# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import datetime from json import dumps as json_dumps from django.forms.widgets import DateTimeBaseInput, NumberInput, TextInput class AmountInput(NumberInput): """ This input type lets the user type amounts in euros, but forms receive data in cents """ template_name = "note/amount_input.html" def format_value(self, value): return None if value is None or value == "" else "{:.02f}".format(value / 100, ) def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name): val = super().value_from_datadict(data, files, name) return str(int(100 * float(val))) if val else val class Autocomplete(TextInput): template_name = "member/autocomplete_model.html" def __init__(self, model, attrs=None): super().__init__(attrs) self.model = model self.model_pk = None class Media: """JS/CSS resources needed to render the date-picker calendar.""" js = ('js/autocomplete_model.js', ) def format_value(self, value): if value: self.attrs["model_pk"] = int(value) return str(self.model.objects.get(pk=int(value))) return "" """ The remaining of this file comes from the project `django-bootstrap-datepicker-plus` available on Github: https://github.com/monim67/django-bootstrap-datepicker-plus This is distributed under Apache License 2.0. This adds datetime pickers with bootstrap. """ """Contains Base Date-Picker input class for widgets of this package.""" class DatePickerDictionary: """Keeps track of all date-picker input classes.""" _i = 0 items = dict() @classmethod def generate_id(cls): """Return a unique ID for each date-picker input class.""" cls._i += 1 return 'dp_%s' % cls._i class BasePickerInput(DateTimeBaseInput): """Base Date-Picker input class for widgets of this package.""" template_name = 'bootstrap_datepicker_plus/date_picker.html' picker_type = 'DATE' format = '%Y-%m-%d' config = {} _default_config = { 'id': None, 'picker_type': None, 'linked_to': None, 'options': {} # final merged options } options = {} # options extended by user options_param = {} # options passed as parameter _default_options = { 'showClose': True, 'showClear': True, 'showTodayButton': True, "locale": "fr", } # source: https://github.com/tutorcruncher/django-bootstrap3-datetimepicker # file: /blob/31fbb09/bootstrap3_datetime/widgets.py#L33 format_map = ( ('DDD', r'%j'), ('DD', r'%d'), ('MMMM', r'%B'), ('MMM', r'%b'), ('MM', r'%m'), ('YYYY', r'%Y'), ('YY', r'%y'), ('HH', r'%H'), ('hh', r'%I'), ('mm', r'%M'), ('ss', r'%S'), ('a', r'%p'), ('ZZ', r'%z'), ) class Media: """JS/CSS resources needed to render the date-picker calendar.""" js = ( 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.9.0/' 'moment-with-locales.min.js', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-datetimepicker/' '4.17.47/js/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js', 'bootstrap_datepicker_plus/js/datepicker-widget.js' ) css = {'all': ( 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-datetimepicker/' '4.17.47/css/bootstrap-datetimepicker.css', 'bootstrap_datepicker_plus/css/datepicker-widget.css' ), } @classmethod def format_py2js(cls, datetime_format): """Convert python datetime format to moment datetime format.""" for js_format, py_format in cls.format_map: datetime_format = datetime_format.replace(py_format, js_format) return datetime_format @classmethod def format_js2py(cls, datetime_format): """Convert moment datetime format to python datetime format.""" for js_format, py_format in cls.format_map: datetime_format = datetime_format.replace(js_format, py_format) return datetime_format def __init__(self, attrs=None, format=None, options=None): """Initialize the Date-picker widget.""" self.format_param = format self.options_param = options if options else {} self.config = self._default_config.copy() self.config['id'] = DatePickerDictionary.generate_id() self.config['picker_type'] = self.picker_type self.config['options'] = self._calculate_options() attrs = attrs if attrs else {} if 'class' not in attrs: attrs['class'] = 'form-control' super().__init__(attrs, self._calculate_format()) def _calculate_options(self): """Calculate and Return the options.""" _options = self._default_options.copy() _options.update(self.options) if self.options_param: _options.update(self.options_param) return _options def _calculate_format(self): """Calculate and Return the datetime format.""" _format = self.format_param if self.format_param else self.format if self.config['options'].get('format'): _format = self.format_js2py(self.config['options'].get('format')) else: self.config['options']['format'] = self.format_py2js(_format) return _format def get_context(self, name, value, attrs): """Return widget context dictionary.""" context = super().get_context( name, value, attrs) context['widget']['attrs']['dp_config'] = json_dumps(self.config) return context def start_of(self, event_id): """ Set Date-Picker as the start-date of a date-range. Args: - event_id (string): User-defined unique id for linking two fields """ DatePickerDictionary.items[str(event_id)] = self return self def end_of(self, event_id, import_options=True): """ Set Date-Picker as the end-date of a date-range. Args: - event_id (string): User-defined unique id for linking two fields - import_options (bool): inherit options from start-date input, default: TRUE """ event_id = str(event_id) if event_id in DatePickerDictionary.items: linked_picker = DatePickerDictionary.items[event_id] self.config['linked_to'] = linked_picker.config['id'] if import_options: backup_moment_format = self.config['options']['format'] self.config['options'].update(linked_picker.config['options']) self.config['options'].update(self.options_param) if self.format_param or 'format' in self.options_param: self.config['options']['format'] = backup_moment_format else: self.format = linked_picker.format # Setting useCurrent is necessary, see following issue # https://github.com/Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker/issues/1075 self.config['options']['useCurrent'] = False self._link_to(linked_picker) else: raise KeyError( 'start-date not specified for event_id "%s"' % event_id) return self def _link_to(self, linked_picker): """ Executed when two date-inputs are linked together. This method for sub-classes to override to customize the linking. """ pass class DatePickerInput(BasePickerInput): """ Widget to display a Date-Picker Calendar on a DateField property. Args: - attrs (dict): HTML attributes of rendered HTML input - format (string): Python DateTime format eg. "%Y-%m-%d" - options (dict): Options to customize the widget, see README """ picker_type = 'DATE' format = '%Y-%m-%d' format_key = 'DATE_INPUT_FORMATS' class TimePickerInput(BasePickerInput): """ Widget to display a Time-Picker Calendar on a TimeField property. Args: - attrs (dict): HTML attributes of rendered HTML input - format (string): Python DateTime format eg. "%Y-%m-%d" - options (dict): Options to customize the widget, see README """ picker_type = 'TIME' format = '%H:%M' format_key = 'TIME_INPUT_FORMATS' template_name = 'bootstrap_datepicker_plus/time_picker.html' class DateTimePickerInput(BasePickerInput): """ Widget to display a DateTime-Picker Calendar on a DateTimeField property. Args: - attrs (dict): HTML attributes of rendered HTML input - format (string): Python DateTime format eg. "%Y-%m-%d" - options (dict): Options to customize the widget, see README """ picker_type = 'DATETIME' format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' format_key = 'DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS' class MonthPickerInput(BasePickerInput): """ Widget to display a Month-Picker Calendar on a DateField property. Args: - attrs (dict): HTML attributes of rendered HTML input - format (string): Python DateTime format eg. "%Y-%m-%d" - options (dict): Options to customize the widget, see README """ picker_type = 'MONTH' format = '01/%m/%Y' format_key = 'DATE_INPUT_FORMATS' class YearPickerInput(BasePickerInput): """ Widget to display a Year-Picker Calendar on a DateField property. Args: - attrs (dict): HTML attributes of rendered HTML input - format (string): Python DateTime format eg. "%Y-%m-%d" - options (dict): Options to customize the widget, see README """ picker_type = 'YEAR' format = '01/01/%Y' format_key = 'DATE_INPUT_FORMATS' def _link_to(self, linked_picker): """Customize the options when linked with other date-time input""" yformat = self.config['options']['format'].replace('-01-01', '-12-31') self.config['options']['format'] = yformat