# Copyright (C) 2018-2024 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from datetime import timedelta from random import shuffle from bootstrap_datepicker_plus.widgets import DateTimePickerInput from django import forms from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from member.models import Club from note.models import Note, NoteUser from note_kfet.inputs import Autocomplete from note_kfet.middlewares import get_current_request from permission.backends import PermissionBackend from .models import Activity, Guest class ActivityForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # By default, the Kfet club is attended self.fields["attendees_club"].initial = Club.objects.get(name="Kfet") self.fields["attendees_club"].widget.attrs["placeholder"] = "Kfet" clubs = list(Club.objects.filter(PermissionBackend .filter_queryset(get_current_request(), Club, "view")).all()) shuffle(clubs) self.fields["organizer"].widget.attrs["placeholder"] = ", ".join(club.name for club in clubs[:4]) + ", ..." def clean_organizer(self): organizer = self.cleaned_data['organizer'] if not organizer.note.is_active: self.add_error('organiser', _('The note of this club is inactive.')) return organizer def clean_date_end(self): date_end = self.cleaned_data["date_end"] date_start = self.cleaned_data["date_start"] if date_end < date_start: self.add_error("date_end", _("The end date must be after the start date.")) return date_end class Meta: model = Activity exclude = ('creater', 'valid', 'open', ) widgets = { "organizer": Autocomplete( model=Club, attrs={"api_url": "/api/members/club/"}, ), "note": Autocomplete( model=Note, attrs={ "api_url": "/api/note/note/", 'placeholder': 'Note de l\'événement sur laquelle envoyer les crédits d\'invitation ...' }, ), "attendees_club": Autocomplete( model=Club, attrs={"api_url": "/api/members/club/"}, ), "date_start": DateTimePickerInput(), "date_end": DateTimePickerInput(), } class GuestForm(forms.ModelForm): def clean(self): """ Someone can be invited as a Guest to an Activity if: - the activity has not already started. - the activity is validated. - the Guest has not already been invited more than 5 times. - the Guest is already invited. - the inviter already invited 3 peoples. """ cleaned_data = super().clean() if timezone.now() > timezone.localtime(self.activity.date_start): self.add_error("inviter", _("You can't invite someone once the activity is started.")) if not self.activity.valid: self.add_error("inviter", _("This activity is not validated yet.")) one_year = timedelta(days=365) qs = Guest.objects.filter( first_name__iexact=cleaned_data["first_name"], last_name__iexact=cleaned_data["last_name"], activity__date_start__gte=self.activity.date_start - one_year, ) if qs.filter(entry__isnull=False).count() >= 5: self.add_error("last_name", _("This person has been already invited 5 times this year.")) qs = qs.filter(activity=self.activity) if qs.exists(): self.add_error("last_name", _("This person is already invited.")) if "inviter" in cleaned_data: if Guest.objects.filter(inviter=cleaned_data["inviter"], activity=self.activity).count() >= 3: self.add_error("inviter", _("You can't invite more than 3 people to this activity.")) return cleaned_data class Meta: model = Guest fields = ('last_name', 'first_name', 'inviter', ) widgets = { "inviter": Autocomplete( NoteUser, attrs={ 'api_url': '/api/note/note/', # We don't evaluate the content type at launch because the DB might be not initialized 'api_url_suffix': lambda: '&polymorphic_ctype=' + str(ContentType.objects.get_for_model(NoteUser).pk), 'placeholder': 'Note ...', }, ), }