// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later /** * Convert balance in cents to a human readable amount * @param value the balance, in cents * @returns {string} */ function pretty_money (value) { if (value % 100 === 0) { return (value < 0 ? '- ' : '') + Math.floor(Math.abs(value) / 100) + ' €' } else { return (value < 0 ? '- ' : '') + Math.floor(Math.abs(value) / 100) + '.' + (Math.abs(value) % 100 < 10 ? '0' : '') + (Math.abs(value) % 100) + ' €' } } /** * Add a message on the top of the page. * @param msg The message to display * @param alert_type The type of the alert. Choices: info, success, warning, danger * @param timeout The delay (in millis) after that the message is auto-closed. If negative, then it is ignored. */ function addMsg (msg, alert_type, timeout = -1) { const msgDiv = $('#messages') let html = msgDiv.html() const id = Math.floor(10000 * Math.random() + 1) html += '<div class="alert alert-' + alert_type + ' alert-dismissible">' + '<button id="close-message-' + id + '" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>' + msg + '</div>\n' msgDiv.html(html) if (timeout > 0) { setTimeout(function () { $('#close-message-' + id).click() }, timeout) } } /** * add Muliple error message from err_obj * @param errs_obj [{error_code:erro_message}] * @param timeout The delay (in millis) after that the message is auto-closed. If negative, then it is ignored. */ function errMsg (errs_obj, timeout = -1) { for (const err_msg of Object.values(errs_obj)) { addMsg(err_msg, 'danger', timeout) } } var reloadWithTurbolinks = (function () { var scrollPosition function reload () { scrollPosition = [window.scrollX, window.scrollY] Turbolinks.visit(window.location.toString(), { action: 'replace' }) } document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', function () { if (scrollPosition) { window.scrollTo.apply(window, scrollPosition) scrollPosition = null } }) return reload })() /** * Reload the balance of the user on the right top corner */ function refreshBalance () { $('#user_balance').load('/ #user_balance') } /** * Query the 20 first matched notes with a given pattern * @param pattern The pattern that is queried * @param fun For each found note with the matched alias `alias`, fun(note, alias) is called. */ function getMatchedNotes (pattern, fun) { $.getJSON('/api/note/alias/?format=json&alias=' + pattern + '&search=user|club', fun) } /** * Generate a <li> entry with a given id and text */ function li (id, text, extra_css) { return '<li class="list-group-item py-1 px-2 d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center text-truncate ' + (extra_css || '') + '"' + ' id="' + id + '">' + text + '</li>\n' } /** * Return style to apply according to the balance of the note and the validation status of the email address * @param note The concerned note. */ function displayStyle (note) { if (!note) { return '' } const balance = note.balance var css = '' if (balance < -5000) { css += ' text-danger bg-dark' } else if (balance < -1000) { css += ' text-danger' } else if (balance < 0) { css += ' text-warning' } else if (!note.email_confirmed) { css += ' text-white bg-primary' } else if (!note.is_active || (note.membership && note.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString())) { css += 'text-white bg-info' } return css } /** * Render note name and picture * @param note The note to render * @param alias The alias to be displayed * @param user_note_field * @param profile_pic_field */ function displayNote (note, alias, user_note_field = null, profile_pic_field = null) { if (!note.display_image) { note.display_image = '/static/member/img/default_picture.png' } const img = note.display_image if (alias !== note.name && note.name) { alias += ' (aka. ' + note.name + ')' } if (user_note_field !== null) { $('#' + user_note_field).removeAttr('class') $('#' + user_note_field).addClass(displayStyle(note)) $('#' + user_note_field).text(alias + (note.balance == null ? '' : (' :\n' + pretty_money(note.balance)))) if (profile_pic_field != null) { $('#' + profile_pic_field).attr('src', img) $('#' + profile_pic_field + '_link').attr('href', note.resourcetype === 'NoteUser' ? '/accounts/user/' + note.user : note.resourcetype === 'NoteClub' ? '/accounts/club/' + note.club : '#') } } } /** * Remove a note from the emitters. * @param d The note to remove * @param note_prefix The prefix of the identifiers of the <li> blocks of the emitters * @param notes_display An array containing the infos of the buyers: [alias, note id, note object, quantity] * @param note_list_id The div block identifier where the notes of the buyers are displayed * @param user_note_field The identifier of the field that display the note of the hovered note (useful in * consumptions, put null if not used) * @param profile_pic_field The identifier of the field that display the profile picture of the hovered note * (useful in consumptions, put null if not used) * @returns an anonymous function to be compatible with jQuery events */ function removeNote (d, note_prefix = 'note', notes_display, note_list_id, user_note_field = null, profile_pic_field = null) { return function () { const new_notes_display = [] let html = '' notes_display.forEach(function (disp) { if (disp.quantity > 1 || disp.id !== d.id) { disp.quantity -= disp.id === d.id ? 1 : 0 new_notes_display.push(disp) html += li(note_prefix + '_' + disp.id, disp.name + '<span class="badge badge-dark badge-pill">' + disp.quantity + '</span>', displayStyle(disp.note)) } }) notes_display.length = 0 new_notes_display.forEach(function (disp) { notes_display.push(disp) }) $('#' + note_list_id).html(html) notes_display.forEach(function (disp) { const obj = $('#' + note_prefix + '_' + disp.id) obj.click(removeNote(disp, note_prefix, notes_display, note_list_id, user_note_field, profile_pic_field)) obj.hover(function () { if (disp.note) { displayNote(disp.note, disp.name, user_note_field, profile_pic_field) } }) }) } } /** * Generate an auto-complete field to query a note with its alias * @param field_id The identifier of the text field where the alias is typed * @param note_list_id The div block identifier where the notes of the buyers are displayed * @param notes An array containing the note objects of the buyers * @param notes_display An array containing the infos of the buyers: [alias, note id, note object, quantity] * @param alias_prefix The prefix of the <li> blocks for the matched aliases * @param note_prefix The prefix of the <li> blocks for the notes of the buyers * @param user_note_field The identifier of the field that display the note of the hovered note (useful in * consumptions, put null if not used) * @param profile_pic_field The identifier of the field that display the profile picture of the hovered note * (useful in consumptions, put null if not used) * @param alias_click Function that is called when an alias is clicked. If this method exists and doesn't return true, * the associated note is not displayed. * Useful for a consumption if the item is selected before. */ function autoCompleteNote (field_id, note_list_id, notes, notes_display, alias_prefix = 'alias', note_prefix = 'note', user_note_field = null, profile_pic_field = null, alias_click = null) { const field = $('#' + field_id) // Configure tooltip field.tooltip({ html: true, placement: 'bottom', title: 'Loading...', trigger: 'manual', container: field.parent(), fallbackPlacement: 'clockwise' }) // When the user clicks elsewhere, we hide the tooltip $(document).click(function (e) { if (!e.target.id.startsWith(alias_prefix)) { field.tooltip('hide') } }) let old_pattern = null // Clear search on click field.click(function () { field.tooltip('hide') field.removeClass('is-invalid') field.val('') old_pattern = '' }) // When the user type "Enter", the first alias is clicked field.keypress(function (event) { if (event.originalEvent.charCode === 13 && notes.length > 0) { const li_obj = field.parent().find('ul li').first() displayNote(notes[0], li_obj.text(), user_note_field, profile_pic_field) li_obj.trigger('click') } }) // When the user type something, the matched aliases are refreshed field.keyup(function (e) { field.removeClass('is-invalid') if (e.originalEvent.charCode === 13) { return } const pattern = field.val() // If the pattern is not modified, we don't query the API if (pattern === old_pattern) { return } old_pattern = pattern notes.length = 0 // get matched Alias with note associated if (pattern === '') { field.tooltip('hide') notes.length = 0 return } $.getJSON('/api/note/consumer/?format=json&alias=' + pattern + '&search=user|club', function (consumers) { // The response arrived too late, we stop the request if (pattern !== $('#' + field_id).val()) { return } // Build tooltip content let aliases_matched_html = '<ul class="list-group list-group-flush">' consumers.results.forEach(function (consumer) { const note = consumer.note note.email_confirmed = consumer.email_confirmed if (consumer.hasOwnProperty('membership') && consumer.membership) { note.membership = consumer.membership } else { note.membership = undefined } const extra_css = displayStyle(note) aliases_matched_html += li(alias_prefix + '_' + consumer.id, consumer.name, extra_css) notes.push(note) }) aliases_matched_html += '</ul>' // Show tooltip field.attr('data-original-title', aliases_matched_html).tooltip('show') consumers.results.forEach(function (consumer) { const consumer_obj = $('#' + alias_prefix + '_' + consumer.id) consumer_obj.hover(function () { displayNote(consumer.note, consumer.name, user_note_field, profile_pic_field) }) consumer_obj.click(function () { var disp = null notes_display.forEach(function (d) { // We compare the alias ids if (d.id === consumer.id) { d.quantity += 1 disp = d } }) // In the other case, we add a new emitter if (disp == null) { disp = { name: consumer.name, id: consumer.id, note: consumer.note, quantity: 1 } notes_display.push(disp) } // If the function alias_click exists, it is called. If it doesn't return true, then the notes are // note displayed. Useful for a consumption when a button is already clicked if (alias_click && !alias_click()) { return } const note_list = $('#' + note_list_id) let html = '' notes_display.forEach(function (disp) { html += li(note_prefix + '_' + disp.id, disp.name + '<span class="badge badge-dark badge-pill">' + disp.quantity + '</span>', displayStyle(disp.note)) }) // Emitters are displayed note_list.html(html) // Update tooltip position field.tooltip('update') notes_display.forEach(function (disp) { const line_obj = $('#' + note_prefix + '_' + disp.id) // Hover an emitter display also the profile picture line_obj.hover(function () { displayNote(disp.note, disp.name, user_note_field, profile_pic_field) }) // When an emitter is clicked, it is removed line_obj.click(removeNote(disp, note_prefix, notes_display, note_list_id, user_note_field, profile_pic_field)) }) }) }) })// end getJSON alias }) }// end function autocomplete // When a validate button is clicked, we switch the validation status function de_validate (id, validated, resourcetype) { const validate_obj = $('#validate_' + id) if (validate_obj.data('pending')) // The button is already clicked { return } const invalidity_reason = $('#invalidity_reason_' + id).val() validate_obj.html('<strong style="font-size: 16pt;">⟳</strong>') validate_obj.data('pending', true) // Perform a PATCH request to the API in order to update the transaction // If the user has insufficient rights, an error message will appear $.ajax({ url: '/api/note/transaction/transaction/' + id + '/', type: 'PATCH', dataType: 'json', headers: { 'X-CSRFTOKEN': CSRF_TOKEN }, data: { resourcetype: resourcetype, valid: !validated, invalidity_reason: invalidity_reason }, success: function () { refreshBalance() // error if this method doesn't exist. Please define it. refreshHistory() }, error: function (err) { const errObj = JSON.parse(err.responseText) let error = errObj.detail ? errObj.detail : errObj.non_field_errors if (!error) { error = err.responseText } addMsg(gettext('An error occured while (in)validating this transaction:') + ' ' + error, 'danger') refreshBalance() // error if this method doesn't exist. Please define it. refreshHistory() } }) } /** * Simple debouncer * @param callback Function to call * @param wait Debounced milliseconds */ function debounce (callback, wait) { let timeout return (...args) => { const context = this clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = setTimeout(() => callback.apply(context, args), wait) } }