2019-09-10 01:48:52 +02:00
< ? php
class User
private $id ;
public $email ;
private $pwd_hash ;
public $surname ;
public $first_name ;
public $school ;
public $class ;
public $description ;
private $role ;
private $team_id ;
private $year ;
private $confirm_email ;
private $forgotten_password ;
private $inscription_date ;
private function __construct () {}
public static function fromId ( $id )
global $DB ;
$req = $DB -> prepare ( " SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?; " );
$req -> execute ([ htmlspecialchars ( $id )]);
$data = $req -> fetch ();
if ( $data === false )
return null ;
$user = new User ();
$user -> fill ( $data );
return $user ;
public static function fromEmail ( $email )
global $DB , $YEAR ;
$req = $DB -> prepare ( " SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `email` = ? AND `year` = $YEAR ; " );
$req -> execute ([ htmlspecialchars ( $email )]);
$data = $req -> fetch ();
if ( $data === false )
return null ;
$user = new User ();
$user -> fill ( $data );
return $user ;
private function fill ( $data )
$this -> id = $data [ " id " ];
$this -> email = $data [ " email " ];
$this -> pwd_hash = $data [ " pwd_hash " ];
$this -> surname = $data [ " surname " ];
$this -> first_name = $data [ " first_name " ];
$this -> school = $data [ " school " ];
$this -> class = SchoolClass :: fromName ( $data [ " class " ]);
$this -> description = $data [ " description " ];
$this -> role = Role :: fromName ( $data [ " role " ]);
$this -> team_id = $data [ " team_id " ];
$this -> year = $data [ " year " ];
$this -> confirm_email = $data [ " confirm_email " ];
$this -> forgotten_password = $data [ " forgotten_password " ];
$this -> inscription_date = $data [ " inscription_date " ];
public function getEmail ()
return $this -> email ;
public function setEmail ( $email )
global $DB ;
$this -> email = $email ;
$DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `users` SET `email` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " ) -> execute ([ $email , $this -> getId ()]);
public function getId ()
return $this -> id ;
public function checkPassword ( $password )
return password_verify ( $password , $this -> pwd_hash );
public function setPassword ( $password )
$this -> setPasswordHash ( password_hash ( $password , PASSWORD_BCRYPT ));
private function setPasswordHash ( $password_hash )
global $DB ;
$this -> pwd_hash = $password_hash ;
$DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `users` SET `pwd_hash` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " ) -> execute ([ $password_hash , $this -> getId ()]);
public function getSurname ()
return $this -> surname ;
public function setSurname ( $surname )
global $DB ;
$this -> surname = $surname ;
$DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `users` SET `surname` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " ) -> execute ([ $surname , $this -> getId ()]);
public function getFirstName ()
return $this -> first_name ;
public function setFirstName ( $first_name )
global $DB ;
$this -> first_name = $first_name ;
$DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `users` SET `first_name` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " ) -> execute ([ $first_name , $this -> getId ()]);
public function getSchool ()
return $this -> school ;
public function setSchool ( $school )
global $DB ;
$this -> school = $school ;
$DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `users` SET `school` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " ) -> execute ([ SchoolClass :: getName ( $school ), $this -> getId ()]);
public function getClass ()
return $this -> class ;
public function setClass ( $class )
global $DB ;
$this -> class = $class ;
$DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `users` SET `class` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " ) -> execute ([ SchoolClass :: getName ( $class ), $this -> getId ()]);
public function getDescription ()
return $this -> description ;
public function setDescription ( $desc )
global $DB ;
$this -> description = $desc ;
$DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `users` SET `description` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " ) -> execute ([ $desc , $this -> getId ()]);
public function getRole ()
return $this -> role ;
public function setRole ( $role )
global $DB ;
$this -> role = $role ;
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
$DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `users` SET `role` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " ) -> execute ([ Role :: getName ( $role ), $this -> getId ()]);
public function getTeamId ()
return $this -> team_id ;
public function setTeamId ( $team_id )
global $DB ;
$this -> team_id = $team_id ;
$DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `users` SET `team_id` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " ) -> execute ([ $team_id , $this -> getId ()]);
public function getYear ()
return $this -> year ;
public function getConfirmEmailToken ()
return $this -> confirm_email ;
public function setConfirmEmailToken ( $token )
global $DB ;
$this -> confirm_email = $token ;
$DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `users` SET `confirm_email` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " ) -> execute ([ $token , $this -> getId ()]);
public function getForgottenPasswordToken ()
return $this -> forgotten_password ;
public function setForgottenPasswordToken ( $token )
global $DB ;
$this -> forgotten_password = $token ;
$DB -> prepare ( " UPDATE `users` SET `forgotten_password` = ? WHERE `id` = ?; " ) -> execute ([ $token , $this -> getId ()]);
public function getInscriptionDate ()
return $this -> inscription_date ;
2019-09-11 18:41:45 +02:00
public function getAllDocuments ( $problem )
2019-09-10 01:48:52 +02:00
global $DB ;
$req = $DB -> query ( " SELECT * FROM `documents` AS `t1` "
2019-09-11 18:41:45 +02:00
. " INNER JOIN (SELECT `user`, `type`, `problem`, MAX(`uploaded_at`) AS `last_upload`, COUNT(`team`) AS `version` FROM `documents` GROUP BY `problem`, `type`, `user`) `t2` "
. " ON `t1`.`user` = `t2`.`user` AND `t1`.`type` = `t2`.`type` AND `t1`.`problem` = `t2`.`problem` "
. " WHERE `t1`.`uploaded_at` = `t2`.`last_upload` AND `t1`.`problem` = $problem AND `t1`.`user` = $this->id ORDER BY `t1`.`type`; " );
2019-09-10 01:48:52 +02:00
$docs = [];
while (( $data = $req -> fetch ()) !== false )
$docs [] = Document :: fromData ( $data );
return $docs ;