2021-01-10 11:25:53 +01:00

192 lines
8.3 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
from typing import Any, List
from .creditsdisplay import CreditsDisplay
from .display import Display, HorizontalSplit, VerticalSplit
from .logsdisplay import LogsDisplay
from .mapdisplay import MapDisplay
from .menudisplay import ChestInventoryDisplay, MainMenuDisplay, \
PlayerInventoryDisplay, SettingsMenuDisplay, StoreInventoryDisplay
from .messagedisplay import MessageDisplay
from .statsdisplay import StatsDisplay
from .texturepack import TexturePack
from ..enums import DisplayActions
from ..game import Game, GameMode
class DisplayManager:
def __init__(self, screen: Any, g: Game):
self.game = g
self.screen = screen
pack = TexturePack.get_pack(self.game.settings.TEXTURE_PACK)
self.mapdisplay = MapDisplay(screen, pack)
self.statsdisplay = StatsDisplay(screen, pack)
self.logsdisplay = LogsDisplay(screen, pack)
self.playerinventorydisplay = PlayerInventoryDisplay(screen, pack)
self.storeinventorydisplay = StoreInventoryDisplay(screen, pack)
self.chestinventorydisplay = ChestInventoryDisplay(screen, pack)
self.mainmenudisplay = MainMenuDisplay(self.game.main_menu,
screen, pack)
self.settingsmenudisplay = SettingsMenuDisplay(screen, pack)
self.messagedisplay = MessageDisplay(screen, pack)
self.hbar = HorizontalSplit(screen, pack)
self.vbar = VerticalSplit(screen, pack)
self.creditsdisplay = CreditsDisplay(screen, pack)
self.displays = [self.statsdisplay, self.mapdisplay,
self.mainmenudisplay, self.settingsmenudisplay,
self.logsdisplay, self.messagedisplay,
self.storeinventorydisplay, self.creditsdisplay,
def handle_display_action(self, action: DisplayActions, *params) -> None:
Handles the differents values of display action.
if action == DisplayActions.REFRESH:
elif action == DisplayActions.UPDATE:
elif action == DisplayActions.MOUSE:
def update_game_components(self) -> None:
The game state was updated.
Trigger all displays of these modifications.
for d in self.displays:
d.pack = TexturePack.get_pack(self.game.settings.TEXTURE_PACK)
def handle_mouse_click(self, y: int, x: int, attr: int) -> None:
Handles the mouse clicks.
displays = self.refresh()
display = None
for d in displays:
top_y, top_x, height, width = d.y, d.x, d.height, d.width
if top_y <= y < top_y + height and top_x <= x < top_x + width:
# The click coordinates correspond to the coordinates
# of that display
display = d
if display:
display.handle_click(y - display.y, x - display.x, attr, self.game)
def refresh(self) -> List[Display]:
Refreshes all components on the screen.
displays = []
pack = TexturePack.get_pack(self.game.settings.TEXTURE_PACK)
if self.game.state == GameMode.PLAY \
or self.game.state == GameMode.INVENTORY \
or self.game.state == GameMode.STORE\
or self.game.state == GameMode.CHEST:
# The map pad has already the good size
self.mapdisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows * 4 // 5,
* (self.cols * 4 // 5
// self.mapdisplay.pack.tile_width),
self.statsdisplay.refresh(0, self.cols * 4 // 5 + 1,
self.rows, self.cols // 5 - 1)
self.logsdisplay.refresh(self.rows * 4 // 5 + 1, 0,
self.rows // 5 - 1, self.cols * 4 // 5)
self.hbar.refresh(self.rows * 4 // 5, 0, 1, self.cols * 4 // 5)
self.vbar.refresh(0, self.cols * 4 // 5, self.rows, 1)
displays += [self.mapdisplay, self.statsdisplay, self.logsdisplay,
self.hbar, self.vbar]
if self.game.state == GameMode.INVENTORY:
self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (2 * pack.tile_width)),
8 * self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width)))
elif self.game.state == GameMode.STORE:
self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (2 * pack.tile_width)),
8 * self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width)))
self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (10 * pack.tile_width)),
8 * self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width)))
elif self.game.state == GameMode.CHEST:
self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (2 * pack.tile_width)),
8 * self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width)))
self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (10 * pack.tile_width)),
8 * self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width)))
elif self.game.state == GameMode.MAINMENU:
self.mainmenudisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols)
elif self.game.state == GameMode.SETTINGS:
self.settingsmenudisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols)
elif self.game.state == GameMode.CREDITS:
self.creditsdisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols)
if self.game.message:
height, width = 0, 0
for line in self.game.message.split("\n"):
height += 1
width = max(width, len(line))
y = pack.tile_width * (self.rows - height) // (2 * pack.tile_width)
x = pack.tile_width * ((self.cols - width) // (2 * pack.tile_width))
self.messagedisplay.refresh(y, x, height, width)
return displays
def resize_window(self) -> bool:
When the window is resized, ensures that the screen size is updated.
y, x = self.screen.getmaxyx() if self.screen else (0, 0)
if self.screen and curses.is_term_resized(self.rows,
self.cols): # pragma: nocover
curses.resizeterm(y, x)
return True
return False
def rows(self) -> int:
Overwrites the native curses attribute of the same name,
for testing purposes.
return curses.LINES if self.screen else 42
def cols(self) -> int:
Overwrites the native curses attribute of the same name,
for testing purposes.
return curses.COLS if self.screen else 42