280 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from random import random, randint, shuffle
from typing import List, Tuple
from ..interfaces import Map, Tile
"width": 120,
"height": 35,
"tries": 300,
"max_rooms": 20,
"max_room_tries": 15,
"cross_room": 1,
"corridor_chance": .6,
"min_v_corr": 2,
"max_v_corr": 6,
"min_h_corr": 4,
"max_h_corr": 12,
"large_circular_room": .10,
"circular_holes": .5,
"loop_tries" : 40,
"loop_max" : 5,
"loop_threshold" : 15,
def dist(level, y1, x1, y2, x2):
copy = [[t for t in l] for l in level]
dist = -1
queue, next_queue = [[y1, x1]], [0]
while next_queue:
next_queue = []
dist += 1
while queue:
y, x = queue.pop()
copy[y][x] = Tile.EMPTY
if y == y2 and x == x2:
return dist
for y, x in Map.neighbourhood(copy, y, x):
if copy[y][x].can_walk():
next_queue.append([y, x])
queue = next_queue
return -1
class Generator:
def __init__(self, params: dict = None):
self.params = params or DEFAULT_PARAMS
def room_fits(level: List[List[Tile]], y: int, x: int,
room: List[List[Tile]], door_y: int, door_x: int,
dy: int, dx: int) -> bool:
lh, lw = len(level), len(level[0])
rh, rw = len(room), len(room[0])
if not(0 < y + dy < lh and 0 < x + dx < lw):
return False
if level[y][x] != Tile.EMPTY or level[y + dy][x + dx] != Tile.FLOOR:
return False
for ry in range(rh):
for rx in range(rw):
if room[ry][rx] == Tile.FLOOR:
ly, lx = y + ry - door_y, x + rx - door_x
# tile must be in bounds and empty
if not(0 <= ly < lh and 0 <= lx < lw) or \
level[ly][lx] == Tile.FLOOR:
return False
# so do all neighbouring tiles bc we may
# need to place walls there eventually
for ny, nx in Map.neighbourhood(level, ly, lx,
large=True, oob=True):
if not(0 <= ny < lh and 0 <= nx < lw) or \
level[ny][nx] != Tile.EMPTY:
return False
return True
def place_room(level: List[List[Tile]], y: int, x: int,
room: List[List[Tile]], door_y: int, door_x: int) -> None:
rh, rw = len(room), len(room[0])
# maybe place Tile.DOOR here ?
level[y][x] = Tile.FLOOR
for ry in range(rh):
for rx in range(rw):
if room[ry][rx] == Tile.FLOOR:
level[y - door_y + ry][x - door_x + rx] = Tile.FLOOR
def add_loop(level: List[List[Tile]], y: int, x: int) -> None:
h, w = len(level), len(level[0])
if level[y][x] != Tile.EMPTY:
return False
# loop over both axis
for dx, dy in [[0, 1], [1, 0]]:
# then we find two floor tiles, exiting if we ever move oob
y1, x1, y2, x2 = y, x, y, x
while x1 >= 0 and y1 >= 0 and level[y1][x1] == Tile.EMPTY:
y1, x1 = y1 - dy, x1 - dx
while x2 < w and y2 < h and level[y2][x2] == Tile.EMPTY:
y2, x2 = y2 + dy, x2 + dx
if not(0 <= x1 <= x2 < w and 0 <= y1 <= y2 < h):
# if adding the path would make the two tiles significantly closer
# and its sides don't touch already placed terrain, build it
def verify_sides():
for Dx, Dy in [[dy, dx], [-dy, -dx]]:
for i in range(1, y2-y1+x2-x1):
if not(0<= y1+Dy+i*dy < h and 0 <= x1+Dx+i*dx < w) or \
return False
return True
if dist(level, y1, x1, y2, x2) < 20 and verify_sides():
y, x = y1+dy, x1+dx
while level[y][x] == Tile.EMPTY:
level[y][x] = Tile.FLOOR
y, x = y+dy, x+dx
return True
return False
def place_walls(level: List[List[Tile]]) -> None:
h, w = len(level), len(level[0])
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
if not level[y][x].is_wall():
for ny, nx in Map.neighbourhood(level, y, x, large=True):
if level[ny][nx] == Tile.EMPTY:
level[ny][nx] = Tile.WALL
def corr_meta_info(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
if random() < self.params["corridor_chance"]:
h_sup = randint(self.params["min_v_corr"],
self.params["max_v_corr"]) if random() < .5 else 0
w_sup = 0 if h_sup else randint(self.params["min_h_corr"],
h_off = h_sup if random() < .5 else 0
w_off = w_sup if random() < .5 else 0
return h_sup, w_sup, h_off, w_off
return 0, 0, 0, 0
def build_door(room, y, x, dy, dx, length):
rh, rw = len(room), len(room[0])
# verify we are pointing away from a floor tile
if not(0 <= y - dy < rh and 0 <= x - dx < rw) \
or room[y - dy][x - dx] != Tile.FLOOR:
return False
# verify there's no other floor tile around us
for ny, nx in [[y + dy, x + dx], [y - dx, x - dy],
[y + dx, x + dy]]:
if 0 <= ny < rh and 0 <= nx < rw \
and room[ny][nx] != Tile.EMPTY:
return False
for i in range(length+1):
if room[y + i * dy][x + i * dx] != Tile.EMPTY:
return False
for i in range(length):
room[y + i * dy][x + i * dx] = Tile.FLOOR
return True
def attach_door(room: List[List[Tile]], h_sup: int, w_sup: int,
h_off: int, w_off: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
length = h_sup + w_sup
dy, dx = 0, 0
if length > 0:
if h_sup:
dy = -1 if h_off else 1
dx = -1 if w_off else 1
if random() < .5:
dy = -1 if random() < .5 else 1
dx = -1 if random() < .5 else 1
rh, rw = len(room), len(room[0])
yxs = [i for i in range(rh * rw)]
for pos in yxs:
y, x = pos // rw, pos % rw
if room[y][x] == Tile.EMPTY and \
Generator.build_door(room, y, x, dy, dx, length):
return y + length * dy, x + length * dx, dy, dx
def create_circular_room(self) -> Tuple[List[List[Tile]], int, int,
int, int]:
if random() < self.params["large_circular_room"]:
r = randint(5, 10)
r = randint(2, 4)
room = []
h_sup, w_sup, h_off, w_off = self.corr_meta_info()
height = 2 * r + 2
width = 2 * r + 2
make_hole = r > 6 and random() < self.params["circular_holes"]
r2 = 0
if make_hole:
r2 = randint(3, r - 3)
for i in range(height + h_sup):
d = (i - h_off - height // 2) ** 2
for j in range(width + w_sup):
if d + (j - w_off - width // 2) ** 2 < r ** 2 and \
(not make_hole
or d + (j - w_off - width // 2) ** 2 >= r2 ** 2):
door_y, door_x, dy, dx = self.attach_door(room, h_sup, w_sup,
h_off, w_off)
return room, door_y, door_x, dy, dx
def create_random_room(self) -> Tuple[List[list], int, int, int, int]:
return self.create_circular_room()
def run(self) -> Map:
height, width = self.params["height"], self.params["width"]
level = [width * [Tile.EMPTY] for _ignored in range(height)]
# the starting room must have no corridor
mem, self.params["corridor_chance"] = self.params["corridor_chance"], 0
starting_room, _, _, _, _ = self.create_random_room()
dim_v, dim_h = len(starting_room), len(starting_room[0])
pos_y, pos_x = randint(0, height - dim_v - 1),\
randint(0, width - dim_h - 1)
self.place_room(level, pos_y, pos_x, starting_room, 0, 0)
if starting_room[0][0] != Tile.FLOOR:
level[pos_y][pos_x] = Tile.EMPTY
self.params["corridor_chance"] = mem
# find a starting position
sy, sx = randint(0, height - 1), randint(0, width - 1)
while level[sy][sx] != Tile.FLOOR:
sy, sx = randint(0, height - 1), randint(0, width - 1)
level[sy][sx] = Tile.LADDER
# now we loop until we've tried enough, or we've added enough rooms
tries, rooms_built = 0, 0
while tries < self.params["tries"] \
and rooms_built < self.params["max_rooms"]:
room, door_y, door_x, dy, dx = self.create_random_room()
positions = [i for i in range(height * width)]
for pos in positions:
y, x = pos // width, pos % width
if self.room_fits(level, y, x, room, door_y, door_x, dy, dx):
self.place_room(level, y, x, room, door_y, door_x)
rooms_built += 1
tries += 1
# post-processing
tries, loops = 0, 0
while tries < self.params["loop_tries"] and \
loops < self.params["loop_max"]:
tries += 1
y, x = randint(0, height-1), randint(0, width-1)
loops += self.add_loop(level, y, x)
# place an exit ladder
y, x = randint(0, height - 1), randint(0, width - 1)
while level[y][x] != Tile.FLOOR or \
any([level[j][i].is_wall() for j, i
in Map.neighbourhood(level, y, x, large=True)]):
y, x = randint(0, height - 1), randint(0, width - 1)
level[y][x] = Tile.LADDER
return Map(width, height, level, sy, sx)