_name="Transport type",
( (
"agency", "agency",
models.ForeignKey( models.ForeignKey(
on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
related_name="routes", related_name="routes",
to="", to="",
verbose_name="Agency", verbose_name="Agency ID",
), ),
), ),
], ],
@ -333,23 +330,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
blank=True, max_length=255, verbose_name="Platform code" blank=True, max_length=255, verbose_name="Platform code"
), ),
), ),
("TGV", "TGV"),
("TER", "TER"),
("IC", "Intercités"),
("TN", "Transilien"),
("ES", "Eurostar"),
("TI", "Trenitalia"),
("RENFE", "Renfe"),
("OBB", "ÖBB"),
verbose_name="Transport type",
( (
"parent_station", "parent_station",
models.ForeignKey( models.ForeignKey(
@ -494,10 +474,6 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
verbose_name="Bikes allowed", verbose_name="Bikes allowed",
), ),
), ),
models.DateTimeField(null=True, verbose_name="Last update"),
( (
"route", "route",
models.ForeignKey( models.ForeignKey(
@ -520,6 +496,7 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
options={ options={
"verbose_name": "Trip", "verbose_name": "Trip",
"verbose_name_plural": "Trips", "verbose_name_plural": "Trips",
"ordering": ("id",),
}, },
), ),
migrations.CreateModel( migrations.CreateModel(
@ -601,95 +578,4 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
"verbose_name_plural": "Stop times", "verbose_name_plural": "Stop times",
}, },
), ),
("start_date", models.DateField(verbose_name="Start date")),
("start_time", models.TimeField(verbose_name="Start time")),
(0, "Scheduled"),
(1, "Added"),
(2, "Unscheduled"),
(3, "Canceled"),
(5, "Replacement"),
(6, "Duplicated"),
(7, "Deleted"),
verbose_name="Schedule relationship",
"verbose_name": "Trip update",
"verbose_name_plural": "Trip updates",
"ordering": ("start_date", "trip"),
"unique_together": {("trip", "start_date", "start_time")},
verbose_name="Stop time",
("arrival_delay", models.DurationField(verbose_name="Arrival delay")),
("arrival_time", models.DateTimeField(verbose_name="Arrival time")),
models.DurationField(verbose_name="Departure delay"),
("departure_time", models.DateTimeField(verbose_name="Departure time")),
(0, "Scheduled"),
(1, "Skipped"),
(2, "No data"),
(3, "Unscheduled"),
verbose_name="Schedule relationship",
verbose_name="Trip update",
"verbose_name": "Stop time update",
"verbose_name_plural": "Stop time updates",
"ordering": ("trip_update", "stop_time"),
"unique_together": {("trip_update", "stop_time")},
] ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# Generated by Django 5.0.1 on 2024-02-06 06:59
import django.db.models.deletion
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
("sncfgtfs", "0001_initial"),
operations = [
options={"verbose_name": "Trip", "verbose_name_plural": "Trips"},
("start_date", models.DateField(verbose_name="Start date")),
("start_time", models.TimeField(verbose_name="Start time")),
(0, "Scheduled"),
(1, "Added"),
(2, "Unscheduled"),
(3, "Canceled"),
(5, "Replacement"),
(6, "Duplicated"),
(7, "Deleted"),
verbose_name="Schedule relationship",
"verbose_name": "Trip update",
"verbose_name_plural": "Trip updates",
"ordering": ("start_date", "trip"),
"unique_together": {("trip", "start_date", "start_time")},
verbose_name="Stop time",
("arrival_delay", models.DurationField(verbose_name="Arrival delay")),
("arrival_time", models.DateTimeField(verbose_name="Arrival time")),
models.DurationField(verbose_name="Departure delay"),
("departure_time", models.DateTimeField(verbose_name="Departure time")),
(0, "Scheduled"),
(1, "Skipped"),
(2, "No data"),
(3, "Unscheduled"),
verbose_name="Schedule relationship",
verbose_name="Trip update",
"verbose_name": "Stop time update",
"verbose_name_plural": "Stop time updates",
"ordering": ("trip_update", "stop_time"),
"unique_together": {("trip_update", "stop_time")},

View File

@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ class TransportType(models.TextChoices):
TER = "TER", _("TER") TER = "TER", _("TER")
INTERCITES = "IC", _("Intercités") INTERCITES = "IC", _("Intercités")
TRANSILIEN = "TN", _("Transilien") TRANSILIEN = "TN", _("Transilien")
EUROSTAR = "ES", _("Eurostar")
TRENITALIA = "TI", _("Trenitalia")
RENFE = "RENFE", _("Renfe")
OBB = "OBB", _("ÖBB")
class LocationType(models.IntegerChoices): class LocationType(models.IntegerChoices):
@ -88,6 +84,7 @@ class Agency(models.Model):
name = models.CharField( name = models.CharField(
max_length=255, max_length=255,
verbose_name=_("Agency name"), verbose_name=_("Agency name"),
) )
@ -209,12 +206,6 @@ class Stop(models.Model):
blank=True, blank=True,
) )
transport_type = models.CharField(
verbose_name=_("Transport type"),
@property @property
def stop_type(self): def stop_type(self):
train_type ='StopPoint:OCE')[1].split('-')[0] train_type ='StopPoint:OCE')[1].split('-')[0]
@ -239,7 +230,7 @@ class Route(models.Model):
agency = models.ForeignKey( agency = models.ForeignKey(
to="Agency", to="Agency",
on_delete=models.CASCADE, on_delete=models.CASCADE,
verbose_name=_("Agency"), verbose_name=_("Agency ID"),
related_name="routes", related_name="routes",
) )
@ -281,12 +272,6 @@ class Route(models.Model):
blank=True, blank=True,
) )
transport_type = models.CharField(
verbose_name=_("Transport type"),
def __str__(self): def __str__(self):
return f"{self.long_name}" return f"{self.long_name}"
@ -361,11 +346,6 @@ class Trip(models.Model):
null=True, null=True,
) )
last_update = models.DateTimeField(
verbose_name=_("Last update"),
@property @property
def origin(self): def origin(self):
return self.stop_times.order_by('stop_sequence').first().stop return self.stop_times.order_by('stop_sequence').first().stop
@ -374,30 +354,16 @@ class Trip(models.Model):
def destination(self): def destination(self):
return self.stop_times.order_by('-stop_sequence').first().stop return self.stop_times.order_by('-stop_sequence').first().stop
def departure_time(self):
dep_time = self.stop_times.order_by('stop_sequence').first().departure_time
hours = int(dep_time.total_seconds() // 3600)
minutes = int((dep_time.total_seconds() % 3600) // 60)
return f"{hours:02}:{minutes:02}"
def arrival_time(self):
arr_time = self.stop_times.order_by('-stop_sequence').first().arrival_time
hours = int(arr_time.total_seconds() // 3600)
minutes = int((arr_time.total_seconds() % 3600) // 60)
return f"{hours:02}:{minutes:02}"
@property @property
def train_type(self): def train_type(self):
if self.route.transport_type == TransportType.TRANSILIEN: if self.service.transport_type == TransportType.TRANSILIEN:
return self.route.short_name return self.route.short_name
else: else:
return self.origin.stop_type return self.origin.stop_type
@property @property
def train_number(self): def train_number(self):
if self.route.transport_type == TransportType.TRANSILIEN: if self.service.transport_type == TransportType.TRANSILIEN:
return self.short_name return self.short_name
else: else:
return self.headsign return self.headsign
@ -423,8 +389,7 @@ class Trip(models.Model):
return "000000" return "000000"
def __str__(self): def __str__(self):
return f"{} {self.departure_time}{} {self.arrival_time}" \ return f"{self.route.long_name} - {}"
f" - {self.service_id}"
class Meta: class Meta:
verbose_name = _("Trip") verbose_name = _("Trip")
@ -505,7 +470,7 @@ class StopTime(models.Model):
return f"{hours:02}:{minutes:02}" return f"{hours:02}:{minutes:02}"
def __str__(self): def __str__(self):
return f"{} - {self.trip_id}" return f"{self.trip.route.long_name} - {self.trip_id} - {}"
class Meta: class Meta:
verbose_name = _("Stop time") verbose_name = _("Stop time")
@ -593,6 +558,12 @@ class CalendarDate(models.Model):
choices=ExceptionType, choices=ExceptionType,
) )
transport_type = models.CharField(
verbose_name=_("Transport type"),
def __str__(self): def __str__(self):
return f"{} - {} - {self.exception_type}" return f"{} - {} - {self.exception_type}"