2020-12-02 16:01:32 +01:00

120 lines
5.5 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
from squirrelbattle.display.display import VerticalSplit, HorizontalSplit, Display
from squirrelbattle.display.mapdisplay import MapDisplay
from squirrelbattle.display.messagedisplay import MessageDisplay
from squirrelbattle.display.statsdisplay import StatsDisplay
from squirrelbattle.display.menudisplay import SettingsMenuDisplay, \
from squirrelbattle.display.logsdisplay import LogsDisplay
from squirrelbattle.display.texturepack import TexturePack
from typing import Any
from squirrelbattle.game import Game, GameMode
from squirrelbattle.enums import DisplayActions
class DisplayManager:
def __init__(self, screen: Any, g: Game):
self.game = g
self.screen = screen
pack = TexturePack.get_pack(self.game.settings.TEXTURE_PACK)
self.mapdisplay = MapDisplay(screen, pack)
self.statsdisplay = StatsDisplay(screen, pack)
self.mainmenudisplay = MainMenuDisplay(self.game.main_menu,
screen, pack)
self.settingsmenudisplay = SettingsMenuDisplay(screen, pack)
self.logsdisplay = LogsDisplay(screen, pack)
self.messagedisplay = MessageDisplay(screen=screen, pack=None)
self.hbar = HorizontalSplit(screen, pack)
self.vbar = VerticalSplit(screen, pack)
self.displays = [self.statsdisplay, self.mapdisplay,
self.mainmenudisplay, self.settingsmenudisplay,
self.logsdisplay, self.messagedisplay]
def handle_display_action(self, action: DisplayActions) -> None:
if action == DisplayActions.REFRESH:
elif action == DisplayActions.UPDATE:
def update_game_components(self) -> None:
for d in self.displays:
d.pack = TexturePack.get_pack(self.game.settings.TEXTURE_PACK)
def refresh(self) -> None:
if self.game.state == GameMode.PLAY:
# The map pad has already the good size
self.mapdisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows * 4 // 5,
* (self.cols * 4 // 5
// self.mapdisplay.pack.tile_width),
self.statsdisplay.refresh(0, self.cols * 4 // 5 + 1,
self.rows, self.cols // 5 - 1)
self.logsdisplay.refresh(self.rows * 4 // 5 + 1, 0,
self.rows // 5 - 1, self.cols * 4 // 5)
self.hbar.refresh(self.rows * 4 // 5, 0, 1, self.cols * 4 // 5)
self.vbar.refresh(0, self.cols * 4 // 5, self.rows, 1)
if self.game.state == GameMode.MAINMENU:
self.mainmenudisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols)
if self.game.state == GameMode.SETTINGS:
self.settingsmenudisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols - 1)
if self.game.message:
height, width = 0, 0
for line in self.game.message.split("\n"):
height += 1
width = max(width, len(line))
y, x = (self.rows - height) // 2, (self.cols - width) // 2
self.messagedisplay.refresh(y, x, height, width)
with open("squirrel-battle.html", "w") as f:
f.write("<!doctype html>\n<html>\n<head></head>\n<body>\n"
"<div style=\"font-family: Monospace, Noto Color Emoji;\">\n")
f.write("<table style=\"border-collapse: collapse;\"><tbody>\n")
for line in Display.print_screen().split("\n"):
f.write("<tr style=\"margin: 0; padding: 0;\">")
for c in line:
if c in TexturePack.SQUIRREL_PACK.PLAYER and c != TexturePack.SQUIRREL_PACK.PLAYER[0] and c != " ":
squirrel_pack = TexturePack.SQUIRREL_PACK
width = 2 if c in squirrel_pack and c != " " and c != "" else 1
f.write(f"<td style=\"margin: 0; padding: 0;\" colspan=\"{width}\">{c}</td>")
"function reload() {location.reload()}\n"
"setTimeout(reload, 300)\n"
def resize_window(self) -> bool:
If the window got resized, ensure that the screen size got updated.
y, x = self.screen.getmaxyx() if self.screen else (0, 0)
Display.resize_screen_lines(y, x)
if self.screen and curses.is_term_resized(self.rows,
self.cols): # pragma: nocover
curses.resizeterm(y, x)
return True
return False
def rows(self) -> int:
return curses.LINES if self.screen else 42
def cols(self) -> int:
return curses.COLS if self.screen else 42