2021-06-04 17:02:54 +02:00
{{ ansible_header | comment }}
{% set vlan_name = (item.name | replace('_', '-')) %}
{% set subnet_network = (query('ldap', 'network', vlan_name) | ipaddr('network')) %}
{% set subnet_netmask = (query('ldap', 'network', vlan_name) | ipaddr('netmask')) %}
{% set ips = query('ldap', 'ip', ansible_hostname, vlan_name) %}
{% if (ips | ipv4 | length) > 0 %}
auto {{ interfaces[item.name] }}
iface {{ interfaces[item.name] }} inet static
{% for ip in (ips | ipv4) %}
address {{ ip }}
{% endfor %}
network {{ subnet_network }}
netmask {{ subnet_netmask }}
2021-06-04 17:14:30 +02:00
{% if item.gateway is defined and item.gateway not in (ips | ipv4) %}
2021-06-04 17:02:54 +02:00
gateway {{ item.gateway }}
{% endif %}
{% if item.metric is defined %}
metric {{ item.metric }}
{% endif %}
{% if item.dns is defined %}
dns-nameservers {{ item.dns }}
{% endif %}
{% if vlan_name == 'srv' %}
dns-search ynerant.fr
{% else %}
dns-search {{ vlan_name }}.ynerant.fr
{% endif %}
up /sbin/ip link set $IFACE alias {{ vlan_name }}
{% if ansible_local.interfaces.sup_if_4 is defined %}
{% if interfaces[item.name] in ansible_local.interfaces.sup_if_4 %}
{% for line in ansible_local.interfaces.sup_if_4[interfaces[item.name]] %}
{{ line }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if (ips | ipv6 | length) > 0 %}
iface {{ interfaces[item.name] }} inet6 static
{% for ip in (ips | ipv6) %}
address {{ ip }}/64
{% endfor %}
2021-06-04 17:14:30 +02:00
{% if item.gateway_v6 is defined and item.gateway_v6 not in (ips | ipv6) %}
2021-06-04 17:02:54 +02:00
gateway {{ item.gateway_v6 }}
{% endif %}
accept_ra 0
{% if ansible_local.interfaces.sup_if_6 is defined %}
{% if interfaces[item.name] in ansible_local.interfaces.sup_if_6 %}
{% for line in ansible_local.interfaces.sup_if_6[interfaces[item.name]] %}
{{ line }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}