# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from datetime import date import django_tables2 as tables from django.db.models import Q from django.urls import reverse_lazy from django.utils.html import format_html from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django_tables2 import A from note_kfet.middlewares import get_current_request from permission.backends import PermissionBackend from .models import WEIClub, WEIRegistration, Bus, BusTeam, WEIMembership class WEITable(tables.Table): """ List all WEI. """ class Meta: attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' } model = WEIClub template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap4.html' fields = ('name', 'year', 'date_start', 'date_end',) row_attrs = { 'class': 'table-row', 'id': lambda record: "row-" + str(record.pk), 'data-href': lambda record: reverse_lazy('wei:wei_detail', args=(record.pk,)) } class WEIRegistrationTable(tables.Table): """ List all WEI registrations. """ user = tables.LinkColumn( 'member:user_detail', args=[A('user__pk')], ) edit = tables.LinkColumn( 'wei:wei_update_registration', orderable=False, args=[A('pk')], verbose_name=_("Edit"), text=_("Edit"), attrs={ 'a': { 'class': 'btn btn-warning', 'data-turbolinks': 'false', } } ) validate = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Validate"), orderable=False, accessor=A('pk'), attrs={ 'th': { 'id': 'validate-membership-header' } } ) delete = tables.LinkColumn( 'wei:wei_delete_registration', args=[A('pk')], orderable=False, verbose_name=_("delete"), text=_("Delete"), attrs={ 'th': { 'id': 'delete-membership-header' }, 'a': { 'class': 'btn btn-danger', 'data-type': 'delete-membership' } }, ) def render_validate(self, record): hasperm = PermissionBackend.check_perm( get_current_request(), "wei.add_weimembership", WEIMembership( club=record.wei, user=record.user, date_start=date.today(), date_end=date.today(), fee=0, registration=record, ) ) if not hasperm: return format_html("") url = reverse_lazy('wei:validate_registration', args=(record.pk,)) text = _('Validate') if record.fee > record.user.note.balance and not record.soge_credit: btn_class = 'btn-secondary' tooltip = _("The user does not have enough money.") elif record.first_year: btn_class = 'btn-info' tooltip = _("The user is in first year. You may validate the credit, the algorithm will run later.") else: btn_class = 'btn-success' tooltip = _("The user has enough money, you can validate the registration.") return format_html(f"{text}") def render_delete(self, record): hasperm = PermissionBackend.check_perm(get_current_request(), "wei.delete_weimembership", record) return _("Delete") if hasperm else format_html("") class Meta: attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' } model = WEIRegistration template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap4.html' fields = ('user', 'user__first_name', 'user__last_name', 'first_year', 'caution_check', 'edit', 'validate', 'delete',) row_attrs = { 'class': 'table-row', 'id': lambda record: "row-" + str(record.pk), 'data-href': lambda record: record.pk } class WEIMembershipTable(tables.Table): user = tables.LinkColumn( 'wei:wei_update_registration', args=[A('registration__pk')], ) year = tables.Column( accessor=A("pk"), verbose_name=_("Year"), ) bus = tables.LinkColumn( 'wei:manage_bus', args=[A('bus__pk')], ) team = tables.LinkColumn( 'wei:manage_bus_team', args=[A('team__pk')], ) def render_year(self, record): return str(record.user.profile.ens_year) + "A" class Meta: attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' } model = WEIMembership template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap4.html' fields = ('user', 'user__last_name', 'user__first_name', 'registration__gender', 'user__profile__department', 'year', 'bus', 'team', 'registration__caution_check', ) row_attrs = { 'class': 'table-row', 'id': lambda record: "row-" + str(record.pk), } class WEIRegistration1ATable(tables.Table): user = tables.LinkColumn( 'wei:wei_update_registration', args=[A('pk')], ) preferred_bus = tables.Column( verbose_name=_('preferred bus').capitalize, accessor='pk', orderable=False, ) def render_preferred_bus(self, record): information = record.information return information['selected_bus_name'] if 'selected_bus_name' in information else "—" class Meta: attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' } model = WEIMembership template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap4.html' fields = ('user', 'user__last_name', 'user__first_name', 'gender', 'user__profile__department', 'preferred_bus', ) row_attrs = { 'class': 'table-row', 'id': lambda record: "row-" + str(record.pk), } class BusTable(tables.Table): name = tables.LinkColumn( 'wei:manage_bus', args=[A('pk')], ) teams = tables.Column( accessor=A("teams"), verbose_name=_("Teams"), attrs={ "td": { "class": "text-truncate", } } ) count = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Members count"), ) def render_teams(self, value): return ", ".join(team.name for team in value.order_by('name').all()) def render_count(self, value): return str(value) + " " + (str(_("members")) if value > 1 else str(_("member"))) class Meta: attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' } model = Bus template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap4.html' fields = ('name', 'teams', ) row_attrs = { 'class': 'table-row', 'id': lambda record: "row-" + str(record.pk), } class BusTeamTable(tables.Table): name = tables.LinkColumn( 'wei:manage_bus_team', args=[A('pk')], ) color = tables.Column( attrs={ "td": { "style": lambda record: "background-color: #{:06X}; color: #{:06X};" .format(record.color, 0xFFFFFF - record.color, ) } } ) def render_count(self, value): return str(value) + " " + (str(_("members")) if value > 1 else str(_("member"))) count = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Members count"), ) def render_color(self, value): return "#{:06X}".format(value) class Meta: attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' } model = BusTeam template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap4.html' fields = ('name', 'color',) row_attrs = { 'class': 'table-row', 'id': lambda record: "row-" + str(record.pk), 'data-href': lambda record: reverse_lazy('wei:manage_bus_team', args=(record.pk, )) } class BusRepartitionTable(tables.Table): name = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("name").capitalize, accessor='name', ) suggested_first_year = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("suggested first year").capitalize, accessor='pk', orderable=False, ) validated_first_year = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("validated first year").capitalize, accessor='pk', orderable=False, ) validated_staff = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("validated staff").capitalize, accessor='pk', orderable=False, ) size = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("seat count in the bus").capitalize, accessor='size', ) free_seats = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("free seats").capitalize, accessor='pk', orderable=False, ) def render_suggested_first_year(self, record): registrations = WEIRegistration.objects.filter(Q(membership__isnull=True) | Q(membership__bus__isnull=True), first_year=True, wei=record.wei) registrations = [r for r in registrations if 'selected_bus_pk' in r.information] return sum(1 for r in registrations if r.information['selected_bus_pk'] == record.pk) def render_validated_first_year(self, record): return WEIRegistration.objects.filter(first_year=True, membership__bus=record).count() def render_validated_staff(self, record): return WEIRegistration.objects.filter(first_year=False, membership__bus=record).count() def render_free_seats(self, record): return record.size - self.render_validated_staff(record) - self.render_validated_first_year(record) class Meta: attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' } models = Bus template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap4.html' fields = ('name', ) row_attrs = { 'class': 'table-row', 'id': lambda record: "row-" + str(record.pk), }