#!/bin/python import code import random import sys import traceback from pprint import pprint import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Context from src.cogs import TfjmHelpCommand from src.constants import * from src.errors import TfjmError, UnwantedCommand # We allow "! " to catch people that put a space in their commands. # It must be in first otherwise "!" always match first and the space is not recognised bot = commands.Bot(("! ", "!"), help_command=TfjmHelpCommand()) # Variable globale qui contient les tirages. tirages = {} @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f"{bot.user} has connected to Discord!") @bot.command( name="choose", usage='choix1 choix2 "choix 3"...', aliases=["choice", "choix", "ch"], ) async def choose(ctx: Context, *args): """ Choisit une option parmi tous les arguments. Pour les options qui contiennent une espace, il suffit de mettre des guillemets (`"`) autour. """ choice = random.choice(args) await ctx.send(f"J'ai choisi... **{choice}**") @bot.event async def on_command_error(ctx: Context, error, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): if isinstance(error.original, UnwantedCommand): await ctx.message.delete() author: discord.Message await ctx.author.send( "J'ai supprimé ton message:\n> " + ctx.message.clean_content + "\nC'est pas grave, c'est juste pour ne pas encombrer " "le chat lors du tirage." ) await ctx.author.send("Raison: " + error.original.msg) return else: msg = ( error.original.__class__.__name__ + ": " + (str(error.original) or str(error)) ) traceback.print_tb(error.original.__traceback__, file=sys.stderr) elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): # Here we just take adventage that the error is formatted this way: # 'Command "NAME" is not found' name = str(error).partition('"')[2].rpartition('"')[0] msg = f"La commande {name} n'éxiste pas. Pour un liste des commandes, envoie `!help`." else: msg = repr(error) print(repr(error), dir(error), file=sys.stderr) await ctx.send(msg) bot.load_extension("src.cogs.tirages") bot.load_extension("src.cogs.teams") bot.load_extension("src.cogs.dev") if __name__ == "__main__": bot.run(TOKEN)