Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "v3.14.1" have entirely different histories.

74 changed files with 735 additions and 6701 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
@ -24,6 +23,3 @@ save.json
# Don't commit docs output
# Don't commit compiled messages

View File

@ -3,58 +3,28 @@ stages:
- quality-assurance
- build
stage: test
image: python:rc-alpine
image: python:3.7-alpine
- pip install tox
script: tox -e py3
stage: test
image: python:3.8-alpine
- apk add --no-cache gettext
- pip install tox
script: tox -e py3
- master
stage: test
image: python:3.9-alpine
- apk add --no-cache gettext
- pip install tox
script: tox -e py3
stage: test
image: python:3.8-alpine
- apk add --no-cache gettext
- pip install tox
script: tox -e py3
stage: test
image: python:3.7-alpine
- apk add --no-cache gettext
- pip install tox
script: tox -e py3
- master
stage: test
image: python:3.6-alpine
- apk add --no-cache gettext
- pip install tox
script: tox -e py3
- master
stage: quality-assurance
image: python:3-alpine
@ -63,15 +33,11 @@ linters:
script: tox -e linters
allow_failure: true
image: debian:buster-slim
stage: build
- >
apt-get update && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install
build-essential debmake dh-python debhelper gettext python3-all
- apt-get update && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install build-essential debmake dh-python debhelper python3-all python3-setuptools
- dpkg-buildpackage
- mkdir build && cp ../*.deb build/

View File

@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
Squirrel Battle
Copyright (C) 2020-2021 ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
Copyright (C) 2020 ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
Squirrel Battle Copyright (C) 2020-2021 ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
Squirrel Battle Copyright (C) 2020 ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
[![pipeline status](](
[![coverage report](](
[![Documentation Status](](
[![Supported Python versions](](
[![PYPI downloads](](
[![AUR version](](
@ -9,69 +8,8 @@
# Squirrel Battle
Squirrel Battle is an infinite rogue-like game with randomly generated levels, in which the player controls a squirrel in its quest down in a dungeon, using diverse items to defeat monsters, and trying not to die.
## Installation
#### Via PyPI :
$ pip install --user squirrel-battle
to install
$ pip install --user --upgrade squirrel-battle
to upgrade
#### Via ArchLinux package :
Download one of these two packages on the AUR :
* python-squirrel-battle
* python-squirrel-battle-git
#### Via Debian package :
Available on our git repository, has a dependency on fonts-noto-color-emoji (to be found in the official Debian repositories).
$ dpkg -i python3-squirrelbattle_23.14_all.deb
after downloading
In all cases, execute via command line : `squirrel-battle`
## For first-time players
The game is played in a terminal only, preferably one that supports color, markdown and emojis, but it can be played with only grey levels and relatively classic unicode characters.
Upon starting, the game will display the main menu. To navigate in menus, use zqsd or the keyboard arrows. To validate one of the options, use the Enter key. Mouse click is also supported in most menus, **but not in game**.
The game in itself can have two types of display : using ascii and simple unicode characters, or using emojis. To activate emoji mode, go to the settings menu and select the squirrel texture pack. Emojis will not work if the terminal does not support them, so do tests before to ensure the terminal can display them.
The game is translated (almost entirely) in English, French, German and Spanish. To change the language, go to the settings menu.
Controls in-game are pretty basic : use zqsd or the keyboard arrows to move. To hit an ennemy, simply go in its direction if it is in an adjacent tile.
There are several special control keys, they can be changed in the settings menu :
* To close a store menu or go back to the main menu, use Space
* To open/close the inventory, use i
* To use an object in the inventory, use u
* To equip an object in the inventory, use e
* To use a long range weapon after it has been equipped, use l and then select the direction to shoot in
* To drop an object from the inventory, use r (to pick up an object, simply go on its tile, its automatic)
* To talk to certains entities (or open a chest), use t and then select the direction of the entity
* To wait a turn (rather than moving), use w
* To dance and confuse the ennemies, use y
* To use a ladder, use <
The dungeon consists in empty tiles (you can not go there), walls (which you can not cross) and floor ( :) ). Entities that move are usually monsters, but if you see a trumpet (or a '/'), do not kill it ! It is a familiar that will help you defeat monsters. Entities that do not move are either entities to which you can talk, like merchants and ... chests for some reason, or objects. Differentiating the two is not difficult, trying to go on the same tile as a living entity (or a chest) is impossible. Objects have pretty clear names, so it should not be too difficult determining what they do (if you still don't know, you can either read the docs, or test for yourself (beware of surprises though))
And that is all you need to get started! You can now start your adventure and don't worry, floors are randomly generated, so it won't always be the same boring level.
Attention aux couteaux des écureuils !
## Documentation
The documentation for the project cen be found at []( It is unfortunately only written in French.
Anyone interested in understanding how the code works can find a few explanations in the documentation.
La documentation du projet est présente sur [](

debian/changelog vendored
View File

@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
python3-squirrel-battle (23.14) beta; urgency=low
* Big update
-- Yohann D'ANELLO <> Sun, 10 Jan 2021 23:56:42 +0100
python3-squirrel-battle (3.14.1) beta; urgency=low
python3-squirrel-battle (3.14) beta; urgency=low
* Some graphical improvements.

debian/control vendored
View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Source: python3-squirrel-battle
Section: devel
Priority: optional
Maintainer: ynerant <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>=10~), dh-python, gettext, python3-all, python3-setuptools
Build-Depends: debhelper (>=10~), dh-python, python3-all, python3-setuptools
Depends: fonts-noto-color-emoji
Standards-Version: 4.1.4

View File

@ -18,11 +18,8 @@
# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
project = 'Squirrel Battle'
copyright = "2020-2021"
author = "Yohann D'ANELLO,\n" \
"Mathilde DEPRES,\n" \
"Nicolas MARGULIES,\n" \
"Charles PEYRAT"
copyright = "2020"
author = "Yohann D'ANELLO,\nMathilde DEPRES,\nNicolas MARGULIES,\nCharles PEYRAT"
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
@ -61,11 +58,3 @@ html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
html_static_path = ['_static']
html_context = {
'gitlab_user': 'ynerant',
'gitlab_repo': 'squirrel-battle',
'gitlab_host': '',
'gitlab_version': 'master',
'display_gitlab': True,

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Déploiement du projet
.. _PyPI:
.. _AUR:
.. _Debian:
.. _Debian:
.. _installation: install.html
À chaque nouvelle version du projet, il est compilé et déployé dans PyPI_, dans
@ -34,19 +34,9 @@ paquet ainsi que des détails à fournir à PyPI :
with open("", "r") as f:
long_description =
# Compile messages
for language in ["de", "es", "fr"]:
args = ["msgfmt", "--check-format",
"-o", f"squirrelbattle/locale/{language}/LC_MESSAGES"
print(f"Compiling {language} messages...")
author="ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse",
description="Watch out for squirrel's knives!",
@ -70,7 +60,7 @@ paquet ainsi que des détails à fournir à PyPI :
package_data={"squirrelbattle": ["assets/*", "locale/*/*/*.mo"]},
package_data={"squirrelbattle": ["assets/*"]},
"console_scripts": [
"squirrel-battle = squirrelbattle.bootstrap:Bootstrap.run_game",
@ -82,8 +72,6 @@ Ce fichier contient le nom du paquet, sa version, l'auteur et son contact,
sa description en une ligne et sa description longue, le lien d'accueil du projet,
sa licence, ses classificateurs et son exécutable.
Il commence tout d'abord par compiler les fichiers de `traduction <translation.html>`_.
Le paramètre ``entry_points`` définit un exécutable nommé ``squirrel-battle``,
qui permet de lancer le jeu.
@ -172,14 +160,14 @@ du dépôt Git. Le fichier ``PKGBUILD`` dispose de cette structure :
pkgdesc="Watch out for squirrel's knives!"
makedepends=('gettext' 'python-setuptools')
@ -222,17 +210,17 @@ les releases, est plus ou moins similaire :
pkgdesc="Watch out for squirrel's knives!"
makedepends=('gettext' 'python-setuptools')
build() {
@ -275,7 +263,7 @@ Construction du paquet Debian
Structure du paquet
L'ensemble des instructions pour construire le paquet Debian est situé dans le
dossier ``debian/``.
@ -292,14 +280,14 @@ Le paquet ``fonts-noto-color-emoji`` est en dépendance pour le bon affichage
des émojis.
Mettre à jour le paquet
Pour changer la version du paquet, il faut ajouter des lignes dans le fichier
Construire le paquet
Il faut partir d'une installation de Debian.
@ -308,7 +296,7 @@ D'abord on installe les paquets nécessaires :
.. code::
apt update
apt --no-install-recommends install build-essential debmake dh-python debhelper gettext python3-all python3-setuptools
apt --no-install-recommends install build-essential debmake dh-python debhelper python3-all python3-setuptools
On peut ensuite construire le paquet :
@ -317,7 +305,7 @@ On peut ensuite construire le paquet :
mkdir build && cp ../*.deb build/
Le paquet sera installé dans ``build/python3-squirrel-battle_23.14_all.deb``.
Le paquet sera installé dans ``build/python3-squirrel-battle_3.14.1_all.deb``.
Le paquet Debian_ est construit par l'intégration continue Gitlab et ajouté
à chaque release.

View File

@ -3,6 +3,13 @@ Gestion de l'affichage
.. _curses:
L'intégralité de l'affichage du jeu est géré grâce à la bibliothèque native de
Python curses_.
.. warning::
Plus de documentation à venir.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3
@ -12,51 +19,3 @@ Gestion de l'affichage
L'intégralité de l'affichage du jeu est géré grâce à la bibliothèque native de Python curses_.
Initialisation du terminal
Au lancement du jeu, le terminal est initialisé, les caractères spéciaux sont traduits en abstraction curses, les
caractères tapés par l'utilisateur ne sont plus affichés sur le terminal, on envoie les touches tapées à curses en
permanence sans avoir à taper sur Entrée, le curseur est rendu invisible, on active le support des couleurs et enfin
on déclare vouloir attraper tous les clics de souris. Tout cela est fait dans un contexte Python, qui permet
d'effectuer les opérations inverses lors de la fermeture du programme, même en cas de crash, afin de retrouver un
terminal utilisable.
Chaque morceau d'affichage est géré dans un *pad*. Un pad est un objet défini par curses, représentant une sous-fenêtre,
qui a l'avantage d'être un peu plus flexible qu'une simple fenêtre. Un pad peut en effet dépasser de l'écran, et on
peut choisir où placer le coin avant gauche et quelle partie du pad il faut dessiner sur la fenêtre.
Ce projet implémente une couche d'abstraction supplémentaire, afin d'avoir des objets plus utilisables. Chaque partie
d'affichage est réprésentée dans une classé étendant ``Display``. Chaque ``Display`` contient un (ou plusieurs) pads,
et propose une surcouche de certaines fonctions de curses.
L'affichage de texte par exemple sur un pad est plus sécurisée que celle proposée par curses. Le comportement par défaut
est d'afficher un message à partir d'une position donnée avec des attributs (gras, couleur, ...) donnés sous
forme numérique. Cette implémentation permet de passer les attributs voulus sous forme de paramètres booléens, de
choisir la couleur de front/de fond sans définir de paire curses, mais surtout de tronquer le texte à la place
disponible, afin de ne pas avoir à se soucier d'avoir un message trop grand et éviter des crashs non désirés.
Les ``Display`` sont gérés par un ``DisplayManager``. C'est lui qui décide, en fonction de l'état actuel du jeu,
d'afficher les bons ``Display`` aux bons endroits et de les redimensionner correctement en fonction de la taille du
terminal. C'est aussi lui qui propage l'information de modifier les attributs d'un ``Display``, si par exemple
l'inventaire du joueur a été mis à jour.
Il s'occupe enfin de tout redimensionner si jamais le terminal a changé de taille, après une intervention
de l'utilisateur.
Interactions avec la souris
Le jeu attrape les clics de souris. C'est le ``DisplayManager``, connaissant l'état du jeu et ce qui est affiché à
quel endroit, qui va chercher sur quel ``Display`` on a cliqué. L'information est propagée au bon ``Display``, en
adaptant les coordonnées.
Tout ``Display`` qui contient un menu procède de la même façon pour propager l'information au bon menu.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
Affichage de l'historique
L'historique des actions est affiché en bas de l'écran. À chaque action d'une entité, comme frapper quelqu'un,
ou lorsque le joueur parle à une entité, cela s'affiche dans l'historique.
Il est affiché sur l'écran de jeu, en bas à gauche, occupant 1/5 de la hauteur et 4/5 de la largeur.
Pas encore documenté.

View File

@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
Affichage de la carte
La carte s'affiche dans la partie en haut à gauche de l'écran, sur la plus grande partie de l'écran.
On affiche les tuiles une par une. Selon le pack de textures utilisé, les tuiles prennent un ou deux caractères de large.
Selon la visibilité de la case en fonction de la position du joueur, la couleur de la case sera plus ou moins sombre,
voire masquée si le joueur n'a jamais vu la case. Les entités sont ensuite affichées, si elles sont dans le champ de
vision du joueur.
La carte est actualisée lorsque cela est nécessaire, à chaque tick de jeu.
L'afffichage de la carte suit les déplacements du joueur, dans le sens où la caméra est toujours centrée sur lui.
La carte prend 4/5 de l'affichage aussi bien en largeur qu'en hauteur.
Pas encore documenté.

View File

@ -1,17 +1,4 @@
Affichage des menus
Les menus sont affichés dans une boîte. On peut naviguer dedans avec les flèches haut et bas,
et valider avec la touche entrée. Il est également possible d'intéragir avec la souris.
Il y a plusieurs menus dans le jeu :
* **Le menu principal**, qui s'affiche au lancement du jeu.
* **Le menu des paramètres** : si on sélectionne un choix de touche et qu'on appuie sur entrée,
on peut ensuite appuyer sur une touche pour remplacer la touche utilisée.
* **Le menu des crédits** : ce menu fonctionne avec la souris. En cliquant on affiche une image.
* **Le menu d'inventaire** : dans l'inventaire, on peut utiliser les touches pour utiliser un item ou l'équiper...
* **Le menu de vente** : on peut utiliser les touches gauche et droite pour switcher entre l'inventaire du joueur
et celui du marchand.
* **Menu des warnings** : Pas vraiment un menu, mais affiche juste un message dans une petite boite pour prévenir
le joueur que quelque chose ne va pas.
Pas encore documenté.

View File

@ -1,31 +1,4 @@
Affichage des statistiques
.. _Hazel: ../index.html
Les statistiques du joueur sont affichées en haut à droite de l'écran
et séparées du reste de l'affichage par une barre verticale, occupant 1/5 de la place horizontale.
Les informations affichées sont :
* **LVL** - le niveau du joueur
* **EXP** - la quantité d'expérience que le joueur a gagné et combien il lui en faut avant le prochain niveau.
* **HP** - la quantité de vie que le joueur a actuellement et combien il peut en avoir au maximum.
* **STR** - la force du joueur.
* **INT** - l'intelligence du joueur.
* **CHR** - le charisme du joueur.
* **DEX** - la dextérité du joueur.
* **CON** - la constitution du joueur.
* **CRI** - le pourcentage de chance de coup critique.
* **Inventory** - le contenu de l'inventaire du joueur.
* **Equipped main** - l'objet équipé dans la main principale.
* **Equipped secondary** - l'objet équipé dans la main secondaire.
* **Equipped armor** - le plastron porté par le joueur.
* **Equipped helmet** - le casque porté par le joueur.
* **Hazel** - le nombre d'Hazel_ que le joueur possède.
* **Vous êtes mort** - Éventuellement, si le joueur est mort.
Si le joueur possède un `monocle <../entities/items.html#monocle>`_, alors les statistiques d'une entité proche sont
également affichées dessous.
Des aides de jeu peuvent enfin être affichées en bas, telles que la touche sur laquelle il faut appuyer.
Pas encore documenté.

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
Entités pacifiques
.. _`entité attaquante`: index.html#entites-attaquantes
.. _`pack de textures`: ../texture-pack.html
Chaque entité pacifique est en particulier une `entité attaquante`_,
et hérite donc de ses attributs, et peut alors être attaquée.
Ils sont cependant non-hostiles.
Il est possible d'interagir avec ces entités. En s'approchant d'elles, en
appuyant sur la touche ``T`` suivie de la direction où regarder, un échange
Si l'on s'adresse à un marchand, on devrait voir à l'écran l'inventaire du joueur
et l'inventaire du marchand. Les flèches haut et bas permettent de sélectionner
un objet, les touches droite et gauche de passer d'un inventaire à l'autre, et la
touche entrée valide l'action.
On dénombre actuellement 3 types d'entités pacifiques :
Son nom est fixé à `sunflower`. Il a par défaut une **15** points de vie.
Interagir avec un tournesol n'a pas de réel intérêt, si ce n'est déclencher
le « pouvoir des fleurs !! » ou bien savoir que « le soleil est chaud
aujourd'hui ».
Dans le `pack de textures`_ ASCII, il est représenté par le caractère ``I``.
Dans le `pack de textures`_ écureuil, il est représenté par l'émoji ``🌻``.
Son nom est fixé à `merchant`. Il a par défaut **5** points de vie.
En interagissant avec un marchand, il est possible de lui acheter et de lui
vendre différents objets contre des Hazels, la monnaie du jeu.
Les prix sont fixés :
* Anneau de coup critique : 15 Hazels
* Anneau d'expérience : 25 Hazels
* Arc : 22 Hazels
* Baguette de feu : 36 Hazels
* Bombe : 4 Hazels
* Bouclier : 16 Hazels
* Casque : 18 Hazels
* Coeur : 3 Hazels
* Épée : 20 Hazels
* Monocle : 10 Hazels
* Parchemin de dégâts : 18 Hazels
* Parchemin de faiblesse : 13 Hazels
* Plastron : 30 Hazels
* Potion d'arrachage de corps : 14 Hazels
* Règle : 2 Hazels
Le marchand commence avec 75 Hazels en sa possession, contre 42 pour le joueur.
Dans le `pack de textures`_ ASCII, il est représenté par le caractère ``M``.
Dans le `pack de textures`_ écureuil, il est représenté par l'émoji ``🦜``.
Son nom est fixé à `trumpet`. Une trompette est un familier, c'est à dire que
c'est une entité attaquante qui suit globalement le joueurs et attaque les monstres
qui se rapprochent trop du joueur.
Elle a 20 points de vie et une attaque de 3.
Dans le `pack de textures`_ ASCII, elle est représentée par le caractère ``/``.
Dans le `pack de textures`_ écureuil, elle est représentée par l'émoji ``🎺``.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Entités
@ -39,12 +38,11 @@ Entité attaquante
.. _monstre: monsters.html
.. _entité pacifique: friendly.html
.. _joueur: player.html
Une entité attaquante (``FightingEntity``) est un type d'entités représentant
les personnages présents sur la carte, pouvant alors se battre. Ce peut être
un monstre_, une `entité pacifique`_ ou bien le joueur_.
un monstre_ ou bien le joueur_.
Elles disposent toutes, en plus des paramètres d'entité, des attributs suivants :
@ -79,14 +77,3 @@ en-dessous de 0 point de vie. À ce moment-là, l'entité est retirée de la car
Lorsqu'une entité en frappe une autre, celle-ci inflige autant de dégâts qu'elle
n'a de force, et autant de points de vie sont perdus.
Entité pacifique
Une entité pacifique (``FriendlyEntity``) est un cas particulier d'entité
attaquante. Contrairement aux montres, elles ne peuvent pas attaquer le joueur.
On peut parler à une entité pacifique en appuyant sur la touche ``T`` puis en
appuyant sur la direction dans laquelle on veut parler à l'entité.

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Un objet dispose de deux paramètres :
Si l'objet est dans l'inventaire, renvoie son propriétaire.
Il y a plusieurs types d'objets :
Deux types d'objets sont pour l'instant présents :
@ -28,143 +28,23 @@ Bombe
.. _entités attaquantes: index.html#entite-attaquante
Une bombe est un objet que l'on peut ramasser. Une fois ramassée, elle est placée
dans l'inventaire. Le joueur peut ensuite utiliser la bombe, via l'inventaire
ou après l'avoir équipée, qui fera alors 5 dégâts à toutes les
`entités attaquantes`_ situées à moins de trois cases au bout de 4 ticks de jeu.
dans l'inventaire. Le joueur peut ensuite lâcher la bombe, qui fera alors
3 dégâts à toutes les `entités attaquantes`_ situées à moins de une case.
Elle est représentée dans le `pack de textures`_ ASCII par le caractère ``ç``
et dans le `pack de textures`_ écureuil par l'émoji ``💣``. Lors de l'explosion,
la bombe est remplacée par un symbole ``%`` ou l'émoji ``💥`` selon le pack de
textures utilisé.
Elle est représentée dans le `pack de textures`_ ASCII par le caractère ``o``
et dans le `pack de textures`_ écureuil par l'émoji ``💣``.
La bombe coûte 4 Hazels auprès des marchands.
.. note::
La gestion de l'inventaire n'ayant pas encore été implémentée, il n'est à
l'heure actuelle pas possible de lancer une bombe.
Un cœur est un objet que l'on ne peut pas ramasser. Dès que le joueur s'en
approche ou qu'il l'achète auprès d'un marchand, il récupère automatiquement 5 points de vie, et le cœur disparaît.
Une cœur est un objet que l'on ne peut pas ramasser. Dès que le joueur s'en
approche, il est régénéré automatiquement de 3 points de vie, et le cœur disparaît.
Il est représenté dans le `pack de textures`_ ASCII par le caractère ````
Elle est représentée dans le `pack de textures`_ ASCII par le caractère ````
et dans le `pack de textures`_ écureuil par l'émoji ``💜``.
Le cœur coûte 3 Hazels auprès des marchands.
Potion d'arrachage de corps
Cette potion permet, une fois utilisée, d'échanger toutes ses caractéristiques
avec une autre entité aléatoire sur la carte. Cela inclut la force, la position,
l'icône, ...
Elle est représentée par les caractères ``I`` et ``🔀``
Cette potion coûte 14 Hazels auprès des marchands.
La règle est une arme que l'on peut trouver uniquement par achat auprès d'un
marchand pour le coût de 2 Hazels ou dans un coffre. Une fois équipée, la règle ajoute 1 de force
à son porteur.
Elle est représentée par les caractères ``\`` et ``📏``.
L'épée est une arme que l'on peut trouver uniquement par achat auprès d'un
marchand pour le coût de 20 Hazels ou dans un coffre. Une fois équipée, l'épée ajoute 3 de force
à son porteur.
Elle est représentée par les caractères ```` et ``🗡️``.
Le bouclier est un type d'armure que l'on peut trouver uniquement par achat auprès d'un marchand pour le coût de 16 Hazels ou dans un coffre. Il s'équippe dans la main secondaire.
Une fois équipé, le bouclier ajoute 2 de constitution à son porteur, lui permettant de parer mieux les coups.
Il est représenté par les caractères ``D`` et ``🛡️``.
Le casque est un type d'armure que l'on peut trouver uniquement par achat auprès d'un marchand pour le coût de 18 Hazels ou dans un coffre. Il s'équippe sur la tête.
Une fois équipé, le casque ajoute 2 de constitution à son porteur, lui permettant de prendre moins de dégâts.
Il est représenté par les caractères ``0`` et ``⛑️``.
Le plastron est un type d'armure que l'on peut trouver uniquement par achat
auprès d'un marchand pour le coût de 30 Hazels ou dans un coffre. Il s'équippe sur le corps.
Une fois équipé, le casque ajoute 4 de constitution à son porteur,
lui permettant de prendre moins de dégâts.
Il est représenté par les caractères ``(`` et ``🦺``.
Un anneau est un objet que l'on peut trouver uniquement par achat auprès d'un
marchand ou dans un coffre. Il s'équippe sur la main secondaire.
Une fois équipé, l'anneau ajoute un bonus à une ou plusieurs statistiques du
joueur, améliorant sa capacité à se débarasser des monstres.
Il y a plusieurs types d'anneaux :
* **Anneau de coup critique**, qui augmente la chance de coup critique de 20%. Il coute 15 Hazels.
* **Anneau de gain d'expérience amélioré**, qui multiplie le gain d'expérience du joueur par 2. Il coûte 25 Hazels.
Un anneau est représenté par les caractères ``o`` et ``💍``.
L'anneau est un objet que l'on peut trouver uniquement par achat auprès d'un
marchand pour le prix de 10 Hazels. On peut le trouver sinon dans les coffres.
Il s'équippe sur la main secondaire.
Une fois porté, il permet de voir les caractéristiques des entités voisines
(nom, force, chance de critique, ...).
Un monocle est représenté par les caractères ``ô`` et ``🧐``.
Un parchemin est un objet consommable qui se trouve chez un marchand ou dans un coffre. Lorsqu'il est utilisé, il a un effet sur les statistiques du joueur ou des autres entités combattantes. L'intensité de l'effet du parchemin dépend de l'intelligence du joueur.
Il y a plusieurs types de parchemins :
* **Parchemin de dégâts**, qui inflige des dégâts à toutes les entités combattantes qui sont à distance moins de 5 du joueur (ça touche aussi les familiers, mais pas le joueur). Le nombre de points de dégâts est directement l'intelligence du joueur. Il coute 18 Hazels.
* **Parchemin de faiblesse**, qui réduit la force de toutes les entités sauf le joueur de min(1, intelligence//2) pendant 3 tours du jeu. Il coûte 13 Hazels.
Un parchemin est représenté par les caractères ``]`` et ``📜``.
Un arc est une arme à distance qui s'équippe dans la main principale. Pour l'utiliser, il faut appuyer sur la touche de lancer (l de base) puis une touche de direction. Une flèche est alors tirée dans cette direction, et touche le premier ennemi qu'elle rencontre, s'il existe, sur les 3 premières cases dans cette direction.
La flèche fait 4 + dextérité du joueur dégâts.
L'arc coûte 22 Hazels chez un marchand. On peut le trouver sinon dans les coffres.
Il est représenté par les caractères ``)`` et ``🏹``.
Baton de boule de feu
Un baton est une arme à distance qui s'équippe dans la main principale. Pour l'utiliser, il faut appuyer sur la touche de lancer (l de base) puis une touche de direction. Une boule de feu est alors tirée dans cette direction, et touche le premier ennemi qu'elle rencontre, s'il existe, sur les 4 premières cases dans cette direction. Lorsqu'un ennemi est touché, une explosion est affichée sur sa case.
La boule de feu fait 6 + intelligence du joueur dégâts.
Le baton coûte 36 Hazels chez un marchand. On peut le trouver sinon dans les coffres.
Il est représenté par les caractères ``:`` et ``🪄``.

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ au plus vite sur le joueur pour le frapper selon l'algorithme de Dijkstra,
et s'il est suffisamment proche frappe le joueur et lui fait autant de dégâts
qu'il n'a de force.
On dénombre actuellement 5 types de monstres :
On dénombre actuellement 4 types de monstres :
@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ Lapin
Son nom est fixé à `rabbit`. Il a par défaut une force à **1** et **15** points de vie.
Il a une chance de coup critique de 30%.
Dans le `pack de textures`_ ASCII, il est représenté par le caractère ``Y``.
Dans le `pack de textures`_ écureuil, il est représenté par l'émoji ``🐇``.
@ -55,14 +53,3 @@ Son nom est fixé à `teddy_bear`. Il n'a pas de force et **50** points de vie.
Dans le `pack de textures`_ ASCII, il est représenté par le caractère ``8``.
Dans le `pack de textures`_ écureuil, il est représenté par l'émoji ``🧸``.
Son nom est fixé à `eagle`. Il a par défaut une force à **1000** et **5000** points de vie.
Il s'agit d'un boss difficilement tuable, qui apparait plus rarement que les autres monstres.
Dans le `pack de textures`_ ASCII, il est représenté par le caractère ``µ``.
Dans le `pack de textures`_ écureuil, il est représenté par l'émoji ``🦅``.

View File

@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ Joueur
.. _`paramètres`: ../settings.html
.. _`pack de textures`: ../texture-pack.html
.. _`objet`: items.html
.. _`parchemins`: items.html#Parchemin
.. _`batons` : items.html#Baton de boule de feu
.. _`arc` : items.html#Arc
Le joueur est une `entité attaquante`_, contrôlée par l'utilisateur humain.
@ -35,10 +32,6 @@ Déplacement
Selon les paramètres_, il est possible de bouger le joueur dans les 4 directions
en appuyant sur ``z``, ``q``, ``s``, ``d`` ou sur les flèches directionnelles.
(ou sur d'autres touches selon ce qui est écrit dans le menu des paramètres)
Le joueur peut aussi ne rien faire pendant son tour, il suffit d'appuyer sur
la touche d'attente (``w`` de base).
Le joueur se retrouvera bloqué s'il avance contre un mur. Si il avance sur un
objet_, alors il prend l'objet_ et avance sur la case.
@ -47,25 +40,6 @@ S'il rencontre une autre `entité attaquante`_, alors il frappe l'entité en
infligeant autant de dégâts qu'il n'a de force. À chaque fois qu'une entité est
tuée, le joueur gagne aléatoirement entre 3 et 7 points d'expérience.
Outre se déplacer et attaquer, le joueur peut utiliser la touche pour danser
(``y`` de base) durant son tour et danser. Selon son charisme, il a plus ou moins
de chances de rendre confus tous les ennemis à distance moins de 3. Un ennemi confus
ne peut pas attaquer.
Le joueur possède plusieurs statistiques :
* Niveau : son niveau, qui dépend de combien d'expérience il a accumulé
* Expérience : la quantité d'expérience accumulée par le joueur, qui dépend de combien d'entités il a tué.
* Force : indique combien de dommages le joueur inflige à ses ennemis
* Intelligence : joue sur l'effet des objets magiques, tels que les `parchemins`_ ou les `batons`_
* Charisme : joue sur l'efficacité de la danse du joueur
* Dextérité : joue sur l'efficacité de l'`arc`_
* Constitution : joue sur la quantité de dégâts que le joueur prend lorsqu'un monstre le frappe
* Taux de critique : la chance (en pourcentage) que le joueur a de faire un coup critique
@ -75,4 +49,4 @@ Lorsque le joueur atteint la quantité d'expérience requise pour monter de nive
le joueur gagne un niveau, regagne toute sa vie, consomme son expérience et la
nouvelle quantité d'expérience requise est 10 fois le niveau actuel. De plus,
entre 5 et 10 fois le niveau actuel entités apparaissent aléatoirement sur la
carte à la montée de niveau. Enfin, le joueur améliore ses statistiques en augmentant de niveau. Toutes les caractéristiques ne sont pas incrémentées à chaque niveau gagné.
carte à la montée de niveau. Enfin, le joueur gagne en force en montant de niveau.

View File

@ -17,10 +17,6 @@ Bienvenue dans la documentation de Squirrel Battle !
:alt: PyPI
.. image::
:alt: Supported Python versions
.. image::
:alt: PyPI downloads
@ -41,7 +37,6 @@ Bienvenue dans la documentation de Squirrel Battle !

View File

@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
Installation d'un environnement de développement
Il est toujours préférable de travailler dans un environnement Python isolé du
reste de son instalation.
Il est toujours préférable de travailler dans un environnement Python isolé du reste de son instalation.
1. **Installation des dépendances de la distribution.**
Vous devez déjà installer Python et le module qui permet de créer des
environnements virtuels.
On donne ci-dessous l'exemple pour une distribution basée sur Debian,
mais vous pouvez facilement adapter pour ArchLinux ou autre.
Vous devez déjà installer Python et le module qui permet de créer des environnements virtuels.
On donne ci-dessous l'exemple pour une distribution basée sur Debian, mais vous pouvez facilement adapter pour ArchLinux ou autre.
.. code:: bash
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install --no-install-recommends -y python3-setuptools python3-venv python3-dev gettext git
$ sudo apt install --no-install-recommends -y python3-setuptools python3-venv python3-dev git
2. **Clonage du dépot** là où vous voulez :
@ -28,13 +25,7 @@ reste de son instalation.
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate # entrer dans l'environnement
(env) $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(env) $ deactivate # sortir de l'environnement
4. **Compilation des messages de traduction.**
.. code:: bash
(env) $ python3 --compilemessages
(env)$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(env)$ deactivate # sortir de l'environnement
Le lancement du jeu se fait en lançant la commande ``python3``.

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Le jeu peut être ensuite lancé via la commande ``squirrel-battle``.
Sur Ubuntu/Debian
.. _paquet:
.. _paquet:
Un paquet_ est généré par l'intégration continue de Gitlab à chaque commit.
Ils sont également attachés à chaque nouvelle release.
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Pour installer ce paquet, il suffit de le télécharger et d'appeler ``dpkg`` :
.. code:: bash
dpkg -i python3-squirrelbattle_23.14_all.deb
dpkg -i python3-squirrelbattle_3.14.1_all.deb
Ce paquet inclut un patch pour afficher les émojis écureuil correctement.

View File

@ -44,17 +44,3 @@ Mur
Les murs délimitent les salles du donjon. Personne ne peut les traverser.
Ils sont représentés par un dièse ``#`` dans le `pack de textures`_ ASCII et
par une brique carrée ``🧱`` dans le `pack de textures`_ écureuil.
Les échelles sont les débuts et fin de niveau. Elles permettent de changer
d'étage en appuyant sur une touche. Elles sont représentées par un ``H`` dans
le `pack de textures`_ ASCII et par un émoji échelle ``🪜`` dans le
`pack de textures`_ écureuil.
Lorsqu'on est sur l'échelle du début de niveau, appuyer sur ``<`` permet de
monter d'un étage (revenir au niveau précédent). Lorsqu'on est sur l'échelle
de fin de niveau, on génère une nouvelle carte si ce n'est pas déjà fait avec
des monstres plus forts, et on place le joueur sur cette nouvelle carte.

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -11,9 +11,8 @@ prêt à tout pour s'en sortir. Sa vision de rongeur lui permet d'observer
l'intégralité de la carte_, et à l'aide d'objets_, il va pouvoir affronter
les monstres_ présents dans le donjon et gagner en expérience et en force.
Le jeu fonctionne par étage. À chaque étage, différents monstres sont présents,
et à l'aide d'objets, il pourra progresser dans le donjon et descendre de plus
en plus bas.
Le jeu fonctionne par niveau. À chaque niveau ``n`` du joueur, entre ``3n`` et
``7n`` entités apparaissent aléatoirement sur la carte.
En tuant des ennemis, ce qu'il parvient à faire en fonçant directement sur eux
ayant mangé trop de noisettes (ou étant armé d'un couteau), l'écureuil va

View File

@ -1,41 +1,4 @@
.. _pack de textures: texture-pack.html
Il est possible de changer les touches utilisées dans le jeu dans le menu des paramètres.
On peut aussi changer le `pack de textures`_ utilisé.
Les touches utilisées de base sont :
* **Aller vers le haut** : z
* **Aller vers le haut (secondaire)** : ↑
* **Aller vers le bas** : s
* **Aller vers le bas (secondaire)** : ↓
* **Aller à droite** : d
* **Aller à droite (secondaire)** : →
* **Aller à gauche** : q
* **Aller à gauche (secondaire)** : ←
* **Valider le choix** : Entrée
* **Inventaire** : i
* **Utiliser un objet** : u
* **Équiper un objet** : e
* **Lacher un objet** : r
* **Parler** : t
* **Attendre** : w
* **Utiliser une arme à distance** : l
* **Dancer** : y
* **Utiliser une échelle** : <
.. _ascii: texture-pack.html#Pack ASCII
.. _squirrel: texture-pack.html#Pack Écureuil
* **Texture pack utilisé** : parmi ascii_ et squirrel_
* **Langue utilisée** : parmi anglais, français, espagnol, allemand
Pas encore documenté.

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@ -1,50 +1,12 @@
Exécution des tests
.. note::
La documentation va être revue ici.
Les tests sont gérés par ``pytest`` dans le module ``squirrelbattle.tests``.
``tox`` est un outil permettant de configurer l'exécution des tests. Ainsi, après
installation de tox dans votre environnement virtuel via ``pip install tox``,
il vous suffit d'exécuter ``tox -e py3`` pour lancer les tests et ``tox -e linters``
pour vérifier la syntaxe du code.
Tests unitaires
Les tests sont gérés par ``pytest`` dans le module ``squirrelbattle.tests``.
Le module ``pytest-cov`` permet de mesurer la couverture du code.
Pour lancer les tests, il suffit de lancer ``tox -e py3`` ou de manière équivalente
``pytest --cov=squirrelbattle/ --cov-report=term-missing squirrelbattle/``
L'intégration continue lance les tests pour les versions de Python de 3.6 à 3.10,
sur une distribution Alpine Linux.
Chaque partie du code est testée unitairement, pour obtenir une couverture
maximale et assurer un bon fonctionnement. En particulier, le jeu est lancé
en commençant sur une carte déterministe (non générée aléatoirement) chargée
depuis ``assets/example_map.txt``, sur laquelle sont placés des ennemis et objets
avec lesquels le joueur doit interagir. On vérifie qu'à chaque touche appuyée,
il se passe le bon comportement. Le comportement des différents menus est
également testé.
L'environnement de test ne disposant pas a priori d'un terminal, le jeu est
conçu pour fonctionner sans support graphique, avec un terminal fictif où les
primitives de curses sont implémentées pour ne rien faire. On ne peut alors
pas s'assurer du bon fonctionnement de curses.
De plus, une très fine partie du code est ignorée lors de la couverture, ce
qui correspond à la phase d'initialisation du terminal et à la boucle infinie
qui reçoit les touches de l'utilisateur, qu'il est alors impossible de tester
Analyseur syntaxique
``flake8`` est utilisé en guise d'analyseur syntaxique. Il vérifie si le code
est bien formatté afin d'assurer une certaine lisibilité. En particulier,
il vérifie l'indentation, si chaque variable est bien utilisée, s'il n'y a pas
d'import inutile et s'ils sont dans l'ordre lexicographique, si chaque ligne
fait au plus 80 caractères et si la signature de chaque fonction est bien
Pour lancer l'analyse, ``tox -e linters`` suffit. L'intégration continue
effectue cette analyse à chaque commit.

View File

@ -9,30 +9,18 @@ Pack de textures
.. _Joueur: entities/player.html
.. _Hérisson: entities/monsters.html#herisson
.. _Cœur: entities/items.html#coeur
.. _Bombe: entities/items.html#bombe
.. _Lapin: entities/monsters.html#lapin
.. _Tigre: entities/monsters.html#tigre
.. _Nounours: entities/monsters.html#nounours
.. _Tournesol: entities/friendly.html#tournesol
.. _Marchand: entities/friendly.html#marchand
.. _Cœur: entities/items.html#coeur
.. _Bombe: entities/items.html#bombe
.. _Explosion: entities/items.html#bombe
.. _Potion d'arrachage de corps: entities/items.html
.. _Épée: entities/items.html#epee
.. _Bouclier: entities/items.html#bouclier
.. _Hazel: ../index.html
.. _Plastron: ../entities/items.html#plastron
.. _Pygargue: ../entities/monsters.html#Pygargue
.. _Casque: ../entities/items.html#Casque
.. _Anneau: ../entities/items.html#Anneau
.. _Trompette: ../entities/items.html#Trompette
Chaque entité_ et chaque tuile_ de la carte_ est associé à un caractère pour
être affiché dans le terminal. Cependant, afin de pouvoir proposer plusieurs
expériences graphiques (notamment en fonction du support des émojis), différents
packs de textures sont proposés.
Il est possible de changer de pack dans les paramètres_.
Il est possible de changer de pack dans les paramètres.
Les packs de textures peuvent influencer la taille que prennent les tuiles_,
en raison du fait que les émojis ne sont pas monospace.
@ -51,23 +39,11 @@ Chaque tuile fait un caractère de large.
* Entités
* Joueur_ : ``@``
* Hérisson_ : ``*``
* Cœur_ : ````
* Bombe_ : ``o``
* Lapin_ : ``Y``
* Tigre_ : ``n``
* Nounours_ : ``8``
* Tournesol_ : ``I``
* Marchand_ : ``M``
* Cœur_ : ````
* Bombe_ : ``o``
* Explosion_ : ``%``
* `Potion d'arrachage de corps`_ : ``S``
* Épée_ : ````
* Bouclier_ : ``D``
* Hazel_ : ``¤``
* Plastron_ : ``(``
* Pygargue_ : ``µ``
* Casque_ : ``0``
* Anneau_ : ``o``
* Trompette_ : ``/``
Pack Écureuil
@ -82,20 +58,8 @@ Chaque tuile fait 2 caractères de large pour afficher les émojis proprement.
* Entités
* Joueur_ : ``🐿``
* Hérisson_ : ``🦔``
* Cœur_ : ``💜``
* Bombe_ : ``💣``
* Lapin_ : ``🐇``
* Tigre_ : ``🐅``
* Nounours_ : ``🧸``
* Tournesol_ : ``🌻``
* Marchand_ : ``🦜``
* Cœur_ : ``💜``
* Bombe_ : ``💣``
* Explosion_ : ``💥``
* `Potion d'arrachage de corps`_ : ``🔀``
* Épée_ : ``🗡️``
* Bouclier_ : ``🛡️``
* Hazel_ : ``🌰``
* Plastron_ : ``🦺``
* Pygargue_ : ``🦅``
* Casque_ : ``⛑️``
* Anneau_ : ``💍``
* Trompette_ : ``🎺``

View File

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
Le jeu Squirrel Battle est entièrement traduit en anglais, en français et en allement.
La langue se choisit dans les `paramètres <settings.html>`_.
Les traductions sont gérées grâce au module natif ``gettext``. Le module
``squirrelbattle.translations`` s'occupe d'installer les traductions, et de
donner les chaînes traduites.
Pour choisir la langue, il faut appeler ``Translator.setlocale(language: str)``,
``language`` correspond au code à 2 lettres de la langue.
Enfin, le module expose une fonction ``gettext(str) -> str`` qui permet de
traduire les chaînes.
Il est courant et recommandé d'importer cette fonction sous l'alias ``_``,
afin de limiter la verbositer et de permettre de rendre facilement une chaîne
.. code:: python
from squirrelbattle.translations import gettext as _, Translator
print(_("I am a translatable string"))
print("I am not translatable")
Si les traductions sont bien faites (voir ci-dessous), cela donnera :
.. code::
Je suis une chaîne traduisible
I am not translatable
À noter que si la chaîne n'est pas traduite, alors par défaut on renvoie la
chaîne elle-même.
Extraction des chaînes à traduire
L'appel à ``gettext`` ne fait pas que traduire les chaînes : il est possible
également d'extraire toutes les chaînes à traduire.
Il est nécessaire d'installer le paquet Linux ``gettext`` pour cela.
L'utilitaire ``xgettext`` s'occupe de cette extraction. Il s'utilise de la façon
suivante :
.. code:: bash
xgettext --from-code utf-8 -o output_file.po ...
Afin de ne pas avoir à sélectionner manuellement chaque fichier, il est possible
d'appeler directement ``python3 --makemessages``. Cela a pour effet
d'exécuter pour chaque langue ``<LANG>`` :
.. code:: bash
find squirrelbattle -iname '*.py' | xargs xgettext --from-code utf-8
"--copyright-holder=ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse"
-o squirrelbattle/locale/<LANG>/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelbattle.po
Les fichiers de traductions se trouvent alors dans
Traduire les chaînes
Après extraction des chaînes, les chaînes à traduire se trouvent dans
``squirrelbattle/locale/<LANG>/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelbattle.po``, comme indiqué
Ce fichier peut-être édité avec un utilitaire tel que ``poedit``, sur
l'interface Web sur `<>`_,
mais surtout manuellement avec un éditeur de texte.
Dans ce fichier, on obtient pour chaque chaîne à traduire un paragraphe de la
forme :
.. code:: po
msgid "I am a translatable string"
msgstr "Je suis une chaîne traduisible"
Il sufift de remplir les champs ``msgstr``.
Compilation des chaînes
Pour gagner en efficacité, les chaînes sont compilées dans un fichier avec
l'extension ``.mo``. Ce sont ces fichiers qui sont lus par le module de traduction.
Pour compiler les traductions, c'est l'utilitaire ``msgfmt`` fourni toujours par
le paquet Linux ``gettext`` que nous utilisons. Il s'utilise assez simplement :
.. code:: bash
msgfmt po_file.po -o
À nouveau, il est possible de compiler automatiquement les messages en exécutant
``python3 --compilemessages``.
.. warning::
On ne partagera pas dans le dépôt Git les fichiers compilé. En développement,
on compilera soi-même les messages, et en production, la construction des
paquets se charge de compiler automatiquement les traductions.

View File

@ -1,25 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import argparse
import sys
from squirrelbattle.bootstrap import Bootstrap
from squirrelbattle.translations import Translator
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--makemessages", "-mm", action="store_true",
help="Extract translatable strings")
parser.add_argument("--compilemessages", "-cm", action="store_true",
help="Compile translatable strings")
args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
if args.makemessages:
elif args.compilemessages:

View File

@ -1,28 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import subprocess
import os
from setuptools import find_packages, setup
with open("", "r") as f:
long_description =
# Compile messages
for language in ["de", "es", "fr"]:
args = ["msgfmt", "--check-format",
"-o", f"squirrelbattle/locale/{language}/LC_MESSAGES"
print(f"Compiling {language} messages...")
author="ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse",
description="Watch out for squirrel's knives!",
@ -46,7 +36,7 @@ setup(
package_data={"squirrelbattle": ["assets/*", "locale/*/*/*.mo"]},
package_data={"squirrelbattle": ["assets/*"]},
"console_scripts": [
"squirrel-battle = squirrelbattle.bootstrap:Bootstrap.run_game",

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
┃|┃ ▓▓▒ ▓▓
┃|┃ ▓▓ ▓▓▒
┃|┃ ▓▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓▓ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
┃|┃ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
┃|┃ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
┃|┃ ▓▓▓▬█▓▓▓▓▓▓▬█▓▓▓ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
┃|┃ ▓▓▓▓░██░░▓▓░░██░▓▓▓▓ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
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▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
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▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒░░░░░░░░░▒░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░ ░░▒
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▒▒█▒▒▒▒▒░▒░▒░░░░▓▓▓░░░░░░░▒░░░░▒░░░▒░░░░░░░▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░▒░░░▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░▒░░░░░░░░▒░░░░▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░ ░
░▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░▒░░░░░░░░▒░░░░░░▓▓▓▓▓░░░ ░ ░░

View File

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
1 6
####### #############
#.H...# #...........#
#.....# #...........#
#.....# #####...........#
#.....# #...&........H..#
#.....# #...............#
#.##### #.###...........#
#.# #.# #...........#
#.# #.# #############
#.# #.#
#.#### #.#
#....# #.#
#.....................# #################
#.....................# #...............#
####################### #################

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1 17
########### #########
#....H....# #.......#
#.........# #.......#
#.........# ############.......#
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
########.##########......# #.........# #.........#
#...........##......# #.........# #.........#
#...........##......# #.........# #.........#
#...........##..H...# #.........# ################.######
#...........##......# #.........# ################.######
#...........##......# #.........# #.................############
#...........##......# ########.########.......#.........#..........#
#...........##......# #...............#.......#.........#..........#

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
1 6

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from .display.display_manager import DisplayManager
from .game import Game
from .term_manager import TermManager
from import Game
from squirrelbattle.display.display_manager import DisplayManager
from squirrelbattle.term_manager import TermManager
class Bootstrap:

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

View File

@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
import sys
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, Union
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from squirrelbattle.display.texturepack import TexturePack
from import Game
from squirrelbattle.tests.screen import FakePad
@ -17,24 +15,14 @@ class Display:
height: int
pad: Any
_color_pairs = {(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK): 0}
_colors_rgb = {}
def __init__(self, screen: Any, pack: Optional[TexturePack] = None):
self.screen = screen
self.pack = pack or TexturePack.get_pack("ascii")
def newpad(self, height: int, width: int) -> Union[FakePad, Any]:
Overwrites the native curses function of the same name.
return curses.newpad(height, width) if self.screen else FakePad()
def truncate(self, msg: str, height: int, width: int) -> str:
Truncates a string into a string adapted to the width and height of
the screen.
height = max(0, height)
width = max(0, width)
lines = msg.split("\n")
@ -42,125 +30,34 @@ class Display:
lines = [line[:width] for line in lines]
return "\n".join(lines)
def translate_color(self, color: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]) -> int:
def addstr(self, pad: Any, y: int, x: int, msg: str, *options) -> None:
Translates a tuple (R, G, B) into a curses color index.
If we already have a color index, then nothing is processed.
If this is a tuple, we construct a new color index if non-existing
and we return this index.
The values of R, G and B must be between 0 and 1000, and not
between 0 and 255.
if isinstance(color, tuple):
# The color is a tuple (R, G, B), that is potentially unknown.
# We translate it into a curses color number.
if color not in self._colors_rgb:
# The color does not exist, we create it.
color_nb = len(self._colors_rgb) + 8
self.init_color(color_nb, color[0], color[1], color[2])
self._colors_rgb[color] = color_nb
color = self._colors_rgb[color]
return color
def addstr(self, pad: Any, y: int, x: int, msg: str,
fg_color: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = curses.COLOR_WHITE,
bg_color: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = curses.COLOR_BLACK,
*, altcharset: bool = False, blink: bool = False,
bold: bool = False, dim: bool = False, invis: bool = False,
italic: bool = False, normal: bool = False,
protect: bool = False, reverse: bool = False,
standout: bool = False, underline: bool = False,
horizontal: bool = False, left: bool = False,
low: bool = False, right: bool = False, top: bool = False,
vertical: bool = False, chartext: bool = False) -> None:
Displays a message onto the pad.
Display a message onto the pad.
If the message is too large, it is truncated vertically and horizontally
The text can be bold, italic, blinking, ... if the right parameters are
given. These parameters are translated into curses attributes.
The foreground and background colors can be given as curses constants
(curses.COLOR_*), or by giving a tuple (R, G, B) that corresponds to
the color. R, G, B must be between 0 and 1000, and not 0 and 255.
height, width = pad.getmaxyx()
# Truncate message if it is too large
msg = self.truncate(msg, height - y, width - x - 1)
if msg.replace("\n", "") and x >= 0 and y >= 0:
fg_color = self.translate_color(fg_color)
bg_color = self.translate_color(bg_color)
# Get the pair number for the tuple (fg, bg)
# If it does not exist, create it and give a new unique id.
if (fg_color, bg_color) in self._color_pairs:
pair_nb = self._color_pairs[(fg_color, bg_color)]
pair_nb = len(self._color_pairs)
self.init_pair(pair_nb, fg_color, bg_color)
self._color_pairs[(fg_color, bg_color)] = pair_nb
# Compute curses attributes from the parameters
attr = self.color_pair(pair_nb)
attr |= curses.A_ALTCHARSET if altcharset else 0
attr |= curses.A_BLINK if blink else 0
attr |= curses.A_BOLD if bold else 0
attr |= curses.A_DIM if dim else 0
attr |= curses.A_INVIS if invis else 0
# Italic is supported since Python 3.7
italic &= sys.version_info >= (3, 7,)
attr |= curses.A_ITALIC if italic else 0
attr |= curses.A_NORMAL if normal else 0
attr |= curses.A_PROTECT if protect else 0
attr |= curses.A_REVERSE if reverse else 0
attr |= curses.A_STANDOUT if standout else 0
attr |= curses.A_UNDERLINE if underline else 0
attr |= curses.A_HORIZONTAL if horizontal else 0
attr |= curses.A_LEFT if left else 0
attr |= curses.A_LOW if low else 0
attr |= curses.A_RIGHT if right else 0
attr |= curses.A_TOP if top else 0
attr |= curses.A_VERTICAL if vertical else 0
attr |= curses.A_CHARTEXT if chartext else 0
return pad.addstr(y, x, msg, attr)
return pad.addstr(y, x, msg, *options)
def init_pair(self, number: int, foreground: int, background: int) -> None:
foreground = foreground if self.screen and curses.can_change_color() \
and foreground < curses.COLORS \
else curses.COLOR_WHITE
background = background if self.screen and curses.can_change_color() \
and background < curses.COLORS \
else curses.COLOR_WHITE
return curses.init_pair(number, foreground, background) \
if self.screen and curses.can_change_color() \
and number < curses.COLOR_PAIRS else None
if self.screen else None
def color_pair(self, number: int) -> int:
return curses.color_pair(number) if self.screen \
and number < curses.COLOR_PAIRS else 0
def init_color(self, number: int, red: int, green: int, blue: int) -> None:
return curses.init_color(number, red, green, blue) \
if self.screen and curses.can_change_color() \
and number < curses.COLORS else None
return curses.color_pair(number) if self.screen else 0
def resize(self, y: int, x: int, height: int, width: int,
resize_pad: bool = True) -> None:
Resizes a pad.
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
if hasattr(self, "pad") and resize_pad and \
self.height >= 0 and self.width >= 0:
self.pad.resize(self.height + 1, self.width + 1)
def refresh(self, *args, resize_pad: bool = True) -> None:
Refreshes a pad
if len(args) == 4:
self.resize(*args, resize_pad)
@ -169,10 +66,10 @@ class Display:
window_y: int, window_x: int,
last_y: int, last_x: int) -> None:
Refreshes a pad on a part of the window.
Refresh a pad on a part of the window.
The refresh starts at coordinates (top_y, top_x) from the pad,
and is drawn from (window_y, window_x) to (last_y, last_x).
If coordinates are invalid (negative indexes/length...), then nothing
If coordinates are invalid (negative indexes/length..., then nothing
is drawn and no error is raised.
top_y, top_x = max(0, top_y), max(0, top_x)
@ -184,27 +81,11 @@ class Display:
if last_y >= window_y and last_x >= window_x:
# Refresh the pad only if coordinates are valid
pad.noutrefresh(top_y, top_x, window_y, window_x, last_y, last_x)
pad.refresh(top_y, top_x, window_y, window_x, last_y, last_x)
def display(self) -> None:
Draw the content of the display and refresh pads.
raise NotImplementedError
def update(self, game: Game) -> None:
The game state was updated.
Indicate what to do with the new state.
raise NotImplementedError
def handle_click(self, y: int, x: int, attr: int, game: Game) -> None:
A mouse click was performed on the coordinates (y, x) of the pad.
Maybe it should do something.
def rows(self) -> int:
return curses.LINES if self.screen else 42
@ -215,9 +96,7 @@ class Display:
class VerticalSplit(Display):
A class to split the screen in two vertically with a pretty line.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.pad = self.newpad(self.rows, 1)
@ -238,9 +117,7 @@ class VerticalSplit(Display):
class HorizontalSplit(Display):
A class to split the screen in two horizontally with a pretty line.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.pad = self.newpad(1, self.cols)
@ -261,58 +138,23 @@ class HorizontalSplit(Display):
class Box(Display):
A class for pretty boxes to print menus and other content.
title: str = ""
def update_title(self, title: str) -> None:
self.title = title
def __init__(self, *args, fg_border_color: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.pad = self.newpad(self.rows, self.cols)
self.fg_border_color = fg_border_color or curses.COLOR_WHITE
pair_number = 4 + self.fg_border_color
self.init_pair(pair_number, self.fg_border_color, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
self.pair = self.color_pair(pair_number)
def display(self) -> None:
self.addstr(self.pad, 0, 0, "" + "" * (self.width - 2) + "",
for i in range(1, self.height - 1):
self.addstr(self.pad, i, 0, "", self.fg_border_color)
self.addstr(self.pad, i, self.width - 1, "", self.fg_border_color)
self.addstr(self.pad, i, 0, "", self.pair)
self.addstr(self.pad, i, self.width - 1, "", self.pair)
self.addstr(self.pad, self.height - 1, 0,
"" + "" * (self.width - 2) + "", self.fg_border_color)
if self.title:
self.addstr(self.pad, 0, (self.width - len(self.title) - 8) // 2,
f" == {self.title} == ", curses.COLOR_GREEN,
italic=True, bold=True)
"" + "" * (self.width - 2) + "", self.pair)
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, 0, 0, self.y, self.x,
self.y + self.height - 1, self.x + self.width - 1)
class MessageDisplay(Display):
A class to handle the display of popup messages.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = Box(fg_border_color=curses.COLOR_RED, *args, **kwargs)
self.message = ""
self.pad = self.newpad(1, 1)
def update(self, game: Game) -> None:
self.message = game.message
def display(self) -> None: - 1, self.x - 2,
self.height + 2, self.width + 4)
self.addstr(self.pad, 0, 0, self.message, bold=True)
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, 0, 0, self.y, self.x,
self.height + self.y - 1,
self.width + self.x - 1)

View File

@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
from typing import Any, List
from .display import Display, HorizontalSplit, MessageDisplay, VerticalSplit
from .gamedisplay import LogsDisplay, MapDisplay, StatsDisplay
from .menudisplay import ChestInventoryDisplay, CreditsDisplay, \
MainMenuDisplay, PlayerInventoryDisplay, \
SettingsMenuDisplay, StoreInventoryDisplay
from .texturepack import TexturePack
from ..enums import DisplayActions
from import Game, GameMode
from squirrelbattle.display.display import VerticalSplit, HorizontalSplit
from squirrelbattle.display.mapdisplay import MapDisplay
from squirrelbattle.display.messagedisplay import MessageDisplay
from squirrelbattle.display.statsdisplay import StatsDisplay
from squirrelbattle.display.menudisplay import SettingsMenuDisplay, \
from squirrelbattle.display.logsdisplay import LogsDisplay
from squirrelbattle.display.texturepack import TexturePack
from typing import Any
from import Game, GameMode
from squirrelbattle.enums import DisplayActions
class DisplayManager:
@ -22,71 +23,35 @@ class DisplayManager:
pack = TexturePack.get_pack(
self.mapdisplay = MapDisplay(screen, pack)
self.statsdisplay = StatsDisplay(screen, pack)
self.logsdisplay = LogsDisplay(screen, pack)
self.playerinventorydisplay = PlayerInventoryDisplay(screen, pack)
self.storeinventorydisplay = StoreInventoryDisplay(screen, pack)
self.chestinventorydisplay = ChestInventoryDisplay(screen, pack)
self.mainmenudisplay = MainMenuDisplay(,
screen, pack)
self.settingsmenudisplay = SettingsMenuDisplay(screen, pack)
self.messagedisplay = MessageDisplay(screen, pack)
self.logsdisplay = LogsDisplay(screen, pack)
self.messagedisplay = MessageDisplay(screen=screen, pack=None)
self.hbar = HorizontalSplit(screen, pack)
self.vbar = VerticalSplit(screen, pack)
self.creditsdisplay = CreditsDisplay(screen, pack)
self.displays = [self.statsdisplay, self.mapdisplay,
self.mainmenudisplay, self.settingsmenudisplay,
self.logsdisplay, self.messagedisplay,
self.storeinventorydisplay, self.creditsdisplay,
self.logsdisplay, self.messagedisplay]
def handle_display_action(self, action: DisplayActions, *params) -> None:
Handles the differents values of display action.
def handle_display_action(self, action: DisplayActions) -> None:
if action == DisplayActions.REFRESH:
elif action == DisplayActions.UPDATE:
elif action == DisplayActions.MOUSE:
def update_game_components(self) -> None:
The game state was updated.
Trigger all displays of these modifications.
for d in self.displays:
d.pack = TexturePack.get_pack(
def handle_mouse_click(self, y: int, x: int, attr: int) -> None:
Handles the mouse clicks.
displays = self.refresh()
display = None
for d in displays:
top_y, top_x, height, width = d.y, d.x, d.height, d.width
if top_y <= y < top_y + height and top_x <= x < top_x + width:
# The click coordinates correspond to the coordinates
# of that display
display = d
if display:
display.handle_click(y - display.y, x - display.x, attr,
def refresh(self) -> List[Display]:
Refreshes all components on the screen.
displays = []
pack = TexturePack.get_pack(
if == GameMode.PLAY \
or == GameMode.INVENTORY \
or == GameMode.STORE\
or == GameMode.CHEST:
def refresh(self) -> None:
if == GameMode.PLAY:
# The map pad has already the good size
self.mapdisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows * 4 // 5,
@ -99,70 +64,24 @@ class DisplayManager:
self.rows // 5 - 1, self.cols * 4 // 5)
self.hbar.refresh(self.rows * 4 // 5, 0, 1, self.cols * 4 // 5)
self.vbar.refresh(0, self.cols * 4 // 5, self.rows, 1)
displays += [self.mapdisplay, self.statsdisplay, self.logsdisplay,
self.hbar, self.vbar]
if == GameMode.INVENTORY:
self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (2 * pack.tile_width)),
8 * self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width)))
elif == GameMode.STORE:
self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (2 * pack.tile_width)),
8 * self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width)))
self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (10 * pack.tile_width)),
8 * self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width)))
elif == GameMode.CHEST:
self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (2 * pack.tile_width)),
8 * self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width)))
self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (10 * pack.tile_width)),
8 * self.rows // 10,
pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width)))
elif == GameMode.MAINMENU:
if == GameMode.MAINMENU:
self.mainmenudisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols)
elif == GameMode.SETTINGS:
self.settingsmenudisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols)
elif == GameMode.CREDITS:
self.creditsdisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols)
if == GameMode.SETTINGS:
self.settingsmenudisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols - 1)
height, width = 0, 0
for line in"\n"):
height += 1
width = max(width, len(line))
y = pack.tile_width * (self.rows - height) // (2 * pack.tile_width)
x = pack.tile_width * ((self.cols - width) // (2 * pack.tile_width))
y, x = (self.rows - height) // 2, (self.cols - width) // 2
self.messagedisplay.refresh(y, x, height, width)
return displays
def resize_window(self) -> bool:
When the window is resized, ensures that the screen size is updated.
If the window got resized, ensure that the screen size got updated.
y, x = self.screen.getmaxyx() if self.screen else (0, 0)
if self.screen and curses.is_term_resized(self.rows,
@ -173,16 +92,8 @@ class DisplayManager:
def rows(self) -> int:
Overwrites the native curses attribute of the same name,
for testing purposes.
return curses.LINES if self.screen else 42
def cols(self) -> int:
Overwrites the native curses attribute of the same name,
for testing purposes.
return curses.COLS if self.screen else 42

View File

@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
from .display import Display
from ..entities.items import Monocle
from ..entities.player import Player
from import Game
from ..interfaces import FightingEntity, Logs, Map
from ..translations import gettext as _
class LogsDisplay(Display):
A class to handle the display of the logs.
logs: Logs
def __init__(self, *args) -> None:
self.pad = self.newpad(self.rows, self.cols)
def update(self, game: Game) -> None:
self.logs = game.logs
def display(self) -> None:
messages = self.logs.messages[-self.height:]
messages = messages[::-1]
for i in range(min(self.height, len(messages))):
self.addstr(self.pad, self.height - i - 1, self.x,
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, 0, 0, self.y, self.x,
self.y + self.height - 1, self.x + self.width - 1)
class MapDisplay(Display):
A class to handle the display of the map.
map: Map
def __init__(self, *args):
def update(self, game: Game) -> None: =
self.pad = self.newpad(,
self.pack.tile_width * + 1)
def update_pad(self) -> None:
for j in range(len(
for i in range(len([j])):
if not[j][i]:
fg, bg =[j][i].visible_color(self.pack) if \[j][i] else \[j][i].hidden_color(self.pack)
self.addstr(self.pad, j, self.pack.tile_width * i,[j][i].char(self.pack), fg, bg)
for e in
self.addstr(self.pad, e.y, self.pack.tile_width * e.x,
# Display Path map for debug purposes
# from squirrelbattle.entities.player import Player
# players = [ p for p in if isinstance(p,Player) ]
# player = players[0] if len(players) > 0 else None
# if player:
# for x in range(
# for y in range(
# if (y,x) in player.paths:
# deltay, deltax = (y - player.paths[(y, x)][0],
# x - player.paths[(y, x)][1])
# if (deltay, deltax) == (-1, 0):
# character = '↓'
# elif (deltay, deltax) == (1, 0):
# character = '↑'
# elif (deltay, deltax) == (0, -1):
# character = '→'
# else:
# character = '←'
# self.addstr(self.pad, y, self.pack.tile_width * x,
# character, self.pack.tile_fg_color,
# self.pack.tile_bg_color)
def display(self) -> None:
y, x =, self.pack.tile_width *
deltay, deltax = (self.height // 2) + 1, (self.width // 2) + 1
pminrow, pmincol = y - deltay, x - deltax
sminrow, smincol = max(-pminrow, 0), max(-pmincol, 0)
deltay, deltax = self.height - deltay, self.width - deltax
smaxrow = - (y + deltay) + self.height - 1
smaxrow = min(smaxrow, self.height - 1)
smaxcol = self.pack.tile_width * - \
(x + deltax) + self.width - 1
# Wrap perfectly the map according to the width of the tiles
pmincol = self.pack.tile_width * (pmincol // self.pack.tile_width)
smincol = self.pack.tile_width * (smincol // self.pack.tile_width)
smaxcol = self.pack.tile_width \
* (smaxcol // self.pack.tile_width + 1) - 1
smaxcol = min(smaxcol, self.width - 1)
pminrow = max(0, min(, pminrow))
pmincol = max(0, min(self.pack.tile_width *, pmincol))
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow,
class StatsDisplay(Display):
A class to handle the display of the stats of the player.
game: Game
player: Player
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.pad = self.newpad(self.rows, self.cols)
def update(self, game: Game) -> None: = game
self.player = game.player
def update_pad(self) -> None:
string2 = f"{_(} " \
f"-- LVL {self.player.level} -- " \
f"FLOOR {}\n" \
f"EXP {self.player.current_xp}/{self.player.max_xp}\n" \
f"HP {}/{self.player.maxhealth}"
self.addstr(self.pad, 0, 0, string2)
string3 = f"STR {self.player.strength}\n" \
f"INT {self.player.intelligence}\n" \
f"CHR {self.player.charisma}\n" \
f"DEX {self.player.dexterity}\n" \
f"CON {self.player.constitution}\n" \
f"CRI {self.player.critical}%"
self.addstr(self.pad, 3, 0, string3)
inventory_str = _("Inventory:") + " "
# Stack items by type instead of displaying each item
item_types = [ for item in self.player.inventory]
item_types.sort(key=item_types.count, reverse=True)
printed_items = []
for item in item_types:
if item in printed_items:
count = item_types.count(item)
inventory_str += self.pack[item.upper()]
if count > 1:
inventory_str += f"x{count} "
self.addstr(self.pad, 9, 0, inventory_str)
if self.player.equipped_main:
self.addstr(self.pad, 10, 0,
_("Equipped main:") + " "
if self.player.equipped_secondary:
self.addstr(self.pad, 11, 0,
_("Equipped secondary:") + " "
+ self.pack[self.player.equipped_secondary
if self.player.equipped_armor:
self.addstr(self.pad, 12, 0,
_("Equipped chestplate:") + " "
+ self.pack[])
if self.player.equipped_helmet:
self.addstr(self.pad, 13, 0,
_("Equipped helmet:") + " "
+ self.pack[])
self.addstr(self.pad, 14, 0, f"{self.pack.HAZELNUT} "
if self.player.dead:
self.addstr(self.pad, 15, 0, _("YOU ARE DEAD"), curses.COLOR_RED,
bold=True, blink=True, standout=True)
msg = _("Use {key} to use the ladder") \
self.addstr(self.pad, self.height - 2, 0, msg,
italic=True, reverse=True)
def update_entities_stats(self) -> None:
Display information about a near entity if we have a monocle.
for dy, dx in [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0)]:
for entity in
if entity == self.player:
if entity.y == self.player.y + dy \
and entity.x == self.player.x + dx:
if entity.is_friendly():
msg = _("Move to the friendly entity to talk to it") \
if else \
_("Use {key} then move to talk to the entity") \
self.addstr(self.pad, self.height - 1, 0, msg,
italic=True, reverse=True)
if isinstance(self.player.equipped_secondary, Monocle):
# Truth monocle
message = f"{entity.translated_name.capitalize()} " \
f"{self.pack[]}\n" \
f"STR {entity.strength}\n" \
f"INT {entity.intelligence}\n" \
f"CHR {entity.charisma}\n" \
f"DEX {entity.dexterity}\n" \
f"CON {entity.constitution}\n" \
f"CRI {entity.critical}%"
self.addstr(self.pad, 17, 0, message)
# Only display one entity
def display(self) -> None:
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, 0, 0, self.y, self.x,
self.y + self.height - 1, self.width + self.x - 1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from squirrelbattle.display.display import Display
from squirrelbattle.interfaces import Logs
class LogsDisplay(Display):
def __init__(self, *args) -> None:
self.pad = self.newpad(self.rows, self.cols)
def update_logs(self, logs: Logs) -> None:
self.logs = logs
def display(self) -> None:
messages = self.logs.messages[-self.height:]
messages = messages[::-1]
for i in range(min(self.height, len(messages))):
self.addstr(self.pad, self.height - i - 1, self.x,
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, 0, 0, self.y, self.x,
self.y + self.height - 1, self.x + self.width - 1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from squirrelbattle.interfaces import Map
from .display import Display
class MapDisplay(Display):
def __init__(self, *args):
def update_map(self, m: Map) -> None: = m
self.pad = self.newpad(m.height, self.pack.tile_width * m.width + 1)
def update_pad(self) -> None:
self.init_pair(1, self.pack.tile_fg_color, self.pack.tile_bg_color)
self.init_pair(2, self.pack.entity_fg_color, self.pack.entity_bg_color)
self.addstr(self.pad, 0, 0,,
for e in
self.addstr(self.pad, e.y, self.pack.tile_width * e.x,
self.pack[], self.color_pair(2))
def display(self) -> None:
y, x =, self.pack.tile_width *
deltay, deltax = (self.height // 2) + 1, (self.width // 2) + 1
pminrow, pmincol = y - deltay, x - deltax
sminrow, smincol = max(-pminrow, 0), max(-pmincol, 0)
deltay, deltax = self.height - deltay, self.width - deltax
smaxrow = - (y + deltay) + self.height - 1
smaxrow = min(smaxrow, self.height - 1)
smaxcol = self.pack.tile_width * - \
(x + deltax) + self.width - 1
# Wrap perfectly the map according to the width of the tiles
pmincol = self.pack.tile_width * (pmincol // self.pack.tile_width)
smincol = self.pack.tile_width * (smincol // self.pack.tile_width)
smaxcol = self.pack.tile_width \
* (smaxcol // self.pack.tile_width + 1) - 1
smaxcol = min(smaxcol, self.width - 1)
pminrow = max(0, min(, pminrow))
pmincol = max(0, min(self.pack.tile_width *, pmincol))
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow,

View File

@ -1,24 +1,14 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
from random import randint
from typing import List
from .display import Box, Display
from ..entities.player import Player
from ..enums import GameMode, KeyValues
from import Game
from ..menus import ChestMenu, MainMenu, Menu, SettingsMenu, StoreMenu
from squirrelbattle.menus import Menu, MainMenu
from .display import Display, Box
from ..resources import ResourceManager
from ..translations import gettext as _
class MenuDisplay(Display):
A class to display the menu objects.
menu: Menu
position: int
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@ -27,15 +17,19 @@ class MenuDisplay(Display):
def update_menu(self, menu: Menu) -> None: = menu
self.trueheight = len(self.values)
self.truewidth = max([len(a) for a in self.values])
# Menu values are printed in pad
self.pad = self.newpad(self.trueheight, self.truewidth + 2)
for i in range(self.trueheight):
self.addstr(self.pad, i, 0, " " + self.values[i])
def update_pad(self) -> None:
for i in range(self.trueheight):
self.addstr(self.pad, i, 0, " " + self.values[i])
# set a marker on the selected line
self.addstr(self.pad,, 0, " >")
self.addstr(self.pad,, 0, ">")
def display(self) -> None:
cornery = 0 if self.height - 2 >= - 1 \
@ -46,25 +40,10 @@ class MenuDisplay(Display):
self.menubox.refresh(self.y, self.x, self.height, self.width)
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, cornery, 0, self.y + 1, self.x + 1,
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, cornery, 0, self.y + 1, self.x + 2,
self.height - 2 + self.y,
self.width - 2 + self.x)
def handle_click(self, y: int, x: int, attr: int, game: Game) -> None:
We can select a menu item with the mouse.
""" = max(0, min(len( - 1, y - 1))
def truewidth(self) -> int:
return max([len(str(a)) for a in self.values])
def trueheight(self) -> int:
return len(self.values)
def preferred_width(self) -> int:
return self.truewidth + 6
@ -79,50 +58,32 @@ class MenuDisplay(Display):
class SettingsMenuDisplay(MenuDisplay):
A class to display specifically a settingsmenu object.
menu: SettingsMenu
def update(self, game: Game) -> None:
def values(self) -> List[str]:
return [_(a[1][1]) + (" : "
return [a[1][1] + (" : "
+ ("?" if
and a == else a[1][0]
.replace("\n", "\\n"))
and a == else a[1][0])
if a[1][0] else "") for a in]
class MainMenuDisplay(Display):
A class to display specifically a mainmenu object.
def __init__(self, menu: MainMenu, *args):
super().__init__(*args) = menu
with open(ResourceManager.get_asset_path("ascii_art-title.txt"), "r")\
as file:
with open(ResourceManager.get_asset_path("ascii_art.txt"), "r") as file:
self.title ="\n")
self.pad = self.newpad(max(self.rows, len(self.title) + 30),
max(len(self.title[0]) + 5, self.cols))
self.fg_color = curses.COLOR_WHITE
self.menudisplay = MenuDisplay(self.screen, self.pack)
def display(self) -> None:
for i in range(len(self.title)):
self.addstr(self.pad, 4 + i, max(self.width // 2
- len(self.title[0]) // 2 - 1, 0), self.title[i],
msg = _("Credits")
self.addstr(self.pad, self.height - 1, self.width - 1 - len(msg), msg)
- len(self.title[0]) // 2 - 1, 0), self.title[i])
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, 0, 0, self.y, self.x,
self.height + self.y - 1,
self.width + self.x - 1)
@ -131,244 +92,3 @@ class MainMenuDisplay(Display):
menuy, menux, min(self.menudisplay.preferred_height,
self.height - menuy), menuwidth)
def update(self, game: Game) -> None:
def handle_click(self, y: int, x: int, attr: int, game: Game) -> None:
menuwidth = min(self.menudisplay.preferred_width, self.width)
menuy, menux = len(self.title) + 8, self.width // 2 - menuwidth // 2 - 1
menuheight = min(self.menudisplay.preferred_height, self.height - menuy)
if menuy <= y < menuy + menuheight and menux <= x < menux + menuwidth:
self.menudisplay.handle_click(y - menuy, x - menux, attr, game)
if y <= len(self.title):
self.fg_color = randint(0, 1000), randint(0, 1000), randint(0, 1000)
if y == self.height - 1 and x >= self.width - 1 - len(_("Credits")):
game.state = GameMode.CREDITS
class PlayerInventoryDisplay(MenuDisplay):
A class to handle the display of the player's inventory.
player: Player = None
selected: bool = True
store_mode: bool = False
chest_mode: bool = False
def update(self, game: Game) -> None:
self.player = game.player
self.store_mode = game.state == GameMode.STORE
self.chest_mode = game.state == GameMode.CHEST
self.selected = game.state == GameMode.INVENTORY \
or (self.store_mode and not game.is_in_store_menu)\
or (self.chest_mode and not game.is_in_chest_menu)
def update_pad(self) -> None:
for i, item in enumerate(
rep = self.pack[]
selection = f"[{rep}]" if i == \
and self.selected else f" {rep} "
self.addstr(self.pad, i + 1, 0, selection
+ " " + ("[E]" if item.equipped else "")
+ item.translated_name.capitalize()
+ (f" ({item.description})" if item.description else "")
+ (": " + str(item.price) + " Hazels"
if self.store_mode else ""))
if self.store_mode:
price = f"{self.pack.HAZELNUT} {self.player.hazel} Hazels"
width = len(price) + (self.pack.tile_width - 1)
self.addstr(self.pad, self.height - 3, self.width - width - 2,
price, italic=True)
def truewidth(self) -> int:
return max(1, self.height if hasattr(self, "height") else 10)
def trueheight(self) -> int:
return 2 + super().trueheight
def handle_click(self, y: int, x: int, attr: int, game: Game) -> None:
We can select a menu item with the mouse.
""" = max(0, min(len( - 1, y - 2))
game.is_in_store_menu = False
class StoreInventoryDisplay(MenuDisplay):
A class to handle the display of a merchant's inventory.
menu: StoreMenu
selected: bool = False
def update(self, game: Game) -> None:
self.selected = game.is_in_store_menu
def update_pad(self) -> None:
for i, item in enumerate(
rep = self.pack[]
selection = f"[{rep}]" if i == \
and self.selected else f" {rep} "
self.addstr(self.pad, i + 1, 0, selection
+ " " + item.translated_name.capitalize()
+ (f" ({item.description})" if item.description else "")
+ ": " + str(item.price) + " Hazels")
price = f"{self.pack.HAZELNUT} {} Hazels"
width = len(price) + (self.pack.tile_width - 1)
self.addstr(self.pad, self.height - 3, self.width - width - 2, price,
def truewidth(self) -> int:
return max(1, self.height if hasattr(self, "height") else 10)
def trueheight(self) -> int:
return 2 + super().trueheight
def handle_click(self, y: int, x: int, attr: int, game: Game) -> None:
We can select a menu item with the mouse.
""" = max(0, min(len( - 1, y - 2))
game.is_in_store_menu = True
class ChestInventoryDisplay(MenuDisplay):
A class to handle the display of a merchant's inventory.
menu: ChestMenu
selected: bool = False
def update(self, game: Game) -> None:
self.selected = game.is_in_chest_menu
def update_pad(self) -> None:
for i, item in enumerate(
rep = self.pack[]
selection = f"[{rep}]" if i == \
and self.selected else f" {rep} "
self.addstr(self.pad, i + 1, 0, selection
+ " " + item.translated_name.capitalize())
def truewidth(self) -> int:
return max(1, self.height if hasattr(self, "height") else 10)
def trueheight(self) -> int:
return 2 + super().trueheight
def handle_click(self, y: int, x: int, attr: int, game: Game) -> None:
We can select a menu item with the mouse.
""" = max(0, min(len( - 1, y - 2))
game.is_in_chest_menu = True
class CreditsDisplay(Display):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = Box(*args, **kwargs)
self.pad = self.newpad(1, 1)
self.ascii_art_displayed = False
def update(self, game: Game) -> None:
def display(self) -> None:, self.x, self.height, self.width)
messages = [
"Squirrel Battle",
"Yohann \"ÿnérant\" D'ANELLO",
"Mathilde \"eichhornchen\" DÉPRÉS",
"Nicolas \"nicomarg\" MARGULIES",
"Charles \"charsle\" PEYRAT",
"Hugo \"ifugao\" JACOB (español)",
for i, msg in enumerate(messages):
self.addstr(self.pad, i + (self.height - len(messages)) // 2,
(self.width - len(msg)) // 2, msg,
bold=(i == 0), italic=(":" in msg))
if self.ascii_art_displayed:
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, 0, 0, self.y + 1, self.x + 1,
self.height + self.y - 2,
self.width + self.x - 2)
def display_ascii_art(self) -> None:
with open(ResourceManager.get_asset_path("ascii-art-ecureuil.txt"))\
as f:
ascii_art ="\n")
height, width = len(ascii_art), len(ascii_art[0])
y_offset, x_offset = (self.height - height) // 2,\
(self.width - width) // 2
for i, line in enumerate(ascii_art):
for j, c in enumerate(line):
bg_color = curses.COLOR_WHITE
fg_color = curses.COLOR_BLACK
bold = False
if c == ' ':
bg_color = curses.COLOR_BLACK
elif c == '' or c == '' or c == '':
bold = True
fg_color = curses.COLOR_WHITE
bg_color = curses.COLOR_BLACK
elif c == '|':
bold = True # c = '┃'
fg_color = (100, 700, 1000)
bg_color = curses.COLOR_BLACK
elif c == '':
fg_color = (700, 300, 0)
elif c == '':
fg_color = (700, 300, 0)
bg_color = curses.COLOR_BLACK
elif c == '':
fg_color = (350, 150, 0)
elif c == '':
fg_color = (0, 0, 0)
bg_color = curses.COLOR_BLACK
elif c == '':
c = ''
fg_color = (1000, 1000, 1000)
bg_color = curses.COLOR_BLACK
self.addstr(self.pad, y_offset + i, x_offset + j, c,
fg_color, bg_color, bold=bold)
def handle_click(self, y: int, x: int, attr: int, game: Game) -> None:
if self.pad.inch(y - 1, x - 1) != ord(" "):
self.ascii_art_displayed = True

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
from squirrelbattle.display.display import Box, Display
class MessageDisplay(Display):
Display a message in a popup.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = Box(fg_border_color=curses.COLOR_RED, *args, **kwargs)
self.message = ""
self.pad = self.newpad(1, 1)
def update_message(self, msg: str) -> None:
self.message = msg
def display(self) -> None: - 1, self.x - 2,
self.height + 2, self.width + 4)
self.addstr(self.pad, 0, 0, self.message, curses.A_BOLD)
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, 0, 0, self.y, self.x,
self.height + self.y - 1,
self.width + self.x - 1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
from .display import Display
from squirrelbattle.entities.player import Player
class StatsDisplay(Display):
player: Player
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.pad = self.newpad(self.rows, self.cols)
self.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
def update_player(self, p: Player) -> None:
self.player = p
def update_pad(self) -> None:
string2 = "Player -- LVL {}\nEXP {}/{}\nHP {}/{}"\
.format(self.player.level, self.player.current_xp,
self.addstr(self.pad, 0, 0, string2)
string3 = "STR {}\nINT {}\nCHR {}\nDEX {}\nCON {}"\
self.player.intelligence, self.player.charisma,
self.player.dexterity, self.player.constitution)
self.addstr(self.pad, 3, 0, string3)
inventory_str = "Inventaire : " + "".join(
self.pack[] for item in self.player.inventory)
self.addstr(self.pad, 8, 0, inventory_str)
if self.player.dead:
self.addstr(self.pad, 10, 0, "VOUS ÊTES MORT",
curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_BLINK | curses.A_STANDOUT
| self.color_pair(3))
def display(self) -> None:
self.refresh_pad(self.pad, 0, 0, self.y, self.x,
self.y + self.height - 1, self.width + self.x - 1)

View File

@ -1,52 +1,23 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
from typing import Any, Tuple, Union
from typing import Any
class TexturePack:
A class to handle displaying several textures.
_packs = dict()
name: str
tile_width: int
tile_fg_color: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]
tile_fg_visible_color: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]
tile_bg_color: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]
entity_fg_color: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]
entity_bg_color: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]
BOMB: str
BOW: str
CHEST: str
EAGLE: str
tile_fg_color: int
tile_bg_color: int
entity_fg_color: int
entity_bg_color: int
EMPTY: str
FLOOR: str
HEART: str
RULER: str
SWORD: str
TIGER: str
WALL: str
FLOOR: str
ASCII_PACK: "TexturePack"
SQUIRREL_PACK: "TexturePack"
@ -71,87 +42,37 @@ class TexturePack:
TexturePack.ASCII_PACK = TexturePack(
tile_fg_visible_color=(1000, 1000, 1000),
entity_fg_color=(1000, 1000, 1000),
EMPTY=' ',
TexturePack.SQUIRREL_PACK = TexturePack(
tile_fg_visible_color=(1000, 1000, 1000),
entity_fg_color=(1000, 1000, 1000),
entity_bg_color=(1000, 1000, 1000),
DOOR=('🚪', curses.COLOR_WHITE, (1000, 1000, 1000),
curses.COLOR_WHITE, (1000, 1000, 1000)),
EMPTY=' ',
LADDER=('🪜', curses.COLOR_WHITE, (1000, 1000, 1000),
curses.COLOR_WHITE, (1000, 1000, 1000)),
HELMET='⛑️ ',
PLAYER='🐿️ ',
SHIELD='🛡️ ',
SWORD='🗡️ ',
PLAYER='🐿️ ',

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

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@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from random import choice, shuffle
from .items import Bomb, Item
from .monsters import Monster
from .player import Player
from ..interfaces import Entity, FightingEntity, FriendlyEntity, \
InventoryHolder, Map
from ..translations import gettext as _
class Merchant(InventoryHolder, FriendlyEntity):
The class of merchants in the dungeon.
def keys(self) -> list:
Returns a friendly entitie's specific attributes.
return super().keys() + ["inventory", "hazel"]
def __init__(self, name: str = "merchant", inventory: list = None,
hazel: int = 75, maxhealth: int = 8, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, maxhealth=maxhealth, *args, **kwargs)
self.inventory = self.translate_inventory(inventory) \
if inventory is not None else None
self.hazel = hazel
if self.inventory is None:
self.inventory = []
for i in range(5):
def talk_to(self, player: Player) -> str:
This function is used to open the merchant's inventory in a menu,
and allows the player to buy/sell objects.
return _("I don't sell any squirrel")
def change_hazel_balance(self, hz: int) -> None:
Changes the number of hazel the merchant has by hz.
self.hazel += hz
class Chest(InventoryHolder, FriendlyEntity):
A class of chest inanimate entities which contain objects.
annihilated: bool
def __init__(self, name: str = "chest", inventory: list = None,
hazel: int = 0, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, *args, **kwargs)
self.hazel = hazel
self.inventory = self.translate_inventory(inventory) \
if inventory is not None else None
self.annihilated = False
if self.inventory is None:
self.inventory = []
for i in range(3):
def talk_to(self, player: Player) -> str:
This function is used to open the chest's inventory in a menu,
and allows the player to take objects.
return _("You have opened the chest")
def take_damage(self, attacker: Entity, amount: int) -> str:
A chest is not living, it can not take damage
if isinstance(attacker, Bomb):
self.annihilated = True
return _("The chest exploded")
return _("It's not really effective")
def dead(self) -> bool:
Chest can not die
return self.annihilated
class Sunflower(FriendlyEntity):
A friendly sunflower.
def __init__(self, maxhealth: int = 20,
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name="sunflower", maxhealth=maxhealth, *args, **kwargs)
def dialogue_option(self) -> list:
Lists all that a sunflower can say to the player.
return [_("Flower power!!"), _("The sun is warm today")]
class Familiar(FightingEntity):
A friendly familiar that helps the player defeat monsters.
def __init__(self, maxhealth: int = 25,
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(maxhealth=maxhealth, *args, **kwargs) = None
# @property
# def dialogue_option(self) -> list:
# """
# Debug function (to see if used in the real game)
# """
# return [_("My target is"+str(]
def act(self, p: Player, m: Map) -> None:
By default, the familiar tries to stay at distance at most 2 of the
player and if a monster comes in range 3, it focuses on the monster
and attacks it.
if is None:
# If the previous target is dead(or if there was no previous target)
# the familiar tries to get closer to the player. = p
elif = p
if == p:
# Look for monsters around the player to kill TOFIX : if monster is
# out of range, continue targetting player.
for entity in m.entities:
if (p.y - entity.y) ** 2 + (p.x - entity.x) ** 2 <= 9 and\
isinstance(entity, Monster): = entity
entity.paths = dict() # Allows the paths to be calculated.
# Familiars move according to a Dijkstra algorithm
# that targets their target.
# If they can not move and are already close to their target,
# they hit, except if their target is the player.
if and (self.y, self.x) in
# Moves to target player by choosing the best available path
for next_y, next_x in[(self.y, self.x)]:
moved = self.check_move(next_y, next_x, True)
if moved:
if self.distance_squared( <= 1 and \
not isinstance(, Player):
# Moves in a random direction
# If the direction is not available, tries another one
moves = [self.move_up, self.move_down,
self.move_left, self.move_right]
for move in moves:
if move():
class Trumpet(Familiar):
A class of familiars.
def __init__(self, name: str = "trumpet", strength: int = 3,
maxhealth: int = 30, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name=name, strength=strength,
maxhealth=maxhealth, *args, **kwargs)

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@ -1,165 +1,74 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from random import choice, randint
from typing import Any, Optional
from typing import Optional
from ..interfaces import Entity, FightingEntity, InventoryHolder, Map
from ..translations import gettext as _
from .player import Player
from ..interfaces import Entity, FightingEntity, Map
class Item(Entity):
A class for items.
A class for items
held_by: Optional[InventoryHolder]
price: int
held: bool
held_by: Optional[Player]
def __init__(self, equipped: bool = False,
held_by: Optional[InventoryHolder] = None,
hold_slot: str = "equipped_secondary",
price: int = 2, *args, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, held: bool = False, held_by: Optional[Player] = None,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.held = held
self.held_by = held_by
self.equipped = equipped
self.hold_slot = hold_slot
if equipped:
self.price = price
def description(self) -> str:
def drop(self, y: int, x: int) -> None:
In the inventory, indicate the usefulness of the item.
The item is dropped from the inventory onto the floor
return ""
def drop(self) -> None:
The item is dropped from the inventory onto the floor.
if self.held_by is not None:
self.move(self.held_by.y, self.held_by.x)
if self.held:
self.held = False
self.held_by = None
self.move(y, x)
def use(self) -> None:
def hold(self, player: "Player") -> None:
Indicates what should be done when the item is used.
The item is taken from the floor and put into the inventory
def throw(self, direction: int) -> Any:
Indicates what should be done when the item is thrown.
def on_equip(self) -> None:
Indicates a special behaviour when equipping
def on_unequip(self) -> None:
Indicates a special behaviour when unequipping
def equip(self) -> None:
Indicates what should be done when the item is equipped.
# Other objects are only equipped as secondary.
if not self.equipped:
if getattr(self.held_by, self.hold_slot):
getattr(self.held_by, self.hold_slot).unequip()
self.equipped = True
setattr(self.held_by, self.hold_slot, self)
def unequip(self) -> None:
Indicates what should be done when the item is unequipped.
if self.equipped:
setattr(self.held_by, self.hold_slot, None)
self.equipped = False
def hold(self, holder: InventoryHolder) -> None:
The item is taken from the floor and put into the inventory.
self.held_by = holder
self.held = True
self.held_by = player
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the state of the item into a dictionary.
Saves the state of the entity into a dictionary
d = super().save_state()
d["equipped"] = self.equipped
d["held"] = self.held
return d
def get_all_items() -> list:
Returns the list of all item classes.
return [BodySnatchPotion, Bomb, Bow, Chestplate, FireBallStaff,
Heart, Helmet, Monocle, ScrollofDamage, ScrollofWeakening,
Shield, Sword, RingCritical, RingXP, Ruler]
def be_sold(self, buyer: InventoryHolder, seller: InventoryHolder,
for_free: bool = False) -> bool:
Does all necessary actions when an object is to be sold.
Is overwritten by some classes that cannot exist in the player's
if for_free:
self.unequip() if self.equipped else None
return True
elif buyer.hazel >= self.price:
self.unequip() if self.equipped else None
return True
return False
class Heart(Item):
A heart item to return health to the player.
A heart item to return health to the player
healing: int
def __init__(self, name: str = "heart", healing: int = 5, price: int = 3,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, healing: int = 5, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name="heart", *args, **kwargs)
self.healing = healing
def description(self) -> str:
return f"HP+{self.healing}"
def hold(self, entity: InventoryHolder) -> None:
def hold(self, player: "Player") -> None:
When holding a heart, the player is healed and
the item is not put in the inventory.
When holding a heart, heal the player and don't put item in inventory.
""" = min(entity.maxhealth, + self.healing) = min(player.maxhealth, + self.healing)
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the state of the heart into a dictionary.
Saves the state of the header into a dictionary
d = super().save_state()
d["healing"] = self.healing
@ -172,467 +81,32 @@ class Bomb(Item):
damage: int = 5
exploding: bool
owner: Optional["InventoryHolder"]
tick: int
def __init__(self, name: str = "bomb", damage: int = 5,
exploding: bool = False, price: int = 4, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, damage: int = 5, exploding: bool = False,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name="bomb", *args, **kwargs)
self.damage = damage
self.exploding = exploding
self.tick = 4
self.owner = None
def use(self) -> None:
When the bomb is used, it is thrown and then it explodes.
if self.held_by is not None:
self.owner = self.held_by
def drop(self, x: int, y: int) -> None:
super().drop(x, y)
self.exploding = True
def act(self, m: Map) -> None:
Special exploding action of the bomb.
Special exploding action of the bomb
if self.exploding:
if self.tick > 0:
# The bomb will explode in <tick> moves
self.tick -= 1
# The bomb is exploding.
# Each entity that is close to the bomb takes damages.
# The player earn XP if the entity was killed.
log_message = _("Bomb is exploding.")
for e in m.entities.copy():
if abs(e.x - self.x) + abs(e.y - self.y) <= 3 and \
if abs(e.x - self.x) + abs(e.y - self.y) <= 1 and \
isinstance(e, FightingEntity):
log_message += " " + e.take_damage(self, self.damage)
if e.dead:
self.owner.add_xp(randint(3, 7))
# Add sparkles where the bomb exploded.
explosion = Explosion(y=self.y, x=self.x)
e.take_damage(self, self.damage)
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the state of the bomb into a dictionary.
Saves the state of the bomb into a dictionary
d = super().save_state()
d["exploding"] = self.exploding
d["damage"] = self.damage
return d
class Explosion(Item):
When a bomb explodes, the explosion is displayed.
living_ticks: int
def __init__(self, living_ticks: int = 2, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name="explosion", *args, **kwargs)
self.living_ticks = living_ticks
def act(self, m: Map) -> None:
The bomb disappears after exploding.
self.living_ticks -= 1
if self.living_ticks <= 0:
def hold(self, player: InventoryHolder) -> None:
The player can't hold an explosion.
class Weapon(Item):
Non-throwable items that improve player damage
damage: int
def __init__(self, damage: int = 3, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(hold_slot="equipped_main", *args, **kwargs)
self.damage = damage
def description(self) -> str:
return f"STR+{self.damage}" if self.damage else super().description
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the state of the weapon into a dictionary
d = super().save_state()
d["damage"] = self.damage
return d
def on_equip(self) -> None:
When a weapon is equipped, the player gains strength.
self.held_by.strength += self.damage
def on_unequip(self) -> None:
Remove the strength earned by the weapon.
self.held_by.strength -= self.damage
class Sword(Weapon):
A basic weapon
def __init__(self, name: str = "sword", price: int = 20,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, *args, **kwargs)
class Ruler(Weapon):
A basic weapon
def __init__(self, name: str = "ruler", price: int = 2,
damage: int = 1, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, damage=damage, *args, **kwargs)
class Armor(Item):
Class of items that increase the player's constitution.
constitution: int
def __init__(self, constitution: int, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.constitution = constitution
def description(self) -> str:
return f"CON+{self.constitution}" if self.constitution \
else super().description
def on_equip(self) -> None:
self.held_by.constitution += self.constitution
def on_unequip(self) -> None:
self.held_by.constitution -= self.constitution
def save_state(self) -> dict:
d = super().save_state()
d["constitution"] = self.constitution
return d
class Shield(Armor):
Class of shield items, they can be equipped in the other hand.
def __init__(self, name: str = "shield", constitution: int = 2,
price: int = 16, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, constitution=constitution, price=price,
*args, **kwargs)
class Helmet(Armor):
Class of helmet items, they can be equipped on the head.
def __init__(self, name: str = "helmet", constitution: int = 2,
price: int = 18, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, constitution=constitution, price=price,
hold_slot="equipped_helmet", *args, **kwargs)
class Chestplate(Armor):
Class of chestplate items, they can be equipped on the body.
def __init__(self, name: str = "chestplate", constitution: int = 4,
price: int = 30, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, constitution=constitution, price=price,
hold_slot="equipped_armor", *args, **kwargs)
class BodySnatchPotion(Item):
The body-snatch potion allows to exchange all characteristics with a random
other entity.
def __init__(self, name: str = "body_snatch_potion", price: int = 14,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, *args, **kwargs)
def use(self) -> None:
Find a valid random entity, then exchange characteristics.
valid_entities =
entity = choice(valid_entities)
entity_state = entity.save_state()
player_state = self.held_by.save_state()
entity.__dict__.update(player_state), = self.held_by.y,\
_("{player} exchanged its body with {entity}.").format(
class Ring(Item):
A class of rings that boost the player's statistics.
maxhealth: int
strength: int
intelligence: int
charisma: int
dexterity: int
constitution: int
critical: int
experience: float
def __init__(self, maxhealth: int = 0, strength: int = 0,
intelligence: int = 0, charisma: int = 0,
dexterity: int = 0, constitution: int = 0,
critical: int = 0, experience: float = 0, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.maxhealth = maxhealth
self.strength = strength
self.intelligence = intelligence
self.charisma = charisma
self.dexterity = dexterity
self.constitution = constitution
self.critical = critical
self.experience = experience
def description(self) -> str:
fields = [("MAX HP", self.maxhealth), ("STR", self.strength),
("INT", self.intelligence), ("CHR", self.charisma),
("DEX", self.dexterity), ("CON", self.constitution),
("CRI", self.critical), ("XP", self.experience)]
return ", ".join(f"{key}+{value}" for key, value in fields if value)
def on_equip(self) -> None:
self.held_by.maxhealth += self.maxhealth
self.held_by.strength += self.strength
self.held_by.intelligence += self.intelligence
self.held_by.charisma += self.charisma
self.held_by.dexterity += self.dexterity
self.held_by.constitution += self.constitution
self.held_by.critical += self.critical
self.held_by.xp_buff += self.experience
def on_unequip(self) -> None:
self.held_by.maxhealth -= self.maxhealth
self.held_by.strength -= self.strength
self.held_by.intelligence -= self.intelligence
self.held_by.charisma -= self.charisma
self.held_by.dexterity -= self.dexterity
self.held_by.constitution -= self.constitution
self.held_by.critical -= self.critical
self.held_by.xp_buff -= self.experience
def save_state(self) -> dict:
d = super().save_state()
d["maxhealth"] = self.maxhealth
d["strength"] = self.strength
d["intelligence"] = self.intelligence
d["charisma"] = self.charisma
d["dexterity"] = self.dexterity
d["constitution"] = self.constitution
d["critical"] = self.critical
d["experience"] = self.experience
return d
class RingCritical(Ring):
def __init__(self, name: str = "ring_of_critical_damage", price: int = 15,
critical: int = 20, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, critical=critical,
*args, **kwargs)
class RingXP(Ring):
def __init__(self, name: str = "ring_of_more_experience", price: int = 25,
experience: float = 2, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, experience=experience,
*args, **kwargs)
class ScrollofDamage(Item):
A scroll that, when used, deals damage to all entities in a certain radius.
def __init__(self, name: str = "scroll_of_damage", price: int = 18,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, *args, **kwargs)
def use(self) -> None:
Find all entities within a radius of 5, and deal damage based on the
player's intelligence.
for entity in
if entity.is_fighting_entity() and not entity == self.held_by:
if entity.distance(self.held_by) <= 5:
self.held_by, self.held_by.intelligence))
class ScrollofWeakening(Item):
A scroll that, when used, reduces the damage of the ennemies for 3 turns.
def __init__(self, name: str = "scroll_of_weakening", price: int = 13,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, *args, **kwargs)
def use(self) -> None:
Find all entities and reduce their damage.
for entity in
if entity.is_fighting_entity() and not entity == self.held_by:
entity.strength = entity.strength - \
max(1, self.held_by.intelligence // 2)
-max(1, self.held_by.intelligence // 2),
_(f"The ennemies have -{max(1, self.held_by.intelligence // 2)}"
+ "strength for 3 turns"))
class LongRangeWeapon(Weapon):
def __init__(self, damage: int = 4,
rang: int = 3, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.damage = damage
self.range = rang
def throw(self, direction: int) -> Any:
to_kill = None
for entity in
if entity.is_fighting_entity():
if direction == 0 and self.held_by.x == entity.x \
and self.held_by.y - entity.y > 0 and \
self.held_by.y - entity.y <= self.range:
to_kill = entity
elif direction == 2 and self.held_by.x == entity.x \
and entity.y - self.held_by.y > 0 and \
entity.y - self.held_by.y <= self.range:
to_kill = entity
elif direction == 1 and self.held_by.y == entity.y \
and entity.x - self.held_by.x > 0 and \
entity.x - self.held_by.x <= self.range:
to_kill = entity
elif direction == 3 and self.held_by.y == entity.y \
and self.held_by.x - entity.x > 0 and \
self.held_by.x - entity.x <= self.range:
to_kill = entity
if to_kill:
line = _("{name}").format(name=to_kill.translated_name.capitalize()
) + self.string + " "\
+ to_kill.take_damage(
self.held_by, self.damage
+ getattr(self.held_by, self.stat))
return (to_kill.y, to_kill.x) if to_kill else None
def stat(self) -> str:
The stat that is used when using the object: dexterity for a bow
or intelligence for a magic staff.
def string(self) -> str:
The string that is printed when we hit an ennemy.
class Bow(LongRangeWeapon):
A type of long range weapon that deals damage
based on the player's dexterity
def __init__(self, name: str = "bow", price: int = 22, damage: int = 4,
rang: int = 3, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, damage=damage,
rang=rang, *args, **kwargs)
def stat(self) -> str:
Here it is dexterity
return "dexterity"
def string(self) -> str:
return _(" is shot by an arrow.")
class FireBallStaff(LongRangeWeapon):
A type of powerful long range weapon that deals damage
based on the player's intelligence
def __init__(self, name: str = "fire_ball_staff", price: int = 36,
damage: int = 6, rang: int = 4, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, damage=damage,
rang=rang, *args, **kwargs)
def stat(self) -> str:
Here it is intelligence
return "intelligence"
def string(self) -> str:
return _(" is shot by a fire ball.")
def throw(self, direction: int) -> Any:
Adds an explosion animation when killing something.
coord = super().throw(direction)
if coord:
y = coord[0]
x = coord[1]
explosion = Explosion(y=y, x=x)
return y, x
class Monocle(Item):
def __init__(self, name: str = "monocle", price: int = 10,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, price=price, *args, **kwargs)

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from random import shuffle
from random import choice
from .player import Player
from ..interfaces import FightingEntity, Map
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ from ..interfaces import FightingEntity, Map
class Monster(FightingEntity):
The class for all monsters in the dungeon.
All specific monster classes overwrite this class,
and the parameters are given in the __init__ function.
A monster must override this class, and the parameters are given
in the __init__ function.
An example of the specification of a monster that has a strength of 4
and 20 max HP:
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class Monster(FightingEntity):
super().__init__(name="my_monster", strength=strength,
maxhealth=maxhealth, *args, **kwargs)
With that way, attributes can be overwritten when the entity is created.
With that way, attributes can be overwritten when the entity got created.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@ -29,9 +29,8 @@ class Monster(FightingEntity):
def act(self, m: Map) -> None:
By default, a monster will move randomly where it is possible
If the player is closeby, the monster runs to the player.
And if a player is close to the monster, the monster run on the player.
target = None
for entity in m.entities:
if self.distance_squared(entity) <= 25 and \
@ -39,86 +38,58 @@ class Monster(FightingEntity):
target = entity
# Monsters move according to a Dijkstra algorithm
# that targets the player.
# If they can not move and are already close to the player,
# they hit.
if target and (self.y, self.x) in target.paths and \, self.x,
target.y, target.x, 5):
# Moves to target player by choosing the best available path
for next_y, next_x in target.paths[(self.y, self.x)]:
# A Dijkstra algorithm has ran that targets the player.
# With that way, monsters can simply follow the path.
# If they can't move and they are already close to the player,
# They hit.
if target and (self.y, self.x) in target.paths:
# Move to target player
next_y, next_x = target.paths[(self.y, self.x)]
moved = self.check_move(next_y, next_x, True)
if moved:
if self.distance_squared(target) <= 1:
if not moved and self.distance_squared(target) <= 1:
# Moves in a random direction
# If the direction is not available, tries another one
moves = [self.move_up, self.move_down,
self.move_left, self.move_right]
for move in moves:
if move():
for _ in range(100):
if choice([self.move_up, self.move_down,
self.move_left, self.move_right])():
def move(self, y: int, x: int) -> None:
Overwrites the move function to recalculate paths.
super().move(y, x)
class Tiger(Monster):
A tiger monster.
A tiger monster
def __init__(self, name: str = "tiger", strength: int = 5,
maxhealth: int = 30, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name=name, strength=strength,
def __init__(self, strength: int = 2, maxhealth: int = 20,
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name="tiger", strength=strength,
maxhealth=maxhealth, *args, **kwargs)
class Hedgehog(Monster):
A really mean hedgehog monster.
A really mean hedgehog monster
def __init__(self, name: str = "hedgehog", strength: int = 3,
maxhealth: int = 10, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name=name, strength=strength,
def __init__(self, strength: int = 3, maxhealth: int = 10,
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name="hedgehog", strength=strength,
maxhealth=maxhealth, *args, **kwargs)
class Rabbit(Monster):
A rabbit monster.
A rabbit monster
def __init__(self, name: str = "rabbit", strength: int = 1,
maxhealth: int = 20, critical: int = 30,
def __init__(self, strength: int = 1, maxhealth: int = 15,
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name=name, strength=strength,
maxhealth=maxhealth, critical=critical,
*args, **kwargs)
super().__init__(name="rabbit", strength=strength,
maxhealth=maxhealth, *args, **kwargs)
class TeddyBear(Monster):
A cute teddybear monster.
A cute teddybear monster
def __init__(self, name: str = "teddy_bear", strength: int = 0,
maxhealth: int = 50, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name=name, strength=strength,
maxhealth=maxhealth, *args, **kwargs)
class GiantSeaEagle(Monster):
An eagle boss
def __init__(self, name: str = "eagle", strength: int = 1000,
maxhealth: int = 5000, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name=name, strength=strength,
def __init__(self, strength: int = 0, maxhealth: int = 50,
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name="teddy_bear", strength=strength,
maxhealth=maxhealth, *args, **kwargs)

View File

@ -1,56 +1,33 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from math import log
from random import randint
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
from typing import Dict, Tuple
from .items import Item
from ..interfaces import FightingEntity, InventoryHolder, Tile
from ..translations import gettext as _
from ..interfaces import FightingEntity
class Player(InventoryHolder, FightingEntity):
class Player(FightingEntity):
The class of the player.
The class of the player
current_xp: int = 0
max_xp: int = 10
xp_buff: float = 1
inventory: list
paths: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]]
equipped_main: Optional[Item]
equipped_secondary: Optional[Item]
equipped_helmet: Optional[Item]
equipped_armor: Optional[Item]
def __init__(self, name: str = "player", maxhealth: int = 20,
strength: int = 5, intelligence: int = 1, charisma: int = 1,
dexterity: int = 1, constitution: int = 1, level: int = 1,
current_xp: int = 0, max_xp: int = 10, inventory: list = None,
hazel: int = 42, equipped_main: Optional[Item] = None,
equipped_armor: Optional[Item] = None, critical: int = 5,
equipped_secondary: Optional[Item] = None,
equipped_helmet: Optional[Item] = None, xp_buff: float = 1,
vision: int = 5, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name=name, maxhealth=maxhealth, strength=strength,
def __init__(self, maxhealth: int = 20, strength: int = 5,
intelligence: int = 1, charisma: int = 1, dexterity: int = 1,
constitution: int = 1, level: int = 1, current_xp: int = 0,
max_xp: int = 10, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name="player", maxhealth=maxhealth, strength=strength,
intelligence=intelligence, charisma=charisma,
dexterity=dexterity, constitution=constitution,
level=level, critical=critical, *args, **kwargs)
level=level, *args, **kwargs)
self.current_xp = current_xp
self.max_xp = max_xp
self.xp_buff = xp_buff
self.inventory = self.translate_inventory(inventory or [])
self.inventory = list()
self.paths = dict()
self.hazel = hazel
self.equipped_main = self.dict_to_item(equipped_main) \
if isinstance(equipped_main, dict) else equipped_main
self.equipped_armor = self.dict_to_item(equipped_armor) \
if isinstance(equipped_armor, dict) else equipped_armor
self.equipped_secondary = self.dict_to_item(equipped_secondary) \
if isinstance(equipped_secondary, dict) else equipped_secondary
self.equipped_helmet = self.dict_to_item(equipped_helmet) \
if isinstance(equipped_helmet, dict) else equipped_helmet = vision
def move(self, y: int, x: int) -> None:
@ -61,60 +38,27 @@ class Player(InventoryHolder, FightingEntity): = y = x
self.recalculate_paths(), self.x,
def dance(self) -> None:
Dancing has a certain probability or making ennemies unable
to fight for 3 turns. That probability depends on the player's
diceroll = randint(1, 10)
found = False
if diceroll <= self.charisma:
for entity in
if entity.is_fighting_entity() and not entity == self \
and entity.distance(self) <= 3:
found = True
entity.confused = 1
entity.effects.append(["confused", 1, 3])
if found:
"It worked! Nearby ennemies will be confused for 3 turns."))
"It worked, but there is no one nearby..."))
_("The dance was not effective..."))
def level_up(self) -> None:
Add as many levels as possible to the player.
Add levels to the player as much as it is possible.
while self.current_xp > self.max_xp:
self.level += 1
self.current_xp -= self.max_xp
self.max_xp = self.level * 10
self.maxhealth += int(2 * log(self.level) / log(2)) = self.maxhealth
self.strength = self.strength + 1
if self.level % 3 == 0:
self.dexterity += 1
self.constitution += 1
if self.level % 4 == 0:
self.intelligence += 1
if self.level % 6 == 0:
self.charisma += 1
if self.level % 10 == 0 and self.critical < 95:
self.critical += (100 - self.charisma) // 30
# TODO Remove it, that's only fun * self.level,
10 * self.level))
def add_xp(self, xp: int) -> None:
Adds some experience to the player.
If the required amount is reached, the player levels up.
Add some experience to the player.
If the required amount is reached, level up.
self.current_xp += int(xp * self.xp_buff)
self.current_xp += xp
# noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyUnresolvedReferences
@ -137,14 +81,35 @@ class Player(InventoryHolder, FightingEntity):
return True
elif entity.is_item():
tile =[y][x]
if tile == Tile.DOOR and move_if_possible:
# Open door[y][x] = Tile.FLOOR, x,
return super().check_move(y, x, move_if_possible)
return super().check_move(y, x, move_if_possible)
def recalculate_paths(self, max_distance: int = 8) -> None:
Use Dijkstra algorithm to calculate best paths
for monsters to go to the player.
queue = [(self.y, self.x)]
visited = []
distances = {(self.y, self.x): 0}
predecessors = {}
while queue:
y, x = queue.pop(0)
visited.append((y, x))
if distances[(y, x)] >= max_distance:
for diff_y, diff_x in [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]:
new_y, new_x = y + diff_y, x + diff_x
if not 0 <= new_y < or \
not 0 <= new_x < or \
not[y][x].can_walk() or \
(new_y, new_x) in visited or \
(new_y, new_x) in queue:
predecessors[(new_y, new_x)] = (y, x)
distances[(new_y, new_x)] = distances[(y, x)] + 1
queue.append((new_y, new_x))
self.paths = predecessors
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the state of the entity into a dictionary
@ -152,12 +117,4 @@ class Player(InventoryHolder, FightingEntity):
d = super().save_state()
d["current_xp"] = self.current_xp
d["max_xp"] = self.max_xp
d["equipped_main"] = self.equipped_main.save_state()\
if self.equipped_main else None
d["equipped_armor"] = self.equipped_armor.save_state()\
if self.equipped_armor else None
d["equipped_secondary"] = self.equipped_secondary.save_state()\
if self.equipped_secondary else None
d["equipped_helmet"] = self.equipped_helmet.save_state()\
if self.equipped_helmet else None
return d

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from enum import auto, Enum
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Optional
from squirrelbattle.settings import Settings
@ -16,47 +16,33 @@ class DisplayActions(Enum):
REFRESH = auto()
UPDATE = auto()
MOUSE = auto()
class GameMode(Enum):
Game mode options.
Game mode options
MAINMENU = auto()
PLAY = auto()
SETTINGS = auto()
INVENTORY = auto()
STORE = auto()
CHEST = auto()
CREDITS = auto()
class KeyValues(Enum):
Key values options used in the game.
Key values options used in the game
UP = auto()
DOWN = auto()
LEFT = auto()
RIGHT = auto()
ENTER = auto()
INVENTORY = auto()
USE = auto()
EQUIP = auto()
DROP = auto()
SPACE = auto()
CHAT = auto()
WAIT = auto()
LADDER = auto()
LAUNCH = auto()
DANCE = auto()
def translate_key(key: str, settings: Settings) \
-> Optional["KeyValues"]: # noqa: C901
def translate_key(key: str, settings: Settings) -> Optional["KeyValues"]:
Translates the raw string key into an enum value that we can use.
Translate the raw string key into an enum value that we can use.
if key in (settings.KEY_DOWN_SECONDARY,
@ -72,23 +58,6 @@ class KeyValues(Enum):
return KeyValues.UP
elif key == settings.KEY_ENTER:
return KeyValues.ENTER
elif key == settings.KEY_INVENTORY:
return KeyValues.INVENTORY
elif key == settings.KEY_USE:
return KeyValues.USE
elif key == settings.KEY_EQUIP:
return KeyValues.EQUIP
elif key == settings.KEY_DROP:
return KeyValues.DROP
elif key == ' ':
return KeyValues.SPACE
elif key == settings.KEY_CHAT:
return KeyValues.CHAT
elif key == settings.KEY_WAIT:
return KeyValues.WAIT
elif key == settings.KEY_LADDER:
return KeyValues.LADDER
elif key == settings.KEY_LAUNCH:
return KeyValues.LAUNCH
elif key == settings.KEY_DANCE:
return KeyValues.DANCE
return None

View File

@ -1,116 +1,75 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
import json
from json import JSONDecodeError
from random import randint
from typing import Any, Optional
import json
import os
import sys
from typing import Any, List, Optional
from . import menus
from .entities.player import Player
from .enums import DisplayActions, GameMode, KeyValues
from .interfaces import Logs, Map
from .mapgeneration import broguelike
from .enums import GameMode, KeyValues, DisplayActions
from .interfaces import Map, Logs
from .resources import ResourceManager
from .settings import Settings
from .translations import gettext as _, Translator
from . import menus
from typing import Callable
class Game:
The game object controls all actions in the game.
maps: List[Map]
map_index: int
map: Map
player: Player
screen: Any
# display_actions is a display interface set by the bootstrapper
display_actions: callable
display_actions: Callable[[DisplayActions], None]
def __init__(self) -> None:
Initiates the game.
Init the game.
self.state = GameMode.MAINMENU
self.waiting_for_friendly_key = False
self.waiting_for_launch_key = False
self.is_in_store_menu = True
self.is_in_chest_menu = True
self.main_menu = menus.MainMenu()
self.settings_menu = menus.SettingsMenu()
self.settings = Settings()
self.main_menu = menus.MainMenu()
self.settings_menu = menus.SettingsMenu()
self.inventory_menu = menus.InventoryMenu()
self.store_menu = menus.StoreMenu()
self.chest_menu = menus.ChestMenu()
self.logs = Logs()
self.message = None
def new_game(self) -> None:
Creates a new game on the screen.
Create a new game on the screen.
self.maps = []
self.map_index = 0 = broguelike.Generator().run()
# TODO generate a new map procedurally = Map.load(ResourceManager.get_asset_path("example_map_2.txt")) = self.logs
self.player = Player()
self.inventory_menu.update_player(self.player), 10))
def map(self) -> Map:
Return the current map where the user is.
return self.maps[self.map_index]
def map(self, m: Map) -> None:
Redefine the current map.
if len(self.maps) == self.map_index:
# Insert new map
# Redefine the current map
self.maps[self.map_index] = m
def run(self, screen: Any) -> None: # pragma no cover
def run(self, screen: Any) -> None:
Main infinite loop.
We wait for the player's action, then we do what should be done
when a key gets pressed.
We wait for the player's action, then we do what that should be done
when the given key gets pressed.
while True:
while True: # pragma no cover
key = screen.getkey()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if key == "KEY_MOUSE":
_ignored1, x, y, _ignored2, attr = curses.getmouse()
self.display_actions(DisplayActions.MOUSE, y, x, attr)
KeyValues.translate_key(key, self.settings), key)
def handle_key_pressed(self, key: Optional[KeyValues], raw_key: str = '')\
-> None:
Indicates what should be done when a given key is pressed,
Indicates what should be done when the given key is pressed,
according to the current game state.
if self.message:
@ -119,269 +78,35 @@ class Game:
if self.state == GameMode.PLAY:
if self.waiting_for_friendly_key:
# The player requested to talk with a friendly entity
elif self.waiting_for_launch_key:
# The player requested to launch
elif self.state == GameMode.INVENTORY:
elif self.state == GameMode.MAINMENU:
elif self.state == GameMode.SETTINGS:
self.settings_menu.handle_key_pressed(key, raw_key, self)
elif self.state == GameMode.STORE:
elif self.state == GameMode.CHEST:
elif self.state == GameMode.CREDITS:
self.state = GameMode.MAINMENU
def handle_key_pressed_play(self, key: KeyValues) -> None: # noqa: C901
def handle_key_pressed_play(self, key: KeyValues) -> None:
In play mode, arrows or zqsd move the main character.
if key == KeyValues.UP:
if self.player.move_up():
elif key == KeyValues.DOWN:
if self.player.move_down():
elif key == KeyValues.LEFT:
if self.player.move_left():
elif key == KeyValues.RIGHT:
if self.player.move_right():
elif key == KeyValues.INVENTORY:
self.state = GameMode.INVENTORY
elif key == KeyValues.USE and self.player.equipped_main:
if self.player.equipped_main:
if self.player.equipped_secondary:
elif key == KeyValues.LAUNCH:
# Wait for the direction to launch in
self.waiting_for_launch_key = True
elif key == KeyValues.SPACE:
self.state = GameMode.MAINMENU
elif key == KeyValues.CHAT:
# Wait for the direction of the friendly entity
self.waiting_for_friendly_key = True
elif key == KeyValues.WAIT:
elif key == KeyValues.LADDER:
elif key == KeyValues.DANCE:
def handle_ladder(self) -> None:
The player pressed the ladder key to switch map
# On a ladder, we switch level
y, x = self.player.y, self.player.x
if not[y][x].is_ladder():
# We move up on the ladder of the beginning,
# down at the end of the stage
move_down = y != or x !=
old_map =
self.map_index += 1 if move_down else -1
if self.map_index == -1:
self.map_index = 0
while self.map_index >= len(self.maps):
m = broguelike.Generator().run()
m.logs = self.logs
new_map =
new_map.floor = self.map_index
if move_down:
_("The player climbs down to the floor {floor}.")
# Find the ladder of the end of the game
ladder_y, ladder_x = -1, -1
for y in range(
for x in range(
if (y, x) != (, \
ladder_y, ladder_x = y, x
self.player.move(ladder_y, ladder_x)
_("The player climbs up the floor {floor}.")
def handle_friendly_entity_chat(self, key: KeyValues) -> None:
If the player tries to talk to a friendly entity, the game waits for
a directional key to be pressed, verifies there is a friendly entity
in that direction and then lets the player interact with it.
if not self.waiting_for_friendly_key:
self.waiting_for_friendly_key = False
if key == KeyValues.UP:
xp = self.player.x
yp = self.player.y - 1
elif key == KeyValues.DOWN:
xp = self.player.x
yp = self.player.y + 1
elif key == KeyValues.LEFT:
xp = self.player.x - 1
yp = self.player.y
elif key == KeyValues.RIGHT:
xp = self.player.x + 1
yp = self.player.y
if, xp):
for entity in
if entity.is_friendly() and entity.x == xp and \
entity.y == yp:
msg = entity.talk_to(self.player)
if entity.is_merchant():
self.state = GameMode.STORE
self.is_in_store_menu = True
elif entity.is_chest():
self.state = GameMode.CHEST
self.is_in_chest_menu = True
def handle_launch(self, key: KeyValues) -> None:
If the player tries to throw something in a direction, the game looks
for entities in that direction and within the range of the player's
weapon and adds damage
if not self.waiting_for_launch_key:
self.waiting_for_launch_key = False
if key == KeyValues.UP:
direction = 0
elif key == KeyValues.DOWN:
direction = 2
elif key == KeyValues.LEFT:
direction = 3
elif key == KeyValues.RIGHT:
direction = 1
if self.player.equipped_main:
if self.player.equipped_main.throw(direction):
def handle_key_pressed_inventory(self, key: KeyValues) -> None:
In the inventory menu, we can interact with items or close the menu.
if key == KeyValues.SPACE or key == KeyValues.INVENTORY:
self.state = GameMode.PLAY
elif key == KeyValues.UP:
elif key == KeyValues.DOWN:
if self.inventory_menu.values and not self.player.dead:
if key == KeyValues.USE:
elif key == KeyValues.EQUIP:
item = self.inventory_menu.validate()
item.unequip() if item.equipped else item.equip()
elif key == KeyValues.DROP:
# Ensure that the cursor has a good position
self.inventory_menu.position = min(self.inventory_menu.position,
- 1)
def handle_key_pressed_store(self, key: KeyValues) -> None:
In a store menu, we can buy items or close the menu.
menu = self.store_menu if self.is_in_store_menu else self.inventory_menu
if key == KeyValues.SPACE or key == KeyValues.INVENTORY:
self.state = GameMode.PLAY
elif key == KeyValues.UP:
elif key == KeyValues.DOWN:
elif key == KeyValues.LEFT:
self.is_in_store_menu = False
elif key == KeyValues.RIGHT:
self.is_in_store_menu = True
if menu.values and not self.player.dead:
if key == KeyValues.ENTER:
item = menu.validate()
owner = self.store_menu.merchant if self.is_in_store_menu \
else self.player
buyer = self.player if self.is_in_store_menu \
else self.store_menu.merchant
flag = item.be_sold(buyer, owner)
if not flag:
self.message = _("The buyer does not have enough money")
# Ensure that the cursor has a good position
menu.position = min(menu.position, len(menu.values) - 1)
def handle_key_pressed_chest(self, key: KeyValues) -> None:
In a chest menu, we can take or put items or close the menu.
menu = self.chest_menu if self.is_in_chest_menu else self.inventory_menu
if key == KeyValues.SPACE or key == KeyValues.INVENTORY:
self.state = GameMode.PLAY
elif key == KeyValues.UP:
elif key == KeyValues.DOWN:
elif key == KeyValues.LEFT:
self.is_in_chest_menu = False
elif key == KeyValues.RIGHT:
self.is_in_chest_menu = True
if menu.values and not self.player.dead:
if key == KeyValues.ENTER:
item = menu.validate()
owner = self.chest_menu.chest if self.is_in_chest_menu \
else self.player
buyer = self.player if self.is_in_chest_menu \
else self.chest_menu.chest
item.be_sold(buyer, owner, for_free=True)
# Ensure that the cursor has a good position
menu.position = min(menu.position, len(menu.values) - 1)
def handle_key_pressed_main_menu(self, key: KeyValues) -> None:
In the main menu, we can navigate through different options.
In the main menu, we can navigate through options.
if key == KeyValues.DOWN:
@ -406,46 +131,37 @@ class Game:
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the game to a dictionary.
Saves the game to a dictionary
return dict(map_index=self.map_index,
maps=[m.save_state() for m in self.maps])
def load_state(self, d: dict) -> None:
Loads the game from a dictionary.
Loads the game from a dictionary
self.map_index = d["map_index"]
self.maps = [Map().load_state(map_dict) for map_dict in d["maps"]]
for i, m in enumerate(self.maps):
m.floor = i
m.logs = self.logs
except KeyError as error:
self.message = _("Some keys are missing in your save file.\n"
"Your save seems to be corrupt. It got deleted.")\
+ f"\n{error}"
except KeyError:
self.message = "Some keys are missing in your save file.\n" \
"Your save seems to be corrupt. It got deleted."
players =
if not players:
self.message = _("No player was found on this map!\n"
"Maybe you died?")
self.message = "No player was found on this map!\n" \
"Maybe you died?" = 0
self.player = players[0]
self.inventory_menu.update_player(self.player), self.player.x,
def load_game(self) -> None:
Loads the game from a file.
Loads the game from a file
file_path = ResourceManager.get_config_path("save.json")
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
@ -454,15 +170,14 @@ class Game:
state = json.loads(
except JSONDecodeError:
self.message = _("The JSON file is not correct.\n"
"Your save seems corrupted. "
"It got deleted.")
self.message = "The JSON file is not correct.\n" \
"Your save seems corrupted. It got deleted."
def save_game(self) -> None:
Saves the game to a file.
Saves the game to a file
with open(ResourceManager.get_config_path("save.json"), "w") as f:

View File

@ -1,22 +1,17 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import auto, Enum
from functools import reduce
from itertools import product
from math import ceil, sqrt
from queue import PriorityQueue
from enum import Enum, auto
from math import sqrt
from random import choice, randint
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from typing import List, Optional
from .display.texturepack import TexturePack
from .translations import gettext as _
from squirrelbattle.display.texturepack import TexturePack
class Logs:
The logs object stores the messages to display. It encapsulates a list
The logs object stores the messages to display. It is encapsulating a list
of such messages, to allow multiple pointers to keep track of it even if
the list was to be reassigned.
@ -34,47 +29,16 @@ class Logs:
self.messages = []
class Slope():
X: int
Y: int
def __init__(self, y: int, x: int) -> None:
self.Y = y
self.X = x
def compare(self, other: "Slope") -> int:
y, x = other.Y, other.X
return self.Y * x - self.X * y
def __lt__(self, other: "Slope") -> bool:
return < 0
def __eq__(self, other: "Slope") -> bool:
return == 0
def __gt__(self, other: "Slope") -> bool:
return > 0
def __le__(self, other: "Slope") -> bool:
return <= 0
def __ge__(self, other: "Slope") -> bool:
return >= 0
class Map:
The Map object represents a with its width, height
Object that represents a Map with its width, height
and tiles, that have their custom properties.
floor: int
width: int
height: int
start_y: int
start_x: int
tiles: List[List["Tile"]]
visibility: List[List[bool]]
seen_tiles: List[List[bool]]
entities: List["Entity"]
logs: Logs
# coordinates of the point that should be
@ -82,38 +46,27 @@ class Map:
currentx: int
currenty: int
def __init__(self, width: int = 0, height: int = 0, tiles: list = None,
start_y: int = 0, start_x: int = 0):
self.floor = 0
def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, tiles: list,
start_y: int, start_x: int):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.start_y = start_y
self.start_x = start_x
self.currenty = start_y
self.currentx = start_x
self.tiles = tiles or []
self.visibility = [[False for _ in range(len(self.tiles[0]))]
for _ in range(len(self.tiles))]
self.seen_tiles = [[False for _ in range(len(tiles[0]))]
for _ in range(len(self.tiles))]
self.tiles = tiles
self.entities = []
self.logs = Logs()
def add_entity(self, entity: "Entity") -> None:
Registers a new entity in the map.
Register a new entity in the map.
if entity.is_familiar():
self.entities.insert(1, entity)
self.entities.append(entity) = self
def remove_entity(self, entity: "Entity") -> None:
Unregisters an entity from the map.
Unregister an entity from the map.
if entity in self.entities:
def find_entities(self, entity_class: type) -> list:
@ -122,26 +75,16 @@ class Map:
def is_free(self, y: int, x: int) -> bool:
Indicates that the tile at the coordinates (y, x) is empty.
Indicates that the case at the coordinates (y, x) is empty.
return 0 <= y < self.height and 0 <= x < self.width and \
self.tiles[y][x].can_walk() and \
not any(entity.x == x and entity.y == y for entity in self.entities)
def entity_is_present(self, y: int, x: int) -> bool:
Indicates that the tile at the coordinates (y, x) contains a killable
return 0 <= y < self.height and 0 <= x < self.width and \
any(entity.x == x and entity.y == y and entity.is_friendly()
for entity in self.entities)
def load(filename: str) -> "Map":
Reads a file that contains the content of a map,
and builds a Map object.
Read a file that contains the content of a map, and build a Map object.
with open(filename, "r") as f:
file =
@ -150,7 +93,7 @@ class Map:
def load_from_string(content: str) -> "Map":
Loads a map represented by its characters and builds a Map object.
Load a map represented by its characters and build a Map object.
lines = content.split("\n")
first_line = lines[0]
@ -166,7 +109,7 @@ class Map:
def load_dungeon_from_string(content: str) -> List[List["Tile"]]:
Transforms a string into the list of corresponding tiles.
Transforms a string into the list of corresponding tiles
lines = content.split("\n")
tiles = [[Tile.from_ascii_char(c)
@ -175,155 +118,37 @@ class Map:
def draw_string(self, pack: TexturePack) -> str:
Draws the current map as a string object that can be rendered
Draw the current map as a string object that can be rendered
in the window.
return "\n".join("".join(tile.char(pack) for tile in line)
for line in self.tiles)
def is_visible_from(self, starty: int, startx: int, desty: int, destx: int,
max_range: int) -> bool:
oldvisibility = deepcopy(self.visibility)
oldseen = deepcopy(self.seen_tiles)
self.compute_visibility(starty, startx, max_range)
result = self.visibility[desty][destx]
self.visibility = oldvisibility
self.seen_tiles = oldseen
return result
def compute_visibility(self, y: int, x: int, max_range: int) -> None:
def spawn_random_entities(self, count: int) -> None:
Sets the visible tiles to be the ones visible by an entity at point
(y, x), using a twaked shadow casting algorithm
Put randomly {count} hedgehogs on the map, where it is available.
for line in self.visibility:
for i in range(len(line)):
line[i] = False
self.set_visible(0, 0, 0, (y, x))
for octant in range(8):
self.compute_visibility_octant(octant, (y, x), max_range, 1,
Slope(1, 1), Slope(0, 1))
def crop_top_visibility(self, octant: int, origin: Tuple[int, int],
x: int, top: Slope) -> int:
if top.X == 1:
top_y = x
top_y = ceil(((x * 2 - 1) * top.Y + top.X) / (top.X * 2))
if self.is_wall(top_y, x, octant, origin):
top_y += top >= Slope(top_y * 2 + 1, x * 2) and not \
self.is_wall(top_y + 1, x, octant, origin)
ax = x * 2
ax += self.is_wall(top_y + 1, x + 1, octant, origin)
top_y += top > Slope(top_y * 2 + 1, ax)
return top_y
def crop_bottom_visibility(self, octant: int, origin: Tuple[int, int],
x: int, bottom: Slope) -> int:
if bottom.Y == 0:
bottom_y = 0
bottom_y = ceil(((x * 2 - 1) * bottom.Y + bottom.X)
/ (bottom.X * 2))
bottom_y += bottom >= Slope(bottom_y * 2 + 1, x * 2) and \
self.is_wall(bottom_y, x, octant, origin) and \
not self.is_wall(bottom_y + 1, x, octant, origin)
return bottom_y
def compute_visibility_octant(self, octant: int, origin: Tuple[int, int],
max_range: int, distance: int, top: Slope,
bottom: Slope) -> None:
for x in range(distance, max_range + 1):
top_y = self.crop_top_visibility(octant, origin, x, top)
bottom_y = self.crop_bottom_visibility(octant, origin, x, bottom)
was_opaque = -1
for y in range(top_y, bottom_y - 1, -1):
if x + y > max_range:
is_opaque = self.is_wall(y, x, octant, origin)
is_visible = is_opaque\
or ((y != top_y or top >= Slope(y, x))
and (y != bottom_y
or bottom <= Slope(y, x)))
# is_visible = is_opaque\
# or ((y != top_y or top >= Slope(y, x))
# and (y != bottom_y or bottom <= Slope(y, x)))
if is_visible:
self.set_visible(y, x, octant, origin)
if x == max_range:
if is_opaque and was_opaque == 0:
nx, ny = x * 2, y * 2 + 1
nx -= self.is_wall(y + 1, x, octant, origin)
if top > Slope(ny, nx):
if y == bottom_y:
bottom = Slope(ny, nx)
octant, origin, max_range, x + 1, top,
Slope(ny, nx))
elif y == bottom_y: # pragma: no cover
elif not is_opaque and was_opaque == 1:
nx, ny = x * 2, y * 2 + 1
nx += self.is_wall(y + 1, x + 1, octant, origin)
if bottom >= Slope(ny, nx): # pragma: no cover
top = Slope(ny, nx)
was_opaque = is_opaque
if was_opaque != 0:
for _ in range(count):
y, x = 0, 0
while True:
y, x = randint(0, self.height - 1), randint(0, self.width - 1)
tile = self.tiles[y][x]
if tile.can_walk():
entity = choice(Entity.get_all_entity_classes())()
entity.move(y, x)
def translate_coord(y: int, x: int, octant: int,
origin: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
ny, nx = origin
if octant == 0:
return ny - y, nx + x
elif octant == 1:
return ny - x, nx + y
elif octant == 2:
return ny - x, nx - y
elif octant == 3:
return ny - y, nx - x
elif octant == 4:
return ny + y, nx - x
elif octant == 5:
return ny + x, nx - y
elif octant == 6:
return ny + x, nx + y
elif octant == 7:
return ny + y, nx + x
def is_wall(self, y: int, x: int, octant: int,
origin: Tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
y, x = self.translate_coord(y, x, octant, origin)
return 0 <= y < len(self.tiles) and 0 <= x < len(self.tiles[0]) and \
def set_visible(self, y: int, x: int, octant: int,
origin: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
y, x = self.translate_coord(y, x, octant, origin)
if 0 <= y < len(self.tiles) and 0 <= x < len(self.tiles[0]):
self.visibility[y][x] = True
self.seen_tiles[y][x] = True
def tick(self, p: Any) -> None:
def tick(self) -> None:
Triggers all entity events.
Trigger all entity events.
for entity in self.entities:
if entity.is_familiar():
entity.act(p, self)
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the map's attributes to a dictionary.
Saves the map's attributes to a dictionary
d = dict()
d["width"] = self.width
@ -336,12 +161,11 @@ class Map:
for enti in self.entities:
d["map"] = self.draw_string(TexturePack.ASCII_PACK)
d["seen_tiles"] = self.seen_tiles
return d
def load_state(self, d: dict) -> "Map":
def load_state(self, d: dict) -> None:
Loads the map's attributes from a dictionary.
Loads the map's attributes from a dictionary
self.width = d["width"]
self.height = d["height"]
@ -350,52 +174,24 @@ class Map:
self.currentx = d["currentx"]
self.currenty = d["currenty"]
self.tiles = self.load_dungeon_from_string(d["map"])
self.seen_tiles = d["seen_tiles"]
self.visibility = [[False for _ in range(len(self.tiles[0]))]
for _ in range(len(self.tiles))]
self.entities = []
dictclasses = Entity.get_all_entity_classes_in_a_dict()
for entisave in d["entities"]:
return self
def neighbourhood(grid: List[List["Tile"]], y: int, x: int,
large: bool = False, oob: bool = False) \
-> List[List[int]]:
Returns up to 8 nearby coordinates, in a 3x3 square around the input
coordinate if large is set to True, or in a 5-square cross by default.
Does not return coordinates if they are out of bounds.
height, width = len(grid), len(grid[0])
neighbours = []
if large:
dyxs = [[dy, dx] for dy, dx in product([-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1])]
dyxs = dyxs[:5] + dyxs[6:]
dyxs = [[0, -1], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [1, 0]]
for dy, dx in dyxs:
if oob or (0 <= y + dy < height and 0 <= x + dx < width):
neighbours.append([y + dy, x + dx])
return neighbours
class Tile(Enum):
The internal representation of the tiles of the map.
The internal representation of the tiles of the map
EMPTY = auto()
WALL = auto()
FLOOR = auto()
LADDER = auto()
DOOR = auto()
def from_ascii_char(ch: str) -> "Tile":
Maps an ascii character to its equivalent in the texture pack.
Maps an ascii character to its equivalent in the texture pack
for tile in Tile:
if tile.char(TexturePack.ASCII_PACK) == ch:
@ -405,56 +201,31 @@ class Tile(Enum):
def char(self, pack: TexturePack) -> str:
Translates a Tile to the corresponding character according
to the texture pack.
to the texture pack
val = getattr(pack,
return val[0] if isinstance(val, tuple) else val
def visible_color(self, pack: TexturePack) -> Tuple[int, int]:
Retrieve the tuple (fg_color, bg_color) of the current Tile
if it is visible.
val = getattr(pack,
return (val[2], val[4]) if isinstance(val, tuple) else \
(pack.tile_fg_visible_color, pack.tile_bg_color)
def hidden_color(self, pack: TexturePack) -> Tuple[int, int]:
Retrieve the tuple (fg_color, bg_color) of the current Tile.
val = getattr(pack,
return (val[1], val[3]) if isinstance(val, tuple) else \
(pack.tile_fg_color, pack.tile_bg_color)
return getattr(pack,
def is_wall(self) -> bool:
Is this Tile a wall?
return self == Tile.WALL or self == Tile.DOOR
def is_ladder(self) -> bool:
Is this Tile a ladder?
return self == Tile.LADDER
return self == Tile.WALL
def can_walk(self) -> bool:
Checks if an entity (player or not) can move in this tile.
Check if an entity (player or not) can move in this tile.
return not self.is_wall() and self != Tile.EMPTY
class Entity:
An Entity object represents any entity present on the map.
An Entity object represents any entity present on the map
y: int
x: int
name: str
map: Map
paths: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]]
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def __init__(self, y: int = 0, x: int = 0, name: Optional[str] = None,
@ -463,12 +234,11 @@ class Entity:
self.x = x = name = map
self.paths = None
def check_move(self, y: int, x: int, move_if_possible: bool = False)\
-> bool:
Checks if moving to (y,x) is authorized.
Checks if moving to (y,x) is authorized
free =, x)
if free and move_if_possible:
@ -477,7 +247,7 @@ class Entity:
def move(self, y: int, x: int) -> bool:
Moves an entity to (y,x) coordinates.
Moves an entity to (y,x) coordinates
self.y = y
self.x = x
@ -485,100 +255,49 @@ class Entity:
def move_up(self, force: bool = False) -> bool:
Moves the entity up one tile, if possible.
Moves the entity up one tile, if possible
return self.move(self.y - 1, self.x) if force else \
self.check_move(self.y - 1, self.x, True)
def move_down(self, force: bool = False) -> bool:
Moves the entity down one tile, if possible.
Moves the entity down one tile, if possible
return self.move(self.y + 1, self.x) if force else \
self.check_move(self.y + 1, self.x, True)
def move_left(self, force: bool = False) -> bool:
Moves the entity left one tile, if possible.
Moves the entity left one tile, if possible
return self.move(self.y, self.x - 1) if force else \
self.check_move(self.y, self.x - 1, True)
def move_right(self, force: bool = False) -> bool:
Moves the entity right one tile, if possible.
Moves the entity right one tile, if possible
return self.move(self.y, self.x + 1) if force else \
self.check_move(self.y, self.x + 1, True)
def recalculate_paths(self, max_distance: int = 12) -> None:
Uses Dijkstra algorithm to calculate best paths for other entities to
go to this entity. If self.paths is None, does nothing.
if self.paths is None:
distances = []
predecessors = []
# four Dijkstras, one for each adjacent tile
for dir_y, dir_x in [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]:
queue = PriorityQueue()
new_y, new_x = self.y + dir_y, self.x + dir_x
if not 0 <= new_y < or \
not 0 <= new_x < or \
queue.put(((1, 0), (new_y, new_x)))
visited = [(self.y, self.x)]
distances.append({(self.y, self.x): (0, 0), (new_y, new_x): (1, 0)})
predecessors.append({(new_y, new_x): (self.y, self.x)})
while not queue.empty():
dist, (y, x) = queue.get()
if dist[0] >= max_distance or (y, x) in visited:
visited.append((y, x))
for diff_y, diff_x in [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]:
new_y, new_x = y + diff_y, x + diff_x
if not 0 <= new_y < or \
not 0 <= new_x < or \
new_distance = (dist[0] + 1,
dist[1] + (not, x)))
if not (new_y, new_x) in distances[-1] or \
distances[-1][(new_y, new_x)] > new_distance:
predecessors[-1][(new_y, new_x)] = (y, x)
distances[-1][(new_y, new_x)] = new_distance
queue.put((new_distance, (new_y, new_x)))
# For each tile that is reached by at least one Dijkstra, sort the
# different paths by distance to the player. For the technical bits :
# The reduce function is a fold starting on the first element of the
# iterable, and we associate the points to their distance, sort
# along the distance, then only keep the points.
self.paths = {}
for y, x in reduce(set.union,
[set(p.keys()) for p in predecessors], set()):
self.paths[(y, x)] = [p for d, p in sorted(
[(distances[i][(y, x)], predecessors[i][(y, x)])
for i in range(len(distances)) if (y, x) in predecessors[i]])]
def act(self, m: Map) -> None:
Defines the action the entity will do at each tick.
Define the action of the entity that is ran each tick.
By default, does nothing.
def distance_squared(self, other: "Entity") -> int:
Gives the square of the distance to another entity.
Useful to check distances since taking the square root takes time.
Get the square of the distance to another entity.
Useful to check distances since square root takes time.
return (self.y - other.y) ** 2 + (self.x - other.x) ** 2
def distance(self, other: "Entity") -> float:
Gives the cartesian distance to another entity.
Get the cartesian distance to another entity.
return sqrt(self.distance_squared(other))
@ -595,107 +314,38 @@ class Entity:
from squirrelbattle.entities.items import Item
return isinstance(self, Item)
def is_friendly(self) -> bool:
Is this entity a friendly entity?
return isinstance(self, FriendlyEntity)
def is_familiar(self) -> bool:
Is this entity a familiar?
from squirrelbattle.entities.friendly import Familiar
return isinstance(self, Familiar)
def is_merchant(self) -> bool:
Is this entity a merchant?
from squirrelbattle.entities.friendly import Merchant
return isinstance(self, Merchant)
def is_chest(self) -> bool:
Is this entity a chest?
from squirrelbattle.entities.friendly import Chest
return isinstance(self, Chest)
def translated_name(self) -> str:
Translates the name of entities.
return _("_", " "))
def get_all_entity_classes() -> list:
def get_all_entity_classes():
Returns all entities subclasses.
Returns all entities subclasses
from squirrelbattle.entities.items import BodySnatchPotion, Bomb, Heart
from squirrelbattle.entities.items import Heart, Bomb
from squirrelbattle.entities.monsters import Tiger, Hedgehog, \
Rabbit, TeddyBear, GiantSeaEagle
from squirrelbattle.entities.friendly import Merchant, Sunflower, \
Trumpet, Chest
return [BodySnatchPotion, Bomb, Chest, GiantSeaEagle, Heart,
Hedgehog, Merchant, Rabbit, Sunflower, TeddyBear, Tiger,
def get_weights() -> list:
Returns a weigth list associated to the above function, to
be used to spawn random entities with a certain probability.
return [30, 80, 50, 1, 100, 100, 60, 70, 70, 20, 40, 40]
Rabbit, TeddyBear
return [Tiger, Bomb, Heart, Hedgehog, Rabbit, TeddyBear]
def get_all_entity_classes_in_a_dict() -> dict:
Returns all entities subclasses in a dictionary.
Returns all entities subclasses in a dictionary
from squirrelbattle.entities.player import Player
from squirrelbattle.entities.monsters import Tiger, Hedgehog, Rabbit, \
TeddyBear, GiantSeaEagle
from squirrelbattle.entities.friendly import Merchant, Sunflower, \
Trumpet, Chest
from squirrelbattle.entities.items import BodySnatchPotion, Bomb, \
Heart, Sword, Shield, Chestplate, Helmet, RingCritical, RingXP, \
ScrollofDamage, ScrollofWeakening, Ruler, Bow, FireBallStaff, \
from squirrelbattle.entities.items import Bomb, Heart
return {
"BodySnatchPotion": BodySnatchPotion,
"Tiger": Tiger,
"Bomb": Bomb,
"Bow": Bow,
"Chest": Chest,
"Chestplate": Chestplate,
"FireBallStaff": FireBallStaff,
"GiantSeaEagle": GiantSeaEagle,
"Heart": Heart,
"Hedgehog": Hedgehog,
"Helmet": Helmet,
"Merchant": Merchant,
"Monocle": Monocle,
"Player": Player,
"Rabbit": Rabbit,
"RingCritical": RingCritical,
"RingXP": RingXP,
"Ruler": Ruler,
"ScrollofDamage": ScrollofDamage,
"ScrollofWeakening": ScrollofWeakening,
"Shield": Shield,
"Sunflower": Sunflower,
"Sword": Sword,
"Trumpet": Trumpet,
"TeddyBear": TeddyBear,
"Tiger": Tiger,
"Player": Player,
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the coordinates of the entity.
Saves the coordinates of the entity
d = dict()
d["x"] = self.x
@ -707,7 +357,7 @@ class Entity:
class FightingEntity(Entity):
A FightingEntity is an entity that can fight, and thus has a health,
level and stats.
level and stats
maxhealth: int
health: int
@ -717,13 +367,11 @@ class FightingEntity(Entity):
dexterity: int
constitution: int
level: int
critical: int
confused: int # Seulement 0 ou 1
def __init__(self, maxhealth: int = 0, health: Optional[int] = None,
strength: int = 0, intelligence: int = 0, charisma: int = 0,
dexterity: int = 0, constitution: int = 0, level: int = 0,
critical: int = 0, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.maxhealth = maxhealth = maxhealth if health is None else health
@ -733,162 +381,46 @@ class FightingEntity(Entity):
self.dexterity = dexterity
self.constitution = constitution
self.level = level
self.critical = critical
self.effects = [] # effects = temporary buff or weakening of the stats.
self.confused = 0
def dead(self) -> bool:
Is this entity dead ?
return <= 0
def act(self, m: Map) -> None:
Refreshes all current effects.
for i in range(len(self.effects)):
self.effects[i][2] -= 1
copy = self.effects[:]
for i in range(len(copy)):
if copy[i][2] <= 0:
setattr(self, copy[i][0],
getattr(self, copy[i][0]) - copy[i][1])
def hit(self, opponent: "FightingEntity") -> str:
The entity deals damage to the opponent
based on their respective stats.
Deals damage to the opponent, based on the stats
if self.confused:
return _("{name} is confused, it can not hit {opponent}.")\
diceroll = randint(1, 100)
damage = max(0, self.strength)
string = " "
if diceroll <= self.critical: # It is a critical hit
damage *= 4
string = " " + _("It's a critical hit!") + " "
return _("{name} hits {opponent}.")\
opponent=_(opponent.translated_name)) + string + \
opponent.take_damage(self, damage)
return f"{} hits {}. "\
+ opponent.take_damage(self, self.strength)
def take_damage(self, attacker: "Entity", amount: int) -> str:
The entity takes damage from the attacker
based on their respective stats.
Take damage from the attacker, based on the stats
damage = 0
if amount != 0:
damage = max(1, amount - self.constitution) -= damage -= amount
if <= 0:
return _("{name} takes {damage} damage.")\
.format(name=self.translated_name.capitalize(), damage=str(damage))\
+ (" " + _("{name} dies.")
if <= 0 else "")
return f"{} takes {amount} damage."\
+ (f" {} dies." if <= 0 else "")
def die(self) -> None:
If a fighting entity has no more health, it dies and is removed.
If a fighting entity has no more health, it dies and is removed
def keys(self) -> list:
Returns a fighting entity's specific attributes.
Returns a fighting entities specific attributes
return ["name", "maxhealth", "health", "level", "strength",
return ["maxhealth", "health", "level", "strength",
"intelligence", "charisma", "dexterity", "constitution"]
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the state of the entity into a dictionary.
Saves the state of the entity into a dictionary
d = super().save_state()
for name in self.keys():
d[name] = getattr(self, name)
return d
class FriendlyEntity(FightingEntity):
Friendly entities are living entities which do not attack the player.
dialogue_option: list
def talk_to(self, player: Any) -> str:
return _("{entity} said: {message}").format(
def keys(self) -> list:
Returns a friendly entity's specific attributes.
return ["maxhealth", "health"]
class InventoryHolder(Entity):
hazel: int # Currency of the game
inventory: list
def translate_inventory(self, inventory: list) -> list:
Translates the JSON save of the inventory into a list of the items in
the inventory.
for i in range(len(inventory)):
if isinstance(inventory[i], dict):
inventory[i] = self.dict_to_item(inventory[i])
return inventory
def dict_to_item(self, item_dict: dict) -> Entity:
Translates a dictionnary that contains the state of an item
into an item object.
entity_classes = self.get_all_entity_classes_in_a_dict()
item_class = entity_classes[item_dict["type"]]
item = item_class(**item_dict)
item.held_by = self
return item
def save_state(self) -> dict:
The inventory of the merchant is saved in a JSON format.
d = super().save_state()
d["hazel"] = self.hazel
d["inventory"] = [item.save_state() for item in self.inventory]
return d
def add_to_inventory(self, obj: Any) -> None:
Adds an object to the inventory.
if obj not in self.inventory:
obj.held_by = self
def remove_from_inventory(self, obj: Any) -> None:
Removes an object from the inventory.
if obj in self.inventory:
def change_hazel_balance(self, hz: int) -> None:
Changes the number of hazel the entity has by hz. hz is negative
when the entity loses money and positive when it gains money.
self.hazel += hz

View File

@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) YEAR ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse, ifugao
# This file is distributed under the same license as the squirrelbattle package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: squirrelbattle 23.14\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-10 21:30+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Inventory:"
msgstr "Bestand:"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped main:"
msgstr "Hauptausgestattete Ding"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped secondary:"
msgstr "zusätzlich Ausgestattete Ding"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped chestplate:"
msgstr "Ausgestattet Harnisch"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped helmet:"
msgstr "Ausgestattet Helm"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "YOU ARE DEAD"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Use {key} to use the ladder"
msgstr "Nutzen {key} um die Leiter zu nutzen"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Move to the friendly entity to talk to it"
msgstr "Ziehen Sie zu der freundlichen Einheit hin, um mit ihr zu sprechen"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Use {key} then move to talk to the entity"
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie {key} dann bewegen Sie sich, um mit der Einheit zu sprechen"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Abspann"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgstr "BESTAND"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "STALL"
msgstr "STAND"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "CHEST"
msgstr "KASTE"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Developers:"
msgstr "Entwickler:"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Translators:"
msgstr "Ubersetzer:"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "I don't sell any squirrel"
msgstr "Ich verkaufe keinen Eichhörnchen."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "You have opened the chest"
msgstr "Sie haben der Kaste geöffnet"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "The chest exploded"
msgstr "Der Kaste explodierte"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "It's not really effective"
msgstr "Es ist nicht wirklich effektiv"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "Flower power!!"
msgstr "Blumenmacht!!"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "The sun is warm today"
msgstr "Die Sonne ist warm heute"
#. The bomb is exploding.
#. Each entity that is close to the bomb takes damages.
#. The player earn XP if the entity was killed.
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "Bomb is exploding."
msgstr "Die Bombe explodiert."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{player} exchanged its body with {entity}."
msgstr "{player} täuscht seinem Körper mit {entity} aus."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid ""
"The ennemies have -{max(1, self.held_by.intelligence // 2)}strength for 3 "
msgstr ""
"Die Feinde haben 3 Runden lang - {max(1, self.held_by.intelligence // 2)} "
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name}"
msgstr "{name}"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid " is shot by an arrow."
msgstr " wird von einem Pfeil erschossen."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid " is shot by a fire ball."
msgstr " wird von eine Feuerball erschossen."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "It worked! Nearby ennemies will be confused for 3 turns."
msgstr ""
"Es funktionierte! In der Nähe befindliche Feinde werden 3 Runden lang "
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "It worked, but there is no one nearby..."
msgstr "Es hat funktioniert, aber es ist niemand in der Nähe ..."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "The dance was not effective..."
msgstr "Der Tanz war nicht effektiv ..."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The player climbs down to the floor {floor}."
msgstr "Der Spieler klettert auf dem Stock {floor} hinunter."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The player climbs up the floor {floor}."
msgstr "Der Spieler klettert auf dem Stock {floor} hinoben."
#: squirrelbattle/ squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "The buyer does not have enough money"
msgstr "Der Kaufer hat nicht genug Geld"
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid ""
"Some keys are missing in your save file.\n"
"Your save seems to be corrupt. It got deleted."
msgstr ""
"In Ihrer Speicherdatei fehlen einige Schlüssel.\n"
"Ihre Speicherung scheint korrupt zu sein. Es wird gelöscht."
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid ""
"No player was found on this map!\n"
"Maybe you died?"
msgstr ""
"Auf dieser Karte wurde kein Spieler gefunden!\n"
"Vielleicht sind Sie gestorben?"
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid ""
"The JSON file is not correct.\n"
"Your save seems corrupted. It got deleted."
msgstr ""
"Die JSON-Datei ist nicht korrekt.\n"
"Ihre Speicherung scheint korrumpiert. Sie wurde gelöscht."
#: squirrelbattle/ squirrelbattle/tests/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} is confused, it can not hit {opponent}."
msgstr "{name} ist verwirrt, es kann {opponent} nicht schlagen."
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid "It's a critical hit!"
msgstr "Es ist ein kritischer Treffer!"
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} hits {opponent}."
msgstr "{name} schlägt {opponent}."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} takes {damage} damage."
msgstr "{name} erleidet {damage} Schaden."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} dies."
msgstr "{name} stirbt."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{entity} said: {message}"
msgstr "{entity} hat gesagt: {message}"
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Zurück"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/ squirrelbattle/tests/
#: squirrelbattle/tests/ squirrelbattle/tests/
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "New game"
msgstr "Neu Spiel"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Weitergehen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Load"
msgstr "Laden"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Speichern"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Verlassen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move up"
msgstr "Haupttaste zum Obengehen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move up"
msgstr "Sekundärtaste zum Obengehen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move down"
msgstr "Haupttaste zum Untergehen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move down"
msgstr "Sekundärtaste zum Untergehen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move left"
msgstr "Haupttaste zum Linksgehen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move left"
msgstr "Sekundärtaste zum Linksgehen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move right"
msgstr "Haupttaste zum Rechtsgehen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move right"
msgstr "Sekundärtaste zum Rechtsgehen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key to validate a menu"
msgstr "Menütaste"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to open the inventory"
msgstr "Bestandtaste"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to use an item in the inventory"
msgstr "Taste um eines Objekts im Bestand zu verwenden"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to equip an item in the inventory"
msgstr "Taste um eines Objekts im Bestand auszurüsten"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to drop an item in the inventory"
msgstr "Taste um eines Objekts im Bestand zu werfen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to talk to a friendly entity"
msgstr "Taste um mit einer friedlicher Entität zu sprechen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to wait"
msgstr "Wartentaste"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to use ladders"
msgstr "Leitertaste"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to use a bow"
msgstr "Bogentaste"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to dance"
msgstr "Tanztaste"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Texture pack"
msgstr "Textur-Packung"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Sprache"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "player"
msgstr "Spieler"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "hedgehog"
msgstr "Igel"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "merchant"
msgstr "Kaufmann"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "rabbit"
msgstr "Kanninchen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "sunflower"
msgstr "Sonnenblume"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "teddy bear"
msgstr "Teddybär"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "tiger"
msgstr "Tiger"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "eagle"
msgstr "Adler"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "body snatch potion"
msgstr "Leichenfleddererzaubertrank"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "bomb"
msgstr "Bombe"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "explosion"
msgstr "Explosion"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "heart"
msgstr "Herz"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "sword"
msgstr "schwert"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "helmet"
msgstr "Helm"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "chestplate"
msgstr "Brustpanzer"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "shield"
msgstr "Schild"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "ruler"
msgstr "Lineal"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "scroll of damage"
msgstr "Schriftrolle des Schadens"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "scroll of weakness"
msgstr "Schriftrolle der Schwäche"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "bow"
msgstr "Bogen"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "fire ball staff"
msgstr "Feuerball Stab"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "ring of critical damage"
msgstr "Ring des kritischen Schadens"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "ring of more experience"
msgstr "Ring der mehr Erfahrung"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "monocle"
msgstr "Monokel"

View File

@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) YEAR ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse, ifugao
# This file is distributed under the same license as the squirrelbattle package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: squirrelbattle 23.14\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-10 21:30+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Inventory:"
msgstr "Inventorio :"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped main:"
msgstr "Equipado principal :"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped secondary:"
msgstr "Equipado segundario :"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped chestplate:"
msgstr "Pechera equipada :"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped helmet:"
msgstr "Casco equipado :"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "YOU ARE DEAD"
msgstr "ERES MUERTO"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Use {key} to use the ladder"
msgstr "Presiona {key} para utilizar la escala"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Move to the friendly entity to talk to it"
msgstr "Moverse hasta la entitad amistosa para hablar con ella"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Use {key} then move to talk to the entity"
msgstr "Presionar {key} pues moverse para hablar con la entitad"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Créditos"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "STALL"
msgstr "PUESTO"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "CHEST"
msgstr "COFRE"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Developers:"
msgstr "Desarrolladores :"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Translators:"
msgstr "Traductores :"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "I don't sell any squirrel"
msgstr "No vendo ninguna ardilla"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "You have opened the chest"
msgstr "Abriste el cofre"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "The chest exploded"
msgstr "El cofre explotó"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "It's not really effective"
msgstr "No es realmente efectivo"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "Flower power!!"
msgstr "Poder de las flores!!"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "The sun is warm today"
msgstr "El sol está caliente hoy"
#. The bomb is exploding.
#. Each entity that is close to the bomb takes damages.
#. The player earn XP if the entity was killed.
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "Bomb is exploding."
msgstr "La bomba está explotando."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{player} exchanged its body with {entity}."
msgstr "{player} intercambió su cuerpo con {entity}."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid ""
"The ennemies have -{max(1, self.held_by.intelligence // 2)}strength for 3 "
msgstr ""
"Los enemigos tienen - {max(1, self.held_by.intelligence // 2)} fuerza "
"durante 3turnos"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name}"
msgstr "{name}"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid " is shot by an arrow."
msgstr " es disparado por una flecha."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid " is shot by a fire ball."
msgstr " es disparado por una bola de fuego."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "It worked! Nearby ennemies will be confused for 3 turns."
msgstr "¡Funcionó! Los enemigos cercanos se confundirán durante 3 turnos."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "It worked, but there is no one nearby..."
msgstr "Funcionó, pero no hay nadie cerca ..."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "The dance was not effective..."
msgstr "El baile no fue efectivo ..."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The player climbs down to the floor {floor}."
msgstr "El jugador baja a la planta {floor}."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The player climbs up the floor {floor}."
msgstr "El jugador sube a la planta {floor}."
#: squirrelbattle/ squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "The buyer does not have enough money"
msgstr "El comprador no tiene suficiente dinero"
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid ""
"Some keys are missing in your save file.\n"
"Your save seems to be corrupt. It got deleted."
msgstr ""
"Algunas claves faltan en su archivo de guarda.\n"
"Su guarda parece a ser corruptido. Fue eliminado."
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid ""
"No player was found on this map!\n"
"Maybe you died?"
msgstr ""
"No jugador encontrado sobre la carta !\n"
"¿ Quizas murió ?"
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid ""
"The JSON file is not correct.\n"
"Your save seems corrupted. It got deleted."
msgstr ""
"El JSON archivo no es correcto.\n"
"Su guarda parece corrupta. Fue eliminada."
#: squirrelbattle/ squirrelbattle/tests/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} is confused, it can not hit {opponent}."
msgstr "{name} está confundido, no puede golpear a {opponent}."
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid "It's a critical hit!"
msgstr "¡Es un golpe crítico!"
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} hits {opponent}."
msgstr "{name} golpea a {opponent}."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} takes {damage} damage."
msgstr "{name} recibe {damage} daño."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} dies."
msgstr "{name} se muere."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{entity} said: {message}"
msgstr "{entity} dijo : {message}"
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Volver"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/ squirrelbattle/tests/
#: squirrelbattle/tests/ squirrelbattle/tests/
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "New game"
msgstr "Nuevo partido"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Resumir"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Load"
msgstr "Cargar"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Guardar"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Parametros"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Salir"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move up"
msgstr "Primera tecla para subir"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move up"
msgstr "Segunda tecla para subir"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move down"
msgstr "Primera tecla para bajar"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move down"
msgstr "Segunda tecla para bajar"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move left"
msgstr "Primera tecla para moverse a la izquierda"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move left"
msgstr "Segunda tecla para moverse a la izquierda"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move right"
msgstr "Primera tecla para moverse a la derecha"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move right"
msgstr "Segunda tecla para moverse a la derecha"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key to validate a menu"
msgstr "Tecla para validar un menú"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to open the inventory"
msgstr "Tecla para abrir el inventorio"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to use an item in the inventory"
msgstr "Tecla para utilizar un objeto del inventorio"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to equip an item in the inventory"
msgstr "Tecla para equipar un objeto del inventorio"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to drop an item in the inventory"
msgstr "Tecla para dejar un objeto del inventorio"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to talk to a friendly entity"
msgstr "Tecla para hablar con una entidad amiga"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to wait"
msgstr "Tecla para espera"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to use ladders"
msgstr "Tecla para el uso de las escaleras"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to use a bow"
msgstr "Tecla para usar un arco"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to dance"
msgstr "Tecla para bailar"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Texture pack"
msgstr "Paquete de texturas"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Languaje"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "player"
msgstr "jugador"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "hedgehog"
msgstr "erizo"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "merchant"
msgstr "comerciante"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "rabbit"
msgstr "conejo"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "sunflower"
msgstr "girasol"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "teddy bear"
msgstr "osito de peluche"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "tiger"
msgstr "tigre"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "eagle"
msgstr "águila"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "body snatch potion"
msgstr "poción de intercambio"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "bomb"
msgstr "bomba"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "explosion"
msgstr "explosión"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "heart"
msgstr "corazón"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "sword"
msgstr "espada"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "helmet"
msgstr "casco"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "chestplate"
msgstr "pechera"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "shield"
msgstr "escudo"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "ruler"
msgstr "Regla"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "scroll of damage"
msgstr "rollo de daño"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "scroll of weakness"
msgstr "rollo de debilidad"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "bow"
msgstr "arco"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "fire ball staff"
msgstr "bastón de bola de fuego"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "ring of critical damage"
msgstr "anillo de daño crítico"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "ring of more experience"
msgstr "anillo de mejorada experiencia"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "monocle"
msgstr "monóculo"

View File

@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} takes {amount} damage."
msgstr "{name} prend {amount} points de dégât."
# Copyright (C) YEAR ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse, ifugao
# This file is distributed under the same license as the squirrelbattle package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: squirrelbattle 23.14\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-10 21:30+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Inventory:"
msgstr "Inventaire :"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped main:"
msgstr "Équipement principal :"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped secondary:"
msgstr "Équipement secondaire :"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped chestplate:"
msgstr "Plastron équipé :"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Equipped helmet:"
msgstr "Casque équipé :"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "YOU ARE DEAD"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Use {key} to use the ladder"
msgstr "Appuyez sur {key} pour utiliser l'échelle"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Move to the friendly entity to talk to it"
msgstr "Avancez vers l'entité pour lui parler"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Use {key} then move to talk to the entity"
msgstr "Appuyez sur {key} puis déplacez-vous pour parler"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Crédits"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "STALL"
msgstr "STAND"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "CHEST"
msgstr "COFFRE"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Developers:"
msgstr "Développeurs:"
#: squirrelbattle/display/
msgid "Translators:"
msgstr "Traducteurs:"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "I don't sell any squirrel"
msgstr "Je ne vends pas d'écureuil"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "You have opened the chest"
msgstr "Vous avez ouvert le coffre"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "The chest exploded"
msgstr "Le coffre a explosé"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "It's not really effective"
msgstr "Ce n'est pas très efficace"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "Flower power!!"
msgstr "Pouvoir des fleurs !!"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "The sun is warm today"
msgstr "Le soleil est chaud aujourd'hui"
#. The bomb is exploding.
#. Each entity that is close to the bomb takes damages.
#. The player earn XP if the entity was killed.
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "Bomb is exploding."
msgstr "La bombe explose."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{player} exchanged its body with {entity}."
msgstr "{player} a échangé son corps avec {entity}."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid ""
"The ennemies have -{max(1, self.held_by.intelligence // 2)}strength for 3 "
msgstr ""
"Les ennemis ont -{max(1, self.held_by.intelligence // 2)} de force pour 3 "
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name}"
msgstr "{name}"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid " is shot by an arrow."
msgstr " est frappé par une flèche."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid " is shot by a fire ball."
msgstr " est frappé par une boule de feu."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "It worked! Nearby ennemies will be confused for 3 turns."
msgstr "Ça a marché ! Les ennemis proches seront confus pendant 3 tours"
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "It worked, but there is no one nearby..."
msgstr "Ça a marché, mais il n'y a personne à proximité..."
#: squirrelbattle/entities/
msgid "The dance was not effective..."
msgstr "La dance n'a pas fonctionné..."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The player climbs down to the floor {floor}."
msgstr "Le joueur descend à l'étage {floor}."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The player climbs up the floor {floor}."
msgstr "Le joueur monte à l'étage {floor}."
#: squirrelbattle/ squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "The buyer does not have enough money"
msgstr "L'acheteur n'a pas assez d'argent"
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid ""
"Some keys are missing in your save file.\n"
"Your save seems to be corrupt. It got deleted."
msgstr ""
"Certaines clés de votre ficher de sauvegarde sont manquantes.\n"
"Votre sauvegarde semble corrompue. Elle a été supprimée."
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid ""
"No player was found on this map!\n"
"Maybe you died?"
msgstr ""
"Aucun joueur n'a été trouvé sur la carte !\n"
"Peut-être êtes-vous mort ?"
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid ""
"The JSON file is not correct.\n"
"Your save seems corrupted. It got deleted."
msgstr ""
"Le fichier JSON de sauvegarde est incorrect.\n"
"Votre sauvegarde semble corrompue. Elle a été supprimée."
#: squirrelbattle/ squirrelbattle/tests/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} is confused, it can not hit {opponent}."
msgstr "{name} est confus et ne peut pas frapper {opponent}."
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid "It's a critical hit!"
msgstr "C'est un coup critique !"
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} hits {opponent}."
msgstr "{name} frappe {opponent}."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} takes {damage} damage."
msgstr "{name} prend {damage} dégâts."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{name} dies."
msgstr "{name} meurt."
#: squirrelbattle/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{entity} said: {message}"
msgstr "{entity} a dit : {message}"
#: squirrelbattle/
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Retour"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/ squirrelbattle/tests/
#: squirrelbattle/tests/ squirrelbattle/tests/
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "New game"
msgstr "Nouvelle partie"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Continuer"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Load"
msgstr "Charger"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Sauvegarder"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Quitter"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move up"
msgstr "Touche principale pour aller vers le haut"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move up"
msgstr "Touche secondaire pour aller vers le haut"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move down"
msgstr "Touche principale pour aller vers le bas"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move down"
msgstr "Touche secondaire pour aller vers le bas"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move left"
msgstr "Touche principale pour aller vers la gauche"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move left"
msgstr "Touche secondaire pour aller vers la gauche"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Main key to move right"
msgstr "Touche principale pour aller vers la droite"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Secondary key to move right"
msgstr "Touche secondaire pour aller vers la droite"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key to validate a menu"
msgstr "Touche pour valider un menu"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to open the inventory"
msgstr "Touche utilisée pour ouvrir l'inventaire"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to use an item in the inventory"
msgstr "Touche pour utiliser un objet de l'inventaire"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to equip an item in the inventory"
msgstr "Touche pour équiper un objet de l'inventaire"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to drop an item in the inventory"
msgstr "Touche pour jeter un objet de l'inventaire"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to talk to a friendly entity"
msgstr "Touche pour parler à une entité pacifique"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to wait"
msgstr "Touche pour attendre"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to use ladders"
msgstr "Touche pour utiliser les échelles"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to use a bow"
msgstr "Touche pour utiliser un arc"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Key used to dance"
msgstr "Touche pour danser"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Texture pack"
msgstr "Pack de textures"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Langue"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "player"
msgstr "joueur"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "hedgehog"
msgstr "hérisson"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "merchant"
msgstr "marchand"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "rabbit"
msgstr "lapin"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "sunflower"
msgstr "tournesol"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "teddy bear"
msgstr "nounours"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "tiger"
msgstr "tigre"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "eagle"
msgstr "pygargue"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "body snatch potion"
msgstr "potion d'arrachage de corps"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "bomb"
msgstr "bombe"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "explosion"
msgstr "explosion"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "heart"
msgstr "cœur"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "sword"
msgstr "épée"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "helmet"
msgstr "casque"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "chestplate"
msgstr "plastron"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "shield"
msgstr "bouclier"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "ruler"
msgstr "règle"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "scroll of damage"
msgstr "parchemin de dégâts"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "scroll of weakness"
msgstr "parchemin de faiblesse"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "bow"
msgstr "arc"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "fire ball staff"
msgstr "baton de boule de feu"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "ring of critical damage"
msgstr "anneau de coup critique"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "ring of more experience"
msgstr "anneau de plus d'expérience"
#: squirrelbattle/tests/
msgid "monocle"
msgstr "monocle"

View File

@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from random import choice, choices, randint, random, shuffle
from typing import List, Tuple
from ..interfaces import Entity, Map, Tile
"width": 120,
"height": 35,
"tries": 300,
"max_rooms": 20,
"max_room_tries": 15,
"cross_room": 1,
"corridor_chance": .2,
"min_v_corr": 2,
"max_v_corr": 6,
"min_h_corr": 4,
"max_h_corr": 12,
"large_circular_room": .10,
"circular_holes": .5,
"loop_tries": 40,
"loop_max": 5,
"loop_threshold": 15,
"spawn_per_region": [1, 2],
"room_chances": {
"circular": 5,
"chunks": 1,
def dist(level: List[List[Tile]], y1: int, x1: int, y2: int, x2: int) -> int:
Compute the minimum walking distance between points (y1, x1) and (y2, x2)
on a Tile grid
# simple breadth first search
copy = [[t for t in row] for row in level]
dist = -1
queue, next_queue = [[y1, x1]], [0]
while next_queue:
next_queue = []
dist += 1
while queue:
y, x = queue.pop()
copy[y][x] = Tile.EMPTY
if y == y2 and x == x2:
return dist
for y, x in Map.neighbourhood(copy, y, x):
if copy[y][x].can_walk():
next_queue.append([y, x])
queue = next_queue
return -1
class Generator:
def __init__(self, params: dict = None):
self.params = params or DEFAULT_PARAMS
self.spawn_areas = []
self.queued_area = None
def room_fits(level: List[List[Tile]], y: int, x: int,
room: List[List[Tile]], door_y: int, door_x: int,
dy: int, dx: int) -> bool:
Using point (door_y, door_x) in the room as a reference and placing it
over point (y, x) in the level, returns whether or not the room fits
lh, lw = len(level), len(level[0])
rh, rw = len(room), len(room[0])
if not(0 < y + dy < lh and 0 < x + dx < lw):
return False
# door must be placed on an empty tile, and point into a floor tile
if level[y][x] != Tile.EMPTY or level[y + dy][x + dx] != Tile.FLOOR:
return False
# now we verify floor tiles in both grids do not overlap
for ry in range(rh):
for rx in range(rw):
if room[ry][rx] == Tile.FLOOR:
ly, lx = y + ry - door_y, x + rx - door_x
# tile must be in bounds and empty
if not(0 <= ly < lh and 0 <= lx < lw) or \
level[ly][lx] == Tile.FLOOR:
return False
# so do all neighbouring tiles bc we may
# need to place walls there eventually
for ny, nx in Map.neighbourhood(level, ly, lx,
large=True, oob=True):
if not(0 <= ny < lh and 0 <= nx < lw) or \
level[ny][nx] != Tile.EMPTY:
return False
return True
def place_room(level: List[List[Tile]], y: int, x: int,
room: List[List[Tile]], door_y: int, door_x: int) -> None:
Mutates level in place to add the room. Placement is determined by
making (door_y, door_x) in the room correspond with (y, x) in the level
rh, rw = len(room), len(room[0])
level[y][x] = Tile.DOOR
for ry in range(rh):
for rx in range(rw):
if room[ry][rx] == Tile.FLOOR:
level[y - door_y + ry][x - door_x + rx] = Tile.FLOOR
def add_loop(level: List[List[Tile]], y: int, x: int) -> bool:
Try to add a corridor between two far apart floor tiles, passing
through point (y, x).
h, w = len(level), len(level[0])
if level[y][x] != Tile.EMPTY:
return False
# loop over both directions, trying to place both veritcal
# and horizontal corridors
for dx, dy in [[0, 1], [1, 0]]:
# then we find two floor tiles, one on each side of (y, x)
# exiting if we don't find two (reach the edge of the map before)
y1, x1, y2, x2 = y, x, y, x
while x1 >= 0 and y1 >= 0 and level[y1][x1] == Tile.EMPTY:
y1, x1 = y1 - dy, x1 - dx
while x2 < w and y2 < h and level[y2][x2] == Tile.EMPTY:
y2, x2 = y2 + dy, x2 + dx
if not(0 <= x1 <= x2 < w and 0 <= y1 <= y2 < h):
def verify_sides() -> bool:
# switching up dy and dx here pivots the axis, so
# (y+dx, x+dy) and (y-dx, x-dy) are the tiles adjacent to
# (y, x), but not on the original axis
for delta_x, delta_y in [[dy, dx], [-dy, -dx]]:
for i in range(1, y2 - y1 + x2 - x1):
if not (0 <= y1 + delta_y + i * dy < h
and 0 <= x1 + delta_x + i * dx < w) or \
level[y1 + delta_y + i * dy][x1 + delta_x
+ i * dx]\
return False
return True
# if adding the path would make the two tiles significantly closer
# and its sides don't touch already placed terrain, build it
if dist(level, y1, x1, y2, x2) < 20 and verify_sides():
y, x = y1 + dy, x1 + dx
while level[y][x] == Tile.EMPTY:
level[y][x] = Tile.FLOOR
y, x = y + dy, x + dx
return True
return False
def place_walls(level: List[List[Tile]]) -> None:
Place wall tiles on every empty tile that is adjacent (in the largest
sense), to a floor tile
h, w = len(level), len(level[0])
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
if not level[y][x].is_wall():
for ny, nx in Map.neighbourhood(level, y, x, large=True):
if level[ny][nx] == Tile.EMPTY:
level[ny][nx] = Tile.WALL
def corr_meta_info(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
Return info about the extra grid space that should be allocated for the
room, and where the room should be built along this extra grid space.
Because grids are usually thight around the room, this gives us extra
place to add a corridor later. Corridor length and orientation is
implicitly derived from this info.
h_sup and w_sup represent the extra needed space along each axis,
and h_off and w_off are the offset at which to build the room
if random() < self.params["corridor_chance"]:
h_sup = randint(self.params["min_v_corr"],
self.params["max_v_corr"]) if random() < .5 else 0
# we only allow extra space allocation along one axis,
# because there won't more than one exit corridor
w_sup = 0 if h_sup else randint(self.params["min_h_corr"],
# implicitly choose which direction along the axis
# the corridor will be pointing to
h_off = h_sup if random() < .5 else 0
w_off = w_sup if random() < .5 else 0
return h_sup, w_sup, h_off, w_off
return 0, 0, 0, 0
def build_door(room: List[List[Tile]], y: int, x: int,
dy: int, dx: int, length: int) -> bool:
Tries to build the exit from the room at given coordinates
Depending on parameter length, it will either attempt to build a
simple door, or a long corridor. Return value is a boolean
signifying whether or not the exit was successfully built
rh, rw = len(room), len(room[0])
# verify we are pointing away from a floor tile
if not(0 <= y - dy < rh and 0 <= x - dx < rw) \
or room[y - dy][x - dx] != Tile.FLOOR:
return False
# verify there's no other floor tile around us
for ny, nx in [[y + dy, x + dx], [y - dx, x - dy],
[y + dx, x + dy]]:
if 0 <= ny < rh and 0 <= nx < rw \
and room[ny][nx] != Tile.EMPTY:
return False
# see if the path ahead is clear. needed in the case of non convex room
for i in range(length + 1):
if room[y + i * dy][x + i * dx] != Tile.EMPTY:
return False
for i in range(length):
room[y + i * dy][x + i * dx] = Tile.FLOOR
return True
def attach_door(room: List[List[Tile]], h_sup: int, w_sup: int,
h_off: int, w_off: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
Attach an exit to the room. If extra space was allocated to
the grid, make sure a corridor is properly built
length = h_sup + w_sup
dy, dx = 0, 0
if length > 0:
if h_sup:
dy = -1 if h_off else 1
dx = -1 if w_off else 1
# determine door direction for rooms without corridors
if random() < .5:
dy = -1 if random() < .5 else 1
dx = -1 if random() < .5 else 1
# loop over all possible positions in a random order
rh, rw = len(room), len(room[0])
yxs = [i for i in range(rh * rw)]
for pos in yxs:
y, x = pos // rw, pos % rw
if room[y][x] == Tile.EMPTY and \
Generator.build_door(room, y, x, dy, dx, length):
else: # pragma: no cover
return None, None, None, None
return y + length * dy, x + length * dx, dy, dx
def create_chunk_room(self, spawnable: bool = True) \
-> Tuple[List[List[Tile]], int, int, int, int]:
Create and return as a tile grid a room that is composed of multiple
overlapping circles of the same radius
Also return door info so we know how to place the room in the level
height, width = 15, 15
nb_chunks, r = 6, 3
h_sup, w_sup, h_off, w_off = self.corr_meta_info()
room = [[Tile.EMPTY] * (width + w_sup)
for _dummy in range(height + h_sup)]
def draw_chunk(room: List[List[Tile]], y: int, x: int) -> None:
for i in range(y - r, y + r + 1):
d = (y - i)**2
for j in range(x - r, x + r + 1):
if d + (x - j) ** 2 < r ** 2:
room[i][j] = Tile.FLOOR
draw_chunk(room, h_off + height // 2 + 1, w_off + width // 2 + 1)
min_w, max_w = w_off + r + 1, width + w_off - r - 1
min_h, max_h = h_off + r + 1, height + h_off - r - 1
for i in range(nb_chunks):
y, x = randint(min_h, max_h), randint(min_w, max_w)
while room[y][x] != Tile.FLOOR:
y, x = randint(min_h, max_h), randint(min_w, max_w)
draw_chunk(room, y, x)
# log all placed tiles as spawn positions
if spawnable:
# attach exit
door_y, door_x, dy, dx = self.attach_door(room, h_sup, w_sup,
h_off, w_off)
return room, door_y, door_x, dy, dx
def create_circular_room(self, spawnable: bool = True) \
-> Tuple[List[List[Tile]], int, int, int, int]:
Create and return as a tile grid a room that is circular in shape, and
may have a center, also circular hole
Also return door info so we know how to place the room in the level
if random() < self.params["large_circular_room"]:
r = randint(5, 10)
r = randint(2, 4)
room = []
h_sup, w_sup, h_off, w_off = self.corr_meta_info()
height = 2 * r + 2
width = 2 * r + 2
make_hole = r > 6 and random() < self.params["circular_holes"]
r2 = 0
if make_hole:
r2 = randint(3, r - 3)
for i in range(height + h_sup):
d = (i - h_off - height // 2) ** 2
for j in range(width + w_sup):
if d + (j - w_off - width // 2) ** 2 < r ** 2 and \
(not make_hole
or d + (j - w_off - width // 2) ** 2 >= r2 ** 2):
# log all placed tiles as spawn positions
if spawnable:
# attach exit
door_y, door_x, dy, dx = self.attach_door(room, h_sup, w_sup,
h_off, w_off)
return room, door_y, door_x, dy, dx
def create_random_room(self, spawnable: bool = True) \
-> Tuple[List[list], int, int, int, int]:
Randomly select a room shape and return one such room along with its
door info. Set spawnable to False is the room should be marked as a
potential spawning region on the map
coef_dict = self.params["room_chances"]
sum_coefs = sum(coef_dict[key] for key in coef_dict)
target = randint(1, sum_coefs)
for key in coef_dict:
if target > coef_dict[key]:
target -= coef_dict[key]
if key == "circular":
return self.create_circular_room(spawnable=spawnable)
elif key == "chunks":
return self.create_chunk_room(spawnable=spawnable)
def register_spawn_area(self, area: List[List[Tile]]) -> None:
Register all floor positions relative to the input grid
for later use
spawn_positions = []
for y, line in enumerate(area):
for x, tile in enumerate(line):
if tile == Tile.FLOOR:
spawn_positions.append([y, x])
self.queued_area = spawn_positions
def update_spawnable(self, y: int, x: int) -> None:
Convert previous spawn positions relative to the room grid to actual
actual spawn positions on the level grid, using the position of the
top left corner of the room on the level, then log them as a
spawnable region
if self.queued_area is not None:
translated_area = [[y + ry, x + rx] for ry, rx in self.queued_area]
self.queued_area = None
def populate(self, rv: Map) -> None:
Populate every spawnable area with some randomly chosen, randomly
placed entity
min_c, max_c = self.params["spawn_per_region"]
for region in self.spawn_areas:
entity_count = randint(min_c, max_c)
for _dummy in range(entity_count):
entity = choices(Entity.get_all_entity_classes(),
weights=Entity.get_weights(), k=1)[0]()
y, x = choice(region)
entity.move(y, x)
def run(self) -> Map:
Using procedural generation, build and return a full map, populated
with entities
height, width = self.params["height"], self.params["width"]
level = [width * [Tile.EMPTY] for _ignored in range(height)]
# the starting room must have no corridor
mem, self.params["corridor_chance"] = self.params["corridor_chance"], 0
starting_room, _, _, _, _ = self.create_random_room(spawnable=False)
dim_v, dim_h = len(starting_room), len(starting_room[0])
# because Generator.room_fits checks that the exit door is correctly
# placed, but the starting room has no exit door, we find a positoin
# manually
pos_y, pos_x = randint(0, height - dim_v - 1),\
randint(0, width - dim_h - 1)
self.place_room(level, pos_y, pos_x, starting_room, 0, 0)
# remove the door that was placed
if starting_room[0][0] != Tile.FLOOR:
level[pos_y][pos_x] = Tile.EMPTY
self.params["corridor_chance"] = mem
# find a starting position for the player
sy, sx = randint(0, height - 1), randint(0, width - 1)
while level[sy][sx] != Tile.FLOOR:
sy, sx = randint(0, height - 1), randint(0, width - 1)
level[sy][sx] = Tile.LADDER
# now we loop until we're bored, or we've added enough rooms
tries, rooms_built = 0, 0
while tries < self.params["tries"] \
and rooms_built < self.params["max_rooms"]:
# build a room, try to fit it everywhere in a random order, and
# place it at the first possible position
room, door_y, door_x, dy, dx = self.create_random_room()
positions = [i for i in range(height * width)]
for pos in positions:
y, x = pos // width, pos % width
if self.room_fits(level, y, x, room, door_y, door_x, dy, dx):
self.update_spawnable(y - door_y, x - door_x)
self.place_room(level, y, x, room, door_y, door_x)
rooms_built += 1
tries += 1
# post-processing
# because when a room is placed, it leads to exactly one previously
# placed room, the level has a tree like structure with the starting
# room as the root
# to avoid boring player backtracking, we add some cycles to the room
# graph in post processing by placing additional corridors
tries, loops = 0, 0
while tries < self.params["loop_tries"] and \
loops < self.params["loop_max"]:
tries += 1
y, x = randint(0, height - 1), randint(0, width - 1)
loops += self.add_loop(level, y, x)
# place an exit ladder
y, x = randint(0, height - 1), randint(0, width - 1)
while level[y][x] != Tile.FLOOR or \
any([level[j][i].is_wall() for j, i
in Map.neighbourhood(level, y, x, large=True)]):
y, x = randint(0, height - 1), randint(0, width - 1)
level[y][x] = Tile.LADDER
# spawn entities
rv = Map(width, height, level, sy, sx)
return rv

View File

@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Optional
from .display.texturepack import TexturePack
from .entities.friendly import Chest, Merchant
from .entities.player import Player
from .enums import DisplayActions, GameMode, KeyValues
from .enums import GameMode, KeyValues, DisplayActions
from .settings import Settings
from .translations import gettext as _, Translator
class Menu:
A Menu object is the logical representation of a menu in the game.
A Menu object is the logical representation of a menu in the game
values: list
@ -23,59 +20,59 @@ class Menu:
def go_up(self) -> None:
Moves the pointer of the menu on the previous value.
Moves the pointer of the menu on the previous value
self.position = max(0, self.position - 1)
def go_down(self) -> None:
Moves the pointer of the menu on the next value.
Moves the pointer of the menu on the next value
self.position = min(len(self.values) - 1, self.position + 1)
def validate(self) -> Any:
Selects the value that is pointed by the menu pointer.
Selects the value that is pointed by the menu pointer
return self.values[self.position]
class MainMenuValues(Enum):
Values of the main menu.
Values of the main menu
START = "New game"
RESUME = "Resume"
SAVE = "Save"
LOAD = "Load"
SETTINGS = "Settings"
EXIT = "Exit"
START = 'Nouvelle partie'
RESUME = 'Continuer'
SAVE = 'Sauvegarder'
LOAD = 'Charger'
SETTINGS = 'Paramètres'
EXIT = 'Quitter'
def __str__(self):
return _(self.value)
return self.value
class MainMenu(Menu):
A special instance of a menu : the main menu.
A special instance of a menu : the main menu
values = [e for e in MainMenuValues]
class SettingsMenu(Menu):
A special instance of a menu : the settings menu.
A special instance of a menu : the settings menu
waiting_for_key: bool = False
def update_values(self, settings: Settings) -> None:
self.values = list(settings.__dict__.items())
self.values.append(("RETURN", ["", _("Back")]))
self.values.append(("RETURN", ["", "Retour"]))
def handle_key_pressed(self, key: Optional[KeyValues], raw_key: str,
game: Any) -> None:
In the setting menu, we can select a setting and change it.
In the setting menu, we van select a setting and change it
if not self.waiting_for_key:
# Navigate normally through the menu.
@ -98,13 +95,6 @@ class SettingsMenu(Menu):
elif option == "LOCALE":
game.settings.LOCALE = 'fr' if game.settings.LOCALE == 'en'\
else 'de' if game.settings.LOCALE == 'fr' else 'es' \
if game.settings.LOCALE == 'de' else 'en'
self.waiting_for_key = True
@ -118,63 +108,3 @@ class SettingsMenu(Menu):
self.waiting_for_key = False
class InventoryMenu(Menu):
A special instance of a menu : the menu for the inventory of the player.
player: Player
def update_player(self, player: Player) -> None:
Updates the player.
self.player = player
def values(self) -> list:
Returns the values of the menu.
return self.player.inventory
class StoreMenu(Menu):
A special instance of a menu : the menu for the inventory of a merchant.
merchant: Merchant = None
def update_merchant(self, merchant: Merchant) -> None:
Updates the merchant.
self.merchant = merchant
def values(self) -> list:
Returns the values of the menu.
return self.merchant.inventory if self.merchant else []
class ChestMenu(Menu):
A special instance of a menu : the menu for the inventory of a chest.
chest: Chest = None
def update_chest(self, chest: Chest) -> None:
Updates the player.
self.chest = chest
def values(self) -> list:
Returns the values of the menu.
return self.chest.inventory if self.chest else []

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from pathlib import Path

View File

@ -1,44 +1,40 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import json
import locale
import os
from typing import Any, Generator
from .resources import ResourceManager
from .translations import gettext as _
class Settings:
This class stores the settings of the game.
Settings can be obtained by using for example settings.TEXTURE_PACK
The comment can be obtained by using settings.get_comment('TEXTURE_PACK').
We can set the setting by simply using settings.TEXTURE_PACK = 'new_key'
Settings can be get by using for example settings.TEXTURE_PACK directly.
The comment can be get by using settings.get_comment('TEXTURE_PACK').
We can define the setting by simply use settings.TEXTURE_PACK = 'new_key'
def __init__(self):
self.KEY_UP_PRIMARY = ['z', 'Main key to move up']
self.KEY_UP_SECONDARY = ['KEY_UP', 'Secondary key to move up']
self.KEY_DOWN_PRIMARY = ['s', 'Main key to move down']
self.KEY_DOWN_SECONDARY = ['KEY_DOWN', 'Secondary key to move down']
self.KEY_LEFT_PRIMARY = ['q', 'Main key to move left']
self.KEY_LEFT_SECONDARY = ['KEY_LEFT', 'Secondary key to move left']
self.KEY_RIGHT_PRIMARY = ['d', 'Main key to move right']
self.KEY_RIGHT_SECONDARY = ['KEY_RIGHT', 'Secondary key to move right']
self.KEY_ENTER = ['\n', 'Key to validate a menu']
self.KEY_INVENTORY = ['i', 'Key used to open the inventory']
self.KEY_USE = ['u', 'Key used to use an item in the inventory']
self.KEY_EQUIP = ['e', 'Key used to equip an item in the inventory']
self.KEY_DROP = ['r', 'Key used to drop an item in the inventory']
self.KEY_CHAT = ['t', 'Key used to talk to a friendly entity']
self.KEY_WAIT = ['w', 'Key used to wait']
self.KEY_LADDER = ['<', 'Key used to use ladders']
self.KEY_LAUNCH = ['l', 'Key used to use a bow']
self.KEY_DANCE = ['y', 'Key used to dance']
self.TEXTURE_PACK = ['ascii', 'Texture pack']
self.LOCALE = [locale.getlocale()[0][:2], 'Language']
['z', 'Touche principale pour aller vers le haut']
['KEY_UP', 'Touche secondaire pour aller vers le haut']
['s', 'Touche principale pour aller vers le bas']
['KEY_DOWN', 'Touche secondaire pour aller vers le bas']
['q', 'Touche principale pour aller vers la gauche']
['KEY_LEFT', 'Touche secondaire pour aller vers la gauche']
['d', 'Touche principale pour aller vers la droite']
['KEY_RIGHT', 'Touche secondaire pour aller vers la droite']
self.KEY_ENTER = \
['\n', 'Touche pour valider un menu']
self.TEXTURE_PACK = ['ascii', 'Pack de textures utilisé']
def __getattribute__(self, item: str) -> Any:
superattribute = super().__getattribute__(item)
@ -54,33 +50,32 @@ class Settings:
def get_comment(self, item: str) -> str:
Retrieves the comment relative to a setting.
Retrieve the comment of a setting.
if item in self.settings_keys:
return _(object.__getattribute__(self, item)[1])
return object.__getattribute__(self, item)[1]
for key in self.settings_keys:
if getattr(self, key) == item:
return _(object.__getattribute__(self, key)[1])
return object.__getattribute__(self, key)[1]
def settings_keys(self) -> Generator[str, Any, None]:
Gets the list of all parameters.
Get the list of all parameters.
return (key for key in self.__dict__)
def loads_from_string(self, json_str: str) -> None:
Loads settings.
Dump settings
d = json.loads(json_str)
for key in d:
if hasattr(self, key):
setattr(self, key, d[key])
def dumps_to_string(self) -> str:
Dumps settings.
Dump settings
d = dict()
for key in self.settings_keys:

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from types import TracebackType
class TermManager: # pragma: no cover
The TermManager object initializes the terminal, returns a screen object and
de-initializes the terminal after use.
de-initializes the terminal after use
def __init__(self):
self.screen = curses.initscr()
@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ class TermManager: # pragma: no cover
# make cursor invisible
# Catch mouse events
curses.mousemask(curses.ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS | curses.REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION)
# Enable colors

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

View File

@ -1,32 +1,28 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import random
import unittest
from ..entities.friendly import Chest, Trumpet
from ..entities.items import BodySnatchPotion, Bomb, Explosion, Heart, Item
from ..entities.monsters import GiantSeaEagle, Hedgehog, Rabbit, \
TeddyBear, Tiger
from ..entities.player import Player
from ..interfaces import Entity, Map
from ..resources import ResourceManager
from squirrelbattle.entities.items import Bomb, Heart, Item
from squirrelbattle.entities.monsters import Tiger, Hedgehog, Rabbit, TeddyBear
from squirrelbattle.entities.player import Player
from squirrelbattle.interfaces import Entity, Map
from squirrelbattle.resources import ResourceManager
class TestEntities(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
Loads example map that can be used in tests.
Load example map that can be used in tests.
""" = Map.load(ResourceManager.get_asset_path("example_map.txt"))
self.player = Player()
self.player.constitution = 0
def test_basic_entities(self) -> None:
Tests some random stuff with basic entities.
Test some random stuff with basic entities.
entity = Entity()
entity.move(42, 64)
@ -41,46 +37,43 @@ class TestEntities(unittest.TestCase):
def test_fighting_entities(self) -> None:
Tests some random stuff with fighting entities.
Test some random stuff with fighting entities.
entity = Tiger()
self.assertEqual(entity.maxhealth, 30)
self.assertEqual(entity.maxhealth, 20)
self.assertEqual(entity.strength, 5)
for _ in range(5):
self.assertEqual(entity.strength, 2)
for _ in range(9):
"Tiger hits tiger. Tiger takes 5 damage.")
"tiger hits tiger. tiger takes 2 damage.")
self.assertEqual(entity.hit(entity), "Tiger hits tiger. "
+ "Tiger takes 5 damage. Tiger dies.")
self.assertEqual(entity.hit(entity), "tiger hits tiger. "
+ "tiger takes 2 damage. tiger dies.")
entity = Rabbit() = 15
entity.critical = 0
entity.move(15, 44)
# Move randomly
self.assertFalse(entity.y == 15 and entity.x == 44)
# Move to the player
entity.move(3, 6)
self.assertTrue(entity.y == 2 and entity.x == 6)
# Rabbit should fight
old_health =
self.assertTrue(entity.y == 2 and entity.x == 6)
self.assertEqual(old_health - entity.strength,
f"{} hits {}. \
{} takes {entity.strength} damage.")
f"{} hits {}. \
{} takes {entity.strength} damage.")
# Fight the rabbit
self.player.critical = 0
old_health =
self.assertEqual(, old_health - self.player.strength)
@ -95,83 +88,29 @@ class TestEntities(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertGreaterEqual(self.player.current_xp, 3)
# Test that a chest is destroyed by a bomb
bomb = Bomb()
bomb.owner = self.player
bomb.move(3, 6)
chest = Chest()
chest.move(4, 6)
bomb.exploding = True
for _ in range(5):
def test_familiar(self) -> None:
fam = Trumpet()
entity = Rabbit()
self.player.move(1, 6)
entity.move(2, 6)
fam.move(2, 7)
# Test fighting = 2
entity.paths = []
entity.recalculate_paths() = entity
# Test finding a new target
entity2 = Rabbit()
entity2.move(2, 6)
self.assertTrue( == entity2)
# Test following the player and finding the player as target
self.player.move(6, 5)
fam.move(5, 5) = None
self.assertTrue( == self.player)
self.assertEqual(fam.y, 6)
self.assertEqual(fam.x, 5)
# Test random move
fam.move(13, 20) = self.player
self.assertTrue(fam.x != 20 or fam.y != 13)
def test_items(self) -> None:
Tests some random stuff with items.
Test some random stuff with items.
item = Item()
self.assertEqual(item.held_by, self.player)
self.assertEqual(item.y, 1)
item.drop(2, 6)
self.assertEqual(item.y, 2)
self.assertEqual(item.x, 6)
# Pick up item
self.assertEqual(item.held_by, self.player)
self.assertIn(item, self.player.inventory)
def test_bombs(self) -> None:
Tests some random stuff with bombs.
Test some random stuff with bombs.
item = Bomb()
hedgehog = Hedgehog()
@ -186,37 +125,18 @@ class TestEntities(unittest.TestCase):
self.player.move(42, 42)
item.drop(42, 42)
self.assertEqual(item.y, 42)
self.assertEqual(item.x, 42)
# Wait for the explosion
for _ignored in range(5):
bomb_state = item.save_state()
self.assertEqual(bomb_state["damage"], item.damage)
explosions =
explosion = explosions[0]
self.assertEqual(explosion.y, item.y)
self.assertEqual(explosion.x, item.x)
# The player can't hold the explosion
self.assertNotIn(explosion, self.player.inventory)
# The explosion disappears after two ticks
def test_hearts(self) -> None:
Tests some random stuff with hearts.
Test some random stuff with hearts.
item = Heart()
@ -229,27 +149,9 @@ class TestEntities(unittest.TestCase):
heart_state = item.save_state()
self.assertEqual(heart_state["healing"], item.healing)
def test_body_snatch_potion(self) -> None:
Tests some random stuff with body snatch potions.
item = BodySnatchPotion()
tiger = Tiger(y=42, x=42)
# The player becomes a tiger, and the tiger becomes a squirrel
self.assertEqual(, "tiger")
self.assertEqual(, "player")
self.assertEqual(self.player.y, 42)
self.assertEqual(self.player.x, 42)
def test_players(self) -> None:
Tests some random stuff with players.
Test some random stuff with players.
player = Player()
@ -279,26 +181,3 @@ class TestEntities(unittest.TestCase):
player_state = player.save_state()
self.assertEqual(player_state["current_xp"], 10)
player = Player() =
for _ in range(13):
self.assertEqual(player.level, 12)
self.assertEqual(player.critical, 5 + 95 // 30)
self.assertEqual(player.charisma, 3)
def test_critical_hit(self) -> None:
Ensure that critical hits are working.
random.seed(2) # Next random.randint(1, 100) will output 8
self.player.critical = 10
sea_eagle = GiantSeaEagle()
sea_eagle.move(2, 6)
old_health =
old_health - self.player.strength * 4)

View File

@ -1,60 +1,37 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
import os
import unittest
from ..bootstrap import Bootstrap
from ..display.display import Display
from ..display.display_manager import DisplayManager
from ..entities.friendly import Chest, Merchant, Sunflower
from ..entities.items import Bomb, Bow, Chestplate, Explosion, FireBallStaff, \
Heart, Helmet, Monocle, RingCritical, ScrollofDamage, ScrollofWeakening, \
Shield, Sword
from ..entities.monsters import GiantSeaEagle, Rabbit
from ..entities.player import Player
from ..enums import DisplayActions, GameMode, KeyValues
from import Game
from ..interfaces import Map, Tile
from ..menus import MainMenuValues
from ..resources import ResourceManager
from ..settings import Settings
from ..translations import gettext as _, Translator
from squirrelbattle.resources import ResourceManager
from squirrelbattle.enums import DisplayActions
from squirrelbattle.bootstrap import Bootstrap
from squirrelbattle.display.display import Display
from squirrelbattle.display.display_manager import DisplayManager
from squirrelbattle.entities.player import Player
from import Game, KeyValues, GameMode
from squirrelbattle.menus import MainMenuValues
from squirrelbattle.settings import Settings
class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
Sets the game up.
Setup game.
""" = Game() = Map.load(
ResourceManager.get_asset_path("example_map.txt")),"Hello World !")
display = DisplayManager(None, = display.handle_display_action
def test_load_game(self) -> None:
Saves a game and reloads it.
Save a game and reload it.
bomb = Bomb()
sword = Sword()
# Add items in the inventory to check that it is well loaded
# Ensure that merchants can be saved
merchant = Merchant()
merchant.move(3, 6)
old_state =
@ -67,10 +44,6 @@ class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
new_state =
self.assertEqual(old_state, new_state)
# Ensure that the bomb is loaded
# Error on loading save
with open(ResourceManager.get_config_path("save.json"), "w") as f:
@ -95,15 +68,16 @@ class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
def test_bootstrap_fail(self) -> None:
Ensures that the test can't play the game,
Ensure that the test can't play the game,
because there is no associated shell.
Yeah, that's only for coverage.
self.assertRaises(Exception, Bootstrap.run_game)
self.assertEqual(os.getenv("TERM", "unknown"), "unknown")
def test_key_translation(self) -> None:
Tests key bindings.
Test key bindings.
""" = Settings()
@ -134,38 +108,14 @@ class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(KeyValues.translate_key(' ',,
def test_key_press(self) -> None:
Presses a key and asserts what is done is correct.
Press a key and see what is done.
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.MAINMENU)
@ -222,12 +172,6 @@ class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
y, x =,
# Ensure that the neighborhood is walkable
for dx in [-1, 0, 1]:
for dy in [-1, 0, 1]:[y + dy][x + dx] = Tile.FLOOR
new_y, new_x =,
self.assertEqual(new_y, y + 1)
@ -251,75 +195,12 @@ class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(new_y, y)
self.assertEqual(new_x, x - 1)
explosion = Explosion()
rabbit = Rabbit(), 6)
rabbit.move(3, 6) = 11
self.assertEqual(rabbit.confused, 1)
string = rabbit.hit(
string, _("{name} is confused, it can not hit {opponent}.")
rabbit.confused = 0 = 0
self.assertEqual(rabbit.confused, 0)
rabbit.die() = 11 = 1
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.MAINMENU)
def test_mouse_click(self) -> None:
Simulates mouse clicks.
""" = GameMode.MAINMENU
# Change the color of the artwork, 0, 10,
# Settings menu, 25, 21,
self.assertEqual(, 4)
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.SETTINGS)
bomb = Bomb()
bomb2 = Bomb()
bomb2.hold( = GameMode.INVENTORY
# Click nowhere, 0, 0,
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.INVENTORY)
# Click on the second item, 8, 25,
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.INVENTORY)
self.assertEqual(, 1)
def test_new_game(self) -> None:
Ensures that the start button starts a new game.
Ensure that the start button starts a new game.
old_map =
old_player =
@ -342,7 +223,7 @@ class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
def test_settings_menu(self) -> None:
Ensures that the settings menu is working properly.
Ensure that the settings menu is working properly.
""" = Settings()
@ -354,13 +235,13 @@ class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.SETTINGS)
# Define the "move up" key to 'h'
# Define the "move up" key to 'w'
self.assertTrue(, 'h'), 'w')
self.assertEqual(, 'h')
self.assertEqual(, 'w')
# Navigate to "move left"
@ -381,7 +262,10 @@ class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(, 'a')
# Navigate to "texture pack"
for ignored in range(14):
# Change texture pack
@ -391,26 +275,12 @@ class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(, "ascii")
# Change language
Translator.refresh_translations() = "en"
self.assertEqual(, "fr")
self.assertEqual(_("New game"), "Nouvelle partie")
self.assertEqual(, "de")
self.assertEqual(_("New game"), "Neu Spiel")
self.assertEqual(, "es")
self.assertEqual(_("New game"), "Nuevo partido")
self.assertEqual(, "en")
self.assertEqual(_("New game"), "New game")
# Navigate to "back" button
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.MAINMENU)
@ -428,7 +298,7 @@ class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
def test_dead_screen(self) -> None:
Kills the player and renders the dead message on the fake screen.
Kill player and render dead screen.
""" = GameMode.PLAY
# Kill player
@ -444,518 +314,16 @@ class TestGame(unittest.TestCase):
def test_not_implemented(self) -> None:
Checks that some functions are not implemented, only for coverage.
Check that some functions are not implemented, only for coverage.
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, Display.display, None)
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, Display.update, None,
def test_messages(self) -> None:
Displays error messages.
Display error messages.
""" = "I am an error", "random key")
def test_inventory_menu(self) -> None:
Opens the inventory menu and interacts with items.
""" = GameMode.PLAY
# Open and close the inventory
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.INVENTORY)
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.PLAY)
# Add five bombs in the inventory
for ignored in range(5):
bomb = Bomb() =
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.INVENTORY)
# Navigate in the menu
self.assertEqual(, 3)
self.assertEqual(, 4)
# Equip key does nothing
# Drop an item
bomb =[-1]
self.assertEqual(, bomb)
# Use the bomb
bomb =[-1]
self.assertEqual(, bomb)
def test_talk_to_sunflowers(self) -> None:
Interacts with sunflowers.
""" = GameMode.PLAY
sunflower = Sunflower()
sunflower.move( + 1,
# Does nothing
# Talk to sunflower... or not
# Wrong key
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.PLAY)
self.assertFalse(len( > 1)
# Talk to sunflower
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.PLAY)
# Ensure that the message is a good message
for msg in Sunflower().dialogue_option))
# Test all directions to detect the friendly entity + 1, sunflower.x)
self.assertEqual(len(, 3), sunflower.x + 1)
self.assertEqual(len(, 4), sunflower.x - 1)
self.assertEqual(len(, 5)
def test_talk_to_merchant(self) -> None:
Interacts with merchants.
""" = GameMode.PLAY
merchant = Merchant()
merchant.move( + 1,
# Does nothing
# Talk to merchant
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.STORE)
# Navigate in the menu
self.assertEqual(, 1) = 0x7ffff42ff
# The second item is not a heart
merchant.inventory[1] = sword = Sword()
# Buy the second item by clicking on it
item =
self.assertIn(item, merchant.inventory), 7, 25,
self.assertNotIn(item, merchant.inventory)
# Buy a heart
merchant.inventory[1] = Heart()
item =
self.assertIn(item, merchant.inventory)
self.assertEqual(item, merchant.inventory[1]) = - 1 - item.healing
self.assertNotIn(item, merchant.inventory)
self.assertEqual(, - 1)
# We don't have enough of money = 0
item =
self.assertIn(item, merchant.inventory)
_("The buyer does not have enough money"))
# Sell an item = len( - 1
self.assertEqual(, sword)
old_player_money, old_merchant_money =,\
self.assertIn(sword, merchant.inventory)
self.assertEqual(, old_player_money + sword.price)
self.assertEqual(merchant.hazel, old_merchant_money - sword.price)
# Exit the menu
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.PLAY)
def test_equipment(self) -> None:
Ensure that equipment is working.
""" = GameMode.INVENTORY
# sword goes into the main equipment slot
sword = Sword()
self.assertEqual(, sword)
# shield goes into the secondary equipment slot
shield = Shield()
self.assertEqual(, shield)
# helmet goes into the helmet slot
helmet = Helmet()
self.assertEqual(, helmet)
# helmet goes into the armor slot
chestplate = Chestplate()
self.assertEqual(, chestplate)
# Use bomb
bomb = Bomb()
self.assertEqual(, bomb)
self.assertFalse(shield.equipped) = GameMode.PLAY
self.assertIsNone( = GameMode.INVENTORY
self.assertEqual(, shield)
# Reequip, which is useless but covers code
# Unequip all
# Test rings
ring = RingCritical()
old_critical =
old_critical + ring.critical)
def test_monocle(self) -> None:
The player is wearing a monocle, then the stats are displayed.
""" = GameMode.PLAY
monocle = Monocle()
sea_eagle = GiantSeaEagle()
sea_eagle.move(2, 6)
def test_ladders(self) -> None:
Ensure that the player can climb on ladders.
""" = GameMode.PLAY
self.assertEqual(, 0)
self.assertEqual(, 0)
# Move nowhere, 10)
self.assertEqual(, 0)
# Move down, 40) # Move on a ladder
self.assertEqual(, 1)
self.assertEqual(, 1)
# Move up
self.assertEqual(, 0)
self.assertEqual(, 3)
self.assertEqual(, 40)
def test_credits(self) -> None:
Load credits menu.
""" = GameMode.MAINMENU, 41, 41,
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.CREDITS), 21, 21,
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.MAINMENU)
def test_launch(self) -> None:
Use the long range weapons to kill some entities.
""" = GameMode.PLAY, 6)
b = Bow()
b.held_by = = b
entity = Rabbit() = 1
entity.move(3, 6) = True
entity = Rabbit() = 1
entity.move(2, 8) = True
entity = Rabbit() = 1
entity.move(2, 5) = True
key = "l"
entity2 = Rabbit() = 1
entity2.move(1, 6)
b = FireBallStaff()
b.held_by =
def test_scrolls(self) -> None:
Use the scrolls.
""" = GameMode.PLAY, 6)
entity = Rabbit()
entity.move(3, 6)
entity2 = GiantSeaEagle()
entity2.move(3, 8)
scroll1 = ScrollofDamage()
scroll2 = ScrollofWeakening()
scroll1.held_by =
scroll2.held_by =
self.assertTrue( != entity.maxhealth)
self.assertTrue( != entity2.maxhealth)
self.assertEqual(entity.strength, 0)
self.assertEqual(entity2.strength, 999)
self.assertEqual(entity2.effects, [])
def test_chests(self) -> None:
Interacts with chests.
""" = GameMode.PLAY
chest = Chest()
chest.move(2, 6)
# Talk to merchant
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.CHEST)
# Navigate in the menu
self.assertEqual(, 1)
# The second item is not a heart
chest.inventory[1] = sword = Sword()
# Take the second item
item =
self.assertIn(item, chest.inventory), 7, 25,
self.assertNotIn(item, chest.inventory)
# Give an item back = len( - 1
self.assertEqual(, sword)
self.assertIn(sword, chest.inventory)
# Test immortality
self.assertTrue(not chest.dead)
# Exit the menu
self.assertEqual(, GameMode.PLAY)
def test_doors(self) -> None:
Check that the user can open doors.
""" = GameMode.PLAY, 8)
self.assertEqual([10][8], Tile.DOOR)
# Open door
self.assertEqual([10][8], Tile.FLOOR)
self.assertEqual(, 10)
self.assertEqual(, 8)

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import unittest
from ..display.texturepack import TexturePack
from ..interfaces import Map, Slope, Tile
from ..resources import ResourceManager
from squirrelbattle.display.texturepack import TexturePack
from squirrelbattle.interfaces import Map, Tile
from squirrelbattle.resources import ResourceManager
class TestInterfaces(unittest.TestCase):
def test_map(self) -> None:
Creates a map and checks that it is well parsed.
Create a map and check that it is well parsed.
m = Map.load_from_string("0 0\n.#\n#.\n")
self.assertEqual(m.width, 2)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class TestInterfaces(unittest.TestCase):
def test_load_map(self) -> None:
Tries to load a map from a file.
Try to load a map from a file.
m = Map.load(ResourceManager.get_asset_path("example_map.txt"))
self.assertEqual(m.width, 52)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class TestInterfaces(unittest.TestCase):
def test_tiles(self) -> None:
Tests some things about tiles.
Test some things about tiles.
@ -37,21 +37,3 @@ class TestInterfaces(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Tile.from_ascii_char, 'unknown')
def test_slope(self) -> None:
Test good behaviour of slopes (basically vectors, compared according to
the determinant)
a = Slope(1, 1)
b = Slope(0, 1)
self.assertTrue(b < a)
self.assertTrue(b <= a)
self.assertTrue(a <= a)
self.assertTrue(a == a)
self.assertTrue(a > b)
self.assertTrue(a >= b)
# def test_visibility(self) -> None:
# m = Map.load(ResourceManager.get_asset_path("example_map_3.txt"))
# m.compute_visibility(1, 1, 50)

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from random import randint
from typing import List
import unittest
from ..display.texturepack import TexturePack
from ..interfaces import Map, Tile
from ..mapgeneration import broguelike
class TestBroguelike(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
self.generator = broguelike.Generator()
self.stom = lambda x: Map.load_from_string("0 0\n" + x)
self.mtos = lambda x: x.draw_string(TexturePack.ASCII_PACK)
def test_dist(self) -> None:
m = self.stom(".. ..\n ... ")
distance = broguelike.dist(m.tiles, 0, 0, 0, 4)
self.assertEqual(distance, 6)
m = self.stom(". .")
distance = broguelike.dist(m.tiles, 0, 0, 0, 2)
self.assertEqual(distance, -1)
def is_connex(self, grid: List[List[Tile]]) -> bool:
h, w = len(grid), len(grid[0])
y, x = -1, -1
while not grid[y][x].can_walk():
y, x = randint(0, h - 1), randint(0, w - 1)
queue = Map.neighbourhood(grid, y, x)
while queue:
y, x = queue.pop()
if grid[y][x].can_walk() or grid[y][x] == Tile.DOOR:
grid[y][x] = Tile.WALL
queue += Map.neighbourhood(grid, y, x)
return not any([t.can_walk() or t == Tile.DOOR
for row in grid for t in row])
def test_build_doors(self) -> None:
m = self.stom(". .\n. .\n. .\n")
self.assertFalse(self.generator.build_door(m.tiles, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2))
def test_connexity(self) -> None:
m =
def test_loops(self) -> None:
m = self.stom(3 * ".. ..\n")
self.generator.add_loop(m.tiles, 1, 3)
s = self.mtos(m)
self.assertEqual(s, ".. ..\n.......\n.. ..")
self.assertFalse(self.generator.add_loop(m.tiles, 0, 0))
m = self.stom("...\n. .\n...")
self.assertFalse(self.generator.add_loop(m.tiles, 1, 1))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from typing import Tuple
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class FakePad:
def addstr(self, y: int, x: int, message: str, color: int = 0) -> None:
def noutrefresh(self, pminrow: int, pmincol: int, sminrow: int,
def refresh(self, pminrow: int, pmincol: int, sminrow: int,
smincol: int, smaxrow: int, smaxcol: int) -> None:
@ -24,6 +24,3 @@ class FakePad:
def getmaxyx(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return 42, 42
def inch(self, y: int, x: int) -> str:
return "i"

View File

@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import unittest
from squirrelbattle.settings import Settings
from squirrelbattle.translations import Translator
class TestSettings(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
def test_settings(self) -> None:
Ensures that settings are well loaded.
Ensure that settings are well loaded.
settings = Settings()
self.assertEqual(settings.KEY_UP_PRIMARY, 'z')
@ -28,7 +24,7 @@ class TestSettings(unittest.TestCase):
'Texture pack')
'Pack de textures utilisé')
settings.TEXTURE_PACK = 'squirrel'
self.assertEqual(settings.TEXTURE_PACK, 'squirrel')

View File

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
import unittest
from squirrelbattle.translations import gettext as _, Translator
class TestTranslations(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
def test_main_menu_translation(self) -> None:
Ensures that the main menu is translated.
self.assertEqual(_("New game"), "Nouvelle partie")
self.assertEqual(_("Resume"), "Continuer")
self.assertEqual(_("Load"), "Charger")
self.assertEqual(_("Save"), "Sauvegarder")
self.assertEqual(_("Settings"), "Paramètres")
self.assertEqual(_("Exit"), "Quitter")
def test_settings_menu_translation(self) -> None:
Ensures that the settings menu is translated.
self.assertEqual(_("Main key to move up"),
"Touche principale pour aller vers le haut")
self.assertEqual(_("Secondary key to move up"),
"Touche secondaire pour aller vers le haut")
self.assertEqual(_("Main key to move down"),
"Touche principale pour aller vers le bas")
self.assertEqual(_("Secondary key to move down"),
"Touche secondaire pour aller vers le bas")
self.assertEqual(_("Main key to move left"),
"Touche principale pour aller vers la gauche")
self.assertEqual(_("Secondary key to move left"),
"Touche secondaire pour aller vers la gauche")
self.assertEqual(_("Main key to move right"),
"Touche principale pour aller vers la droite")
self.assertEqual(_("Secondary key to move right"),
"Touche secondaire pour aller vers la droite")
self.assertEqual(_("Key to validate a menu"),
"Touche pour valider un menu")
self.assertEqual(_("Key used to open the inventory"),
"Touche utilisée pour ouvrir l'inventaire")
self.assertEqual(_("Key used to use an item in the inventory"),
"Touche pour utiliser un objet de l'inventaire")
self.assertEqual(_("Key used to equip an item in the inventory"),
"Touche pour équiper un objet de l'inventaire")
self.assertEqual(_("Key used to drop an item in the inventory"),
"Touche pour jeter un objet de l'inventaire")
self.assertEqual(_("Key used to talk to a friendly entity"),
"Touche pour parler à une entité pacifique")
self.assertEqual(_("Key used to wait"), "Touche pour attendre")
self.assertEqual(_("Key used to use ladders"),
"Touche pour utiliser les échelles")
self.assertEqual(_("Key used to use a bow"),
"Touche pour utiliser un arc")
self.assertEqual(_("Key used to dance"),
"Touche pour danser")
self.assertEqual(_("Texture pack"), "Pack de textures")
self.assertEqual(_("Language"), "Langue")
def test_entities_translation(self) -> None:
self.assertEqual(_("player"), "joueur")
self.assertEqual(_("hedgehog"), "hérisson")
self.assertEqual(_("merchant"), "marchand")
self.assertEqual(_("rabbit"), "lapin")
self.assertEqual(_("sunflower"), "tournesol")
self.assertEqual(_("teddy bear"), "nounours")
self.assertEqual(_("tiger"), "tigre")
self.assertEqual(_("eagle"), "pygargue")
self.assertEqual(_("body snatch potion"), "potion d'arrachage de corps")
self.assertEqual(_("bomb"), "bombe")
self.assertEqual(_("explosion"), "explosion")
self.assertEqual(_("heart"), "cœur")
self.assertEqual(_("sword"), "épée")
self.assertEqual(_("helmet"), "casque")
self.assertEqual(_("chestplate"), "plastron")
self.assertEqual(_("shield"), "bouclier")
self.assertEqual(_("ruler"), "règle")
self.assertEqual(_("scroll of damage"), "parchemin de dégâts")
self.assertEqual(_("scroll of weakness"), "parchemin de faiblesse")
self.assertEqual(_("bow"), "arc")
self.assertEqual(_("fire ball staff"), "baton de boule de feu")
self.assertEqual(_("ring of critical damage"),
"anneau de coup critique")
self.assertEqual(_("ring of more experience"),
"anneau de plus d'expérience")
self.assertEqual(_("monocle"), "monocle")

View File

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import gettext as gt
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import subprocess
from typing import Any, List
class Translator:
This module uses gettext to translate strings.
Translator.setlocale defines the language of the strings,
then gettext() translates the messages.
SUPPORTED_LOCALES: List[str] = ["de", "en", "es", "fr"]
locale: str = "en"
translators: dict = {}
def refresh_translations(cls) -> None:
Loads compiled translations.
for language in cls.SUPPORTED_LOCALES:
if language == "en":
rep = Path(__file__).parent / "locale" / language / "LC_MESSAGES"
rep.mkdir(parents=True) if not rep.is_dir() else None
if os.path.isfile(rep / ""):
cls.translators[language] = gt.translation(
localedir=Path(__file__).parent / "locale",
def setlocale(cls, lang: str) -> None:
Defines the language used to translate the game.
The language must be supported, otherwise nothing is done.
lang = lang[:2]
if lang in cls.SUPPORTED_LOCALES:
cls.locale = lang
def get_translator(cls) -> Any:
return cls.translators.get(cls.locale, gt.NullTranslations())
def makemessages(cls) -> None: # pragma: no cover
Analyses all strings in the project and extracts them.
for language in cls.SUPPORTED_LOCALES:
if language == "en":
# Don't translate the main language
file_name = Path(__file__).parent / "locale" / language \
/ "LC_MESSAGES" / "squirrelbattle.po"
args = ["find", "squirrelbattle", "-iname", "*.py"]
find = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=Path(__file__).parent.parent,
args = ["xargs", "xgettext", "--from-code", "utf-8",
"--copyright-holder=ÿnérant, eichhornchen, "
"nicomarg, charlse, ifugao",
"-o", file_name]
if file_name.is_file():
with open(file_name, "r") as f:
content =
with open(file_name, "w") as f:
f.write(re.sub("#:.*\n", "", content))
print(f"Make {language} messages...")
subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=find.stdout).wait()
def compilemessages(cls) -> None:
Compiles translation messages from source files.
for language in cls.SUPPORTED_LOCALES:
if language == "en":
args = ["msgfmt", "--check-format",
"-o", Path(__file__).parent / "locale" / language
/ "LC_MESSAGES" / "",
Path(__file__).parent / "locale" / language
/ "LC_MESSAGES" / "squirrelbattle.po"]
print(f"Compiling {language} messages...")
def gettext(message: str) -> str:
Translates a message.
return Translator.get_translator().gettext(message)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ deps =