This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# Copyright (C) 2020 by eichhornchen, ÿnérant
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from datetime import datetime
from random import randint, uniform
from typing import Any, Tuple
#from ipaddress import IPv6Address
# from ipaddress import IPv6Address
from threading import Thread, RLock
import curses
import re
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ class Hazelnut:
# See
address = "::ffff:" + socket.getaddrinfo(address, None, socket.AF_INET)[0][4][0]
self.address = address #IPv6Address(address)
self.address = address # IPv6Address(address)
self.port = port
@ -61,7 +62,8 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
self.history = []
self.received_messages = dict()
self.recent_messages = dict() #of the form [Pkt(DataTLV), date of first reception, dict(neighbour, date of the next send, nb of times it has already been sent)]
self.recent_messages = dict() # of the form [Pkt(DataTLV), date of first reception,
# dict(neighbour, date of the next send, nb of times it has already been sent)]
self.history_pad = curses.newpad(curses.LINES - 2, curses.COLS)
self.input_pad = curses.newpad(1, curses.COLS)
self.emoji_pad = curses.newpad(18, 12)
@ -71,13 +73,12 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
for i in range(curses.COLOR_BLACK + 1, curses.COLOR_WHITE):
curses.init_pair(i + 1, i, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
#dictionnaries of neighbours
# dictionnaries of neighbours
self.potentialhazelnuts = dict()
self.activehazelnuts = dict() #of the form [hazelnut, time of last
#hello, time of last long hello, is symmetric]
self.activehazelnuts = dict() # of the form [hazelnut, time of last hello,
# time of last long hello, is symmetric]
self.nbNS = 0
self.minNS = 3 #minimal number of symmetric neighbours a squirrel needs
#to have.
self.minNS = 3 # minimal number of symmetric neighbours a squirrel needs to have.
self.add_system_message(f"Listening on {self.address}:{self.port}")
self.add_system_message(f"I am {}")
@ -89,13 +90,13 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
hazelnut = Hazelnut(address=address, port=port)
return hazelnut
def is_active(self, hazel: Hazelnut) -> bool :
def is_active(self, hazel: Hazelnut) -> bool:
return (hazel.address, hazel.port) in self.activehazelnuts
def is_potential(self, hazel: Hazelnut) -> bool :
def is_potential(self, hazel: Hazelnut) -> bool:
return (hazel.address, hazel.port) in self.potentialhazelnuts
def remove_from_potential(self, address: str, port: int)-> None:
def remove_from_potential(self, address: str, port: int) -> None:
self.potentialhazelnuts.pop((address, port), None)
def find_hazelnut(self, address: str, port: int) -> Hazelnut:
@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
def handle_key_pressed(self, key: str) -> None:
def handle_key_pressed(self, key: str) -> None: # noqa: C901
Process the key press from the user.
@ -302,18 +303,18 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
Returns True iff the message was not already received previously.
if (sender_id, nonce) not in self.received_messages:
#If it is a new message, add it to recent_messages
# If it is a new message, add it to recent_messages
d = self.make_inundation_dict()
pkt = Packet().construct(tlv)
self.recent_messages[(sender_id, nonce)] = [pkt, time.time(), d]
#in all cases, remove the sender from the list of neighbours to be inundated
# in all cases, remove the sender from the list of neighbours to be inundated
self.remove_from_inundation(relay, sender_id, nonce)
if (sender_id, nonce) in self.received_messages:
return False
self.add_message(msg) #for display purposes
self.add_message(msg) # for display purposes
self.received_messages[(sender_id, nonce)] = Message(msg, sender_id, nonce)
return True
@ -322,11 +323,11 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
Takes the activehazels dictionnary and returns a list of [hazel, date+random, 0]
res = dict()
l = list(self.activehazelnuts.items())
for key, hazel in l:
if hazel[3]: #Only if the neighbour is symmetric
hazels = list(self.activehazelnuts.items())
for key, hazel in hazels:
if hazel[3]: # Only if the neighbour is symmetric
next_send = uniform(1, 2)
res[key] = [hazel[0], time.time()+next_send, 0]
res[key] = [hazel[0], time.time() + next_send, 0]
return res
def remove_from_inundation(self, hazel: Hazelnut, sender_id: int, nonce: int) -> None:
@ -335,26 +336,26 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
if (sender_id, nonce) in self.recent_messages:
#If a peer is late in its acknowledgement, the absence of the previous if causes an error.
# If a peer is late in its acknowledgement, the absence of the previous if causes an error.
self.recent_messages[(sender_id, nonce)][2].pop((hazel.address, hazel.port), None)
if not self.recent_messages[(sender_id, nonce)][2] : #If dictionnary is empty, remove the message
self.recent_messages.pop((sender_id, nonce), None)
if not self.recent_messages[(sender_id, nonce)][2]: # If dictionnary is empty, remove the message
self.recent_messages.pop((sender_id, nonce), None)
def clean_inundation(self):
def clean_inundation(self) -> None:
Remove messages which are overdue (older than 2 minutes) from the inundation dictionnary.
for key in self.recent_messages:
if time.time()-self.recent_messages[key][1] > 120:
if time.time() - self.recent_messages[key][1] > 120:
def main_inundation(self):
def main_inundation(self) -> None:
The main inundation function.
@ -363,23 +364,22 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
for key in self.recent_messages:
k = list(self.recent_messages[key][2].keys())
for key2 in k:
if time.time()>= self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][1] :
if time.time() >= self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][1]:
self.add_system_message(f"inundating {self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][0].id} with message {key}")
#send the packet if it is overdue
# send the packet if it is overdue
self.send_packet(self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][0], self.recent_messages[key][0])
#change the time until the next send
# change the time until the next send
a = self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][2]
self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][2] = a+1
next_send = uniform(2**(a-1), 2**a)
self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][1] = time.time()+next_send
self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][2] = a + 1
next_send = uniform(2 ** (a - 1), 2 ** a)
self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][1] = time.time() + next_send
if self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][2]>=5: #the neighbour is not reactive enough
if self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][2] >= 5: # the neighbour is not reactive enough
gatlv = GoAwayTLV().construct(GoAwayType.TIMEOUT, f"{} No acknowledge")
pkt = Packet().construct(gatlv)
self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][0], pkt)
self.send_packet(self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][0], pkt)
self.potentialhazelnuts[key2] = self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][0]
@ -591,8 +591,8 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
lp = len(self.potentialhazelnuts)
val = list(self.potentialhazelnuts.values())
for i in range(min(lp, max(0,self.minNS-self.nbNS))) :
a = randint(0, lp-1)
for i in range(min(lp, max(0, self.minNS - self.nbNS))):
a = randint(0, lp - 1)
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
for hazelnut in self.activehazelnuts.values() :
for hazelnut in self.activehazelnuts.values():
htlv = HelloTLV().construct(16, self, hazelnut[0])
pkt = Packet().construct(htlv)
self.send_packet(hazelnut[0], pkt)
@ -618,10 +618,10 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
val = list(self.activehazelnuts.values()) #create a copy because the dict size will change
val = list(self.activehazelnuts.values()) # create a copy because the dict size will change
for hazelnut in val :
if time.time()-hazelnut[1]>2*60:
for hazelnut in val:
if time.time() - hazelnut[1] > 2 * 60:
gatlv = GoAwayTLV().construct(GoAwayType.TIMEOUT, "you did not talk to me")
pkt = Packet().construct(gatlv)
self.send_packet(hazelnut[0], pkt)
@ -630,7 +630,6 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
def send_neighbours(self) -> None:
Update the number of symmetric neighbours and
@ -638,23 +637,25 @@ class Squirrel(Hazelnut):
nbNS = 0
#could send the same to all neighbour, but it means that neighbour A could receive a message with itself in it -> if the others do not pay attention, trouble
for key, hazelnut in self.activehazelnuts.items() :
if time.time()-hazelnut[2]<=2*60:
nb_ns = 0
# could send the same to all neighbour, but it means that neighbour
# A could receive a message with itself in it -> if the others do not pay attention, trouble
for key, hazelnut in self.activehazelnuts.items():
if time.time() - hazelnut[2] <= 2 * 60:
nb_ns += 1
self.activehazelnuts[key][3] = True
ntlv = NeighbourTLV().construct(hazelnut[0].address,hazelnut[0].port)
ntlv = NeighbourTLV().construct(hazelnut[0].address, hazelnut[0].port)
pkt = Packet().construct(ntlv)
for destination in self.activehazelnuts.values() :
if destination[0].id != hazelnut[0].id :
for destination in self.activehazelnuts.values():
if destination[0].id != hazelnut[0].id:
self.send_packet(destination[0], pkt)
self.activehazelnuts[key][3] = False
self.nbNS = nbNS
self.nbNS = nb_ns
class Worm(Thread):
The worm is the hazel listener.
@ -678,6 +679,7 @@ class Worm(Thread):
class HazelManager(Thread):
A process to cleanly manage the squirrel's neighbours
@ -695,29 +697,30 @@ class HazelManager(Thread):
def run(self) -> None:
while True:
#First part of neighbour management: ensure the squirrel has enough
#symmetric neighbours.
if time.time()-self.last_potential > 30:
# First part of neighbour management: ensure the squirrel has enough
# symmetric neighbours.
if time.time() - self.last_potential > 30:
to_contact = self.squirrel.potential_to_contact()
for hazel in to_contact :
for hazel in to_contact:
self.squirrel.send_packet(hazel, self.hellopkt)
self.last_potential = time.time()
#Second part: send long HelloTLVs to neighbours every 30 seconds
if time.time()-self.last_check > 30 :
# Second part: send long HelloTLVs to neighbours every 30 seconds
if time.time() - self.last_check > 30:
self.squirrel.add_system_message(f"I have {len(list(self.squirrel.activehazelnuts.values()))} friends")
self.last_check = time.time()
#Third part: get rid of inactive neighbours
# Third part: get rid of inactive neighbours
#Fourth part: verify symmetric neighbours and send NeighbourTLV every minute
if time.time()-self.last_neighbour > 60 :
# Fourth part: verify symmetric neighbours and send NeighbourTLV every minute
if time.time() - self.last_neighbour > 60:
self.last_neighbour = time.time()
class Inondator(Thread):
A process to manage the inondation
@ -729,12 +732,12 @@ class Inondator(Thread):
def run(self) -> None:
while True:
#clean the dictionnary
if time.time()-self.last_check > 30 :
# clean the dictionnary
if time.time() - self.last_check > 30:
self.last_check = time.time()
# inundate
@ -123,13 +123,14 @@ class PadNTLV(TLV):
squirrel.add_system_message(f"I received {self.length} zeros, am I so a bag guy ? :cold_sweat:")
def construct(length: int) -> "Pad1TLV":
def construct(length: int) -> "PadNTLV":
tlv = PadNTLV()
tlv.type = 1
tlv.length = length
tlv.mbz = b'0'*length
tlv.mbz = b'0' * length
return tlv
class HelloTLV(TLV):
type: int = 2
length: int
@ -157,24 +158,23 @@ class HelloTLV(TLV):
return data
def handle(self, squirrel: Any, sender: Any) -> None:
timeH = time.time()
if not squirrel.is_active(sender) :
|||| = self.source_id #The sender we are given misses an id
timeHL = time.time()
else :
timeHL = squirrel.activehazelnuts[(sender.address, sender.port)][2]
if self.is_long and self.dest_id == :
timeHL = time.time()
time_h = time.time()
if not squirrel.is_active(sender):
|||| = self.source_id # The sender we are given misses an id
time_hl = time.time()
time_hl = squirrel.activehazelnuts[(sender.address, sender.port)][2]
if self.is_long and self.dest_id ==
time_hl = time.time()
#Make sure the sender is not in the potential hazelnuts
# Make sure the sender is not in the potential hazelnuts
squirrel.remove_from_potential(sender.address, sender.port)
#Add entry to/actualize the active hazelnuts dictionnary
squirrel.activehazelnuts[(sender.address, sender.port)] = [sender, timeH,\
timeHL, True]
# Add entry to/actualize the active hazelnuts dictionnary
squirrel.activehazelnuts[(sender.address, sender.port)] = [sender, time_h, time_hl, True]
squirrel.nbNS += 1
#squirrel.add_system_message(f"Aaaawwww, {self.source_id} spoke to me and said me Hello "
# + ("long" if self.is_long else "short"))
# squirrel.add_system_message(f"Aaaawwww, {self.source_id} spoke to me and said me Hello "
# + ("long" if self.is_long else "short"))
def is_long(self) -> bool:
@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ class HelloTLV(TLV):
tlv.source_id = if squirrel else 0
if (destination is None) or == -1 or length == 8:
tlv.length = 8
tlv.dest_id = None #if the destination id is not known, or
#if the destination was not precised, send a short hello
else :
tlv.dest_id = None # if the destination id is not known, or
# if the destination was not precised, send a short hello
tlv.length = 16
tlv.dest_id =
return tlv
@ -214,19 +214,22 @@ class NeighbourTLV(TLV):
self.port.to_bytes(2, sys.byteorder)
def handle(self, squirrel: Any, sender: Any) -> None:
if not (str(self.ip_address),self.port) in squirrel.activehazelnuts and not (str(self.ip_address),self.port) in squirrel.potentialhazelnuts:
squirrel.potentialhazelnuts[(str(self.ip_address), self.port)] = squirrel.new_hazel(str(self.ip_address), self.port)
#squirrel.add_system_message(f"New potential friend {self.ip_address}:{self.port}!")
if not (str(self.ip_address), self.port) in squirrel.activehazelnuts \
and not (str(self.ip_address), self.port) in squirrel.potentialhazelnuts:
squirrel.potentialhazelnuts[(str(self.ip_address), self.port)] = \
squirrel.new_hazel(str(self.ip_address), self.port)
# squirrel.add_system_message(f"New potential friend {self.ip_address}:{self.port}!")
def construct(address: str, port: int) -> "NeighbourTLV":
tlv = NeighbourTLV()
tlv.type = 3
tlv.length = 18 #A priori...
tlv.length = 18 # A priori...
tlv.ip_address = IPv6Address(address)
tlv.port = port
return tlv
class DataTLV(TLV):
type: int = 4
length: int
@ -331,14 +334,15 @@ class AckTLV(TLV):
tlv.nonce = nonce
return tlv
class GoAwayType(Enum):
EXIT = 1
EXIT = 1
class GoAwayTLV(TLV):
type: int = 6
length: int
code: GoAwayType
@ -357,20 +361,21 @@ class GoAwayTLV(TLV):
self.message.encode("UTF-8")[:self.length - 1]
def handle(self, squirrel: Any, sender: Any) -> None:
if squirrel.is_active(sender) :
if squirrel.is_active(sender):
squirrel.activehazelnuts.pop((sender.address, sender.port))
squirrel.potentialhazelnuts[(sender.address, sender.port)] = sender
squirrel.add_system_message("Some told me that he went away : "+self.message)
squirrel.add_system_message("Some told me that he went away : " + self.message)
def construct(GAtype: GoAwayType, message: str) -> "GoAwayTLV":
def construct(ga_type: GoAwayType, message: str) -> "GoAwayTLV":
tlv = GoAwayTLV()
tlv.type = 6
tlv.code = GAtype
tlv.code = ga_type
tlv.message = message
tlv.length = 1 + len(tlv.message)
return tlv
class WarningTLV(TLV):
type: int = 7
length: int
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import curses
import time
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from typing import Any
@ -80,9 +79,9 @@ class Squinnondation:
pkt = Packet().construct(htlv)
squirrel.send_packet(hazelnut, pkt)
## if squirrel.port != 8082:
## hazelnut = Hazelnut(address='::1', port=8082)
## squirrel.potentialhazelnuts['::1',8082] = hazelnut
# if squirrel.port != 8082:
# hazelnut = Hazelnut(address='::1', port=8082)
# squirrel.potentialhazelnuts['::1', 8082] = hazelnut
Reference in New Issue
Block a user