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2020-07-13 15:51:33 +02:00
<!-- admin.tt2 -->
<h2>[%|loc%]Casual administration[%END%]</h2>
[% IF is_listmaster || is_owner %]
<li><strong><a href="[% 'edit_list_request' | url_rel([list]) %]">[%|loc%]Edit List Config:[%END%]</a></strong> [%|loc%]It must be used with care. It allows you to modify some of the list parameters. The list of parameters you can modify depends on your privilege.[%END%]</li>
[% END %]
[% IF is_listmaster || is_owner || may_del %]
<li><strong><a href="[% 'review' | url_rel([list]) %]">[%|loc%]Manage Subscribers:[%END%]</a></strong> [%|loc%]Allows you to add or delete list members, moderate subscriptions, and so on.[%END%]</li>
[% IF conf.use_blacklist != 'none' %]
<li><strong><a href="[% 'blacklist' | url_rel([list]) %]" >[%|loc%]Blacklist:[%END%]</a></strong> [%|loc%]Handles the set of black-listed mail addresses for this list.[%END%]</li>
[% END %]
<li><strong><a href="[% path_cgi %]/lca/modlist/[% list %]" >[%|loc%]Liste modérée :[%END%]</a></strong> [%|loc%]Permet de consulter et modifier les adresses devant être modérées pour cette liste.[%END%]</li>
<li><strong><a href="[% path_cgi %]/lca/whitelist/[% list %]" >[%|loc%]Liste blanche :[%END%]</a></strong> [%|loc%]Permet de consulter et modifier les adresses en liste noire pour cette liste.[%END%]</li>
[% END %]
[% IF is_listmaster || is_owner %]
[% IF is_archived %]
<li><strong><a href="[% 'arc_manage' | url_rel([list]) %]">[%|loc%]Manage archives:[%END%]</a></strong> [%|loc%]Allows you to download and delete list archives.[%END%]</li>
[% END %]
[% IF is_listmaster || is_owner || ( is_editor && may_review ) %]
<li><strong><a href="[% 'reviewbouncing' | url_rel([list]) %]">[%|loc%]Bounces:[%END%]</a></strong> [%|loc%]Manage non-delivery reports (also called bounces).[%END%]</li>
[% END %]
[% IF is_priv || is_listmaster %]
<li><strong><a href="[% 'viewlogs' | url_rel([list]) %]">[%|loc%]Logs:[%END%]</a></strong> [%|loc%]A tool for exploring the list logs.[%END%]</li>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF is_listmaster || is_owner || is_privileged_owner %]
<h2>[%|loc%]Drastic operations[%END%]</h2>
[% IF is_privileged_owner %]
[% IF list_conf.status == 'closed' ~%]
<form name="manage_list_status" action="[% path_cgi %]" method="post">
<input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_open_list"
value="[%|loc%]Restore List[%END%]" />
[%|loc%]This list is currently closed. Clicking this button will make it active again.[%END%]
<input type="hidden" name="previous_action" value="[% action %]"/>
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="[% list %]"/>
[%~ ELSIF is_included ~%]
<p>[%|loc%]Closing or renaming this list is impossible, because it is included by other mailing list(s).[%END%]
<br /><a class="button" href="[% 'including_lists' | url_rel([list]) %]">
[%|loc(list)%]View lists including %1[%END%]
[%~ ELSE ~%]
<form name="manage_list_status" action="[% path_cgi %]" method="post">
<input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_close_list"
value="[%|loc%]Remove List[%END%]" />
[%|loc%]Completely removes the current list. Listmaster privileges are required to restore a list once it has been removed.[%END%]
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="[% list %]"/>
[%~ END %]
[% IF may_create_list && ! is_included ~%]
<form name="manage_list_name" action="[% path_cgi %]" method="post">
<input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_rename_list_request" value="[%|loc%]Rename List[%END%]"/> [%|loc%]Allows you to change this list's name. Everything related to the list will be renamed, including the mail aliases and the web archives.[%END%]
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="[% list %]"/>
[%~ END ~%]
[% END %]
[% IF is_listmaster || is_owner %]
<form name="manage_shared_status" action="[% path_cgi %]" method="post">
[% IF shared == 'none' %]
<input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_d_admin" value="[%|loc%]Create Shared[%END%]"/> [%|loc%]Initializes the shared document web space.[%END%]
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="[% list %]"/>
<input type="hidden" name="d_admin" value="create"/>
[% ELSIF shared == 'exist' %]
<input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_d_admin"
value="[%|loc%]Delete Shared[%END%]" />
[%|loc%]Closes the shared document web space. It can be restored using "Restore shared" button.[%END%]</li>
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="[% list %]"/>
<input type="hidden" name="d_admin" value="delete"/>
[% ELSIF shared == 'deleted' %]
<input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_d_admin" value="[%|loc%]Restore Shared[%END%]"/> [%|loc%]Restores the previously closed shared document web space.[%END%]</li>
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="[% list %]"/>
<input type="hidden" name="d_admin" value="restore"/>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<!-- end admin.tt2 -->