mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 16:41:23 +00:00
- /apps/activity/api/serializers.py - /apps/activity/api/urls.py - /apps/activity/api/views.py - /apps/activity/tests/test_activities.py - /apps/activity/__init__.py - /apps/activity/admin.py - /apps/activity/apps.py - /apps/activity/forms.py - /apps/activity/tables.py - /apps/activity/urls.py - /apps/activity/views.py - /apps/api/__init__.py - /apps/api/apps.py - /apps/api/serializers.py - /apps/api/tests.py - /apps/api/urls.py - /apps/api/views.py - /apps/api/viewsets.py - /apps/logs/signals.py - /apps/logs/apps.py - /apps/logs/__init__.py - /apps/logs/api/serializers.py - /apps/logs/api/urls.py - /apps/logs/api/views.py - /apps/member/api/serializers.py - /apps/member/api/urls.py - /apps/member/api/views.py - /apps/member/templatetags/memberinfo.py - /apps/member/__init__.py - /apps/member/admin.py - /apps/member/apps.py - /apps/member/auth.py - /apps/member/forms.py - /apps/member/hashers.py - /apps/member/signals.py - /apps/member/tables.py - /apps/member/urls.py - /apps/member/views.py - /apps/note/api/serializers.py - /apps/note/api/urls.py - /apps/note/api/views.py - /apps/note/models/__init__.py - /apps/note/static/note/js/consos.js - /apps/note/templates/note/mails/negative_balance.txt - /apps/note/templatetags/getenv.py - /apps/note/templatetags/pretty_money.py - /apps/note/tests/test_transactions.py - /apps/note/__init__.py - /apps/note/admin.py - /apps/note/apps.py - /apps/note/forms.py - /apps/note/signals.py - /apps/note/tables.py - /apps/note/urls.py - /apps/note/views.py - /apps/permission/api/serializers.py - /apps/permission/api/urls.py - /apps/permission/api/views.py - /apps/permission/templatetags/perms.py - /apps/permission/tests/test_oauth2.py - /apps/permission/tests/test_permission_denied.py - /apps/permission/tests/test_permission_queries.py - /apps/permission/tests/test_rights_page.py - /apps/permission/__init__.py - /apps/permission/admin.py - /apps/permission/backends.py - /apps/permission/apps.py - /apps/permission/decorators.py - /apps/permission/permissions.py - /apps/permission/scopes.py - /apps/permission/signals.py - /apps/permission/tables.py - /apps/permission/urls.py - /apps/permission/views.py - /apps/registration/tests/test_registration.py - /apps/registration/__init__.py - /apps/registration/apps.py - /apps/registration/forms.py - /apps/registration/tables.py - /apps/registration/tokens.py - /apps/registration/urls.py - /apps/registration/views.py - /apps/treasury/api/serializers.py - /apps/treasury/api/urls.py - /apps/treasury/api/views.py - /apps/treasury/templatetags/escape_tex.py - /apps/treasury/tests/test_treasury.py - /apps/treasury/__init__.py - /apps/treasury/admin.py - /apps/treasury/apps.py - /apps/treasury/forms.py - /apps/treasury/signals.py - /apps/treasury/tables.py - /apps/treasury/urls.py - /apps/treasury/views.py - /apps/wei/api/serializers.py - /apps/wei/api/urls.py - /apps/wei/api/views.py - /apps/wei/forms/surveys/__init__.py - /apps/wei/forms/surveys/base.py - /apps/wei/forms/surveys/wei2021.py - /apps/wei/forms/surveys/wei2022.py - /apps/wei/forms/surveys/wei2023.py - /apps/wei/forms/__init__.py - /apps/wei/forms/registration.py - /apps/wei/management/commands/export_wei_registrations.py - /apps/wei/management/commands/import_scores.py - /apps/wei/management/commands/wei_algorithm.py - /apps/wei/templates/wei/weilist_sample.tex - /apps/wei/tests/test_wei_algorithm_2021.py - /apps/wei/tests/test_wei_algorithm_2022.py - /apps/wei/tests/test_wei_algorithm_2023.py - /apps/wei/tests/test_wei_registration.py - /apps/wei/__init__.py - /apps/wei/admin.py - /apps/wei/apps.py - /apps/wei/tables.py - /apps/wei/urls.py - /apps/wei/views.py - /note_kfet/settings/__init__.py - /note_kfet/settings/base.py - /note_kfet/settings/development.py - /note_kfet/settings/secrets_example.py - /note_kfet/static/js/base.js - /note_kfet/admin.py - /note_kfet/inputs.py - /note_kfet/middlewares.py - /note_kfet/urls.py - /note_kfet/views.py - /note_kfet/wsgi.py - /entrypoint.sh
297 lines
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297 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2018-2024 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
// When a transaction is performed, lock the interface to prevent spam clicks.
var LOCK = false
* Refresh the history table on the consumptions page.
function refreshHistory () {
$('#history').load('/note/consos/ #history')
$('#most_used').load('/note/consos/ #most_used')
$(document).ready(function () {
// If hash of a category in the URL, then select this category
// else select the first one
if (location.hash) {
$("a[href='" + location.hash + "']").tab('show')
} else {
// When selecting a category, change URL
$(document.body).on('click', "a[data-toggle='tab']", function () {
location.hash = this.getAttribute('href')
// Switching in double consumptions mode should update the layout
$('#double_conso').change(function () {
$('#infos_div').attr('class', 'col-sm-5 col-xl-6')
const note_list_obj = $('#note_list')
if (buttons.length > 0 && note_list_obj.text().length > 0) {
buttons.forEach(function (button) {
document.getElementById(`conso_button_${button.id}`).addEventListener('click', () => {
if (LOCK) { return }
removeNote(button, 'conso_button', buttons, 'consos_list')()
$('#single_conso').change(function () {
$('#infos_div').attr('class', 'col-sm-5 col-md-4')
const consos_list_obj = $('#consos_list')
if (buttons.length > 0) {
if (notes_display.length === 0 && consos_list_obj.text().length > 0) {
buttons.forEach(function (button) {
$('#conso_button_' + button.id).click(function () {
if (LOCK) { return }
removeNote(button, 'conso_button', buttons, 'note_list')()
} else {
buttons.length = 0
// Ensure we begin in single consumption. Fix issue with TurboLinks and BootstrapJS
document.getElementById("consume_all").addEventListener('click', consumeAll)
notes = []
notes_display = []
buttons = []
// When the user searches an alias, we update the auto-completion
autoCompleteNote('note', 'note_list', notes, notes_display,
'alias', 'note', 'user_note', 'profile_pic', function () {
if (buttons.length > 0 && $('#single_conso').is(':checked')) {
return false
return true
* Add a transaction from a button.
* @param dest Where the money goes
* @param amount The price of the item
* @param type The type of the transaction (content type id for RecurrentTransaction)
* @param category_id The category identifier
* @param category_name The category name
* @param template_id The identifier of the button
* @param template_name The name of the button
function addConso (dest, amount, type, category_id, category_name, template_id, template_name) {
var button = null
buttons.forEach(function (b) {
if (b.id === template_id) {
b.quantity += 1
button = b
if (button == null) {
button = {
id: template_id,
name: template_name,
dest: dest,
quantity: 1,
amount: amount,
type: type,
category_id: category_id,
category_name: category_name
const dc_obj = $('#double_conso')
if (dc_obj.is(':checked') || notes_display.length === 0) {
const list = dc_obj.is(':checked') ? 'consos_list' : 'note_list'
let html = ''
buttons.forEach(function (button) {
html += li('conso_button_' + button.id, button.name +
'<span class="badge badge-dark badge-pill">' + button.quantity + '</span>')
document.getElementById(list).innerHTML = html
buttons.forEach((button) => {
document.getElementById(`conso_button_${button.id}`).addEventListener('click', () => {
if (LOCK) { return }
removeNote(button, 'conso_button', buttons, list)()
} else { consumeAll() }
* Reset the page as its initial state.
function reset () {
notes_display.length = 0
notes.length = 0
buttons.length = 0
document.getElementById('note_list').innerHTML = ''
document.getElementById('consos_list').innerHTML = ''
document.getElementById('note').value = ''
document.getElementById('note').dataset.originTitle = ''
document.getElementById('profile_pic').src = '/static/member/img/default_picture.png'
document.getElementById('profile_pic_link').href = '#'
LOCK = false
* Apply all transactions: all notes in `notes` buy each item in `buttons`
function consumeAll () {
if (LOCK) { return }
LOCK = true
let error = false
if (notes_display.length === 0) {
$('#note_list').html(li('', '<strong>Ajoutez des émetteurs.</strong>', 'text-danger'))
error = true
if (buttons.length === 0) {
$('#consos_list').html(li('', '<strong>Ajoutez des consommations.</strong>', 'text-danger'))
error = true
if (error) {
LOCK = false
notes_display.forEach(function (note_display) {
buttons.forEach(function (button) {
consume(note_display.note, note_display.name, button.dest, button.quantity * note_display.quantity, button.amount,
button.name + ' (' + button.category_name + ')', button.type, button.category_id, button.id)
* Create a new transaction from a button through the API.
* @param source The note that paid the item (type: note)
* @param source_alias The alias used for the source (type: str)
* @param dest The note that sold the item (type: int)
* @param quantity The quantity sold (type: int)
* @param amount The price of one item, in cents (type: int)
* @param reason The transaction details (type: str)
* @param type The type of the transaction (content type id for RecurrentTransaction)
* @param category The category id of the button (type: int)
* @param template The button id (type: int)
function consume (source, source_alias, dest, quantity, amount, reason, type, category, template) {
csrfmiddlewaretoken: CSRF_TOKEN,
quantity: quantity,
amount: amount,
reason: reason,
valid: true,
polymorphic_ctype: type,
resourcetype: 'RecurrentTransaction',
source: source.id,
source_alias: source_alias,
destination: dest,
template: template
.done(function () {
if (!isNaN(source.balance)) {
const newBalance = source.balance - quantity * amount
if (newBalance <= -2000) {
addMsg(interpolate(gettext('Warning, the transaction from the note %s succeed, ' +
'but the emitter note %s is very negative.'), [source_alias, source_alias]), 'danger', 30000)
} else if (newBalance < 0) {
addMsg(interpolate(gettext('Warning, the transaction from the note %s succeed, ' +
'but the emitter note %s is negative.'), [source_alias, source_alias]), 'warning', 30000)
if (source.membership && source.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString()) {
addMsg(interpolate(gettext('Warning, the emitter note %s is no more a BDE member.'), [source_alias]),
'danger', 30000)
}).fail(function (e) {
csrfmiddlewaretoken: CSRF_TOKEN,
quantity: quantity,
amount: amount,
reason: reason,
valid: false,
invalidity_reason: 'Solde insuffisant',
polymorphic_ctype: type,
resourcetype: 'RecurrentTransaction',
source: source,
source_alias: source_alias,
destination: dest,
template: template
}).done(function () {
addMsg(gettext("The transaction couldn't be validated because of insufficient balance."), 'danger', 10000)
}).fail(function () {
var searchbar = document.getElementById("search-input")
var search_results = document.getElementById("search-results")
var old_pattern = null;
var firstMatch = null;
* Updates the button search tab
* @param force Forces the update even if the pattern didn't change
function updateSearch(force = false) {
let pattern = searchbar.value
if (pattern === "")
firstMatch = null;
if ((pattern === old_pattern || pattern === "") && !force)
firstMatch = null;
const re = new RegExp(pattern, "i");
Array.from(search_results.children).forEach(function(b) {
if (re.test(b.innerText)) {
b.hidden = false;
if (firstMatch === null) {
firstMatch = b;
} else
b.hidden = true;
searchbar.addEventListener("input", function (e) {
searchbar.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
if (firstMatch && e.key === "Enter")