2021-01-06 17:57:23 +01:00

434 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from random import choice, randint
from typing import Optional
from ..interfaces import Entity, FightingEntity, Map, InventoryHolder
from ..translations import gettext as _
class Item(Entity):
A class for items.
held: bool
held_by: Optional[InventoryHolder]
price: int
def __init__(self, held: bool = False,
held_by: Optional[InventoryHolder] = None,
price: int = 2, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.held = held
self.held_by = held_by
self.price = price
def drop(self) -> None:
The item is dropped from the inventory onto the floor.
if self.held:
self.move(self.held_by.y, self.held_by.x)
self.held = False
self.held_by = None
def use(self) -> None:
Indicates what should be done when the item is used.
def equip(self) -> None:
Indicates what should be done when the item is equipped.
if isinstance(self, Chestplate):
if self.held_by.equipped_armor:
self.held_by.equipped_armor = self
elif isinstance(self, Helmet):
if self.held_by.equipped_helmet:
self.held_by.equipped_helmet = self
elif isinstance(self, Weapon):
if self.held_by.equipped_main:
if self.held_by.equipped_secondary:
self.held_by.equipped_secondary = self
# For weapons, they are equipped as main only if main is empty.
self.held_by.equipped_main = self
# Other objects are only equipped as secondary.
if self.held_by.equipped_secondary:
self.held_by.equipped_secondary = self
def unequip(self) -> None:
Indicates what should be done when the item is unequipped.
if isinstance(self, Chestplate):
self.held_by.equipped_armor = None
elif isinstance(self, Helmet):
self.held_by.equipped_helmet = None
elif isinstance(self, Weapon):
if self.held_by.equipped_main == self:
self.held_by.equipped_main = None
self.held_by.equipped_secondary = None
self.held_by.equipped_secondary = None
def hold(self, holder: InventoryHolder) -> None:
The item is taken from the floor and put into the inventory.
self.held = True
self.held_by = holder
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the state of the item into a dictionary.
d = super().save_state()
d["held"] = self.held
return d
def get_all_items() -> list:
Returns the list of all item classes.
return [BodySnatchPotion, Bomb, Heart, Shield, Sword,\
Chestplate, Helmet, RingCritical, RingXP]
def be_sold(self, buyer: InventoryHolder, seller: InventoryHolder) -> bool:
Does all necessary actions when an object is to be sold.
Is overwritten by some classes that cannot exist in the player's
if buyer.hazel >= self.price:
return True
return False
class Heart(Item):
A heart item to return health to the player.
healing: int
def __init__(self, name: str = "heart", healing: int = 5, price: int = 3,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, *args, **kwargs)
self.healing = healing
def hold(self, entity: InventoryHolder) -> None:
When holding a heart, the player is healed and
the item is not put in the inventory.
entity.health = min(entity.maxhealth, entity.health + self.healing)
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the state of the heart into a dictionary.
d = super().save_state()
d["healing"] = self.healing
return d
class Bomb(Item):
A bomb item intended to deal damage to enemies at long range
damage: int = 5
exploding: bool
owner: Optional["InventoryHolder"]
tick: int
def __init__(self, name: str = "bomb", damage: int = 5,
exploding: bool = False, price: int = 4, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, *args, **kwargs)
self.damage = damage
self.exploding = exploding
self.tick = 4
self.owner = None
def use(self) -> None:
When the bomb is used, it is thrown and then it explodes.
if self.held:
self.owner = self.held_by
self.exploding = True
def act(self, m: Map) -> None:
Special exploding action of the bomb.
if self.exploding:
if self.tick > 0:
# The bomb will explode in <tick> moves
self.tick -= 1
# The bomb is exploding.
# Each entity that is close to the bomb takes damages.
# The player earn XP if the entity was killed.
log_message = _("Bomb is exploding.")
for e in m.entities.copy():
if abs(e.x - self.x) + abs(e.y - self.y) <= 3 and \
isinstance(e, FightingEntity):
log_message += " " + e.take_damage(self, self.damage)
if e.dead:
self.owner.add_xp(randint(3, 7))
# Add sparkles where the bomb exploded.
explosion = Explosion(y=self.y, x=self.x)
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the state of the bomb into a dictionary.
d = super().save_state()
d["exploding"] = self.exploding
d["damage"] = self.damage
return d
class Explosion(Item):
When a bomb explodes, the explosion is displayed.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name="explosion", *args, **kwargs)
def act(self, m: Map) -> None:
The bomb disappears after exploding.
def hold(self, player: InventoryHolder) -> None:
The player can't hold an explosion.
class Weapon(Item):
Non-throwable items that improve player damage
damage: int
def __init__(self, damage: int = 3, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.damage = damage
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the state of the weapon into a dictionary
d = super().save_state()
d["damage"] = self.damage
return d
def equip(self) -> None:
When a weapon is equipped, the player gains strength.
self.held_by.strength += self.damage
def unequip(self) -> None:
Remove the strength earned by the weapon.
self.held_by.strength -= self.damage
class Sword(Weapon):
A basic weapon
def __init__(self, name: str = "sword", price: int = 20,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, *args, **kwargs)
class Armor(Item):
Class of items that increase the player's constitution.
constitution: int
def __init__(self, constitution: int, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.constitution = constitution
def equip(self) -> None:
self.held_by.constitution += self.constitution
def unequip(self) -> None:
self.held_by.constitution -= self.constitution
def save_state(self) -> dict:
d = super().save_state()
d["constitution"] = self.constitution
return d
class Shield(Armor):
Class of shield items, they can be equipped in the other hand.
def __init__(self, name: str = "shield", constitution: int = 2,\
price: int = 16, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, constitution=constitution, *args, **kwargs)
class Helmet(Armor):
Class of helmet items, they can be equipped on the head.
def __init__(self, name: str = "helmet", constitution: int = 2, \
price: int = 18, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, constitution=constitution, *args, **kwargs)
class Chestplate(Armor):
Class of chestplate items, they can be equipped on the body.
def __init__(self, name: str = "chestplate", constitution: int = 4,\
price: int = 30, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, constitution=constitution, *args, **kwargs)
class BodySnatchPotion(Item):
The body-snatch potion allows to exchange all characteristics with a random
other entity.
def __init__(self, name: str = "body_snatch_potion", price: int = 14,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, *args, **kwargs)
def use(self) -> None:
Find a valid random entity, then exchange characteristics.
valid_entities = self.held_by.map.find_entities(FightingEntity)
entity = choice(valid_entities)
entity_state = entity.save_state()
player_state = self.held_by.save_state()
self.held_by.map.currenty, self.held_by.map.currentx = self.held_by.y,\
_("{player} exchanged its body with {entity}.").format(
class Ring(Item):
A class of rings that boost the player's statistics.
maxhealth: int
strength: int
intelligence: int
charisma: int
dexterity: int
constitution: int
critical: int
experience: float
def __init__(self, maxhealth: int = 0, strength: int = 0,\
intelligence: int = 0, charisma: int = 0,\
dexterity: int = 0, constitution: int = 0,\
critical: int = 0, experience: float = 0, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.maxhealth = maxhealth
self.strength = strength
self.intelligence = intelligence
self.charisma = charisma
self.dexterity = dexterity
self.constitution = constitution
self.critical = critical
self.experience = experience
def equip(self) -> None:
self.held_by.maxhealth += self.maxhealth
self.held_by.strength += self.strength
self.held_by.intelligence += self.intelligence
self.held_by.charisma += self.charisma
self.held_by.dexterity += self.dexterity
self.held_by.constitution += self.constitution
self.held_by.critical += self.critical
self.held_by.xp_buff += self.experience
def unequip(self) -> None:
self.held_by.maxhealth -= self.maxhealth
self.held_by.strength -= self.strength
self.held_by.intelligence -= self.intelligence
self.held_by.charisma -= self.charisma
self.held_by.dexterity -= self.dexterity
self.held_by.constitution -= self.constitution
self.held_by.critical -= self.critical
self.held_by.xp_buff -= self.experience
def save_state(self) -> dict:
d = super().save_state()
d["constitution"] = self.constitution
return d
class RingCritical(Ring):
def __init__(self, name: str = "ring_of_critical_damage", price: int = 15,
critical: int = 20, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, critical=critical, \
*args, **kwargs)
class RingXP(Ring):
def __init__(self, name: str = "ring_of_more_experience", price: int = 25,
experience: float = 2, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, experience=experience, \
*args, **kwargs)