mirror of https://gitlab.com/ddorn/tfjm-discord-bot.git synced 2025-03-15 08:37:29 +00:00

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import asyncio
import random
from pprint import pprint
from io import StringIO
from typing import Type, Union, Dict, List
import discord
from src.constants import *
class Event(asyncio.Event):
def __init__(self, team: str, value: Union[bool, int, str]):
super(Event, self).__init__()
self.value = value
self.team = team
self.response = None
class Team:
yaml_tag = "Team"
def __init__(self, team_role):
self.name = team_role.name
self.mention = team_role.mention
self.accepted_problems = [None, None]
self.rejected = [set(), set()]
def __str__(self):
s = StringIO()
pprint(self.__dict__, stream=s)
return s.read()
__repr__ = __str__
def coeff(self, round):
if len(self.rejected[round]) <= MAX_REFUSE:
return 2
return 2 - 0.5 * (len(self.rejected[round]) - MAX_REFUSE)
def details(self, round):
info = {
# "Accepté": self.accepted_problems[round],
"Refusés": ", ".join(p[0] for p in self.rejected[round])
if self.rejected[round]
else "aucun",
"Coefficient": self.coeff(round),
# "Ordre passage": self.passage_order[round],
width = max(map(len, info))
return "\n".join(f"`{n.rjust(width)}`: {v}" for n, v in info.items())
return f""" - Accepté: {self.accepted_problems[round]}
- Refusés: {", ".join(p[0] for p in self.rejected[round]) if self.rejected[round] else "aucun"}
- Coefficient: {self.coeff(round)}
- Ordre au tirage: {self.tirage_order[round]}
- Ordre de passage: {self.passage_order[round]}
class Poule:
def __init__(self, poule, rnd):
self.poule = poule
self.rnd = rnd
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.poule}{self.rnd + 1}"
class BaseTirage:
def __init__(self, *teams: discord.Role, fmt=(3, 3)):
assert sum(fmt) == len(teams)
self.teams: Dict[str, Team] = {t.name: Team(t) for t in teams}
self.format = fmt
self.queue = asyncio.Queue()
self.poules: Dict[Poule, List[str]] = {}
"""A mapping between the poule name and the list of teams in this poule."""
async def event(self, event: Event):
await self.queue.put(event)
await event.wait()
return event.response
async def dice(self, trigram):
return await self.event(Event(trigram, random.randint(1, 100)))
async def rproblem(self, trigram):
team = self.teams[trigram]
rnd = 0 if team.accepted_problems[0] is None else 1
for poule, teams in self.poules.items():
if trigram in teams and poule.rnd == rnd:
return await self.warn_wrong_team(None, trigram)
other_pbs = [self.teams[team].accepted_problems[rnd] for team in teams]
available = [
for pb in PROBLEMS
if pb not in team.accepted_problems and pb not in other_pbs
return await self.event(Event(trigram, random.choice(available)))
async def next(self, typ, team=None):
while True:
event = await self.queue.get()
if team is not None and event.team != team:
await self.warn_wrong_team(team, event.team)
elif not isinstance(event.value, typ):
await self.warn_unwanted(typ, event.value)
return event
async def run(self):
await self.info_start()
self.poules = await self.make_poules()
for poule in self.poules:
await self.draw_poule(poule)
await self.info_finish()
async def get_dices(self, teams):
dices = {t: None for t in teams}
collisions = list(teams)
while collisions:
for t in collisions:
dices[t] = None
collisions = []
while None in dices.values():
event = await self.next(int)
# TODO: avoid KeyError
if dices[event.team] is None:
dices[event.team] = event.value
await self.warn_twice(int)
if collisions:
await self.warn_colisions(collisions)
return dices
async def make_poules(self):
poules = {}
for rnd in (0, 1):
await self.start_make_poule(rnd)
dices = await self.get_dices(self.teams)
sorted_teams = sorted(self.teams, key=lambda t: dices[t])
idx = 0
for i, qte in enumerate(self.format):
letter = chr(ord("A") + i)
poules[Poule(letter, rnd)] = sorted_teams[idx : idx + qte]
idx += qte
await self.annonce_poules(poules)
return poules
async def draw_poule(self, poule):
# Trigrams in draw order
trigrams = await self.draw_order(poule)
# Teams in draw order
teams = [self.teams[tri] for tri in trigrams]
current = 0
while not all(team.accepted_problems[poule.rnd] for team in teams):
team = teams[current]
if team.accepted_problems[poule.rnd] is not None:
# The team already accepted a problem
current += 1
# Choose problem
await self.start_select_pb(team)
event = await self.next(str, team.name)
# TODO: Add check for already selected / taken by someone else
# This is not a bug for now, since it cannot happen yet
await self.info_draw_pb(team, event.value, rnd)
# Accept it
accept = await self.next(bool, team.name)
if accept:
team.accepted_problems[poule.rnd] = event.value
await self.info_accepted(team, event.value)
await self.info_rejected(team, event.value, rnd=poule.rnd)
current += 1
await self.annonce_poule(poule)
async def draw_order(self, poule):
await self.start_draw_order(poule)
teams = self.poules[poule]
dices = await self.get_dices(teams)
order = sorted(self.teams, key=lambda t: dices[t], reverse=True)
await self.annonce_draw_order(order)
return order
async def warn_unwanted(self, wanted: Type, got: Type):
"""Called when a event of an unwanted type occurs."""
async def warn_wrong_team(self, expected, got):
"""Called when a team that should not play now put an event"""
async def warn_colisions(self, collisions: List[str]):
"""Called when there are collisions in a dice tirage."""
async def warn_twice(self, typ: Type):
"""Called when an event appears once again and not wanted."""
async def start_make_poule(self, rnd):
"""Called when it starts drawing the poules for round `rnd`"""
async def start_draw_order(self, poule):
"""Called when we start to draw the order."""
async def start_select_pb(self, team):
"""Called when a team needs to select a problem."""
async def annonce_poules(self, poules):
"""Called when all poules are defined."""
async def annonce_draw_order(self, order):
"""Called when the drawing order is defined."""
async def annonce_poule(self, poule):
"""Called when the problems and order for a poule is known."""
async def info_start(self):
"""Called at the start of the tirage."""
async def info_finish(self):
"""Called when the tirage has ended."""
async def info_draw_pb(self, team, pb, rnd):
"""Called when a team draws a problem."""
async def info_accepted(self, team, pb):
"""Called when a team accepts a problem."""
async def info_rejected(self, team, pb, rnd):
"""Called when a team rejects a problem,
before it is added to the rejected set."""