mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 15:01:18 +00:00
Compare commits
No commits in common. "982b61fe03f07f822c029ab2ad9992e18be89b33" and "b0a3a22f83dec4d69cf5a234ebe2b7b82531b2af" have entirely different histories.
@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
if not os.path.isfile(".matrix_avatar"):
stat_file = os.stat("corres2math/static/logo.png")
with open("corres2math/static/logo.png", "rb") as f:
resp = Matrix.upload(f, filename="logo.png", content_type="image/png",
resp, _ = Matrix.upload(f, filename="logo.png", content_type="image/png",
if not hasattr(resp, "content_uri"):
raise Exception(resp)
avatar_uri = resp.content_uri
with open(".matrix_avatar", "w") as f:
@ -56,20 +58,9 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
if not async_to_sync(Matrix.resolve_room_alias)("#flood:correspondances-maths.fr"):
topic="Discutez de tout et de rien !",
Matrix.set_room_avatar("#annonces:correspondances-maths.fr", avatar_uri)
Matrix.set_room_avatar("#faq:correspondances-maths.fr", avatar_uri)
Matrix.set_room_avatar("#je-cherche-une-equipe:correspondances-maths.fr", avatar_uri)
Matrix.set_room_avatar("#flood:correspondances-maths.fr", avatar_uri)
Matrix.set_room_power_level_event("#annonces:correspondances-maths.fr", "events_default", 50)
@ -78,12 +69,9 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
Matrix.invite("#faq:correspondances-maths.fr", f"@{r.matrix_username}:correspondances-maths.fr")
Matrix.invite("#flood:correspondances-maths.fr", f"@{r.matrix_username}:correspondances-maths.fr")
for admin in AdminRegistration.objects.all():
f"@{admin.matrix_username}:correspondances-maths.fr", 95)
f"@{admin.matrix_username}:correspondances-maths.fr", 95)
f"@{admin.matrix_username}:correspondances-maths.fr", 95)
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
from corres2math.lists import get_sympa_client
from django.core.management import BaseCommand
from django.db.models import Q
from participation.models import Team
from registration.models import CoachRegistration, StudentRegistration
class Command(BaseCommand):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
Create Sympa mailing lists and register teams.
sympa = get_sympa_client()
sympa.create_list("equipes", "Équipes des Correspondances", "hotline",
"Liste de diffusion pour contacter toutes les équipes validées des Correspondances.",
"education", raise_error=False)
sympa.create_list("equipes-non-valides", "Équipes des Correspondances", "hotline",
"Liste de diffusion pour contacter toutes les équipes non-validées des Correspondances.",
"education", raise_error=False)
for problem in range(1, 4):
f"Équipes des Correspondances participant au problème {problem}", "hotline",
f"Liste de diffusion pour contacter les équipes participant au problème {problem}"
f" des Correspondances.", "education", raise_error=False)
for team in Team.objects.filter(participation__valid=True).all():
sympa.subscribe(team.email, "equipes", f"Equipe {team.name}", True, True)
sympa.subscribe(team.email, f"probleme-{team.participation.problem}", f"Equipe {team.name}", True)
for team in Team.objects.filter(Q(participation__valid=False) | Q(participation__valid__isnull=True)).all():
sympa.subscribe(team.email, "equipes-non-valides", f"Equipe {team.name}", True)
for student in StudentRegistration.objects.filter(team__isnull=False).all():
sympa.subscribe(student.user.email, f"equipe-{student.team.trigram.lower}", True, f"{student}")
for coach in CoachRegistration.objects.filter(team__isnull=False).all():
sympa.subscribe(coach.user.email, f"equipe-{coach.team.trigram.lower}", True, f"{coach}")
@ -65,22 +65,11 @@ class Team(models.Model):
if self.pk and self.participation.valid: # pragma: no cover
get_sympa_client().subscribe(self.email, "equipes", False, f"Equipe {self.name}")
get_sympa_client().subscribe(self.email, f"probleme-{self.participation.problem}", False,
f"Equipe {self.name}")
get_sympa_client().subscribe(self.email, "equipes-non-valides", False)
def delete_mailing_list(self):
Drop the Sympa mailing list, if the team is empty or if the trigram changed.
if self.participation.valid: # pragma: no cover
get_sympa_client().unsubscribe(self.email, "equipes", False)
get_sympa_client().unsubscribe(self.email, f"probleme-{self.participation.problem}", False)
get_sympa_client().unsubscribe(self.email, "equipes-non-valides", False)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
@ -292,8 +281,10 @@ class Phase(models.Model):
qs = Phase.objects.filter(start__lte=timezone.now(), end__gte=timezone.now())
if qs.exists():
return qs.get()
qs = Phase.objects.filter(start__lte=timezone.now()).order_by("phase_number").all()
return qs.last() if qs.exists() else None
qs = Phase.objects.order_by("phase_number").all()
if timezone.now() < qs.first().start:
return qs.first()
return qs.last()
def __str__(self):
return _("Phase {phase_number:d} starts on {start:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M} and ends on {end:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}")\
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from corres2math.lists import get_sympa_client
from participation.models import Participation, Team, Video
def create_team_participation(instance, created, **_):
def create_team_participation(instance, **_):
When a team got created, create an associated team and create Video objects.
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ def create_team_participation(instance, created, **_):
if not participation.synthesis:
participation.synthesis = Video.objects.create()
if not created:
def update_mailing_list(instance: Team, **_):
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load django_tables2 i18n %}
{% block contenttitle %}
<h1>{% trans "All teams" %}</h1>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div id="form-content">
{% render_table table %}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
from django import template
from ..models import Phase
def current_phase(nb):
phase = Phase.current_phase()
return phase is not None and phase.phase_number == nb
register = template.Library()
register.filter("current_phase", current_phase)
@ -185,13 +185,6 @@ class TestStudentParticipation(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
def test_team_list(self):
Test to display the list of teams.
response = self.client.get(reverse("participation:team_list"))
self.assertTrue(response.status_code, 200)
def test_no_myteam_redirect_noteam(self):
Test redirection.
@ -582,7 +575,7 @@ class TestStudentParticipation(TestCase):
for i in range(1, 5):
Phase.objects.filter(phase_number=i).update(start=timezone.now() + timedelta(days=2 * i),
end=timezone.now() + timedelta(days=2 * i + 1))
self.assertEqual(Phase.current_phase(), None)
self.assertEqual(Phase.current_phase().phase_number, 1)
# We are after the end
for i in range(1, 5):
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from .views import CalendarView, CreateQuestionView, CreateTeamView, DeleteQuestionView, JoinTeamView, \
MyParticipationDetailView, MyTeamDetailView, ParticipationDetailView, PhaseUpdateView, \
SetParticipationReceiveParticipationView, SetParticipationSendParticipationView, TeamAuthorizationsView, \
TeamDetailView, TeamLeaveView, TeamListView, TeamUpdateView, UpdateQuestionView, UploadVideoView
TeamDetailView, TeamLeaveView, TeamUpdateView, UpdateQuestionView, UploadVideoView
app_name = "participation"
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ app_name = "participation"
urlpatterns = [
path("create_team/", CreateTeamView.as_view(), name="create_team"),
path("join_team/", JoinTeamView.as_view(), name="join_team"),
path("teams/", TeamListView.as_view(), name="team_list"),
path("team/", MyTeamDetailView.as_view(), name="my_team_detail"),
path("team/<int:pk>/", TeamDetailView.as_view(), name="team_detail"),
path("team/<int:pk>/update/", TeamUpdateView.as_view(), name="update_team"),
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from .forms import JoinTeamForm, ParticipationForm, PhaseForm, QuestionForm, \
ReceiveParticipationForm, RequestValidationForm, SendParticipationForm, TeamForm, \
UploadVideoForm, ValidateParticipationForm
from .models import Participation, Phase, Question, Team, Video
from .tables import CalendarTable, TeamTable
from .tables import CalendarTable
class CreateTeamView(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView):
@ -119,15 +119,6 @@ class JoinTeamView(LoginRequiredMixin, FormView):
return reverse_lazy("participation:team_detail", args=(self.object.pk,))
class TeamListView(AdminMixin, SingleTableView):
Display the whole list of teams
model = Team
table_class = TeamTable
ordering = ('participation__problem', 'trigram',)
class MyTeamDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, RedirectView):
Redirect to the detail of the team in which the user is.
@ -232,11 +223,6 @@ class TeamDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, FormMixin, ProcessFormView, DetailView)
mail_plain = render_to_string("participation/mails/team_validated.txt", mail_context)
mail_html = render_to_string("participation/mails/team_validated.html", mail_context)
send_mail("[Corres2math] Équipe validée", mail_plain, None, [self.object.email], html_message=mail_html)
get_sympa_client().subscribe(self.object.email, "equipes", False, f"Equipe {self.object.name}")
get_sympa_client().unsubscribe(self.object.email, "equipes-non-valides", False)
get_sympa_client().subscribe(self.object.email, f"probleme-{self.object.participation.problem}", False,
f"Equipe {self.object.name}")
elif "invalidate" in self.request.POST:
self.object.participation.valid = None
@ -13,14 +13,5 @@
"single_log_out": true,
"single_log_out_callback": ""
"model": "cas_server.replaceattributname",
"pk": 1,
"fields": {
"name": "display_name",
"replace": "",
"service_pattern": 1
@ -50,4 +50,3 @@ def invite_to_public_rooms(instance: Registration, created: bool, **_):
Matrix.invite("#faq:correspondances-maths.fr", f"@{instance.matrix_username}:correspondances-maths.fr")
Matrix.invite("#flood:correspondances-maths.fr", f"@{instance.matrix_username}:correspondances-maths.fr")
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
from datetime import timedelta
import os
from corres2math.tokens import email_validation_token
@ -8,10 +7,8 @@ from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.core.management import call_command
from django.test import TestCase
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
from django.utils.http import urlsafe_base64_encode
from participation.models import Phase
from .models import AdminRegistration, CoachRegistration, StudentRegistration
@ -84,13 +81,6 @@ class TestRegistration(TestCase):
Ensure that the signup form is working successfully.
# After first phase
response = self.client.get(reverse("registration:signup"))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
Phase.objects.filter(phase_number__gte=2).update(start=timezone.now() + timedelta(days=1),
end=timezone.now() + timedelta(days=2))
response = self.client.get(reverse("registration:signup"))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ from django.utils.http import urlsafe_base64_decode
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.views.generic import CreateView, DetailView, RedirectView, TemplateView, UpdateView, View
from magic import Magic
from participation.models import Phase
from .forms import CoachRegistrationForm, PhotoAuthorizationForm, SignupForm, StudentRegistrationForm, UserForm
from .models import StudentRegistration
@ -28,15 +27,6 @@ class SignupView(CreateView):
template_name = "registration/signup.html"
extra_context = dict(title=_("Sign up"))
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
The signup view is available only during the first phase.
current_phase = Phase.current_phase()
if not current_phase or current_phase.phase_number >= 2:
raise PermissionDenied(_("You can't register now."))
return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data()
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class Matrix:
client = await cls._get_client()
resp = await client.room_resolve_alias(room_alias)
return resp.room_id if resp and hasattr(resp, "room_id") else None
return resp.room_id if resp else None
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{% load static i18n static calendar %}
{% load static i18n static %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}{% get_current_language_bidi as LANGUAGE_BIDI %}
@ -70,11 +70,7 @@
<a href="#" class="nav-link" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#calendarModal"><i class="fas fa-calendar"></i> {% trans "Calendar" %}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if user.is_authenticated and user.registration.is_admin %}
<li class="nav-item active">
<a href="#" class="nav-link" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#teamsModal"><i class="fas fa-users"></i> {% trans "Teams" %}</a>
{% elif user.is_authenticated and user.registration.participates %}
{% if user.is_authenticated and user.registration.participates %}
{% if not user.registration.team %}
<li class="nav-item active">
<a href="#" class="nav-link" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#createTeamModal">
@ -126,11 +122,9 @@
{% endif %}
{% if not user.is_authenticated %}
{% if 1|current_phase %}
<li class="nav-item active">
<a class="nav-link" href="{% url "registration:signup" %}"><i class="fas fa-user-plus"></i> {% trans "Register" %}</a>
{% endif %}
<li class="nav-item active">
<a class="nav-link" href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#loginModal">
<i class="fas fa-sign-in-alt"></i> {% trans "Log in" %}
@ -222,28 +216,21 @@
{% trans "Calendar" as modal_title %}
{% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="calendar" modal_additional_class="modal-lg" %}
{% trans "Search results" as modal_title %}
{% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="search" modal_form_method="get" modal_additional_class="modal-lg" %}
{% trans "Log in" as modal_title %}
{% trans "Log in" as modal_button %}
{% url "login" as modal_action %}
{% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="login" %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
{% trans "All teams" as modal_title %}
{% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="teams" modal_additional_class="modal-lg" %}
{% trans "Search results" as modal_title %}
{% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="search" modal_form_method="get" modal_additional_class="modal-lg" %}
{% trans "Join team" as modal_title %}
{% trans "Join" as modal_button %}
{% url "participation:join_team" as modal_action %}
{% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="joinTeam" %}
{% trans "Create team" as modal_title %}
{% trans "Create" as modal_button %}
{% url "participation:create_team" as modal_action %}
{% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="createTeam" modal_button_type="success" %}
{% else %}
{% trans "Log in" as modal_title %}
{% trans "Log in" as modal_button %}
{% url "login" as modal_action %}
{% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="login" %}
{% endif %}
@ -256,28 +243,16 @@
if (!modalBody.html().trim())
modalBody.load("{% url "participation:calendar" %} #form-content")
{% if user.is_authenticated and user.registration.is_admin %}
$('a[data-target="#teamsModal"]').click(function() {
let modalBody = $("#teamsModal div.modal-body");
if (!modalBody.html().trim())
modalBody.load("{% url "participation:team_list" %} #form-content")
$('button[data-target="#searchModal"]').click(function() {
let modalBody = $("#searchModal div.modal-body");
let q = encodeURI($("#search-term").val());
modalBody.load("{% url "haystack_search" %}?q=" + q + " #search-results");
{% endif %}
{% if not user.is_authenticated %}
$('a[data-target="#loginModal"]').click(function() {
let modalBody = $("#loginModal div.modal-body");
if (!modalBody.html().trim())
modalBody.load("{% url "login" %} #form-content")
{% endif %}
{% if user.is_authenticated and user.registration.participates and not user.registration.team %}
$('a[data-target="#createTeamModal"]').click(function() {
let modalBody = $("#createTeamModal div.modal-body");
if (!modalBody.html().trim())
@ -288,7 +263,6 @@
if (!modalBody.html().trim())
modalBody.load("{% url "participation:join_team" %} #form-content");
{% endif %}
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Corres2math\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-16 11:55+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-03 17:32+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Yohann D'ANELLO <yohann.danello@animath.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -99,17 +99,17 @@ msgstr "changelogs"
msgid "Changelog of type \"{action}\" for model {model} at {timestamp}"
msgstr "Changelog de type \"{action}\" pour le modèle {model} le {timestamp}"
#: apps/participation/admin.py:16 apps/participation/models.py:121
#: apps/participation/admin.py:16 apps/participation/models.py:122
#: apps/participation/tables.py:35 apps/participation/tables.py:62
msgid "problem number"
msgstr "numéro de problème"
#: apps/participation/admin.py:21 apps/participation/models.py:127
#: apps/participation/models.py:181
#: apps/participation/admin.py:21 apps/participation/models.py:128
#: apps/participation/models.py:182
msgid "valid"
msgstr "valide"
#: apps/participation/forms.py:20 apps/participation/models.py:32
#: apps/participation/forms.py:20 apps/participation/models.py:33
msgid "The trigram must be composed of three uppercase letters."
msgstr "Le trigramme doit être composé de trois lettres majuscules."
@ -155,28 +155,28 @@ msgstr "Cette phase doit commencer après les phases précédentes."
msgid "This phase must end after the next phases."
msgstr "Cette phase doit finir avant les phases suivantes."
#: apps/participation/models.py:25 apps/participation/tables.py:30
#: apps/participation/models.py:26 apps/participation/tables.py:30
#: apps/participation/tables.py:52 apps/participation/tables.py:78
msgid "name"
msgstr "nom"
#: apps/participation/models.py:31 apps/participation/tables.py:57
#: apps/participation/models.py:32 apps/participation/tables.py:57
msgid "trigram"
msgstr "trigramme"
#: apps/participation/models.py:39
#: apps/participation/models.py:40
msgid "access code"
msgstr "code d'accès"
#: apps/participation/models.py:40
#: apps/participation/models.py:41
msgid "The access code let other people to join the team."
msgstr "Le code d'accès permet aux autres participants de rejoindre l'équipe."
#: apps/participation/models.py:44
#: apps/participation/models.py:45
msgid "Grant Animath to publish my video"
msgstr "Autoriser Animath à publier ma vidéo"
#: apps/participation/models.py:45
#: apps/participation/models.py:46
msgid ""
"Give the authorisation to publish the video on the main website to promote "
"the action."
@ -184,96 +184,96 @@ msgstr ""
"Donner l'autorisation de publier la vidéo sur le site principal pour "
"promouvoir les Correspondances."
#: apps/participation/models.py:96
#: apps/participation/models.py:97
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Team {name} ({trigram})"
msgstr "Équipe {name} ({trigram})"
#: apps/participation/models.py:99 apps/participation/models.py:114
#: apps/participation/models.py:100 apps/participation/models.py:115
#: apps/registration/models.py:106 apps/registration/models.py:155
msgid "team"
msgstr "équipe"
#: apps/participation/models.py:100
#: apps/participation/models.py:101
msgid "teams"
msgstr "équipes"
#: apps/participation/models.py:118
#: apps/participation/models.py:119
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Problem #{problem:d}"
msgstr "Problème n°{problem:d}"
#: apps/participation/models.py:128 apps/participation/models.py:182
#: apps/participation/models.py:129 apps/participation/models.py:183
msgid "The video got the validation of the administrators."
msgstr "La vidéo a été validée par les administrateurs."
#: apps/participation/models.py:137
#: apps/participation/models.py:138
msgid "solution video"
msgstr "vidéo de solution"
#: apps/participation/models.py:146
#: apps/participation/models.py:147
msgid "received participation"
msgstr "participation reçue"
#: apps/participation/models.py:155
#: apps/participation/models.py:156
msgid "synthesis video"
msgstr "vidéo de synthèse"
#: apps/participation/models.py:162
#: apps/participation/models.py:163
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Participation of the team {name} ({trigram})"
msgstr "Participation de l'équipe {name} ({trigram})"
#: apps/participation/models.py:165 apps/participation/models.py:239
#: apps/participation/models.py:166 apps/participation/models.py:240
msgid "participation"
msgstr "participation"
#: apps/participation/models.py:166
#: apps/participation/models.py:167
msgid "participations"
msgstr "participations"
#: apps/participation/models.py:174
#: apps/participation/models.py:175
msgid "link"
msgstr "lien"
#: apps/participation/models.py:175
#: apps/participation/models.py:176
msgid "The full video link."
msgstr "Le lien complet de la vidéo."
#: apps/participation/models.py:224
#: apps/participation/models.py:225
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Video of team {name} ({trigram})"
msgstr "Vidéo de l'équipe {name} ({trigram})"
#: apps/participation/models.py:228
#: apps/participation/models.py:229
msgid "video"
msgstr "vidéo"
#: apps/participation/models.py:229
#: apps/participation/models.py:230
msgid "videos"
msgstr "vidéos"
#: apps/participation/models.py:244
#: apps/participation/models.py:245
msgid "question"
msgstr "question"
#: apps/participation/models.py:258
#: apps/participation/models.py:259
msgid "phase number"
msgstr "phase"
#: apps/participation/models.py:263
#: apps/participation/models.py:264
msgid "phase description"
msgstr "description"
#: apps/participation/models.py:267
#: apps/participation/models.py:268
msgid "start date of the given phase"
msgstr "début de la phase"
#: apps/participation/models.py:272
#: apps/participation/models.py:273
msgid "end date of the given phase"
msgstr "fin de la phase"
#: apps/participation/models.py:290
#: apps/participation/models.py:291
msgid ""
"Phase {phase_number:d} starts on {start:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M} and ends on {end:%Y-"
"%m-%d %H:%M}"
@ -281,21 +281,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Phase {phase_number:d} démarrant le {start:%d/%m/%Y %H:%M} et finissant le "
"{end:%d/%m/%Y %H:%M}"
#: apps/participation/models.py:294
#: apps/participation/models.py:295
msgid "phase"
msgstr "phase"
#: apps/participation/models.py:295
#: apps/participation/models.py:296
msgid "phases"
msgstr "phases"
#: apps/participation/templates/participation/create_team.html:11
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:237
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:231
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Créer"
#: apps/participation/templates/participation/join_team.html:11
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:232
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:227
msgid "Join"
msgstr "Rejoindre"
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ msgstr "Définir l'équipe qui recevra votre vidéo"
#: apps/participation/templates/participation/participation_detail.html:181
#: apps/participation/templates/participation/participation_detail.html:233
#: apps/participation/views.py:494
#: apps/participation/views.py:482
msgid "Upload video"
msgstr "Envoyer la vidéo"
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ msgid "Update question"
msgstr "Modifier la question"
#: apps/participation/templates/participation/participation_detail.html:217
#: apps/participation/views.py:470
#: apps/participation/views.py:459
msgid "Delete question"
msgstr "Supprimer la question"
@ -514,8 +514,8 @@ msgid "Display synthesis"
msgstr "Afficher la synthèse"
#: apps/participation/templates/participation/phase_list.html:10
#: apps/participation/views.py:513 corres2math/templates/base.html:68
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:70 corres2math/templates/base.html:221
#: apps/participation/views.py:501 corres2math/templates/base.html:68
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:70 corres2math/templates/base.html:217
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Calendrier"
@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ msgid "Update team"
msgstr "Modifier l'équipe"
#: apps/participation/templates/participation/team_detail.html:127
#: apps/participation/views.py:323
#: apps/participation/views.py:314
msgid "Leave team"
msgstr "Quitter l'équipe"
@ -635,13 +635,8 @@ msgstr "Quitter l'équipe"
msgid "Are you sure that you want to leave this team?"
msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir quitter cette équipe ?"
#: apps/participation/templates/participation/team_list.html:6
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:225
msgid "All teams"
msgstr "Toutes les équipes"
#: apps/participation/views.py:36 corres2math/templates/base.html:81
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:236
#: apps/participation/views.py:36 corres2math/templates/base.html:77
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:230
msgid "Create team"
msgstr "Créer une équipe"
@ -653,36 +648,36 @@ msgstr "Vous ne participez pas, vous ne pouvez pas créer d'équipe."
msgid "You are already in a team."
msgstr "Vous êtes déjà dans une équipe."
#: apps/participation/views.py:82 corres2math/templates/base.html:86
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:231
#: apps/participation/views.py:82 corres2math/templates/base.html:82
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:226
msgid "Join team"
msgstr "Rejoindre une équipe"
#: apps/participation/views.py:142 apps/participation/views.py:329
#: apps/participation/views.py:362
#: apps/participation/views.py:133 apps/participation/views.py:320
#: apps/participation/views.py:353
msgid "You are not in a team."
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas dans une équipe."
#: apps/participation/views.py:143 apps/participation/views.py:363
#: apps/participation/views.py:134 apps/participation/views.py:354
msgid "You don't participate, so you don't have any team."
msgstr "Vous ne participez pas, vous n'avez donc pas d'équipe."
#: apps/participation/views.py:165
#: apps/participation/views.py:156
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Detail of team {trigram}"
msgstr "Détails de l'équipe {trigram}"
#: apps/participation/views.py:197
#: apps/participation/views.py:188
msgid "You don't participate, so you can't request the validation of the team."
msgstr ""
"Vous ne participez pas, vous ne pouvez pas demander la validation de "
#: apps/participation/views.py:200
#: apps/participation/views.py:191
msgid "The validation of the team is already done or pending."
msgstr "La validation de l'équipe est déjà faite ou en cours."
#: apps/participation/views.py:203
#: apps/participation/views.py:194
msgid ""
"The team can't be validated: missing email address confirmations, photo "
"authorizations, people or the chosen problem is not set."
@ -691,51 +686,51 @@ msgstr ""
"d'adresse e-mail, soit une autorisation parentale, soit des personnes soit "
"le problème n'a pas été choisi."
#: apps/participation/views.py:222
#: apps/participation/views.py:213
msgid "You are not an administrator."
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas administrateur."
#: apps/participation/views.py:225
#: apps/participation/views.py:216
msgid "This team has no pending validation."
msgstr "L'équipe n'a pas de validation en attente."
#: apps/participation/views.py:244
#: apps/participation/views.py:235
msgid "You must specify if you validate the registration or not."
msgstr "Vous devez spécifier si vous validez l'inscription ou non."
#: apps/participation/views.py:272
#: apps/participation/views.py:263
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Update team {trigram}"
msgstr "Mise à jour de l'équipe {trigram}"
#: apps/participation/views.py:309 apps/registration/views.py:243
#: apps/participation/views.py:300 apps/registration/views.py:243
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Photo authorization of {student}.{ext}"
msgstr "Autorisation de droit à l'image de {student}.{ext}"
#: apps/participation/views.py:313
#: apps/participation/views.py:304
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Photo authorizations of team {trigram}.zip"
msgstr "Autorisations de droit à l'image de l'équipe {trigram}.zip"
#: apps/participation/views.py:331
#: apps/participation/views.py:322
msgid "The team is already validated or the validation is pending."
msgstr "La validation de l'équipe est déjà faite ou en cours."
#: apps/participation/views.py:375
#: apps/participation/views.py:366
msgid "The team is not validated yet."
msgstr "L'équipe n'est pas encore validée."
#: apps/participation/views.py:385
#: apps/participation/views.py:376
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Participation of team {trigram}"
msgstr "Participation de l'équipe {trigram}"
#: apps/participation/views.py:422
#: apps/participation/views.py:413
msgid "Create question"
msgstr "Créer une question"
#: apps/participation/views.py:522
#: apps/participation/views.py:510
msgid "Calendar update"
msgstr "Mise à jour du calendrier"
@ -928,8 +923,8 @@ msgid "Your password has been set. You may go ahead and log in now."
msgstr "Votre mot de passe a été changé. Vous pouvez désormais vous connecter."
#: apps/registration/templates/registration/password_reset_complete.html:10
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:134 corres2math/templates/base.html:241
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:242
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:130 corres2math/templates/base.html:221
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:222
#: corres2math/templates/registration/login.html:7
#: corres2math/templates/registration/login.html:8
#: corres2math/templates/registration/login.html:25
@ -986,7 +981,7 @@ msgstr "Réinitialiser mon mot de passe"
#: apps/registration/templates/registration/signup.html:5
#: apps/registration/templates/registration/signup.html:8
#: apps/registration/templates/registration/signup.html:20
#: apps/registration/views.py:29
#: apps/registration/views.py:28
msgid "Sign up"
msgstr "Inscription"
@ -1063,49 +1058,45 @@ msgid "Update user"
msgstr "Modifier l'utilisateur"
#: apps/registration/templates/registration/user_detail.html:77
#: apps/registration/views.py:216
#: apps/registration/views.py:206
msgid "Upload photo authorization"
msgstr "Téléverser l'autorisation de droit à l'image"
#: apps/registration/views.py:37
msgid "You can't register now."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas vous inscrire maintenant."
#: apps/registration/views.py:74
#: apps/registration/views.py:64
msgid "Email validation"
msgstr "Validation de l'adresse mail"
#: apps/registration/views.py:76
#: apps/registration/views.py:66
msgid "Validate email"
msgstr "Valider l'adresse mail"
#: apps/registration/views.py:115
#: apps/registration/views.py:105
msgid "Email validation unsuccessful"
msgstr "Échec de la validation de l'adresse mail"
#: apps/registration/views.py:126
#: apps/registration/views.py:116
msgid "Email validation email sent"
msgstr "Mail de confirmation de l'adresse mail envoyé"
#: apps/registration/views.py:134
#: apps/registration/views.py:124
msgid "Resend email validation link"
msgstr "Renvoyé le lien de validation de l'adresse mail"
#: apps/registration/views.py:168
#: apps/registration/views.py:158
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Detail of user {user}"
msgstr "Détails de l'utilisateur {user}"
#: apps/registration/views.py:189
#: apps/registration/views.py:179
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Update user {user}"
msgstr "Mise à jour de l'utilisateur {user}"
#: corres2math/settings.py:157
#: corres2math/settings.py:154
msgid "English"
msgstr "Anglais"
#: corres2math/settings.py:158
#: corres2math/settings.py:155
msgid "French"
msgstr "Français"
@ -1166,47 +1157,43 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Accueil"
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:75
msgid "Teams"
msgstr "Équipes"
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:92
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:88
msgid "My team"
msgstr "Mon équipe"
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:97
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:93
msgid "My participation"
msgstr "Ma participation"
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:104
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:100
msgid "Chat"
msgstr "Chat"
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:108
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:104
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administration"
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:116
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:112
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Chercher ..."
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:125
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:121
msgid "Return to admin view"
msgstr "Retourner à l'interface administrateur"
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:130
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:126
msgid "Register"
msgstr "S'inscrire"
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:146
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:142
msgid "My account"
msgstr "Mon compte"
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:149
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:145
msgid "Log out"
msgstr "Déconnexion"
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:166
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:162
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your email address is not validated. Please click on the link you received "
@ -1217,11 +1204,11 @@ msgstr ""
"avez reçu par mail. Vous pouvez renvoyer un mail en cliquant sur <a href="
"\"%(send_email_url)s\">ce lien</a>."
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:190
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:186
msgid "Contact us"
msgstr "Nous contacter"
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:228
#: corres2math/templates/base.html:219
msgid "Search results"
msgstr "Résultats de la recherche"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user