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synced 2025-03-14 09:47:33 +00:00
711 lines
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711 lines
20 KiB
**Chemin :** `/api/wei/club/ <https://note.crans.org/api/wei/club/>`_
.. code:: json
"name": "Wei Club List",
"description": "REST API View set.\nThe djangorestframework plugin will get all `WEIClub` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer,\nthen render it on /api/wei/club/",
"renders": [
"parses": [
"actions": {
"POST": {
"id": {
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"read_only": true,
"label": "ID"
"name": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Nom",
"max_length": 255
"email": {
"type": "email",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Courriel",
"max_length": 254
"require_memberships": {
"type": "boolean",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "N\u00e9cessite des adh\u00e9sions",
"help_text": "D\u00e9cochez si ce club n'utilise pas d'adh\u00e9sions."
"membership_fee_paid": {
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Cotisation pour adh\u00e9rer (normalien \u00e9l\u00e8ve)",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 2147483647
"membership_fee_unpaid": {
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Cotisation pour adh\u00e9rer (normalien \u00e9tudiant)",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 2147483647
"membership_duration": {
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Dur\u00e9e de l'adh\u00e9sion",
"help_text": "La dur\u00e9e maximale (en jours) d'une adh\u00e9sion (NULL = infinie).",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 2147483647
"membership_start": {
"type": "date",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "D\u00e9but de l'adh\u00e9sion",
"help_text": "Date \u00e0 partir de laquelle les adh\u00e9rents peuvent renouveler leur adh\u00e9sion."
"membership_end": {
"type": "date",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Fin de l'adh\u00e9sion",
"help_text": "Date maximale d'une fin d'adh\u00e9sion, apr\u00e8s laquelle les adh\u00e9rents doivent la renouveler."
"year": {
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Ann\u00e9e",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 2147483647
"date_start": {
"type": "date",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "D\u00e9but"
"date_end": {
"type": "date",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Fin"
"parent_club": {
"type": "field",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Club parent"
Filtres Django
* ``name``
* ``year``
* ``date_start``
* ``date_end``
* ``email``
* ``note__alias__name``
* ``note__alias__normalized_name``
* ``parent_club``
* ``parent_club__name``
* ``require_memberships``
* ``membership_fee_paid``
* ``membership_fee_unpaid``
* ``membership_duration``
* ``membership_start``
* ``membership_end``
Filtres de recherche
* ``name`` (expression régulière)
* ``email`` (expression régulière)
* ``note__alias__name`` (expression régulière)
* ``note__alias__normalized_name`` (expression régulière)
**Chemin :** `/api/wei/bus/ <https://note.crans.org/api/wei/bus/>`_
.. code:: json
"name": "Bus List",
"description": "REST API View set.\nThe djangorestframework plugin will get all `Bus` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer,\nthen render it on /api/wei/bus/",
"renders": [
"parses": [
"actions": {
"POST": {
"id": {
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"read_only": true,
"label": "ID"
"name": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Nom",
"max_length": 255
"description": {
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Description"
"information_json": {
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Informations sur le questionnaire",
"help_text": "Informations sur le sondage pour les nouveaux membres, encod\u00e9es en JSON"
"wei": {
"type": "field",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "WEI"
Filtres Django
* ``name``
* ``wei``
* ``description``
Filtres de recherche
* ``name`` (expression régulière)
* ``wei__name`` (expression régulière)
* ``description`` (expression régulière)
Équipe de bus
**Chemin :** `/api/wei/team/ <https://note.crans.org/api/wei/team/>`_
.. code:: json
"name": "Bus Team List",
"description": "REST API View set.\nThe djangorestframework plugin will get all `BusTeam` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer,\nthen render it on /api/wei/team/",
"renders": [
"parses": [
"actions": {
"POST": {
"id": {
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"read_only": true,
"label": "ID"
"name": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Nom",
"max_length": 255
"color": {
"type": "integer",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Couleur",
"help_text": "La couleur du T-Shirt, stock\u00e9 sous la forme de son \u00e9quivalent num\u00e9rique",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 2147483647
"description": {
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Description"
"bus": {
"type": "field",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Bus"
Filtres Django
* ``name``
* ``bus``
* ``color``
* ``description``
* ``bus__wei``
Filtres de recherche
* ``name`` (expression régulière)
* ``bus__name`` (expression régulière)
* ``bus__wei__name`` (expression régulière)
* ``description`` (expression régulière)
Rôle au wei
**Chemin :** `/api/wei/role/ <https://note.crans.org/api/wei/role/>`_
.. code:: json
"name": "Wei Role List",
"description": "REST API View set.\nThe djangorestframework plugin will get all `WEIRole` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer,\nthen render it on /api/wei/role/",
"renders": [
"parses": [
"actions": {
"POST": {
"id": {
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"read_only": true,
"label": "ID"
"name": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Nom",
"max_length": 255
"for_club": {
"type": "field",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "S'applique au club"
"permissions": {
"type": "field",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Permissions"
Filtres Django
* ``name``
* ``permissions``
* ``memberships``
Filtres de recherche
* ``name`` (expression régulière)
Participant au wei
**Chemin :** `/api/wei/registration/ <https://note.crans.org/api/wei/registration/>`_
.. code:: json
"name": "Wei Registration List",
"description": "REST API View set.\nThe djangorestframework plugin will get all WEIRegistration objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer,\nthen render it on /api/wei/registration/",
"renders": [
"parses": [
"actions": {
"POST": {
"id": {
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"read_only": true,
"label": "ID"
"soge_credit": {
"type": "boolean",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Cr\u00e9dit de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 g\u00e9n\u00e9rale"
"caution_check": {
"type": "boolean",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Ch\u00e8que de caution donn\u00e9"
"birth_date": {
"type": "date",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Date de naissance"
"gender": {
"type": "choice",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Genre",
"choices": [
"value": "male",
"display_name": "Homme"
"value": "female",
"display_name": "Femme"
"value": "nonbinary",
"display_name": "Non-binaire"
"clothing_cut": {
"type": "choice",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Coupe de v\u00eatement",
"choices": [
"value": "male",
"display_name": "Homme"
"value": "female",
"display_name": "Femme"
"clothing_size": {
"type": "choice",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Taille de v\u00eatement",
"choices": [
"value": "XS",
"display_name": "XS"
"value": "S",
"display_name": "S"
"value": "M",
"display_name": "M"
"value": "L",
"display_name": "L"
"value": "XL",
"display_name": "XL"
"value": "XXL",
"display_name": "XXL"
"health_issues": {
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Probl\u00e8mes de sant\u00e9"
"emergency_contact_name": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Nom du contact en cas d'urgence",
"max_length": 255
"emergency_contact_phone": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "T\u00e9l\u00e9phone du contact en cas d'urgence",
"max_length": 32
"first_year": {
"type": "boolean",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Premi\u00e8re ann\u00e9e",
"help_text": "Indique si l'utilisateur est nouveau dans l'\u00e9cole."
"information_json": {
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Informations sur l'inscription",
"help_text": "Informations sur l'inscription (bus pour les 2A+, questionnaire pour les 1A), encod\u00e9es en JSON"
"user": {
"type": "field",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Utilisateur"
"wei": {
"type": "field",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "WEI"
Filtres Django
* ``user``
* ``user__username``
* ``user__first_name``
* ``user__last_name``
* ``user__email``
* ``user__note__alias__name``
* ``user__note__alias__normalized_name``
* ``wei``
* ``wei__name``
* ``wei__email``
* ``wei__year``
* ``soge_credit``
* ``caution_check``
* ``birth_date``
* ``gender``
* ``clothing_cut``
* ``clothing_size``
* ``first_year``
* ``emergency_contact_name``
* ``emergency_contact_phone``
Filtres de recherche
* ``user__username`` (expression régulière)
* ``user__first_name`` (expression régulière)
* ``user__last_name`` (expression régulière)
* ``user__email`` (expression régulière)
* ``user__note__alias__name`` (expression régulière)
* ``user__note__alias__normalized_name`` (expression régulière)
* ``wei__name`` (expression régulière)
* ``wei__email`` (expression régulière)
* ``health_issues`` (expression régulière)
* ``emergency_contact_name`` (expression régulière)
* ``emergency_contact_phone`` (expression régulière)
Adhésion au wei
**Chemin :** `/api/wei/membership/ <https://note.crans.org/api/wei/membership/>`_
.. code:: json
"name": "Wei Membership List",
"description": "REST API View set.\nThe djangorestframework plugin will get all `BusTeam` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer,\nthen render it on /api/wei/membership/",
"renders": [
"parses": [
"actions": {
"POST": {
"id": {
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"read_only": true,
"label": "ID"
"date_start": {
"type": "date",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "L'adh\u00e9sion commence le"
"date_end": {
"type": "date",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "L'adh\u00e9sion finit le"
"fee": {
"type": "integer",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Cotisation",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 2147483647
"user": {
"type": "field",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Utilisateur"
"club": {
"type": "field",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Club"
"bus": {
"type": "field",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Bus"
"team": {
"type": "field",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "\u00c9quipe"
"registration": {
"type": "field",
"required": false,
"read_only": false,
"label": "Inscription au WEI"
"roles": {
"type": "field",
"required": true,
"read_only": false,
"label": "R\u00f4les"
Filtres Django
* ``club__name``
* ``club__email``
* ``club__note__alias__name``
* ``club__note__alias__normalized_name``
* ``user__username``
* ``user__last_name``
* ``user__first_name``
* ``user__email``
* ``user__note__alias__name``
* ``user__note__alias__normalized_name``
* ``date_start``
* ``date_end``
* ``fee``
* ``roles``
* ``bus``
* ``bus__name``
* ``team``
* ``team__name``
* ``registration``
Tris possible
* ``id``
* ``date_start``
* ``date_end``
Filtres de recherche
* ``club__name`` (expression régulière)
* ``club__email`` (expression régulière)
* ``club__note__alias__name`` (expression régulière)
* ``club__note__alias__normalized_name`` (expression régulière)
* ``user__username`` (expression régulière)
* ``user__last_name`` (expression régulière)
* ``user__first_name`` (expression régulière)
* ``user__email`` (expression régulière)
* ``user__note__alias__name`` (expression régulière)
* ``user__note__alias__normalized_name`` (expression régulière)
* ``roles__name`` (expression régulière)
* ``bus__name`` (expression régulière)
* ``team__name`` (expression régulière)