2019-09-20 14:57:06 +02:00
< ? php
class Question
private $id ;
private $from ;
private $to ;
private $problem ;
2019-09-21 14:31:31 +02:00
private $number ;
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private $question ;
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private $attached_file ;
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private function __construct ()
public static function fromId ( $id )
global $DB ;
$req = $DB -> prepare ( " SELECT * FROM `questions` WHERE `id` = ?; " );
$req -> execute ( htmlspecialchars ( $id ));
$data = $req -> fetch ();
if ( $data === false )
return null ;
$question = new Question ();
$question -> fill ( $data );
return $question ;
2019-09-21 13:37:48 +02:00
public static function fromAttachedFile ( $attached_file )
global $DB ;
$req = $DB -> prepare ( " SELECT * FROM `questions` WHERE `attached_file` = ?; " );
$req -> execute ([ htmlspecialchars ( $attached_file )]);
$data = $req -> fetch ();
if ( $data === false )
return null ;
$question = new Question ();
$question -> fill ( $data );
return $question ;
2019-09-20 14:57:06 +02:00
public function fill ( $data )
foreach ( $data as $key => $value )
$this -> $key = $value ;
public static function getQuestions ( Team $from , Team $to )
global $DB ;
ensure ( $from -> getProblem () == $to -> getProblem (), " Les deux équipes doivent travailler sur le même problème. " );
$req = $DB -> prepare ( " SELECT * FROM `questions` WHERE `from` = ? AND `to` = ?; " );
$req -> execute ([ $from -> getId (), $to -> getId ()]);
$questions = [];
while (( $data = $req -> fetch ()) !== false ) {
$question = new Question ();
$question -> fill ( $data );
$questions [] = $question ;
if ( sizeof ( $questions ) == 0 ) {
$default_questions = [ " Slogan ? " , " Est-ce que les blagues de R-ev sont drôles ? " , " C'est où le WEI ? " , " Qui est le plus lourd ? " , " Quelle est la réponse à la vie, à l'univers et à tout le reste ? " , " Que préférez-vous entre la pratique et la théorie ? " ];
for ( $_ = 0 ; $_ < 6 ; ++ $_ ) {
$req = $DB -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO `questions`(`from`, `to`, `problem`, `question`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?); " );
$req -> execute ([ $from -> getId (), $to -> getId (), $from -> getProblem (), $default_questions [ $_ ]]);
return self :: getQuestions ( $from , $to );
return $questions ;
public function getId ()
return $this -> id ;
public function getFrom ()
return $this -> from ;
public function getTo ()
return $this -> to ;
public function getProblem ()
return $this -> problem ;
2019-09-21 14:31:31 +02:00
public function getNumber ()
return $this -> number ;
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public function getQuestion ()
return $this -> question ;
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2019-09-21 14:31:31 +02:00
public function setQuestion ( $question )
global $DB ;
$this -> question = $question ;
$req = $DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `questions` SET `question` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " );
$req -> execute ([ $question , $this -> id ]);
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public function getAttachedFile ()
return $this -> attached_file ;
2019-09-21 14:31:31 +02:00
public function setAttachedFile ( $attached_file )
global $DB ;
$this -> attached_file = $attached_file ;
$req = $DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `questions` SET `attached_file` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " );
$req -> execute ([ $attached_file , $this -> id ]);
2019-09-20 14:57:06 +02:00