from functools import partial import disnake from disnake import CategoryChannel, PermissionOverwrite, TextChannel from disnake.ext import commands import logging from orochi import http from orochi.config import Config from orochi.models import Game, GameState, Player, RoundVote, Vote, Round, RoundRoom, Room bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') @bot.event async def on_ready(): config: Config = bot.config logger = bot.logger if config.guild is None: logger.error("The guild ID is missing") exit(1) guild = await bot.fetch_guild(config.guild) if not guild: logger.error("Unknown guild.") exit(1) if config.vote_category is None: category = await guild.create_category("Votes") config.vote_category = if config.secret_category is None: category = await guild.create_category("Conversation⋅s secrète⋅s") config.secret_category = vote_category: CategoryChannel = await guild.fetch_channel(config.vote_category) if vote_category is None: config.vote_category = None return await on_ready() secret_category: CategoryChannel = await guild.fetch_channel(config.secret_category) if secret_category is None: config.secret_category = None return await on_ready() await vote_category.set_permissions( guild.default_role, overwrite=PermissionOverwrite(read_message_history=False, read_messages=False) ) await secret_category.set_permissions( guild.default_role, overwrite=PermissionOverwrite(read_message_history=False, read_messages=False) ) for i, player in enumerate(Config.PLAYERS): player_id = player.lower() if player_id not in config.vote_channels: channel: TextChannel = await vote_category.create_text_channel(player_id) config.vote_channels[player_id] = channel: TextChannel = await guild.fetch_channel(config.vote_channels[player_id]) if channel is None: del config.vote_channels[player_id] return await on_ready() await channel.edit(name=player_id, category=vote_category, position=i) await channel.set_permissions( guild.default_role, overwrite=PermissionOverwrite(read_message_history=False, read_messages=False) ) if player_id not in config.player_roles: role = await guild.create_role(name=player) config.player_roles[player_id] = guild = await bot.fetch_guild( # update roles role = guild.get_role(config.player_roles[player_id]) if role is None: del config.player_roles[player_id] return await on_ready() await channel.set_permissions( role, overwrite=PermissionOverwrite(read_message_history=True, read_messages=True) ) game = Game.load('') if not game: game = Game() for player in config.PLAYERS: game.register_player(player, config.vote_channels[player.lower()])'') # Update private channel id if necessary for player in list(game.players.values()): if player.private_channel_id != config.vote_channels[]: game.register_player(, config.vote_channels[])'') # Setup first round if not exists if not game.rounds: game.rounds.append(game.default_first_round())'') if not config.telepathy_channel: channel: TextChannel = await secret_category.create_text_channel("bigbrain") config.telepathy_channel = telepathy_channel: TextChannel = await guild.fetch_channel(config.telepathy_channel) if not telepathy_channel: config.telepathy_channel = None return await on_ready() await telepathy_channel.edit(name="bigbrain", category=secret_category, position=0, topic="Échanges télépathiques") await telepathy_channel.set_permissions( guild.default_role, overwrite=PermissionOverwrite(read_message_history=False, read_messages=False) ) delphine = guild.get_role(config.player_roles['delphine']) philia = guild.get_role(config.player_roles['philia']) await telepathy_channel.set_permissions( delphine, overwrite=PermissionOverwrite(read_message_history=True, read_messages=True) ) await telepathy_channel.set_permissions( philia, overwrite=PermissionOverwrite(read_message_history=True, read_messages=True) ) if not config.brother_channel: channel: TextChannel = await secret_category.create_text_channel("doliprane") config.brother_channel = brother_channel: TextChannel = await guild.fetch_channel(config.brother_channel) if not brother_channel: config.brother_channel = None return await on_ready() await brother_channel.edit(name="doliprane", category=secret_category, position=1, topic="Des voix dans la tête ...") await brother_channel.set_permissions( guild.default_role, overwrite=PermissionOverwrite(read_message_history=False, read_messages=False) ) await brother_channel.set_permissions( philia, overwrite=PermissionOverwrite(read_message_history=True, read_messages=True) ) brother_channel_webhook = None if config.brother_channel_webhook is not None: try: brother_channel_webhook = await bot.fetch_webhook(config.brother_channel_webhook) except disnake.HTTPException | disnake.NotFound | disnake.Forbidden: pass if brother_channel_webhook is None: brother_channel_webhook = await brother_channel.create_webhook(name="???") config.brother_channel_webhook = if not config.backdoor_channel: channel: TextChannel = await secret_category.create_text_channel("backdoor") config.backdoor_channel = backdoor_channel: TextChannel = await guild.fetch_channel(config.backdoor_channel) if not backdoor_channel: config.backdoor_channel = None return await on_ready() await backdoor_channel.edit(name="backdoor", category=secret_category, position=2, topic="Panel d'administrati0n du jeu") await backdoor_channel.set_permissions( guild.default_role, overwrite=PermissionOverwrite(read_message_history=False, read_messages=False) ) dan = guild.get_role(config.player_roles['dan']) await backdoor_channel.set_permissions( dan, overwrite=PermissionOverwrite(read_message_history=True, read_messages=True) ) @bot.command(help="Sauvegarde la partie") @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def save(ctx: commands.Context):'') await ctx.reply("La partie a été sauvegardée.") @bot.command(help="Recharger la partie") @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def load(ctx: commands.Context): Game.load('') await ctx.reply("La partie a été rechargée.") @bot.command(help="Envoyer un message en tant qu'Orochi.") @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def send(ctx: commands.Context, *, message: str): await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.send(message) @bot.command(help="Envoyer un message à Philia par la pensée en tant que Brother.") @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def brother(ctx: commands.Context, *, message: str): webhook = await bot.fetch_webhook(bot.config.brother_channel_webhook) await webhook.send(message) await ctx.message.reply("Message envoyé.") @bot.command(help="Ouvrir les votes") @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def open(ctx: commands.Context): game: Game = Game.INSTANCE current_round = game.rounds[-1] if game.state == GameState.VOTING: await ctx.reply("Les votes sont déjà ouverts.") return elif game.state == GameState.RESULTS: await ctx.reply("Les votes viennent d'être fermés, merci de démarrer un nouveau tour avec `!prepare`.") return # Ensure that each room is configured for room in current_round.rooms: if room is None: await ctx.reply("Les salles ne sont pas configurées.") if len(list(room.players)) != 3 or not all(player for player in room.players): return await ctx.reply(f"La salle {} ne contient pas trois joueurs, " f"merci de finir sa configuration avec `!setup {}`.") # Send messages to players for room in current_round.rooms: votes = list(room.votes) for i, vote in enumerate(votes): players = list(vote.players) other_vote = votes[1 - i] for j, player in enumerate(players): if player.score <= 0: # Player is dead continue other_player = players[1 - j] if len(players) == 2 else None view = VoteView(timeout=3600) channel_id = player.private_channel_id channel = bot.get_channel(channel_id) message = "Les votes sont ouverts.\n" message += f"Vous devez aller voter en salle **{}**.\n" if other_player: message += f"Vous êtes allié⋅e avec **{}**.\n" message += f"Vous affrontez {' et '.join(f'**{}**' for adv in other_vote.players)}.\n" message += "Bonne chance !" await channel.send(message) await channel.send("Pour voter, utilisez l'un des boutons ci-dessous. Vous pouvez appuyer " "sur le bouton plusieurs fois, mais seul le premier vote sera enregistré.", view=view) game.state = GameState.VOTING await ctx.reply("Les salles de vote sont ouvertes, les joueur⋅se⋅s peuvent désormais voter.") @bot.command(help="Fermer les votes") @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def close(ctx: commands.Context): game: Game = Game.INSTANCE if game.state != GameState.VOTING: await ctx.reply("Les votes ne sont pas ouverts.") return game.state = GameState.RESULTS current_round = game.rounds[-1] for room in current_round.rooms: for vote in room.votes: if is None: = Vote.ALLY await ctx.send(f"L'équipe **{' et '.join( for player in vote.players)}** " f"n'a pas voté en salle **{}** et s'est alliée par défaut.") for player in game.players.values(): channel = bot.get_channel(player.private_channel_id) await channel.send("Les votes sont à présent clos ! " "Rendez-vous dans la salle principale pour découvrir les scores.") if player.score <= 0: await channel.send("Tiens ! Vous êtes morts :)") elif player.score >= 9: await channel.send("Vous avez plus de 9 points. Vous pouvez désormais passer la porte 9.\n" "Mais ... Attendrez-vous vos camarades ?") await ctx.reply("Les votes ont bien été fermés.")'') @bot.command(help="Préparation du tour suivant") @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def prepare(ctx: commands.Context): game: Game = Game.INSTANCE if game.state != GameState.RESULTS: await ctx.reply("Le tour actuel n'est pas terminé.") return game.state = GameState.PREPARING game.rounds.append(Round( round=len(game.rounds) + 1, room_a=RoundRoom( room=Room.A, vote1=RoundVote(), vote2=RoundVote(), ), room_b=RoundRoom( room=Room.B, vote1=RoundVote(), vote2=RoundVote(), ), room_c=RoundRoom( room=Room.C, vote1=RoundVote(), vote2=RoundVote(), ), ))'') await ctx.reply("Le tour suivant est en préparation. Utilisez `!setup A|B|C` pour paramétrer les salles A, B ou C. " "Dan peut faire la même chose.") @bot.command(help="Prévisualisation des combats d'un tour") @commands.has_any_role('IA', 'Dan') async def preview(ctx: commands.Context): game: Game = Game.INSTANCE current_round = game.rounds[-1] for room in current_round.rooms: await ctx.send(f"Dans la salle **{}**, s'affronteront :\n" f"- **{' et '.join(str(player or '_personne_') for player in room.vote1.players)}**\n" f"- **{' et '.join(str(player or '_personne_') for player in room.vote2.players)}**") @bot.command(help="Préparation d'une salle") @commands.has_any_role('IA', 'Dan') async def setup(ctx: commands.Context, room: Room): game: Game = Game.INSTANCE current_round = game.rounds[-1] if game.state != GameState.PREPARING: return await ctx.reply("Vous ne pouvez pas préparer la salle avant le tour suivant.") await ctx.reply(f"Préparation de la salle {room.value}.") match room: case Room.A: round_room = current_round.room_a case Room.B: round_room = current_round.room_b case _: round_room = current_round.room_c view = PrepareRoomView(round_room, 0, timeout=300) await ctx.send(f"Veuillez choisir qui s'affrontera seul dans la salle **{room.value}**.", view=view) if round_room.vote1.player1 is not None: await ctx.send(f"Attention : **{}** est déjà choisie.") @bot.command(help="Falsification des votes") @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def cheat(ctx: commands.Context, player_name: str, vote: Vote | None): game: Game = Game.INSTANCE if game.state != GameState.VOTING: return await ctx.reply("Les votes ne sont pas ouverts.") for player in game.players.values(): if == player_name.lower(): current_player = player break else: return await ctx.reply("Le joueur n'existe pas.") current_round = game.rounds[-1] for room in current_round.rooms: for v in room.votes: if current_player in v.players: = vote'') await ctx.reply(f"Le vote de **{}** a bien été falsifié (nouveau vote : *{vote}**).") class VoteView(disnake.ui.View): @disnake.ui.button(label="S'allier", async def confirm(self, button: disnake.ui.Button, interaction: disnake.MessageInteraction): if Game.INSTANCE.state != GameState.VOTING: return await interaction.response.send_message("Les votes ne sont pas ouverts.", ephemeral=True) await interaction.response.send_message("Votre vote a bien été pris en compte.", ephemeral=True), Vote.ALLY) @disnake.ui.button(label="Trahir", async def cancel(self, button: disnake.ui.Button, interaction: disnake.MessageInteraction): if Game.INSTANCE.state != GameState.VOTING: return await interaction.response.send_message("Les votes ne sont pas ouverts.", ephemeral=True) await interaction.response.send_message("Votre vote a bien été pris en compte.", ephemeral=True), Vote.BETRAY) def vote(self, interaction: disnake.MessageInteraction, vote: Vote) -> None: game = Game.INSTANCE current_round = game.rounds[-1] current_player: Player | None = None for player in game.players.values(): if player.private_channel_id == interaction.channel_id: current_player = player break current_vote: RoundVote | None = None for room in current_round.rooms: for v in room.votes: if current_player in v.players: current_vote = v break else: continue break if is None: = vote'') class PrepareRoomView(disnake.ui.View): def __init__(self, round_room: RoundRoom, player_id: int, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert 0 <= player_id < 3 self.round_room = round_room self.player_id = player_id for player_name in Config.PLAYERS: async def choose_player(self, button: disnake.ui.Button, interaction: disnake.MessageInteraction): game: Game = Game.INSTANCE player = game.players[button.label] current_round = game.rounds[-1] for room in current_round.rooms: for vote in room.votes: if player in vote.players: replaced_player = None if room == self.round_room: match self.player_id: case 0: replaced_player = room.vote1.player1 case 1: replaced_player = room.vote2.player1 case 2: replaced_player = room.vote2.player2 if replaced_player != player: await interaction.send( f"Attention : **{}** était déjà attribué⋅e dans la salle " f"**{}**. Vous devrez probablement la re-configurer.") if vote.player1 == player: vote.player1 = None elif vote.player2 == player: vote.player2 = None self.clear_items() await interaction.send("Choix bien pris en compte.") await interaction.edit_original_message(view=self) self.stop() match self.player_id: case 0: self.round_room.vote1.player1 = player view = PrepareRoomView(self.round_room, 1, timeout=300) await interaction.send( f"**{}** se battra seul⋅e. Veuillez désormais choisir contre qui " "il ou elle se battra.", view=view) if self.round_room.vote2.player1 is not None: await interaction.send( f"Attention : **{}** est déjà choisi⋅e." ) case 1: self.round_room.vote2.player1 = player view = PrepareRoomView(self.round_room, 2, timeout=300) await interaction.send( f"**{}** se battra contre **{}**. " "Veuillez désormais choisir son partenaire.", view=view) if self.round_room.vote2.player2 is not None: await interaction.send( f"Attention : **{}** est déjà choisi⋅e." ) case 2: self.round_room.vote2.player2 = player await interaction.send( f"Dans la salle **{}**, **{}** " f"affrontera **{}** et **{}**.") await interaction.send( "Vous pouvez redéfinir la salle tant que le tour n'est pas lancé. " "Utilisez !preview pour un récapitulatif des tours.")'') game: Game = Game.INSTANCE current_round = game.rounds[-1] for room in current_round.rooms: for player in room.players: if player is not None and == player_name: style = disnake.ButtonStyle.danger break else: continue break else: style = disnake.ButtonStyle.primary button = disnake.ui.Button(style=style, label=player_name) button.callback = partial(choose_player, self, button) button._view = self self.add_item(button) def run(): config = Config.load() http.run_web_server() logger = logging.getLogger('discord') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.FileHandler(filename='../discord.log', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(handler) bot.config = config bot.logger = logger