# Copyright (C) 2020 by Animath
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from tfjm.lists import get_sympa_client

from .models import AdminRegistration, Payment, Registration

def set_username(instance, **_):
    Ensure that the user username is always equal to the user email address.
    instance.username = instance.email

def send_email_link(instance, **_):
    If the email address got changed, send a new validation link
     and update the registration status in the team mailing list.
    if instance.pk:
        old_instance = User.objects.get(pk=instance.pk)
        if old_instance.email != instance.email:
            registration = Registration.objects.get(user=instance)
            registration.email_confirmed = False
            registration.user = instance

            if registration.participates and registration.team:
                get_sympa_client().unsubscribe(old_instance.email, f"equipe-{registration.team.trigram.lower()}", False)
                get_sympa_client().subscribe(instance.email, f"equipe-{registration.team.trigram.lower()}", False,
                                             f"{instance.first_name} {instance.last_name}")

def create_admin_registration(instance, **_):
    When a super user got created through console,
    ensure that an admin registration is created.
    if instance.is_superuser:

def create_payment(instance: Registration, **_):
    When a user is saved, create the associated payment.
    For a free tournament, the payment is valid.
    if instance.participates:
        payment = Payment.objects.get_or_create(registration=instance)[0]
        if instance.team and instance.team.participation.valid and instance.team.participation.tournament.price == 0:
            payment.valid = True
            payment.type = "free"