{% extends "wei/base.html" %} {% comment %} SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later {% endcomment %} {% load i18n crispy_forms_tags pretty_money perms %} {% block profile_content %}

{% trans "Review registration" %}

{% trans 'name'|capfirst %}, {% trans 'first name' %}
{{ registration.user.last_name }} {{ registration.user.first_name }}
{% trans 'username'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.user.username }}
{% trans 'email'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.user.email }}
{% if not registration.user.profile.email_confirmed and "member.change_profile_email_confirmed"|has_perm:registration.user.profile %}
{% trans "This user doesn't have confirmed his/her e-mail address." %} {% trans "Click here to resend a validation link." %}
{% endif %}
{% trans 'department'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.user.profile.department }}
{% trans 'ENS year'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.user.profile.ens_year }}
{% trans 'section'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.user.profile.section }}
{% trans 'address'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.user.profile.address }}
{% trans 'phone number'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.user.profile.phone_number }}
{% trans 'paid'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.user.profile.paid|yesno }}

{% trans 'first year'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.first_year|yesno }}
{% trans 'gender'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.get_gender_display }}
{% trans 'clothing cut'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.get_clothing_cut_display }}
{% trans 'clothing size'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.clothing_size }}
{% trans 'birth date'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.birth_date }}
{% trans 'health issues'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.health_issues }}
{% trans 'emergency contact name'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.emergency_contact_name }}
{% trans 'emergency contact phone'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.emergency_contact_phone }}
{% trans 'Payment from Société générale' %}
{{ registration.soge_credit|yesno }}
{% if registration.first_year %}
{% trans 'Suggested bus from the survey:' %}
{% if registration.information.valid or True %}
{{ suggested_bus }}
{% trans 'Raw survey information' %}
{% with information=registration.information %} {% for key, value in information.items %}
{{ key }}
{{ value }}
{% endfor %} {% endwith %} {% else %}
{% trans "The algorithm didn't run." %}
{% endif %} {% else %}
{% trans 'caution check given'|capfirst %}
{{ registration.caution_check|yesno }}
{% with information=registration.information %}
{% trans 'preferred bus'|capfirst %}
{{ information.preferred_bus_name|join:', ' }}
{% trans 'preferred team'|capfirst %}
{{ information.preferred_team_name|join:', ' }}
{% trans 'preferred roles'|capfirst %}
{{ information.preferred_roles_name|join:', ' }}
{% endwith %} {% endif %}

{% trans "Validate registration" %}

{% if registration.is_validated %}
{% trans "The registration is already validated and can't be unvalidated." %} {% trans "The user joined the bus" %} {{ registration.membership.bus }} {% if registration.membership.team %}{% trans "in the team" %} {{ registration.membership.team }}, {% else %}{% trans "in no team (staff)" %},{% endif %} {% trans "with the following roles:" %} {{ registration.membership.roles.all|join:", " }}
{% else %} {% if registration.soge_credit %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %} The WEI will be paid by Société générale. The membership will be created even if the bank didn't pay the BDE yet. The membership transaction will be created but will be invalid. You will have to validate it once the bank validated the creation of the account, or to change the payment method. {% endblocktrans %}
{% else %} {% if registration.user.note.balance < fee %}
{% with pretty_fee=fee|pretty_money %} {% blocktrans trimmed with balance=registration.user.note.balance|pretty_money %} The note don't have enough money ({{ balance }}, {{ pretty_fee }} required). The registration may fail if you don't credit the note now. {% endblocktrans %} {% endwith %}
{% else %}
{% blocktrans trimmed with pretty_fee=fee|pretty_money %} The note has enough money ({{ pretty_fee }} required), the registration is possible. {% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if not registration.caution_check and not registration.first_year %}
{% trans "The user didn't give her/his caution check." %}
{% endif %} {% if not kfet_member %}
{% url 'registration:future_user_detail' pk=registration.user.pk as future_user_detail %} {% url 'member:club_detail' pk=club.parent_club.parent_club.pk as club_detail %} {% blocktrans trimmed %} This user is not a member of the Kfet club for the coming year. The membership will be processed automatically, the WEI registration includes the membership fee. {% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %}
{% csrf_token %} {{ form|crispy }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block extrajavascript %} {% endblock %}