mirror of https://gitlab.crans.org/bde/nk20 synced 2025-03-15 02:07:36 +00:00

Merge branch 'fix-setup' into 'master'

L'installation depuis Docker était cassée

See merge request bde/nk20!72
This commit is contained in:
ynerant 2020-04-03 04:06:35 +02:00
commit f95290e323
169 changed files with 24 additions and 49039 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
source =
omit =

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Only used in dev mode, change to "postgresql" if you want to use PostgreSQL in dev

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ COPY . /code/
# Comment what is not needed
RUN pip install -r requirements/base.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements/api.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements/cas.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements/production.txt

View File

@ -106,18 +106,18 @@ On supposera pour la suite que vous utilisez Debian/Ubuntu sur un serveur tout n
On copie le fichier `.env_example` vers le fichier `.env` à la racine du projet
et on renseigne des secrets et des paramètres :
DJANGO_APP_STAGE="dev" # ou "prod"
DJANGO_DEV_STORE_METHOD="sqllite" # ou "postgres"
DOMAIN="localhost" # note.example.com
NOTE_URL="localhost" # serveur cas note.example.com si auto-hébergé.
DJANGO_APP_STAGE=dev # ou "prod"
DJANGO_DEV_STORE_METHOD=sqllite # ou "postgres"
DOMAIN=localhost # note.example.com
NOTE_URL=localhost # serveur cas note.example.com si auto-hébergé.
Ensuite on (re)bascule dans l'environement virtuel et on lance les migrations

View File

@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
const sass = require('node-sass');
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Full list of files that must be included by RequireJS
includes = [
'jquery-mousewheel' // shimmed for non-full builds
fullIncludes = [
var i18nModules = [];
var i18nPaths = {};
var i18nFiles = grunt.file.expand({
cwd: 'src/js'
}, 'select2/i18n/*.js');
var testFiles = grunt.file.expand('tests/**/*.html');
var testUrls = testFiles.map(function (filePath) {
return 'http://localhost:9999/' + filePath;
var testBuildNumber = "unknown";
if (process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID) {
testBuildNumber = "travis-" + process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID;
} else {
var currentTime = new Date();
testBuildNumber = "manual-" + currentTime.getTime();
for (var i = 0; i < i18nFiles.length; i++) {
var file = i18nFiles[i];
var name = file.split('.')[0];
name: name
i18nPaths[name] = '../../' + name;
var minifiedBanner = '/*! Select2 <%= package.version %> | https://github.com/select2/select2/blob/master/LICENSE.md */';
package: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
concat: {
'dist': {
options: {
banner: grunt.file.read('src/js/wrapper.start.js'),
src: [
dest: 'dist/js/select2.js'
'dist.full': {
options: {
banner: grunt.file.read('src/js/wrapper.start.js'),
src: [
dest: 'dist/js/select2.full.js'
connect: {
tests: {
options: {
base: '.',
hostname: '',
port: 9999
uglify: {
'dist': {
src: 'dist/js/select2.js',
dest: 'dist/js/select2.min.js',
options: {
banner: minifiedBanner
'dist.full': {
src: 'dist/js/select2.full.js',
dest: 'dist/js/select2.full.min.js',
options: {
banner: minifiedBanner
qunit: {
all: {
options: {
urls: testUrls
jshint: {
options: {
jshintrc: true,
reporterOutput: ''
code: {
src: ['src/js/**/*.js']
tests: {
src: ['tests/**/*.js']
sass: {
dist: {
options: {
implementation: sass,
outputStyle: 'compressed'
files: {
'dist/css/select2.min.css': [
dev: {
options: {
implementation: sass,
outputStyle: 'nested'
files: {
'dist/css/select2.css': [
requirejs: {
'dist': {
options: {
baseUrl: 'src/js',
optimize: 'none',
name: 'select2/core',
out: 'dist/js/select2.js',
include: includes,
namespace: 'S2',
paths: {
'almond': require.resolve('almond').slice(0, -3),
'jquery': 'jquery.shim',
'jquery-mousewheel': 'jquery.mousewheel.shim'
wrap: {
startFile: 'src/js/banner.start.js',
endFile: 'src/js/banner.end.js'
'dist.full': {
options: {
baseUrl: 'src/js',
optimize: 'none',
name: 'select2/core',
out: 'dist/js/select2.full.js',
include: fullIncludes,
namespace: 'S2',
paths: {
'almond': require.resolve('almond').slice(0, -3),
'jquery': 'jquery.shim',
'jquery-mousewheel': require.resolve('jquery-mousewheel').slice(0, -3)
wrap: {
startFile: 'src/js/banner.start.js',
endFile: 'src/js/banner.end.js'
'i18n': {
options: {
baseUrl: 'src/js/select2/i18n',
dir: 'dist/js/i18n',
paths: i18nPaths,
modules: i18nModules,
namespace: 'S2',
wrap: {
start: minifiedBanner + grunt.file.read('src/js/banner.start.js'),
end: grunt.file.read('src/js/banner.end.js')
watch: {
js: {
files: [
tasks: [
css: {
files: [
tasks: [
grunt.registerTask('default', ['compile', 'test', 'minify']);
grunt.registerTask('compile', [
'requirejs:dist', 'requirejs:dist.full', 'requirejs:i18n',
'concat:dist', 'concat:dist.full',
grunt.registerTask('minify', ['uglify', 'sass:dist']);
grunt.registerTask('test', ['connect:tests', 'qunit', 'jshint']);

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
"name": "select2",
"description": "Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.",
"main": [
"license": "MIT",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git@github.com:select2/select2.git"

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
"name": "select2",
"repo": "select/select2",
"description": "Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.",
"version": "4.0.7",
"demo": "https://select2.org/",
"keywords": [
"main": "dist/js/select2.js",
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"license": "MIT"

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
"name": "select2/select2",
"description": "Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes.",
"type": "component",
"homepage": "https://select2.org/",
"license": "MIT",
"extra": {
"component": {
"scripts": [
"styles": [
"files": [

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
window.location = 'https://select2.org/upgrading/new-in-40';

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
window.location = 'https://select2.org/getting-help';

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
window.location = 'https://select2.org/getting-started/basic-usage';

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
window.location = 'https://select2.org';

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
window.location = 'https://select2.org/configuration';

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
window.location = 'https://select2.org/configuration';

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
"name": "select2",
"description": "Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.",
"homepage": "https://select2.org",
"author": {
"name": "Kevin Brown",
"url": "https://github.com/kevin-brown"
"contributors": [
"name": "Igor Vaynberg",
"url": "https://github.com/ivaynberg"
"name": "Alex Weissman",
"url": "https://github.com/alexweissman"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://github.com/select2/select2.git"
"bugs": {
"url": "https://github.com/select2/select2/issues"
"keywords": [
"license": "MIT",
"main": "dist/js/select2.js",
"style": "dist/css/select2.css",
"files": [
"version": "4.0.7",
"jspm": {
"main": "js/select2",
"directories": {
"lib": "dist"
"devDependencies": {
"almond": "~0.3.1",
"grunt": "^0.4.5",
"grunt-cli": "^1.3.2",
"grunt-contrib-concat": "^1.0.1",
"grunt-contrib-connect": "^2.0.0",
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "^1.1.0",
"grunt-contrib-qunit": "^1.3.0",
"grunt-contrib-requirejs": "^1.0.0",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "~4.0.1",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "~1.1.0",
"grunt-sass": "^2.1.0",
"jquery-mousewheel": "~3.1.13",
"node-sass": "^4.12.0"
"dependencies": {}

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
// Return the AMD loader configuration so it can be used outside of this file
return {
define: S2.define,
require: S2.require

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
(function () {
// Restore the Select2 AMD loader so it can be used
// Needed mostly in the language files, where the loader is not inserted
if (jQuery && jQuery.fn && jQuery.fn.select2 && jQuery.fn.select2.amd) {
var S2 = jQuery.fn.select2.amd;

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
], function ($) {
// Used to shim jQuery.mousewheel for non-full builds.
return $;

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
], function ($, _, Select2, Defaults, Utils) {
if ($.fn.select2 == null) {
// All methods that should return the element
var thisMethods = ['open', 'close', 'destroy'];
$.fn.select2 = function (options) {
options = options || {};
if (typeof options === 'object') {
this.each(function () {
var instanceOptions = $.extend(true, {}, options);
var instance = new Select2($(this), instanceOptions);
return this;
} else if (typeof options === 'string') {
var ret;
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
this.each(function () {
var instance = Utils.GetData(this, 'select2');
if (instance == null && window.console && console.error) {
'The select2(\'' + options + '\') method was called on an ' +
'element that is not using Select2.'
ret = instance[options].apply(instance, args);
// Check if we should be returning `this`
if ($.inArray(options, thisMethods) > -1) {
return this;
return ret;
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid arguments for Select2: ' + options);
if ($.fn.select2.defaults == null) {
$.fn.select2.defaults = Defaults;
return Select2;

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
/* global jQuery:false, $:false */
define(function () {
var _$ = jQuery || $;
if (_$ == null && console && console.error) {
'Select2: An instance of jQuery or a jQuery-compatible library was not ' +
'found. Make sure that you are including jQuery before Select2 on your ' +
'web page.'
return _$;

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
], function ($, CompatUtils) {
// No-op CSS adapter that discards all classes by default
function _containerAdapter (clazz) {
return null;
function ContainerCSS () { }
ContainerCSS.prototype.render = function (decorated) {
var $container = decorated.call(this);
var containerCssClass = this.options.get('containerCssClass') || '';
if ($.isFunction(containerCssClass)) {
containerCssClass = containerCssClass(this.$element);
var containerCssAdapter = this.options.get('adaptContainerCssClass');
containerCssAdapter = containerCssAdapter || _containerAdapter;
if (containerCssClass.indexOf(':all:') !== -1) {
containerCssClass = containerCssClass.replace(':all:', '');
var _cssAdapter = containerCssAdapter;
containerCssAdapter = function (clazz) {
var adapted = _cssAdapter(clazz);
if (adapted != null) {
// Append the old one along with the adapted one
return adapted + ' ' + clazz;
return clazz;
var containerCss = this.options.get('containerCss') || {};
if ($.isFunction(containerCss)) {
containerCss = containerCss(this.$element);
CompatUtils.syncCssClasses($container, this.$element, containerCssAdapter);
return $container;
return ContainerCSS;

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
], function ($, CompatUtils) {
// No-op CSS adapter that discards all classes by default
function _dropdownAdapter (clazz) {
return null;
function DropdownCSS () { }
DropdownCSS.prototype.render = function (decorated) {
var $dropdown = decorated.call(this);
var dropdownCssClass = this.options.get('dropdownCssClass') || '';
if ($.isFunction(dropdownCssClass)) {
dropdownCssClass = dropdownCssClass(this.$element);
var dropdownCssAdapter = this.options.get('adaptDropdownCssClass');
dropdownCssAdapter = dropdownCssAdapter || _dropdownAdapter;
if (dropdownCssClass.indexOf(':all:') !== -1) {
dropdownCssClass = dropdownCssClass.replace(':all:', '');
var _cssAdapter = dropdownCssAdapter;
dropdownCssAdapter = function (clazz) {
var adapted = _cssAdapter(clazz);
if (adapted != null) {
// Append the old one along with the adapted one
return adapted + ' ' + clazz;
return clazz;
var dropdownCss = this.options.get('dropdownCss') || {};
if ($.isFunction(dropdownCss)) {
dropdownCss = dropdownCss(this.$element);
CompatUtils.syncCssClasses($dropdown, this.$element, dropdownCssAdapter);
return $dropdown;
return DropdownCSS;

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
], function ($) {
function InitSelection (decorated, $element, options) {
if (options.get('debug') && window.console && console.warn) {
'Select2: The `initSelection` option has been deprecated in favor' +
' of a custom data adapter that overrides the `current` method. ' +
'This method is now called multiple times instead of a single ' +
'time when the instance is initialized. Support will be removed ' +
'for the `initSelection` option in future versions of Select2'
this.initSelection = options.get('initSelection');
this._isInitialized = false;
decorated.call(this, $element, options);
InitSelection.prototype.current = function (decorated, callback) {
var self = this;
if (this._isInitialized) {
decorated.call(this, callback);
this.initSelection.call(null, this.$element, function (data) {
self._isInitialized = true;
if (!$.isArray(data)) {
data = [data];
return InitSelection;

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
], function ($, Utils) {
function InputData (decorated, $element, options) {
this._currentData = [];
this._valueSeparator = options.get('valueSeparator') || ',';
if ($element.prop('type') === 'hidden') {
if (options.get('debug') && console && console.warn) {
'Select2: Using a hidden input with Select2 is no longer ' +
'supported and may stop working in the future. It is recommended ' +
'to use a `<select>` element instead.'
decorated.call(this, $element, options);
InputData.prototype.current = function (_, callback) {
function getSelected (data, selectedIds) {
var selected = [];
if (data.selected || $.inArray(data.id, selectedIds) !== -1) {
data.selected = true;
} else {
data.selected = false;
if (data.children) {
selected.push.apply(selected, getSelected(data.children, selectedIds));
return selected;
var selected = [];
for (var d = 0; d < this._currentData.length; d++) {
var data = this._currentData[d];
InputData.prototype.select = function (_, data) {
if (!this.options.get('multiple')) {
this.current(function (allData) {
$.map(allData, function (data) {
data.selected = false;
} else {
var value = this.$element.val();
value += this._valueSeparator + data.id;
InputData.prototype.unselect = function (_, data) {
var self = this;
data.selected = false;
this.current(function (allData) {
var values = [];
for (var d = 0; d < allData.length; d++) {
var item = allData[d];
if (data.id == item.id) {
InputData.prototype.query = function (_, params, callback) {
var results = [];
for (var d = 0; d < this._currentData.length; d++) {
var data = this._currentData[d];
var matches = this.matches(params, data);
if (matches !== null) {
results: results
InputData.prototype.addOptions = function (_, $options) {
var options = $.map($options, function ($option) {
return Utils.GetData($option[0], 'data');
this._currentData.push.apply(this._currentData, options);
return InputData;

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
], function ($) {
function oldMatcher (matcher) {
function wrappedMatcher (params, data) {
var match = $.extend(true, {}, data);
if (params.term == null || $.trim(params.term) === '') {
return match;
if (data.children) {
for (var c = data.children.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
var child = data.children[c];
// Check if the child object matches
// The old matcher returned a boolean true or false
var doesMatch = matcher(params.term, child.text, child);
// If the child didn't match, pop it off
if (!doesMatch) {
match.children.splice(c, 1);
if (match.children.length > 0) {
return match;
if (matcher(params.term, data.text, data)) {
return match;
return null;
return wrappedMatcher;
return oldMatcher;

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
], function () {
function Query (decorated, $element, options) {
if (options.get('debug') && window.console && console.warn) {
'Select2: The `query` option has been deprecated in favor of a ' +
'custom data adapter that overrides the `query` method. Support ' +
'will be removed for the `query` option in future versions of ' +
decorated.call(this, $element, options);
Query.prototype.query = function (_, params, callback) {
params.callback = callback;
var query = this.options.get('query');
query.call(null, params);
return Query;

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
], function ($) {
function syncCssClasses ($dest, $src, adapter) {
var classes, replacements = [], adapted;
classes = $.trim($dest.attr('class'));
if (classes) {
classes = '' + classes; // for IE which returns object
$(classes.split(/\s+/)).each(function () {
// Save all Select2 classes
if (this.indexOf('select2-') === 0) {
classes = $.trim($src.attr('class'));
if (classes) {
classes = '' + classes; // for IE which returns object
$(classes.split(/\s+/)).each(function () {
// Only adapt non-Select2 classes
if (this.indexOf('select2-') !== 0) {
adapted = adapter(this);
if (adapted != null) {
$dest.attr('class', replacements.join(' '));
return {
syncCssClasses: syncCssClasses

View File

@ -1,618 +0,0 @@
], function ($, Options, Utils, KEYS) {
var Select2 = function ($element, options) {
if (Utils.GetData($element[0], 'select2') != null) {
Utils.GetData($element[0], 'select2').destroy();
this.$element = $element;
this.id = this._generateId($element);
options = options || {};
this.options = new Options(options, $element);
// Set up the tabindex
var tabindex = $element.attr('tabindex') || 0;
Utils.StoreData($element[0], 'old-tabindex', tabindex);
$element.attr('tabindex', '-1');
// Set up containers and adapters
var DataAdapter = this.options.get('dataAdapter');
this.dataAdapter = new DataAdapter($element, this.options);
var $container = this.render();
var SelectionAdapter = this.options.get('selectionAdapter');
this.selection = new SelectionAdapter($element, this.options);
this.$selection = this.selection.render();
this.selection.position(this.$selection, $container);
var DropdownAdapter = this.options.get('dropdownAdapter');
this.dropdown = new DropdownAdapter($element, this.options);
this.$dropdown = this.dropdown.render();
this.dropdown.position(this.$dropdown, $container);
var ResultsAdapter = this.options.get('resultsAdapter');
this.results = new ResultsAdapter($element, this.options, this.dataAdapter);
this.$results = this.results.render();
this.results.position(this.$results, this.$dropdown);
// Bind events
var self = this;
// Bind the container to all of the adapters
// Register any DOM event handlers
// Register any internal event handlers
// Set the initial state
this.dataAdapter.current(function (initialData) {
self.trigger('selection:update', {
data: initialData
// Hide the original select
$element.attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
// Synchronize any monitored attributes
Utils.StoreData($element[0], 'select2', this);
// Ensure backwards compatibility with $element.data('select2').
$element.data('select2', this);
Utils.Extend(Select2, Utils.Observable);
Select2.prototype._generateId = function ($element) {
var id = '';
if ($element.attr('id') != null) {
id = $element.attr('id');
} else if ($element.attr('name') != null) {
id = $element.attr('name') + '-' + Utils.generateChars(2);
} else {
id = Utils.generateChars(4);
id = id.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,)/g, '');
id = 'select2-' + id;
return id;
Select2.prototype._placeContainer = function ($container) {
var width = this._resolveWidth(this.$element, this.options.get('width'));
if (width != null) {
$container.css('width', width);
Select2.prototype._resolveWidth = function ($element, method) {
var WIDTH = /^width:(([-+]?([0-9]*\.)?[0-9]+)(px|em|ex|%|in|cm|mm|pt|pc))/i;
if (method == 'resolve') {
var styleWidth = this._resolveWidth($element, 'style');
if (styleWidth != null) {
return styleWidth;
return this._resolveWidth($element, 'element');
if (method == 'element') {
var elementWidth = $element.outerWidth(false);
if (elementWidth <= 0) {
return 'auto';
return elementWidth + 'px';
if (method == 'style') {
var style = $element.attr('style');
if (typeof(style) !== 'string') {
return null;
var attrs = style.split(';');
for (var i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i = i + 1) {
var attr = attrs[i].replace(/\s/g, '');
var matches = attr.match(WIDTH);
if (matches !== null && matches.length >= 1) {
return matches[1];
return null;
return method;
Select2.prototype._bindAdapters = function () {
this.dataAdapter.bind(this, this.$container);
this.selection.bind(this, this.$container);
this.dropdown.bind(this, this.$container);
this.results.bind(this, this.$container);
Select2.prototype._registerDomEvents = function () {
var self = this;
this.$element.on('change.select2', function () {
self.dataAdapter.current(function (data) {
self.trigger('selection:update', {
data: data
this.$element.on('focus.select2', function (evt) {
self.trigger('focus', evt);
this._syncA = Utils.bind(this._syncAttributes, this);
this._syncS = Utils.bind(this._syncSubtree, this);
if (this.$element[0].attachEvent) {
this.$element[0].attachEvent('onpropertychange', this._syncA);
var observer = window.MutationObserver ||
window.WebKitMutationObserver ||
if (observer != null) {
this._observer = new observer(function (mutations) {
$.each(mutations, self._syncA);
$.each(mutations, self._syncS);
this._observer.observe(this.$element[0], {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
subtree: false
} else if (this.$element[0].addEventListener) {
Select2.prototype._registerDataEvents = function () {
var self = this;
this.dataAdapter.on('*', function (name, params) {
self.trigger(name, params);
Select2.prototype._registerSelectionEvents = function () {
var self = this;
var nonRelayEvents = ['toggle', 'focus'];
this.selection.on('toggle', function () {
this.selection.on('focus', function (params) {
this.selection.on('*', function (name, params) {
if ($.inArray(name, nonRelayEvents) !== -1) {
self.trigger(name, params);
Select2.prototype._registerDropdownEvents = function () {
var self = this;
this.dropdown.on('*', function (name, params) {
self.trigger(name, params);
Select2.prototype._registerResultsEvents = function () {
var self = this;
this.results.on('*', function (name, params) {
self.trigger(name, params);
Select2.prototype._registerEvents = function () {
var self = this;
this.on('open', function () {
this.on('close', function () {
this.on('enable', function () {
this.on('disable', function () {
this.on('blur', function () {
this.on('query', function (params) {
if (!self.isOpen()) {
self.trigger('open', {});
this.dataAdapter.query(params, function (data) {
self.trigger('results:all', {
data: data,
query: params
this.on('query:append', function (params) {
this.dataAdapter.query(params, function (data) {
self.trigger('results:append', {
data: data,
query: params
this.on('keypress', function (evt) {
var key = evt.which;
if (self.isOpen()) {
if (key === KEYS.ESC || key === KEYS.TAB ||
(key === KEYS.UP && evt.altKey)) {
} else if (key === KEYS.ENTER) {
self.trigger('results:select', {});
} else if ((key === KEYS.SPACE && evt.ctrlKey)) {
self.trigger('results:toggle', {});
} else if (key === KEYS.UP) {
self.trigger('results:previous', {});
} else if (key === KEYS.DOWN) {
self.trigger('results:next', {});
} else {
if (key === KEYS.ENTER || key === KEYS.SPACE ||
(key === KEYS.DOWN && evt.altKey)) {
Select2.prototype._syncAttributes = function () {
this.options.set('disabled', this.$element.prop('disabled'));
if (this.options.get('disabled')) {
if (this.isOpen()) {
this.trigger('disable', {});
} else {
this.trigger('enable', {});
Select2.prototype._syncSubtree = function (evt, mutations) {
var changed = false;
var self = this;
// Ignore any mutation events raised for elements that aren't options or
// optgroups. This handles the case when the select element is destroyed
if (
evt && evt.target && (
evt.target.nodeName !== 'OPTION' && evt.target.nodeName !== 'OPTGROUP'
) {
if (!mutations) {
// If mutation events aren't supported, then we can only assume that the
// change affected the selections
changed = true;
} else if (mutations.addedNodes && mutations.addedNodes.length > 0) {
for (var n = 0; n < mutations.addedNodes.length; n++) {
var node = mutations.addedNodes[n];
if (node.selected) {
changed = true;
} else if (mutations.removedNodes && mutations.removedNodes.length > 0) {
changed = true;
// Only re-pull the data if we think there is a change
if (changed) {
this.dataAdapter.current(function (currentData) {
self.trigger('selection:update', {
data: currentData
* Override the trigger method to automatically trigger pre-events when
* there are events that can be prevented.
Select2.prototype.trigger = function (name, args) {
var actualTrigger = Select2.__super__.trigger;
var preTriggerMap = {
'open': 'opening',
'close': 'closing',
'select': 'selecting',
'unselect': 'unselecting',
'clear': 'clearing'
if (args === undefined) {
args = {};
if (name in preTriggerMap) {
var preTriggerName = preTriggerMap[name];
var preTriggerArgs = {
prevented: false,
name: name,
args: args
actualTrigger.call(this, preTriggerName, preTriggerArgs);
if (preTriggerArgs.prevented) {
args.prevented = true;
actualTrigger.call(this, name, args);
Select2.prototype.toggleDropdown = function () {
if (this.options.get('disabled')) {
if (this.isOpen()) {
} else {
Select2.prototype.open = function () {
if (this.isOpen()) {
this.trigger('query', {});
Select2.prototype.close = function () {
if (!this.isOpen()) {
this.trigger('close', {});
Select2.prototype.isOpen = function () {
return this.$container.hasClass('select2-container--open');
Select2.prototype.hasFocus = function () {
return this.$container.hasClass('select2-container--focus');
Select2.prototype.focus = function (data) {
// No need to re-trigger focus events if we are already focused
if (this.hasFocus()) {
this.trigger('focus', {});
Select2.prototype.enable = function (args) {
if (this.options.get('debug') && window.console && console.warn) {
'Select2: The `select2("enable")` method has been deprecated and will' +
' be removed in later Select2 versions. Use $element.prop("disabled")' +
' instead.'
if (args == null || args.length === 0) {
args = [true];
var disabled = !args[0];
this.$element.prop('disabled', disabled);
Select2.prototype.data = function () {
if (this.options.get('debug') &&
arguments.length > 0 && window.console && console.warn) {
'Select2: Data can no longer be set using `select2("data")`. You ' +
'should consider setting the value instead using `$element.val()`.'
var data = [];
this.dataAdapter.current(function (currentData) {
data = currentData;
return data;
Select2.prototype.val = function (args) {
if (this.options.get('debug') && window.console && console.warn) {
'Select2: The `select2("val")` method has been deprecated and will be' +
' removed in later Select2 versions. Use $element.val() instead.'
if (args == null || args.length === 0) {
return this.$element.val();
var newVal = args[0];
if ($.isArray(newVal)) {
newVal = $.map(newVal, function (obj) {
return obj.toString();
Select2.prototype.destroy = function () {
if (this.$element[0].detachEvent) {
this.$element[0].detachEvent('onpropertychange', this._syncA);
if (this._observer != null) {
this._observer = null;
} else if (this.$element[0].removeEventListener) {
.removeEventListener('DOMAttrModified', this._syncA, false);
.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', this._syncS, false);
.removeEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', this._syncS, false);
this._syncA = null;
this._syncS = null;
Utils.GetData(this.$element[0], 'old-tabindex'));
this.$element.attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
this.dataAdapter = null;
this.selection = null;
this.dropdown = null;
this.results = null;
Select2.prototype.render = function () {
var $container = $(
'<span class="select2 select2-container">' +
'<span class="selection"></span>' +
'<span class="dropdown-wrapper" aria-hidden="true"></span>' +
$container.attr('dir', this.options.get('dir'));
this.$container = $container;
this.$container.addClass('select2-container--' + this.options.get('theme'));
Utils.StoreData($container[0], 'element', this.$element);
return $container;
return Select2;

View File

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
], function (ArrayAdapter, Utils, $) {
function AjaxAdapter ($element, options) {
this.ajaxOptions = this._applyDefaults(options.get('ajax'));
if (this.ajaxOptions.processResults != null) {
this.processResults = this.ajaxOptions.processResults;
AjaxAdapter.__super__.constructor.call(this, $element, options);
Utils.Extend(AjaxAdapter, ArrayAdapter);
AjaxAdapter.prototype._applyDefaults = function (options) {
var defaults = {
data: function (params) {
return $.extend({}, params, {
q: params.term
transport: function (params, success, failure) {
var $request = $.ajax(params);
return $request;
return $.extend({}, defaults, options, true);
AjaxAdapter.prototype.processResults = function (results) {
return results;
AjaxAdapter.prototype.query = function (params, callback) {
var matches = [];
var self = this;
if (this._request != null) {
// JSONP requests cannot always be aborted
if ($.isFunction(this._request.abort)) {
this._request = null;
var options = $.extend({
type: 'GET'
}, this.ajaxOptions);
if (typeof options.url === 'function') {
options.url = options.url.call(this.$element, params);
if (typeof options.data === 'function') {
options.data = options.data.call(this.$element, params);
function request () {
var $request = options.transport(options, function (data) {
var results = self.processResults(data, params);
if (self.options.get('debug') && window.console && console.error) {
// Check to make sure that the response included a `results` key.
if (!results || !results.results || !$.isArray(results.results)) {
'Select2: The AJAX results did not return an array in the ' +
'`results` key of the response.'
}, function () {
// Attempt to detect if a request was aborted
// Only works if the transport exposes a status property
if ('status' in $request &&
($request.status === 0 || $request.status === '0')) {
self.trigger('results:message', {
message: 'errorLoading'
self._request = $request;
if (this.ajaxOptions.delay && params.term != null) {
if (this._queryTimeout) {
this._queryTimeout = window.setTimeout(request, this.ajaxOptions.delay);
} else {
return AjaxAdapter;

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
], function (SelectAdapter, Utils, $) {
function ArrayAdapter ($element, options) {
var data = options.get('data') || [];
ArrayAdapter.__super__.constructor.call(this, $element, options);
Utils.Extend(ArrayAdapter, SelectAdapter);
ArrayAdapter.prototype.select = function (data) {
var $option = this.$element.find('option').filter(function (i, elm) {
return elm.value == data.id.toString();
if ($option.length === 0) {
$option = this.option(data);
ArrayAdapter.__super__.select.call(this, data);
ArrayAdapter.prototype.convertToOptions = function (data) {
var self = this;
var $existing = this.$element.find('option');
var existingIds = $existing.map(function () {
return self.item($(this)).id;
var $options = [];
// Filter out all items except for the one passed in the argument
function onlyItem (item) {
return function () {
return $(this).val() == item.id;
for (var d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
var item = this._normalizeItem(data[d]);
// Skip items which were pre-loaded, only merge the data
if ($.inArray(item.id, existingIds) >= 0) {
var $existingOption = $existing.filter(onlyItem(item));
var existingData = this.item($existingOption);
var newData = $.extend(true, {}, item, existingData);
var $newOption = this.option(newData);
var $option = this.option(item);
if (item.children) {
var $children = this.convertToOptions(item.children);
Utils.appendMany($option, $children);
return $options;
return ArrayAdapter;

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
], function (Utils) {
function BaseAdapter ($element, options) {
Utils.Extend(BaseAdapter, Utils.Observable);
BaseAdapter.prototype.current = function (callback) {
throw new Error('The `current` method must be defined in child classes.');
BaseAdapter.prototype.query = function (params, callback) {
throw new Error('The `query` method must be defined in child classes.');
BaseAdapter.prototype.bind = function (container, $container) {
// Can be implemented in subclasses
BaseAdapter.prototype.destroy = function () {
// Can be implemented in subclasses
BaseAdapter.prototype.generateResultId = function (container, data) {
var id = container.id + '-result-';
id += Utils.generateChars(4);
if (data.id != null) {
id += '-' + data.id.toString();
} else {
id += '-' + Utils.generateChars(4);
return id;
return BaseAdapter;

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
], function () {
function MaximumInputLength (decorated, $e, options) {
this.maximumInputLength = options.get('maximumInputLength');
decorated.call(this, $e, options);
MaximumInputLength.prototype.query = function (decorated, params, callback) {
params.term = params.term || '';
if (this.maximumInputLength > 0 &&
params.term.length > this.maximumInputLength) {
this.trigger('results:message', {
message: 'inputTooLong',
args: {
maximum: this.maximumInputLength,
input: params.term,
params: params
decorated.call(this, params, callback);
return MaximumInputLength;

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
], function (){
function MaximumSelectionLength (decorated, $e, options) {
this.maximumSelectionLength = options.get('maximumSelectionLength');
decorated.call(this, $e, options);
MaximumSelectionLength.prototype.query =
function (decorated, params, callback) {
var self = this;
this.current(function (currentData) {
var count = currentData != null ? currentData.length : 0;
if (self.maximumSelectionLength > 0 &&
count >= self.maximumSelectionLength) {
self.trigger('results:message', {
message: 'maximumSelected',
args: {
maximum: self.maximumSelectionLength
decorated.call(self, params, callback);
return MaximumSelectionLength;

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
], function () {
function MinimumInputLength (decorated, $e, options) {
this.minimumInputLength = options.get('minimumInputLength');
decorated.call(this, $e, options);
MinimumInputLength.prototype.query = function (decorated, params, callback) {
params.term = params.term || '';
if (params.term.length < this.minimumInputLength) {
this.trigger('results:message', {
message: 'inputTooShort',
args: {
minimum: this.minimumInputLength,
input: params.term,
params: params
decorated.call(this, params, callback);
return MinimumInputLength;

View File

@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
], function (BaseAdapter, Utils, $) {
function SelectAdapter ($element, options) {
this.$element = $element;
this.options = options;
Utils.Extend(SelectAdapter, BaseAdapter);
SelectAdapter.prototype.current = function (callback) {
var data = [];
var self = this;
this.$element.find(':selected').each(function () {
var $option = $(this);
var option = self.item($option);
SelectAdapter.prototype.select = function (data) {
var self = this;
data.selected = true;
// If data.element is a DOM node, use it instead
if ($(data.element).is('option')) {
data.element.selected = true;
if (this.$element.prop('multiple')) {
this.current(function (currentData) {
var val = [];
data = [data];
data.push.apply(data, currentData);
for (var d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
var id = data[d].id;
if ($.inArray(id, val) === -1) {
} else {
var val = data.id;
SelectAdapter.prototype.unselect = function (data) {
var self = this;
if (!this.$element.prop('multiple')) {
data.selected = false;
if ($(data.element).is('option')) {
data.element.selected = false;
this.current(function (currentData) {
var val = [];
for (var d = 0; d < currentData.length; d++) {
var id = currentData[d].id;
if (id !== data.id && $.inArray(id, val) === -1) {
SelectAdapter.prototype.bind = function (container, $container) {
var self = this;
this.container = container;
container.on('select', function (params) {
container.on('unselect', function (params) {
SelectAdapter.prototype.destroy = function () {
// Remove anything added to child elements
this.$element.find('*').each(function () {
// Remove any custom data set by Select2
SelectAdapter.prototype.query = function (params, callback) {
var data = [];
var self = this;
var $options = this.$element.children();
$options.each(function () {
var $option = $(this);
if (!$option.is('option') && !$option.is('optgroup')) {
var option = self.item($option);
var matches = self.matches(params, option);
if (matches !== null) {
results: data
SelectAdapter.prototype.addOptions = function ($options) {
Utils.appendMany(this.$element, $options);
SelectAdapter.prototype.option = function (data) {
var option;
if (data.children) {
option = document.createElement('optgroup');
option.label = data.text;
} else {
option = document.createElement('option');
if (option.textContent !== undefined) {
option.textContent = data.text;
} else {
option.innerText = data.text;
if (data.id !== undefined) {
option.value = data.id;
if (data.disabled) {
option.disabled = true;
if (data.selected) {
option.selected = true;
if (data.title) {
option.title = data.title;
var $option = $(option);
var normalizedData = this._normalizeItem(data);
normalizedData.element = option;
// Override the option's data with the combined data
Utils.StoreData(option, 'data', normalizedData);
return $option;
SelectAdapter.prototype.item = function ($option) {
var data = {};
data = Utils.GetData($option[0], 'data');
if (data != null) {
return data;
if ($option.is('option')) {
data = {
id: $option.val(),
text: $option.text(),
disabled: $option.prop('disabled'),
selected: $option.prop('selected'),
title: $option.prop('title')
} else if ($option.is('optgroup')) {
data = {
text: $option.prop('label'),
children: [],
title: $option.prop('title')
var $children = $option.children('option');
var children = [];
for (var c = 0; c < $children.length; c++) {
var $child = $($children[c]);
var child = this.item($child);
data.children = children;
data = this._normalizeItem(data);
data.element = $option[0];
Utils.StoreData($option[0], 'data', data);
return data;
SelectAdapter.prototype._normalizeItem = function (item) {
if (item !== Object(item)) {
item = {
id: item,
text: item
item = $.extend({}, {
text: ''
}, item);
var defaults = {
selected: false,
disabled: false
if (item.id != null) {
item.id = item.id.toString();
if (item.text != null) {
item.text = item.text.toString();
if (item._resultId == null && item.id && this.container != null) {
item._resultId = this.generateResultId(this.container, item);
return $.extend({}, defaults, item);
SelectAdapter.prototype.matches = function (params, data) {
var matcher = this.options.get('matcher');
return matcher(params, data);
return SelectAdapter;

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
], function ($) {
function Tags (decorated, $element, options) {
var tags = options.get('tags');
var createTag = options.get('createTag');
if (createTag !== undefined) {
this.createTag = createTag;
var insertTag = options.get('insertTag');
if (insertTag !== undefined) {
this.insertTag = insertTag;
decorated.call(this, $element, options);
if ($.isArray(tags)) {
for (var t = 0; t < tags.length; t++) {
var tag = tags[t];
var item = this._normalizeItem(tag);
var $option = this.option(item);
Tags.prototype.query = function (decorated, params, callback) {
var self = this;
if (params.term == null || params.page != null) {
decorated.call(this, params, callback);
function wrapper (obj, child) {
var data = obj.results;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var option = data[i];
var checkChildren = (
option.children != null &&
results: option.children
}, true)
var optionText = (option.text || '').toUpperCase();
var paramsTerm = (params.term || '').toUpperCase();
var checkText = optionText === paramsTerm;
if (checkText || checkChildren) {
if (child) {
return false;
obj.data = data;
if (child) {
return true;
var tag = self.createTag(params);
if (tag != null) {
var $option = self.option(tag);
$option.attr('data-select2-tag', true);
self.insertTag(data, tag);
obj.results = data;
decorated.call(this, params, wrapper);
Tags.prototype.createTag = function (decorated, params) {
var term = $.trim(params.term);
if (term === '') {
return null;
return {
id: term,
text: term
Tags.prototype.insertTag = function (_, data, tag) {
Tags.prototype._removeOldTags = function (_) {
var tag = this._lastTag;
var $options = this.$element.find('option[data-select2-tag]');
$options.each(function () {
if (this.selected) {
return Tags;

View File

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
], function ($) {
function Tokenizer (decorated, $element, options) {
var tokenizer = options.get('tokenizer');
if (tokenizer !== undefined) {
this.tokenizer = tokenizer;
decorated.call(this, $element, options);
Tokenizer.prototype.bind = function (decorated, container, $container) {
decorated.call(this, container, $container);
this.$search = container.dropdown.$search || container.selection.$search ||
Tokenizer.prototype.query = function (decorated, params, callback) {
var self = this;
function createAndSelect (data) {
// Normalize the data object so we can use it for checks
var item = self._normalizeItem(data);
// Check if the data object already exists as a tag
// Select it if it doesn't
var $existingOptions = self.$element.find('option').filter(function () {
return $(this).val() === item.id;
// If an existing option wasn't found for it, create the option
if (!$existingOptions.length) {
var $option = self.option(item);
$option.attr('data-select2-tag', true);
// Select the item, now that we know there is an option for it
function select (data) {
self.trigger('select', {
data: data
params.term = params.term || '';
var tokenData = this.tokenizer(params, this.options, createAndSelect);
if (tokenData.term !== params.term) {
// Replace the search term if we have the search box
if (this.$search.length) {
params.term = tokenData.term;
decorated.call(this, params, callback);
Tokenizer.prototype.tokenizer = function (_, params, options, callback) {
var separators = options.get('tokenSeparators') || [];
var term = params.term;
var i = 0;
var createTag = this.createTag || function (params) {
return {
id: params.term,
text: params.term
while (i < term.length) {
var termChar = term[i];
if ($.inArray(termChar, separators) === -1) {
var part = term.substr(0, i);
var partParams = $.extend({}, params, {
term: part
var data = createTag(partParams);
if (data == null) {
// Reset the term to not include the tokenized portion
term = term.substr(i + 1) || '';
i = 0;
return {
term: term
return Tokenizer;

View File

@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
], function ($, require,
SingleSelection, MultipleSelection, Placeholder, AllowClear,
SelectionSearch, EventRelay,
Utils, Translation, DIACRITICS,
SelectData, ArrayData, AjaxData, Tags, Tokenizer,
MinimumInputLength, MaximumInputLength, MaximumSelectionLength,
Dropdown, DropdownSearch, HidePlaceholder, InfiniteScroll,
AttachBody, MinimumResultsForSearch, SelectOnClose, CloseOnSelect,
EnglishTranslation) {
function Defaults () {
Defaults.prototype.apply = function (options) {
options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, options);
if (options.dataAdapter == null) {
if (options.ajax != null) {
options.dataAdapter = AjaxData;
} else if (options.data != null) {
options.dataAdapter = ArrayData;
} else {
options.dataAdapter = SelectData;
if (options.minimumInputLength > 0) {
options.dataAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.maximumInputLength > 0) {
options.dataAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.maximumSelectionLength > 0) {
options.dataAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.tags) {
options.dataAdapter = Utils.Decorate(options.dataAdapter, Tags);
if (options.tokenSeparators != null || options.tokenizer != null) {
options.dataAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.query != null) {
var Query = require(options.amdBase + 'compat/query');
options.dataAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.initSelection != null) {
var InitSelection = require(options.amdBase + 'compat/initSelection');
options.dataAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.resultsAdapter == null) {
options.resultsAdapter = ResultsList;
if (options.ajax != null) {
options.resultsAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.placeholder != null) {
options.resultsAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.selectOnClose) {
options.resultsAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.dropdownAdapter == null) {
if (options.multiple) {
options.dropdownAdapter = Dropdown;
} else {
var SearchableDropdown = Utils.Decorate(Dropdown, DropdownSearch);
options.dropdownAdapter = SearchableDropdown;
if (options.minimumResultsForSearch !== 0) {
options.dropdownAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.closeOnSelect) {
options.dropdownAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (
options.dropdownCssClass != null ||
options.dropdownCss != null ||
options.adaptDropdownCssClass != null
) {
var DropdownCSS = require(options.amdBase + 'compat/dropdownCss');
options.dropdownAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
options.dropdownAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.selectionAdapter == null) {
if (options.multiple) {
options.selectionAdapter = MultipleSelection;
} else {
options.selectionAdapter = SingleSelection;
// Add the placeholder mixin if a placeholder was specified
if (options.placeholder != null) {
options.selectionAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.allowClear) {
options.selectionAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (options.multiple) {
options.selectionAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (
options.containerCssClass != null ||
options.containerCss != null ||
options.adaptContainerCssClass != null
) {
var ContainerCSS = require(options.amdBase + 'compat/containerCss');
options.selectionAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
options.selectionAdapter = Utils.Decorate(
if (typeof options.language === 'string') {
// Check if the language is specified with a region
if (options.language.indexOf('-') > 0) {
// Extract the region information if it is included
var languageParts = options.language.split('-');
var baseLanguage = languageParts[0];
options.language = [options.language, baseLanguage];
} else {
options.language = [options.language];
if ($.isArray(options.language)) {
var languages = new Translation();
var languageNames = options.language;
for (var l = 0; l < languageNames.length; l++) {
var name = languageNames[l];
var language = {};
try {
// Try to load it with the original name
language = Translation.loadPath(name);
} catch (e) {
try {
// If we couldn't load it, check if it wasn't the full path
name = this.defaults.amdLanguageBase + name;
language = Translation.loadPath(name);
} catch (ex) {
// The translation could not be loaded at all. Sometimes this is
// because of a configuration problem, other times this can be
// because of how Select2 helps load all possible translation files.
if (options.debug && window.console && console.warn) {
'Select2: The language file for "' + name + '" could not be ' +
'automatically loaded. A fallback will be used instead.'
options.translations = languages;
} else {
var baseTranslation = Translation.loadPath(
this.defaults.amdLanguageBase + 'en'
var customTranslation = new Translation(options.language);
options.translations = customTranslation;
return options;
Defaults.prototype.reset = function () {
function stripDiacritics (text) {
// Used 'uni range + named function' from http://jsperf.com/diacritics/18
function match(a) {
return DIACRITICS[a] || a;
return text.replace(/[^\u0000-\u007E]/g, match);
function matcher (params, data) {
// Always return the object if there is nothing to compare
if ($.trim(params.term) === '') {
return data;
// Do a recursive check for options with children
if (data.children && data.children.length > 0) {
// Clone the data object if there are children
// This is required as we modify the object to remove any non-matches
var match = $.extend(true, {}, data);
// Check each child of the option
for (var c = data.children.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
var child = data.children[c];
var matches = matcher(params, child);
// If there wasn't a match, remove the object in the array
if (matches == null) {
match.children.splice(c, 1);
// If any children matched, return the new object
if (match.children.length > 0) {
return match;
// If there were no matching children, check just the plain object
return matcher(params, match);
var original = stripDiacritics(data.text).toUpperCase();
var term = stripDiacritics(params.term).toUpperCase();
// Check if the text contains the term
if (original.indexOf(term) > -1) {
return data;
// If it doesn't contain the term, don't return anything
return null;
this.defaults = {
amdBase: './',
amdLanguageBase: './i18n/',
closeOnSelect: true,
debug: false,
dropdownAutoWidth: false,
escapeMarkup: Utils.escapeMarkup,
language: EnglishTranslation,
matcher: matcher,
minimumInputLength: 0,
maximumInputLength: 0,
maximumSelectionLength: 0,
minimumResultsForSearch: 0,
selectOnClose: false,
scrollAfterSelect: false,
sorter: function (data) {
return data;
templateResult: function (result) {
return result.text;
templateSelection: function (selection) {
return selection.text;
theme: 'default',
width: 'resolve'
Defaults.prototype.set = function (key, value) {
var camelKey = $.camelCase(key);
var data = {};
data[camelKey] = value;
var convertedData = Utils._convertData(data);
$.extend(true, this.defaults, convertedData);
var defaults = new Defaults();
return defaults;

View File

@ -1,850 +0,0 @@
], function () {
var diacritics = {
'\u24B6': 'A',
'\uFF21': 'A',
'\u00C0': 'A',
'\u00C1': 'A',
'\u00C2': 'A',
'\u1EA6': 'A',
'\u1EA4': 'A',
'\u1EAA': 'A',
'\u1EA8': 'A',
'\u00C3': 'A',
'\u0100': 'A',
'\u0102': 'A',
'\u1EB0': 'A',
'\u1EAE': 'A',
'\u1EB4': 'A',
'\u1EB2': 'A',
'\u0226': 'A',
'\u01E0': 'A',
'\u00C4': 'A',
'\u01DE': 'A',
'\u1EA2': 'A',
'\u00C5': 'A',
'\u01FA': 'A',
'\u01CD': 'A',
'\u0200': 'A',
'\u0202': 'A',
'\u1EA0': 'A',
'\u1EAC': 'A',
'\u1EB6': 'A',
'\u1E00': 'A',
'\u0104': 'A',
'\u023A': 'A',
'\u2C6F': 'A',
'\uA732': 'AA',
'\u00C6': 'AE',
'\u01FC': 'AE',
'\u01E2': 'AE',
'\uA734': 'AO',
'\uA736': 'AU',
'\uA738': 'AV',
'\uA73A': 'AV',
'\uA73C': 'AY',
'\u24B7': 'B',
'\uFF22': 'B',
'\u1E02': 'B',
'\u1E04': 'B',
'\u1E06': 'B',
'\u0243': 'B',
'\u0182': 'B',
'\u0181': 'B',
'\u24B8': 'C',
'\uFF23': 'C',
'\u0106': 'C',
'\u0108': 'C',
'\u010A': 'C',
'\u010C': 'C',
'\u00C7': 'C',
'\u1E08': 'C',
'\u0187': 'C',
'\u023B': 'C',
'\uA73E': 'C',
'\u24B9': 'D',
'\uFF24': 'D',
'\u1E0A': 'D',
'\u010E': 'D',
'\u1E0C': 'D',
'\u1E10': 'D',
'\u1E12': 'D',
'\u1E0E': 'D',
'\u0110': 'D',
'\u018B': 'D',
'\u018A': 'D',
'\u0189': 'D',
'\uA779': 'D',
'\u01F1': 'DZ',
'\u01C4': 'DZ',
'\u01F2': 'Dz',
'\u01C5': 'Dz',
'\u24BA': 'E',
'\uFF25': 'E',
'\u00C8': 'E',
'\u00C9': 'E',
'\u00CA': 'E',
'\u1EC0': 'E',
'\u1EBE': 'E',
'\u1EC4': 'E',
'\u1EC2': 'E',
'\u1EBC': 'E',
'\u0112': 'E',
'\u1E14': 'E',
'\u1E16': 'E',
'\u0114': 'E',
'\u0116': 'E',
'\u00CB': 'E',
'\u1EBA': 'E',
'\u011A': 'E',
'\u0204': 'E',
'\u0206': 'E',
'\u1EB8': 'E',
'\u1EC6': 'E',
'\u0228': 'E',
'\u1E1C': 'E',
'\u0118': 'E',
'\u1E18': 'E',
'\u1E1A': 'E',
'\u0190': 'E',
'\u018E': 'E',
'\u24BB': 'F',
'\uFF26': 'F',
'\u1E1E': 'F',
'\u0191': 'F',
'\uA77B': 'F',
'\u24BC': 'G',
'\uFF27': 'G',
'\u01F4': 'G',
'\u011C': 'G',
'\u1E20': 'G',
'\u011E': 'G',
'\u0120': 'G',
'\u01E6': 'G',
'\u0122': 'G',
'\u01E4': 'G',
'\u0193': 'G',
'\uA7A0': 'G',
'\uA77D': 'G',
'\uA77E': 'G',
'\u24BD': 'H',
'\uFF28': 'H',
'\u0124': 'H',
'\u1E22': 'H',
'\u1E26': 'H',
'\u021E': 'H',
'\u1E24': 'H',
'\u1E28': 'H',
'\u1E2A': 'H',
'\u0126': 'H',
'\u2C67': 'H',
'\u2C75': 'H',
'\uA78D': 'H',
'\u24BE': 'I',
'\uFF29': 'I',
'\u00CC': 'I',
'\u00CD': 'I',
'\u00CE': 'I',
'\u0128': 'I',
'\u012A': 'I',
'\u012C': 'I',
'\u0130': 'I',
'\u00CF': 'I',
'\u1E2E': 'I',
'\u1EC8': 'I',
'\u01CF': 'I',
'\u0208': 'I',
'\u020A': 'I',
'\u1ECA': 'I',
'\u012E': 'I',
'\u1E2C': 'I',
'\u0197': 'I',
'\u24BF': 'J',
'\uFF2A': 'J',
'\u0134': 'J',
'\u0248': 'J',
'\u24C0': 'K',
'\uFF2B': 'K',
'\u1E30': 'K',
'\u01E8': 'K',
'\u1E32': 'K',
'\u0136': 'K',
'\u1E34': 'K',
'\u0198': 'K',
'\u2C69': 'K',
'\uA740': 'K',
'\uA742': 'K',
'\uA744': 'K',
'\uA7A2': 'K',
'\u24C1': 'L',
'\uFF2C': 'L',
'\u013F': 'L',
'\u0139': 'L',
'\u013D': 'L',
'\u1E36': 'L',
'\u1E38': 'L',
'\u013B': 'L',
'\u1E3C': 'L',
'\u1E3A': 'L',
'\u0141': 'L',
'\u023D': 'L',
'\u2C62': 'L',
'\u2C60': 'L',
'\uA748': 'L',
'\uA746': 'L',
'\uA780': 'L',
'\u01C7': 'LJ',
'\u01C8': 'Lj',
'\u24C2': 'M',
'\uFF2D': 'M',
'\u1E3E': 'M',
'\u1E40': 'M',
'\u1E42': 'M',
'\u2C6E': 'M',
'\u019C': 'M',
'\u24C3': 'N',
'\uFF2E': 'N',
'\u01F8': 'N',
'\u0143': 'N',
'\u00D1': 'N',
'\u1E44': 'N',
'\u0147': 'N',
'\u1E46': 'N',
'\u0145': 'N',
'\u1E4A': 'N',
'\u1E48': 'N',
'\u0220': 'N',
'\u019D': 'N',
'\uA790': 'N',
'\uA7A4': 'N',
'\u01CA': 'NJ',
'\u01CB': 'Nj',
'\u24C4': 'O',
'\uFF2F': 'O',
'\u00D2': 'O',
'\u00D3': 'O',
'\u00D4': 'O',
'\u1ED2': 'O',
'\u1ED0': 'O',
'\u1ED6': 'O',
'\u1ED4': 'O',
'\u00D5': 'O',
'\u1E4C': 'O',
'\u022C': 'O',
'\u1E4E': 'O',
'\u014C': 'O',
'\u1E50': 'O',
'\u1E52': 'O',
'\u014E': 'O',
'\u022E': 'O',
'\u0230': 'O',
'\u00D6': 'O',
'\u022A': 'O',
'\u1ECE': 'O',
'\u0150': 'O',
'\u01D1': 'O',
'\u020C': 'O',
'\u020E': 'O',
'\u01A0': 'O',
'\u1EDC': 'O',
'\u1EDA': 'O',
'\u1EE0': 'O',
'\u1EDE': 'O',
'\u1EE2': 'O',
'\u1ECC': 'O',
'\u1ED8': 'O',
'\u01EA': 'O',
'\u01EC': 'O',
'\u00D8': 'O',
'\u01FE': 'O',
'\u0186': 'O',
'\u019F': 'O',
'\uA74A': 'O',
'\uA74C': 'O',
'\u0152': 'OE',
'\u01A2': 'OI',
'\uA74E': 'OO',
'\u0222': 'OU',
'\u24C5': 'P',
'\uFF30': 'P',
'\u1E54': 'P',
'\u1E56': 'P',
'\u01A4': 'P',
'\u2C63': 'P',
'\uA750': 'P',
'\uA752': 'P',
'\uA754': 'P',
'\u24C6': 'Q',
'\uFF31': 'Q',
'\uA756': 'Q',
'\uA758': 'Q',
'\u024A': 'Q',
'\u24C7': 'R',
'\uFF32': 'R',
'\u0154': 'R',
'\u1E58': 'R',
'\u0158': 'R',
'\u0210': 'R',
'\u0212': 'R',
'\u1E5A': 'R',
'\u1E5C': 'R',
'\u0156': 'R',
'\u1E5E': 'R',
'\u024C': 'R',
'\u2C64': 'R',
'\uA75A': 'R',
'\uA7A6': 'R',
'\uA782': 'R',
'\u24C8': 'S',
'\uFF33': 'S',
'\u1E9E': 'S',
'\u015A': 'S',
'\u1E64': 'S',
'\u015C': 'S',
'\u1E60': 'S',
'\u0160': 'S',
'\u1E66': 'S',
'\u1E62': 'S',
'\u1E68': 'S',
'\u0218': 'S',
'\u015E': 'S',
'\u2C7E': 'S',
'\uA7A8': 'S',
'\uA784': 'S',
'\u24C9': 'T',
'\uFF34': 'T',
'\u1E6A': 'T',
'\u0164': 'T',
'\u1E6C': 'T',
'\u021A': 'T',
'\u0162': 'T',
'\u1E70': 'T',
'\u1E6E': 'T',
'\u0166': 'T',
'\u01AC': 'T',
'\u01AE': 'T',
'\u023E': 'T',
'\uA786': 'T',
'\uA728': 'TZ',
'\u24CA': 'U',
'\uFF35': 'U',
'\u00D9': 'U',
'\u00DA': 'U',
'\u00DB': 'U',
'\u0168': 'U',
'\u1E78': 'U',
'\u016A': 'U',
'\u1E7A': 'U',
'\u016C': 'U',
'\u00DC': 'U',
'\u01DB': 'U',
'\u01D7': 'U',
'\u01D5': 'U',
'\u01D9': 'U',
'\u1EE6': 'U',
'\u016E': 'U',
'\u0170': 'U',
'\u01D3': 'U',
'\u0214': 'U',
'\u0216': 'U',
'\u01AF': 'U',
'\u1EEA': 'U',
'\u1EE8': 'U',
'\u1EEE': 'U',
'\u1EEC': 'U',
'\u1EF0': 'U',
'\u1EE4': 'U',
'\u1E72': 'U',
'\u0172': 'U',
'\u1E76': 'U',
'\u1E74': 'U',
'\u0244': 'U',
'\u24CB': 'V',
'\uFF36': 'V',
'\u1E7C': 'V',
'\u1E7E': 'V',
'\u01B2': 'V',
'\uA75E': 'V',
'\u0245': 'V',
'\uA760': 'VY',
'\u24CC': 'W',
'\uFF37': 'W',
'\u1E80': 'W',
'\u1E82': 'W',
'\u0174': 'W',
'\u1E86': 'W',
'\u1E84': 'W',
'\u1E88': 'W',
'\u2C72': 'W',
'\u24CD': 'X',
'\uFF38': 'X',
'\u1E8A': 'X',
'\u1E8C': 'X',
'\u24CE': 'Y',
'\uFF39': 'Y',
'\u1EF2': 'Y',
'\u00DD': 'Y',
'\u0176': 'Y',
'\u1EF8': 'Y',
'\u0232': 'Y',
'\u1E8E': 'Y',
'\u0178': 'Y',
'\u1EF6': 'Y',
'\u1EF4': 'Y',
'\u01B3': 'Y',
'\u024E': 'Y',
'\u1EFE': 'Y',
'\u24CF': 'Z',
'\uFF3A': 'Z',
'\u0179': 'Z',
'\u1E90': 'Z',
'\u017B': 'Z',
'\u017D': 'Z',
'\u1E92': 'Z',
'\u1E94': 'Z',
'\u01B5': 'Z',
'\u0224': 'Z',
'\u2C7F': 'Z',
'\u2C6B': 'Z',
'\uA762': 'Z',
'\u24D0': 'a',
'\uFF41': 'a',
'\u1E9A': 'a',
'\u00E0': 'a',
'\u00E1': 'a',
'\u00E2': 'a',
'\u1EA7': 'a',
'\u1EA5': 'a',
'\u1EAB': 'a',
'\u1EA9': 'a',
'\u00E3': 'a',
'\u0101': 'a',
'\u0103': 'a',
'\u1EB1': 'a',
'\u1EAF': 'a',
'\u1EB5': 'a',
'\u1EB3': 'a',
'\u0227': 'a',
'\u01E1': 'a',
'\u00E4': 'a',
'\u01DF': 'a',
'\u1EA3': 'a',
'\u00E5': 'a',
'\u01FB': 'a',
'\u01CE': 'a',
'\u0201': 'a',
'\u0203': 'a',
'\u1EA1': 'a',
'\u1EAD': 'a',
'\u1EB7': 'a',
'\u1E01': 'a',
'\u0105': 'a',
'\u2C65': 'a',
'\u0250': 'a',
'\uA733': 'aa',
'\u00E6': 'ae',
'\u01FD': 'ae',
'\u01E3': 'ae',
'\uA735': 'ao',
'\uA737': 'au',
'\uA739': 'av',
'\uA73B': 'av',
'\uA73D': 'ay',
'\u24D1': 'b',
'\uFF42': 'b',
'\u1E03': 'b',
'\u1E05': 'b',
'\u1E07': 'b',
'\u0180': 'b',
'\u0183': 'b',
'\u0253': 'b',
'\u24D2': 'c',
'\uFF43': 'c',
'\u0107': 'c',
'\u0109': 'c',
'\u010B': 'c',
'\u010D': 'c',
'\u00E7': 'c',
'\u1E09': 'c',
'\u0188': 'c',
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'\u2184': 'c',
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'\u1E11': 'd',
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'\u0256': 'd',
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'\u01F3': 'dz',
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'\u1E1B': 'e',
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'\u01DD': 'e',
'\u24D5': 'f',
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'\u01E7': 'g',
'\u0123': 'g',
'\u01E5': 'g',
'\u0260': 'g',
'\uA7A1': 'g',
'\u1D79': 'g',
'\uA77F': 'g',
'\u24D7': 'h',
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'\u0125': 'h',
'\u1E23': 'h',
'\u1E27': 'h',
'\u021F': 'h',
'\u1E25': 'h',
'\u1E29': 'h',
'\u1E2B': 'h',
'\u1E96': 'h',
'\u0127': 'h',
'\u2C68': 'h',
'\u2C76': 'h',
'\u0265': 'h',
'\u0195': 'hv',
'\u24D8': 'i',
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'\u00EC': 'i',
'\u00ED': 'i',
'\u00EE': 'i',
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'\u0131': 'i',
'\u24D9': 'j',
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'\u0135': 'j',
'\u01F0': 'j',
'\u0249': 'j',
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'\u0199': 'k',
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'\uA741': 'k',
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'\uA745': 'k',
'\uA7A3': 'k',
'\u24DB': 'l',
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'\u013E': 'l',
'\u1E37': 'l',
'\u1E39': 'l',
'\u013C': 'l',
'\u1E3D': 'l',
'\u1E3B': 'l',
'\u017F': 'l',
'\u0142': 'l',
'\u019A': 'l',
'\u026B': 'l',
'\u2C61': 'l',
'\uA749': 'l',
'\uA781': 'l',
'\uA747': 'l',
'\u01C9': 'lj',
'\u24DC': 'm',
'\uFF4D': 'm',
'\u1E3F': 'm',
'\u1E41': 'm',
'\u1E43': 'm',
'\u0271': 'm',
'\u026F': 'm',
'\u24DD': 'n',
'\uFF4E': 'n',
'\u01F9': 'n',
'\u0144': 'n',
'\u00F1': 'n',
'\u1E45': 'n',
'\u0148': 'n',
'\u1E47': 'n',
'\u0146': 'n',
'\u1E4B': 'n',
'\u1E49': 'n',
'\u019E': 'n',
'\u0272': 'n',
'\u0149': 'n',
'\uA791': 'n',
'\uA7A5': 'n',
'\u01CC': 'nj',
'\u24DE': 'o',
'\uFF4F': 'o',
'\u00F2': 'o',
'\u00F3': 'o',
'\u00F4': 'o',
'\u1ED3': 'o',
'\u1ED1': 'o',
'\u1ED7': 'o',
'\u1ED5': 'o',
'\u00F5': 'o',
'\u1E4D': 'o',
'\u022D': 'o',
'\u1E4F': 'o',
'\u014D': 'o',
'\u1E51': 'o',
'\u1E53': 'o',
'\u014F': 'o',
'\u022F': 'o',
'\u0231': 'o',
'\u00F6': 'o',
'\u022B': 'o',
'\u1ECF': 'o',
'\u0151': 'o',
'\u01D2': 'o',
'\u020D': 'o',
'\u020F': 'o',
'\u01A1': 'o',
'\u1EDD': 'o',
'\u1EDB': 'o',
'\u1EE1': 'o',
'\u1EDF': 'o',
'\u1EE3': 'o',
'\u1ECD': 'o',
'\u1ED9': 'o',
'\u01EB': 'o',
'\u01ED': 'o',
'\u00F8': 'o',
'\u01FF': 'o',
'\u0254': 'o',
'\uA74B': 'o',
'\uA74D': 'o',
'\u0275': 'o',
'\u0153': 'oe',
'\u01A3': 'oi',
'\u0223': 'ou',
'\uA74F': 'oo',
'\u24DF': 'p',
'\uFF50': 'p',
'\u1E55': 'p',
'\u1E57': 'p',
'\u01A5': 'p',
'\u1D7D': 'p',
'\uA751': 'p',
'\uA753': 'p',
'\uA755': 'p',
'\u24E0': 'q',
'\uFF51': 'q',
'\u024B': 'q',
'\uA757': 'q',
'\uA759': 'q',
'\u24E1': 'r',
'\uFF52': 'r',
'\u0155': 'r',
'\u1E59': 'r',
'\u0159': 'r',
'\u0211': 'r',
'\u0213': 'r',
'\u1E5B': 'r',
'\u1E5D': 'r',
'\u0157': 'r',
'\u1E5F': 'r',
'\u024D': 'r',
'\u027D': 'r',
'\uA75B': 'r',
'\uA7A7': 'r',
'\uA783': 'r',
'\u24E2': 's',
'\uFF53': 's',
'\u00DF': 's',
'\u015B': 's',
'\u1E65': 's',
'\u015D': 's',
'\u1E61': 's',
'\u0161': 's',
'\u1E67': 's',
'\u1E63': 's',
'\u1E69': 's',
'\u0219': 's',
'\u015F': 's',
'\u023F': 's',
'\uA7A9': 's',
'\uA785': 's',
'\u1E9B': 's',
'\u24E3': 't',
'\uFF54': 't',
'\u1E6B': 't',
'\u1E97': 't',
'\u0165': 't',
'\u1E6D': 't',
'\u021B': 't',
'\u0163': 't',
'\u1E71': 't',
'\u1E6F': 't',
'\u0167': 't',
'\u01AD': 't',
'\u0288': 't',
'\u2C66': 't',
'\uA787': 't',
'\uA729': 'tz',
'\u24E4': 'u',
'\uFF55': 'u',
'\u00F9': 'u',
'\u00FA': 'u',
'\u00FB': 'u',
'\u0169': 'u',
'\u1E79': 'u',
'\u016B': 'u',
'\u1E7B': 'u',
'\u016D': 'u',
'\u00FC': 'u',
'\u01DC': 'u',
'\u01D8': 'u',
'\u01D6': 'u',
'\u01DA': 'u',
'\u1EE7': 'u',
'\u016F': 'u',
'\u0171': 'u',
'\u01D4': 'u',
'\u0215': 'u',
'\u0217': 'u',
'\u01B0': 'u',
'\u1EEB': 'u',
'\u1EE9': 'u',
'\u1EEF': 'u',
'\u1EED': 'u',
'\u1EF1': 'u',
'\u1EE5': 'u',
'\u1E73': 'u',
'\u0173': 'u',
'\u1E77': 'u',
'\u1E75': 'u',
'\u0289': 'u',
'\u24E5': 'v',
'\uFF56': 'v',
'\u1E7D': 'v',
'\u1E7F': 'v',
'\u028B': 'v',
'\uA75F': 'v',
'\u028C': 'v',
'\uA761': 'vy',
'\u24E6': 'w',
'\uFF57': 'w',
'\u1E81': 'w',
'\u1E83': 'w',
'\u0175': 'w',
'\u1E87': 'w',
'\u1E85': 'w',
'\u1E98': 'w',
'\u1E89': 'w',
'\u2C73': 'w',
'\u24E7': 'x',
'\uFF58': 'x',
'\u1E8B': 'x',
'\u1E8D': 'x',
'\u24E8': 'y',
'\uFF59': 'y',
'\u1EF3': 'y',
'\u00FD': 'y',
'\u0177': 'y',
'\u1EF9': 'y',
'\u0233': 'y',
'\u1E8F': 'y',
'\u00FF': 'y',
'\u1EF7': 'y',
'\u1E99': 'y',
'\u1EF5': 'y',
'\u01B4': 'y',
'\u024F': 'y',
'\u1EFF': 'y',
'\u24E9': 'z',
'\uFF5A': 'z',
'\u017A': 'z',
'\u1E91': 'z',
'\u017C': 'z',
'\u017E': 'z',
'\u1E93': 'z',
'\u1E95': 'z',
'\u01B6': 'z',
'\u0225': 'z',
'\u0240': 'z',
'\u2C6C': 'z',
'\uA763': 'z',
'\u0386': '\u0391',
'\u0388': '\u0395',
'\u0389': '\u0397',
'\u038A': '\u0399',
'\u03AA': '\u0399',
'\u038C': '\u039F',
'\u038E': '\u03A5',
'\u03AB': '\u03A5',
'\u038F': '\u03A9',
'\u03AC': '\u03B1',
'\u03AD': '\u03B5',
'\u03AE': '\u03B7',
'\u03AF': '\u03B9',
'\u03CA': '\u03B9',
'\u0390': '\u03B9',
'\u03CC': '\u03BF',
'\u03CD': '\u03C5',
'\u03CB': '\u03C5',
'\u03B0': '\u03C5',
'\u03CE': '\u03C9',
'\u03C2': '\u03C3',
'\u2019': '\''
return diacritics;

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
], function ($, Utils) {
function Dropdown ($element, options) {
this.$element = $element;
this.options = options;
Utils.Extend(Dropdown, Utils.Observable);
Dropdown.prototype.render = function () {
var $dropdown = $(
'<span class="select2-dropdown">' +
'<span class="select2-results"></span>' +
$dropdown.attr('dir', this.options.get('dir'));
this.$dropdown = $dropdown;
return $dropdown;
Dropdown.prototype.bind = function () {
// Should be implemented in subclasses
Dropdown.prototype.position = function ($dropdown, $container) {
// Should be implemented in subclasses
Dropdown.prototype.destroy = function () {
// Remove the dropdown from the DOM
return Dropdown;

View File

@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
], function ($, Utils) {
function AttachBody (decorated, $element, options) {
this.$dropdownParent = options.get('dropdownParent') || $(document.body);
decorated.call(this, $element, options);
AttachBody.prototype.bind = function (decorated, container, $container) {
var self = this;
var setupResultsEvents = false;
decorated.call(this, container, $container);
container.on('open', function () {
if (!setupResultsEvents) {
setupResultsEvents = true;
container.on('results:all', function () {
container.on('results:append', function () {
container.on('close', function () {
this.$dropdownContainer.on('mousedown', function (evt) {
AttachBody.prototype.destroy = function (decorated) {
AttachBody.prototype.position = function (decorated, $dropdown, $container) {
// Clone all of the container classes
$dropdown.attr('class', $container.attr('class'));
position: 'absolute',
top: -999999
this.$container = $container;
AttachBody.prototype.render = function (decorated) {
var $container = $('<span></span>');
var $dropdown = decorated.call(this);
this.$dropdownContainer = $container;
return $container;
AttachBody.prototype._hideDropdown = function (decorated) {
AttachBody.prototype._attachPositioningHandler =
function (decorated, container) {
var self = this;
var scrollEvent = 'scroll.select2.' + container.id;
var resizeEvent = 'resize.select2.' + container.id;
var orientationEvent = 'orientationchange.select2.' + container.id;
var $watchers = this.$container.parents().filter(Utils.hasScroll);
$watchers.each(function () {
Utils.StoreData(this, 'select2-scroll-position', {
x: $(this).scrollLeft(),
y: $(this).scrollTop()
$watchers.on(scrollEvent, function (ev) {
var position = Utils.GetData(this, 'select2-scroll-position');
$(window).on(scrollEvent + ' ' + resizeEvent + ' ' + orientationEvent,
function (e) {
AttachBody.prototype._detachPositioningHandler =
function (decorated, container) {
var scrollEvent = 'scroll.select2.' + container.id;
var resizeEvent = 'resize.select2.' + container.id;
var orientationEvent = 'orientationchange.select2.' + container.id;
var $watchers = this.$container.parents().filter(Utils.hasScroll);
$(window).off(scrollEvent + ' ' + resizeEvent + ' ' + orientationEvent);
AttachBody.prototype._positionDropdown = function () {
var $window = $(window);
var isCurrentlyAbove = this.$dropdown.hasClass('select2-dropdown--above');
var isCurrentlyBelow = this.$dropdown.hasClass('select2-dropdown--below');
var newDirection = null;
var offset = this.$container.offset();
offset.bottom = offset.top + this.$container.outerHeight(false);
var container = {
height: this.$container.outerHeight(false)
container.top = offset.top;
container.bottom = offset.top + container.height;
var dropdown = {
height: this.$dropdown.outerHeight(false)
var viewport = {
top: $window.scrollTop(),
bottom: $window.scrollTop() + $window.height()
var enoughRoomAbove = viewport.top < (offset.top - dropdown.height);
var enoughRoomBelow = viewport.bottom > (offset.bottom + dropdown.height);
var css = {
left: offset.left,
top: container.bottom
// Determine what the parent element is to use for calculating the offset
var $offsetParent = this.$dropdownParent;
// For statically positioned elements, we need to get the element
// that is determining the offset
if ($offsetParent.css('position') === 'static') {
$offsetParent = $offsetParent.offsetParent();
var parentOffset = $offsetParent.offset();
css.top -= parentOffset.top;
css.left -= parentOffset.left;
if (!isCurrentlyAbove && !isCurrentlyBelow) {
newDirection = 'below';
if (!enoughRoomBelow && enoughRoomAbove && !isCurrentlyAbove) {
newDirection = 'above';
} else if (!enoughRoomAbove && enoughRoomBelow && isCurrentlyAbove) {
newDirection = 'below';
if (newDirection == 'above' ||
(isCurrentlyAbove && newDirection !== 'below')) {
css.top = container.top - parentOffset.top - dropdown.height;
if (newDirection != null) {
.removeClass('select2-dropdown--below select2-dropdown--above')
.addClass('select2-dropdown--' + newDirection);
.removeClass('select2-container--below select2-container--above')
.addClass('select2-container--' + newDirection);
AttachBody.prototype._resizeDropdown = function () {
var css = {
width: this.$container.outerWidth(false) + 'px'
if (this.options.get('dropdownAutoWidth')) {
css.minWidth = css.width;
css.position = 'relative';
css.width = 'auto';
AttachBody.prototype._showDropdown = function (decorated) {
return AttachBody;

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
], function () {
function AttachContainer (decorated, $element, options) {
decorated.call(this, $element, options);
AttachContainer.prototype.position =
function (decorated, $dropdown, $container) {
var $dropdownContainer = $container.find('.dropdown-wrapper');
return AttachContainer;

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
], function () {
function CloseOnSelect () { }
CloseOnSelect.prototype.bind = function (decorated, container, $container) {
var self = this;
decorated.call(this, container, $container);
container.on('select', function (evt) {
container.on('unselect', function (evt) {
CloseOnSelect.prototype._selectTriggered = function (_, evt) {
var originalEvent = evt.originalEvent;
// Don't close if the control key is being held
if (originalEvent && (originalEvent.ctrlKey || originalEvent.metaKey)) {
this.trigger('close', {
originalEvent: originalEvent,
originalSelect2Event: evt
return CloseOnSelect;

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
], function () {
function HidePlaceholder (decorated, $element, options, dataAdapter) {
this.placeholder = this.normalizePlaceholder(options.get('placeholder'));
decorated.call(this, $element, options, dataAdapter);
HidePlaceholder.prototype.append = function (decorated, data) {
data.results = this.removePlaceholder(data.results);
decorated.call(this, data);
HidePlaceholder.prototype.normalizePlaceholder = function (_, placeholder) {
if (typeof placeholder === 'string') {
placeholder = {
id: '',
text: placeholder
return placeholder;
HidePlaceholder.prototype.removePlaceholder = function (_, data) {
var modifiedData = data.slice(0);
for (var d = data.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) {
var item = data[d];
if (this.placeholder.id === item.id) {
modifiedData.splice(d, 1);
return modifiedData;
return HidePlaceholder;

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
], function ($) {
function InfiniteScroll (decorated, $element, options, dataAdapter) {
this.lastParams = {};
decorated.call(this, $element, options, dataAdapter);
this.$loadingMore = this.createLoadingMore();
this.loading = false;
InfiniteScroll.prototype.append = function (decorated, data) {
this.loading = false;
decorated.call(this, data);
if (this.showLoadingMore(data)) {
InfiniteScroll.prototype.bind = function (decorated, container, $container) {
var self = this;
decorated.call(this, container, $container);
container.on('query', function (params) {
self.lastParams = params;
self.loading = true;
container.on('query:append', function (params) {
self.lastParams = params;
self.loading = true;
this.$results.on('scroll', function () {
var isLoadMoreVisible = $.contains(
if (self.loading || !isLoadMoreVisible) {
var currentOffset = self.$results.offset().top +
var loadingMoreOffset = self.$loadingMore.offset().top +
if (currentOffset + 50 >= loadingMoreOffset) {
InfiniteScroll.prototype.loadMore = function () {
this.loading = true;
var params = $.extend({}, {page: 1}, this.lastParams);
this.trigger('query:append', params);
InfiniteScroll.prototype.showLoadingMore = function (_, data) {
return data.pagination && data.pagination.more;
InfiniteScroll.prototype.createLoadingMore = function () {
var $option = $(
'<li ' +
'class="select2-results__option select2-results__option--load-more"' +
'role="treeitem" aria-disabled="true"></li>'
var message = this.options.get('translations').get('loadingMore');
return $option;
return InfiniteScroll;

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
], function () {
function countResults (data) {
var count = 0;
for (var d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
var item = data[d];
if (item.children) {
count += countResults(item.children);
} else {
return count;
function MinimumResultsForSearch (decorated, $element, options, dataAdapter) {
this.minimumResultsForSearch = options.get('minimumResultsForSearch');
if (this.minimumResultsForSearch < 0) {
this.minimumResultsForSearch = Infinity;
decorated.call(this, $element, options, dataAdapter);
MinimumResultsForSearch.prototype.showSearch = function (decorated, params) {
if (countResults(params.data.results) < this.minimumResultsForSearch) {
return false;
return decorated.call(this, params);
return MinimumResultsForSearch;

View File

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
], function ($, Utils) {
function Search () { }
Search.prototype.render = function (decorated) {
var $rendered = decorated.call(this);
var $search = $(
'<span class="select2-search select2-search--dropdown">' +
'<input class="select2-search__field" type="search" tabindex="-1"' +
' autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="none"' +
' spellcheck="false" role="textbox" />' +
this.$searchContainer = $search;
this.$search = $search.find('input');
return $rendered;
Search.prototype.bind = function (decorated, container, $container) {
var self = this;
decorated.call(this, container, $container);
this.$search.on('keydown', function (evt) {
self.trigger('keypress', evt);
self._keyUpPrevented = evt.isDefaultPrevented();
// Workaround for browsers which do not support the `input` event
// This will prevent double-triggering of events for browsers which support
// both the `keyup` and `input` events.
this.$search.on('input', function (evt) {
// Unbind the duplicated `keyup` event
this.$search.on('keyup input', function (evt) {
container.on('open', function () {
self.$search.attr('tabindex', 0);
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
container.on('close', function () {
self.$search.attr('tabindex', -1);
container.on('focus', function () {
if (!container.isOpen()) {
container.on('results:all', function (params) {
if (params.query.term == null || params.query.term === '') {
var showSearch = self.showSearch(params);
if (showSearch) {
} else {
Search.prototype.handleSearch = function (evt) {
if (!this._keyUpPrevented) {
var input = this.$search.val();
this.trigger('query', {
term: input
this._keyUpPrevented = false;
Search.prototype.showSearch = function (_, params) {
return true;
return Search;

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
], function (Utils) {
function SelectOnClose () { }
SelectOnClose.prototype.bind = function (decorated, container, $container) {
var self = this;
decorated.call(this, container, $container);
container.on('close', function (params) {
SelectOnClose.prototype._handleSelectOnClose = function (_, params) {
if (params && params.originalSelect2Event != null) {
var event = params.originalSelect2Event;
// Don't select an item if the close event was triggered from a select or
// unselect event
if (event._type === 'select' || event._type === 'unselect') {
var $highlightedResults = this.getHighlightedResults();
// Only select highlighted results
if ($highlightedResults.length < 1) {
var data = Utils.GetData($highlightedResults[0], 'data');
// Don't re-select already selected resulte
if (
(data.element != null && data.element.selected) ||
(data.element == null && data.selected)
) {
this.trigger('select', {
data: data
return SelectOnClose;

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
], function () {
function StopPropagation () { }
StopPropagation.prototype.bind = function (decorated, container, $container) {
decorated.call(this, container, $container);
var stoppedEvents = [
this.$dropdown.on(stoppedEvents.join(' '), function (evt) {
return StopPropagation;

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// English
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Die resultate kon nie gelaai word nie.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Verwyders asseblief ' + overChars + ' character';
if (overChars != 1) {
message += 's';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Voer asseblief ' + remainingChars + ' of meer karakters';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Meer resultate word gelaai…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Kies asseblief net ' + args.maximum + ' item';
if (args.maximum != 1) {
message += 's';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Geen resultate gevind';
searching: function () {
return 'Besig…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Verwyder alle items';

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Arabic
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'لا يمكن تحميل النتائج';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'الرجاء حذف ' + overChars + ' عناصر';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'الرجاء إضافة ' + remainingChars + ' عناصر';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'جاري تحميل نتائج إضافية...';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'تستطيع إختيار ' + args.maximum + ' بنود فقط';
noResults: function () {
return 'لم يتم العثور على أي نتائج';
searching: function () {
return 'جاري البحث…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'قم بإزالة كل العناصر';

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Azerbaijani
return {
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return overChars + ' simvol silin';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return remainingChars + ' simvol daxil edin';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Daha çox nəticə yüklənir…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Sadəcə ' + args.maximum + ' element seçə bilərsiniz';
noResults: function () {
return 'Nəticə tapılmadı';
searching: function () {
return 'Axtarılır…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Bütün elementləri sil';

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Bulgarian
return {
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Моля въведете с ' + overChars + ' по-малко символ';
if (overChars > 1) {
message += 'a';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Моля въведете още ' + remainingChars + ' символ';
if (remainingChars > 1) {
message += 'a';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Зареждат се още…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Можете да направите до ' + args.maximum + ' ';
if (args.maximum > 1) {
message += 'избора';
} else {
message += 'избор';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Няма намерени съвпадения';
searching: function () {
return 'Търсене…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Премахнете всички елементи';

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Bangla
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'ফলাফলগুলি লোড করা যায়নি।';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'অনুগ্রহ করে ' + overChars + ' টি অক্ষর মুছে দিন।';
if (overChars != 1) {
message = 'অনুগ্রহ করে ' + overChars + ' টি অক্ষর মুছে দিন।';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = remainingChars + ' টি অক্ষর অথবা অধিক অক্ষর লিখুন।';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'আরো ফলাফল লোড হচ্ছে ...';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = args.maximum + ' টি আইটেম নির্বাচন করতে পারবেন।';
if (args.maximum != 1) {
message = args.maximum + ' টি আইটেম নির্বাচন করতে পারবেন।';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'কোন ফলাফল পাওয়া যায়নি।';
searching: function () {
return 'অনুসন্ধান করা হচ্ছে ...';

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Bosnian
function ending (count, one, some, many) {
if (count % 10 == 1 && count % 100 != 11) {
return one;
if (count % 10 >= 2 && count % 10 <= 4 &&
(count % 100 < 12 || count % 100 > 14)) {
return some;
return many;
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Preuzimanje nije uspijelo.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Obrišite ' + overChars + ' simbol';
message += ending(overChars, '', 'a', 'a');
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Ukucajte bar još ' + remainingChars + ' simbol';
message += ending(remainingChars, '', 'a', 'a');
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Preuzimanje još rezultata…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Možete izabrati samo ' + args.maximum + ' stavk';
message += ending(args.maximum, 'u', 'e', 'i');
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Ništa nije pronađeno';
searching: function () {
return 'Pretraga…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Uklonite sve stavke';

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Catalan
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'La càrrega ha fallat';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Si us plau, elimina ' + overChars + ' car';
if (overChars == 1) {
message += 'àcter';
} else {
message += 'àcters';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Si us plau, introdueix ' + remainingChars + ' car';
if (remainingChars == 1) {
message += 'àcter';
} else {
message += 'àcters';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Carregant més resultats…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Només es pot seleccionar ' + args.maximum + ' element';
if (args.maximum != 1) {
message += 's';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'No s\'han trobat resultats';
searching: function () {
return 'Cercant…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Treu tots els elements';

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Czech
function small (count, masc) {
switch(count) {
case 2:
return masc ? 'dva' : 'dvě';
case 3:
return 'tři';
case 4:
return 'čtyři';
return '';
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Výsledky nemohly být načteny.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var n = args.input.length - args.maximum;
if (n == 1) {
return 'Prosím, zadejte o jeden znak méně.';
} else if (n <= 4) {
return 'Prosím, zadejte o ' + small(n, true) + ' znaky méně.';
} else {
return 'Prosím, zadejte o ' + n + ' znaků méně.';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var n = args.minimum - args.input.length;
if (n == 1) {
return 'Prosím, zadejte ještě jeden znak.';
} else if (n <= 4) {
return 'Prosím, zadejte ještě další ' + small(n, true) + ' znaky.';
} else {
return 'Prosím, zadejte ještě dalších ' + n + ' znaků.';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Načítají se další výsledky…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var n = args.maximum;
if (n == 1) {
return 'Můžete zvolit jen jednu položku.';
} else if (n <= 4) {
return 'Můžete zvolit maximálně ' + small(n, false) + ' položky.';
} else {
return 'Můžete zvolit maximálně ' + n + ' položek.';
noResults: function () {
return 'Nenalezeny žádné položky.';
searching: function () {
return 'Vyhledávání…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Odstraňte všechny položky';

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Danish
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Resultaterne kunne ikke indlæses.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Angiv venligst ' + overChars + ' tegn mindre';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Angiv venligst ' + remainingChars + ' tegn mere';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Indlæser flere resultater…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Du kan kun vælge ' + args.maximum + ' emne';
if (args.maximum != 1) {
message += 'r';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Ingen resultater fundet';
searching: function () {
return 'Søger…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Fjern alle elementer';

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// German
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Die Ergebnisse konnten nicht geladen werden.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Bitte ' + overChars + ' Zeichen weniger eingeben';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Bitte ' + remainingChars + ' Zeichen mehr eingeben';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Lade mehr Ergebnisse…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Sie können nur ' + args.maximum + ' Eintr';
if (args.maximum === 1) {
message += 'ag';
} else {
message += 'äge';
message += ' auswählen';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Keine Übereinstimmungen gefunden';
searching: function () {
return 'Suche…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Entferne alle Gegenstände';

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Lower Sorbian
var charsWords = ['znamuško', 'znamušce', 'znamuška','znamuškow'];
var itemsWords = ['zapisk', 'zapiska', 'zapiski','zapiskow'];
var pluralWord = function pluralWord(numberOfChars, words) {
if (numberOfChars === 1) {
return words[0];
} else if (numberOfChars === 2) {
return words[1];
} else if (numberOfChars > 2 && numberOfChars <= 4) {
return words[2];
} else if (numberOfChars >= 5) {
return words[3];
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Wuslědki njejsu se dali zacytaś.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Pšosym lašuj ' + overChars + ' ' +
pluralWord(overChars, charsWords);
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Pšosym zapódaj nanejmjenjej ' + remainingChars + ' ' +
pluralWord(remainingChars, charsWords);
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Dalšne wuslědki se zacytaju…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Móžoš jano ' + args.maximum + ' ' +
pluralWord(args.maximum, itemsWords) + 'wubraś.';
noResults: function () {
return 'Žedne wuslědki namakane';
searching: function () {
return 'Pyta se…';
removeAllItems: function () {
// To DO : in Lower Sorbian.
return 'Remove all items';

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Greek (el)
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Τα αποτελέσματα δεν μπόρεσαν να φορτώσουν.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Παρακαλώ διαγράψτε ' + overChars + ' χαρακτήρ';
if (overChars == 1) {
message += 'α';
if (overChars != 1) {
message += 'ες';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Παρακαλώ συμπληρώστε ' + remainingChars +
' ή περισσότερους χαρακτήρες';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Φόρτωση περισσότερων αποτελεσμάτων…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε μόνο ' + args.maximum + ' επιλογ';
if (args.maximum == 1) {
message += 'ή';
if (args.maximum != 1) {
message += 'ές';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Δεν βρέθηκαν αποτελέσματα';
searching: function () {
return 'Αναζήτηση…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Καταργήστε όλα τα στοιχεία';

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// English
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'The results could not be loaded.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Please delete ' + overChars + ' character';
if (overChars != 1) {
message += 's';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Please enter ' + remainingChars + ' or more characters';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Loading more results…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'You can only select ' + args.maximum + ' item';
if (args.maximum != 1) {
message += 's';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'No results found';
searching: function () {
return 'Searching…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Remove all items';

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Spanish
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'No se pudieron cargar los resultados';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Por favor, elimine ' + remainingChars + ' car';
if (remainingChars == 1) {
message += 'ácter';
} else {
message += 'acteres';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Por favor, introduzca ' + remainingChars + ' car';
if (remainingChars == 1) {
message += 'ácter';
} else {
message += 'acteres';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Cargando más resultados…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Sólo puede seleccionar ' + args.maximum + ' elemento';
if (args.maximum != 1) {
message += 's';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'No se encontraron resultados';
searching: function () {
return 'Buscando…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Eliminar todos los elementos';

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Estonian
return {
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Sisesta ' + overChars + ' täht';
if (overChars != 1) {
message += 'e';
message += ' vähem';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Sisesta ' + remainingChars + ' täht';
if (remainingChars != 1) {
message += 'e';
message += ' rohkem';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Laen tulemusi…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Saad vaid ' + args.maximum + ' tulemus';
if (args.maximum == 1) {
message += 'e';
} else {
message += 't';
message += ' valida';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Tulemused puuduvad';
searching: function () {
return 'Otsin…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Eemalda kõik esemed';

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Basque
return {
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Idatzi ';
if (overChars == 1) {
message += 'karaktere bat';
} else {
message += overChars + ' karaktere';
message += ' gutxiago';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Idatzi ';
if (remainingChars == 1) {
message += 'karaktere bat';
} else {
message += remainingChars + ' karaktere';
message += ' gehiago';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Emaitza gehiago kargatzen…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
if (args.maximum === 1) {
return 'Elementu bakarra hauta dezakezu';
} else {
return args.maximum + ' elementu hauta ditzakezu soilik';
noResults: function () {
return 'Ez da bat datorrenik aurkitu';
searching: function () {
return 'Bilatzen…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Kendu elementu guztiak';

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
/* jshint -W100 */
/* jslint maxlen: 86 */
define(function () {
// Farsi (Persian)
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'امکان بارگذاری نتایج وجود ندارد.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'لطفاً ' + overChars + ' کاراکتر را حذف نمایید';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'لطفاً تعداد ' + remainingChars + ' کاراکتر یا بیشتر وارد نمایید';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'در حال بارگذاری نتایج بیشتر...';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'شما تنها می‌توانید ' + args.maximum + ' آیتم را انتخاب نمایید';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'هیچ نتیجه‌ای یافت نشد';
searching: function () {
return 'در حال جستجو...';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'همه موارد را حذف کنید';

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Finnish
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Tuloksia ei saatu ladattua.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Ole hyvä ja anna ' + overChars + ' merkkiä vähemmän';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Ole hyvä ja anna ' + remainingChars + ' merkkiä lisää';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Ladataan lisää tuloksia…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Voit valita ainoastaan ' + args.maximum + ' kpl';
noResults: function () {
return 'Ei tuloksia';
searching: function () {
return 'Haetaan…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Poista kaikki kohteet';

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// French
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Les résultats ne peuvent pas être chargés.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Supprimez ' + overChars + ' caractère' +
((overChars > 1) ? 's' : '');
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Saisissez au moins ' + remainingChars + ' caractère' +
((remainingChars > 1) ? 's' : '');
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Chargement de résultats supplémentaires…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Vous pouvez seulement sélectionner ' + args.maximum +
' élément' + ((args.maximum > 1) ? 's' : '');
noResults: function () {
return 'Aucun résultat trouvé';
searching: function () {
return 'Recherche en cours…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Supprimer tous les éléments';

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Galician
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Non foi posíbel cargar os resultados.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
if (overChars === 1) {
return 'Elimine un carácter';
return 'Elimine ' + overChars + ' caracteres';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
if (remainingChars === 1) {
return 'Engada un carácter';
return 'Engada ' + remainingChars + ' caracteres';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Cargando máis resultados…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
if (args.maximum === 1) {
return 'Só pode seleccionar un elemento';
return 'Só pode seleccionar ' + args.maximum + ' elementos';
noResults: function () {
return 'Non se atoparon resultados';
searching: function () {
return 'Buscando…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Elimina todos os elementos';

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Hebrew
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'שגיאה בטעינת התוצאות';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'נא למחוק ';
if (overChars === 1) {
message += 'תו אחד';
} else {
message += overChars + ' תווים';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'נא להכניס ';
if (remainingChars === 1) {
message += 'תו אחד';
} else {
message += remainingChars + ' תווים';
message += ' או יותר';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'טוען תוצאות נוספות…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'באפשרותך לבחור עד ';
if (args.maximum === 1) {
message += 'פריט אחד';
} else {
message += args.maximum + ' פריטים';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'לא נמצאו תוצאות';
searching: function () {
return 'מחפש…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'הסר את כל הפריטים';

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Hindi
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'परिणामों को लोड नहीं किया जा सका।';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = overChars + ' अक्षर को हटा दें';
if (overChars > 1) {
message = overChars + ' अक्षरों को हटा दें ';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'कृपया ' + remainingChars + ' या अधिक अक्षर दर्ज करें';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'अधिक परिणाम लोड हो रहे है...';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'आप केवल ' + args.maximum + ' आइटम का चयन कर सकते हैं';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'कोई परिणाम नहीं मिला';
searching: function () {
return 'खोज रहा है...';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'सभी वस्तुओं को हटा दें';

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Croatian
function character (n) {
var message = ' ' + n + ' znak';
if (n % 10 < 5 && n % 10 > 0 && (n % 100 < 5 || n % 100 > 19)) {
if (n % 10 > 1) {
message += 'a';
} else {
message += 'ova';
return message;
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Preuzimanje nije uspjelo.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Unesite ' + character(overChars);
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Unesite još ' + character(remainingChars);
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Učitavanje rezultata…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Maksimalan broj odabranih stavki je ' + args.maximum;
noResults: function () {
return 'Nema rezultata';
searching: function () {
return 'Pretraga…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Ukloni sve stavke';

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Upper Sorbian
var charsWords = ['znamješko', 'znamješce', 'znamješka','znamješkow'];
var itemsWords = ['zapisk', 'zapiskaj', 'zapiski','zapiskow'];
var pluralWord = function pluralWord(numberOfChars, words) {
if (numberOfChars === 1) {
return words[0];
} else if (numberOfChars === 2) {
return words[1];
} else if (numberOfChars > 2 && numberOfChars <= 4) {
return words[2];
} else if (numberOfChars >= 5) {
return words[3];
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Wuslědki njedachu so začitać.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Prošu zhašej ' + overChars + ' ' +
pluralWord(overChars, charsWords);
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Prošu zapodaj znajmjeńša ' + remainingChars + ' ' +
pluralWord(remainingChars, charsWords);
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Dalše wuslědki so začitaja…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Móžeš jenož ' + args.maximum + ' ' +
pluralWord(args.maximum, itemsWords) + 'wubrać';
noResults: function () {
return 'Žane wuslědki namakane';
searching: function () {
return 'Pyta so…';
removeAllItems: function () {
// To DO : in Upper Sorbian.
return 'Remove all items';

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Hungarian
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Az eredmények betöltése nem sikerült.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Túl hosszú. ' + overChars + ' karakterrel több, mint kellene.';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Túl rövid. Még ' + remainingChars + ' karakter hiányzik.';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Töltés…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Csak ' + args.maximum + ' elemet lehet kiválasztani.';
noResults: function () {
return 'Nincs találat.';
searching: function () {
return 'Keresés…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Távolítson el minden elemet';

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Armenian
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Արդյունքները հնարավոր չէ բեռնել։';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Խնդրում ենք հեռացնել ' + overChars + ' նշան';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Խնդրում ենք մուտքագրել ' + remainingChars +
' կամ ավել նշաններ';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Բեռնվում են նոր արդյունքներ․․․';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Դուք կարող եք ընտրել առավելագույնը ' + args.maximum +
' կետ';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Արդյունքներ չեն գտնվել';
searching: function () {
return 'Որոնում․․․';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Հեռացնել բոլոր տարրերը';

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Indonesian
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Data tidak boleh diambil.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Hapuskan ' + overChars + ' huruf';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Masukkan ' + remainingChars + ' huruf lagi';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Mengambil data…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Anda hanya dapat memilih ' + args.maximum + ' pilihan';
noResults: function () {
return 'Tidak ada data yang sesuai';
searching: function () {
return 'Mencari…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Hapus semua item';

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Icelandic
return {
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Vinsamlegast styttið texta um ' + overChars + ' staf';
if (overChars <= 1) {
return message;
return message + 'i';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Vinsamlegast skrifið ' + remainingChars + ' staf';
if (remainingChars > 1) {
message += 'i';
message += ' í viðbót';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Sæki fleiri niðurstöður…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Þú getur aðeins valið ' + args.maximum + ' atriði';
noResults: function () {
return 'Ekkert fannst';
searching: function () {
return 'Leita…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Fjarlægðu öll atriði';

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Italian
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'I risultati non possono essere caricati.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Per favore cancella ' + overChars + ' caratter';
if (overChars !== 1) {
message += 'i';
} else {
message += 'e';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Per favore inserisci ' +remainingChars+ ' o più caratteri';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Caricando più risultati…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Puoi selezionare solo ' + args.maximum + ' element';
if (args.maximum !== 1) {
message += 'i';
} else {
message += 'o';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Nessun risultato trovato';
searching: function () {
return 'Sto cercando…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Rimuovi tutti gli oggetti';

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Japanese
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return '結果が読み込まれませんでした';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = overChars + ' 文字を削除してください';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = '少なくとも ' + remainingChars + ' 文字を入力してください';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return '読み込み中…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = args.maximum + ' 件しか選択できません';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return '対象が見つかりません';
searching: function () {
return '検索しています…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'すべてのアイテムを削除';

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Georgian
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'მონაცემების ჩატვირთვა შეუძლებელია.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'გთხოვთ აკრიფეთ ' + overChars + ' სიმბოლოთი ნაკლები';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'გთხოვთ აკრიფეთ ' + remainingChars + ' სიმბოლო ან მეტი';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'მონაცემების ჩატვირთვა…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'თქვენ შეგიძლიათ აირჩიოთ არაუმეტეს ' + args.maximum +
' ელემენტი';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'რეზულტატი არ მოიძებნა';
searching: function () {
return 'ძიება…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'ამოიღე ყველა ელემენტი';

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Khmer
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'មិនអាចទាញយកទិន្នន័យ';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'សូមលុបចេញ ' + overChars + ' អក្សរ';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'សូមបញ្ចូល' + remainingChars + ' អក្សរ រឺ ច្រើនជាងនេះ';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'កំពុងទាញយកទិន្នន័យបន្ថែម...';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'អ្នកអាចជ្រើសរើសបានតែ ' + args.maximum + ' ជម្រើសប៉ុណ្ណោះ';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'មិនមានលទ្ធផល';
searching: function () {
return 'កំពុងស្វែងរក...';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'លុបធាតុទាំងអស់';

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Korean
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return '결과를 불러올 수 없습니다.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = '너무 깁니다. ' + overChars + ' 글자 지워주세요.';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = '너무 짧습니다. ' + remainingChars + ' 글자 더 입력해주세요.';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return '불러오는 중…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = '최대 ' + args.maximum + '개까지만 선택 가능합니다.';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return '결과가 없습니다.';
searching: function () {
return '검색 중…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return '모든 항목 삭제';

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// rules from
// http://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/latest/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html#lt
function ending(count, one, few, other) {
if (count % 10 === 1 && (count % 100 < 11 || count % 100 > 19)) {
return one;
} else if (
(count % 10 >= 2 && count % 10 <= 9) &&
(count % 100 < 11 || count % 100 > 19)) {
return few;
} else {
return other;
return {
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Pašalinkite ' + overChars + ' simbol';
message += ending(overChars, 'į', 'ius', 'ių');
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Įrašykite dar ' + remainingChars + ' simbol';
message += ending(remainingChars, 'į', 'ius', 'ių');
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Kraunama daugiau rezultatų…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Jūs galite pasirinkti tik ' + args.maximum + ' element';
message += ending(args.maximum, 'ą', 'us', 'ų');
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Atitikmenų nerasta';
searching: function () {
return 'Ieškoma…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Pašalinti visus elementus';

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Latvian
function ending (count, eleven, singular, other) {
if (count === 11) {
return eleven;
if (count % 10 === 1) {
return singular;
return other;
return {
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Lūdzu ievadiet par ' + overChars;
message += ' simbol' + ending(overChars, 'iem', 'u', 'iem');
return message + ' mazāk';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Lūdzu ievadiet vēl ' + remainingChars;
message += ' simbol' + ending(remainingChars, 'us', 'u', 'us');
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Datu ielāde…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Jūs varat izvēlēties ne vairāk kā ' + args.maximum;
message += ' element' + ending(args.maximum, 'us', 'u', 'us');
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Sakritību nav';
searching: function () {
return 'Meklēšana…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Noņemt visus vienumus';

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Macedonian
return {
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Ве молиме внесете ' + args.maximum + ' помалку карактер';
if (args.maximum !== 1) {
message += 'и';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Ве молиме внесете уште ' + args.maximum + ' карактер';
if (args.maximum !== 1) {
message += 'и';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Вчитување резултати…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Можете да изберете само ' + args.maximum + ' ставк';
if (args.maximum === 1) {
message += 'а';
} else {
message += 'и';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Нема пронајдено совпаѓања';
searching: function () {
return 'Пребарување…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Отстрани ги сите предмети';

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Malay
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Keputusan tidak berjaya dimuatkan.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Sila hapuskan ' + overChars + ' aksara';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Sila masukkan ' + remainingChars + ' atau lebih aksara';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Sedang memuatkan keputusan…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Anda hanya boleh memilih ' + args.maximum + ' pilihan';
noResults: function () {
return 'Tiada padanan yang ditemui';
searching: function () {
return 'Mencari…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Keluarkan semua item';

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Norwegian (Bokmål)
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Kunne ikke hente resultater.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Vennligst fjern ' + overChars + ' tegn';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Vennligst skriv inn ' + remainingChars + ' tegn til';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Laster flere resultater…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Du kan velge maks ' + args.maximum + ' elementer';
noResults: function () {
return 'Ingen treff';
searching: function () {
return 'Søker…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Fjern alle elementer';

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Nepali
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'नतिजाहरु देखाउन सकिएन।';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'कृपया ' + overChars + ' अक्षर मेटाउनुहोस्।';
if (overChars != 1) {
message += 'कृपया ' + overChars + ' अक्षरहरु मेटाउनुहोस्।';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'कृपया बाँकी रहेका ' + remainingChars +
' वा अरु धेरै अक्षरहरु भर्नुहोस्।';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'अरु नतिजाहरु भरिँदैछन् …';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'तँपाई ' + args.maximum +
' वस्तु मात्र छान्न पाउँनुहुन्छ।';
if (args.maximum != 1) {
message = 'तँपाई ' + args.maximum +
' वस्तुहरु मात्र छान्न पाउँनुहुन्छ।';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'कुनै पनि नतिजा भेटिएन।';
searching: function () {
return 'खोजि हुँदैछ…';

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Dutch
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'De resultaten konden niet worden geladen.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Gelieve ' + overChars + ' karakters te verwijderen';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Gelieve ' + remainingChars +
' of meer karakters in te voeren';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Meer resultaten laden…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var verb = args.maximum == 1 ? 'kan' : 'kunnen';
var message = 'Er ' + verb + ' maar ' + args.maximum + ' item';
if (args.maximum != 1) {
message += 's';
message += ' worden geselecteerd';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Geen resultaten gevonden…';
searching: function () {
return 'Zoeken…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Verwijder alle items';

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Polish
var charsWords = ['znak', 'znaki', 'znaków'];
var itemsWords = ['element', 'elementy', 'elementów'];
var pluralWord = function pluralWord(numberOfChars, words) {
if (numberOfChars === 1) {
return words[0];
} else if (numberOfChars > 1 && numberOfChars <= 4) {
return words[1];
} else if (numberOfChars >= 5) {
return words[2];
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Nie można załadować wyników.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
return 'Usuń ' + overChars + ' ' + pluralWord(overChars, charsWords);
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
return 'Podaj przynajmniej ' + remainingChars + ' ' +
pluralWord(remainingChars, charsWords);
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Trwa ładowanie…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
return 'Możesz zaznaczyć tylko ' + args.maximum + ' ' +
pluralWord(args.maximum, itemsWords);
noResults: function () {
return 'Brak wyników';
searching: function () {
return 'Trwa wyszukiwanie…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Usuń wszystkie przedmioty';

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
/* jslint maxlen: 87 */
define(function () {
// Pashto (پښتو)
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'پايلي نه سي ترلاسه کېدای';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'د مهربانۍ لمخي ' + overChars + ' توری ړنګ کړئ';
if (overChars != 1) {
message = message.replace('توری', 'توري');
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'لږ تر لږه ' + remainingChars + ' يا ډېر توري وليکئ';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'نوري پايلي ترلاسه کيږي...';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'تاسو يوازي ' + args.maximum + ' قلم په نښه کولای سی';
if (args.maximum != 1) {
message = message.replace('قلم', 'قلمونه');
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'پايلي و نه موندل سوې';
searching: function () {
return 'لټول کيږي...';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'ټول توکي لرې کړئ';

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Brazilian Portuguese
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Os resultados não puderam ser carregados.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Apague ' + overChars + ' caracter';
if (overChars != 1) {
message += 'es';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Digite ' + remainingChars + ' ou mais caracteres';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Carregando mais resultados…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Você só pode selecionar ' + args.maximum + ' ite';
if (args.maximum == 1) {
message += 'm';
} else {
message += 'ns';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Nenhum resultado encontrado';
searching: function () {
return 'Buscando…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Remover todos os itens';

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// European Portuguese
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Os resultados não puderam ser carregados.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Por favor apague ' + overChars + ' ';
message += overChars != 1 ? 'caracteres' : 'caractere';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Introduza ' + remainingChars + ' ou mais caracteres';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'A carregar mais resultados…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Apenas pode seleccionar ' + args.maximum + ' ';
message += args.maximum != 1 ? 'itens' : 'item';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Sem resultados';
searching: function () {
return 'A procurar…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Remover todos os itens';

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Romanian
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Rezultatele nu au putut fi incărcate.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Vă rugăm să ștergeți' + overChars + ' caracter';
if (overChars !== 1) {
message += 'e';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Vă rugăm să introduceți ' + remainingChars +
' sau mai multe caractere';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Se încarcă mai multe rezultate…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Aveți voie să selectați cel mult ' + args.maximum;
message += ' element';
if (args.maximum !== 1) {
message += 'e';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Nu au fost găsite rezultate';
searching: function () {
return 'Căutare…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Eliminați toate elementele';

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Russian
function ending (count, one, couple, more) {
if (count % 10 < 5 && count % 10 > 0 &&
count % 100 < 5 || count % 100 > 20) {
if (count % 10 > 1) {
return couple;
} else {
return more;
return one;
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Невозможно загрузить результаты';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Пожалуйста, введите на ' + overChars + ' символ';
message += ending(overChars, '', 'a', 'ов');
message += ' меньше';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Пожалуйста, введите ещё хотя бы ' + remainingChars +
' символ';
message += ending(remainingChars, '', 'a', 'ов');
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Загрузка данных…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Вы можете выбрать не более ' + args.maximum + ' элемент';
message += ending(args.maximum, '', 'a', 'ов');
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Совпадений не найдено';
searching: function () {
return 'Поиск…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Удалить все элементы';

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Slovak
// use text for the numbers 2 through 4
var smallNumbers = {
2: function (masc) { return (masc ? 'dva' : 'dve'); },
3: function () { return 'tri'; },
4: function () { return 'štyri'; }
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Výsledky sa nepodarilo načítať.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
if (overChars == 1) {
return 'Prosím, zadajte o jeden znak menej';
} else if (overChars >= 2 && overChars <= 4) {
return 'Prosím, zadajte o ' + smallNumbers[overChars](true) +
' znaky menej';
} else {
return 'Prosím, zadajte o ' + overChars + ' znakov menej';
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
if (remainingChars == 1) {
return 'Prosím, zadajte ešte jeden znak';
} else if (remainingChars <= 4) {
return 'Prosím, zadajte ešte ďalšie ' +
smallNumbers[remainingChars](true) + ' znaky';
} else {
return 'Prosím, zadajte ešte ďalších ' + remainingChars + ' znakov';
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Načítanie ďalších výsledkov…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
if (args.maximum == 1) {
return 'Môžete zvoliť len jednu položku';
} else if (args.maximum >= 2 && args.maximum <= 4) {
return 'Môžete zvoliť najviac ' + smallNumbers[args.maximum](false) +
' položky';
} else {
return 'Môžete zvoliť najviac ' + args.maximum + ' položiek';
noResults: function () {
return 'Nenašli sa žiadne položky';
searching: function () {
return 'Vyhľadávanie…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Odstráňte všetky položky';

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Slovene
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Zadetkov iskanja ni bilo mogoče naložiti.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Prosim zbrišite ' + overChars + ' znak';
if (overChars == 2) {
message += 'a';
} else if (overChars != 1) {
message += 'e';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Prosim vpišite še ' + remainingChars + ' znak';
if (remainingChars == 2) {
message += 'a';
} else if (remainingChars != 1) {
message += 'e';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Nalagam več zadetkov…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Označite lahko največ ' + args.maximum + ' predmet';
if (args.maximum == 2) {
message += 'a';
} else if (args.maximum != 1) {
message += 'e';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Ni zadetkov.';
searching: function () {
return 'Iščem…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Odstranite vse elemente';

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Albanian
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Rezultatet nuk mund të ngarkoheshin.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Të lutem fshi ' + overChars + ' karakter';
if (overChars != 1) {
message += 'e';
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Të lutem shkruaj ' + remainingChars +
' ose më shumë karaktere';
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Duke ngarkuar më shumë rezultate…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Mund të zgjedhësh vetëm ' + args.maximum + ' element';
if (args.maximum != 1) {
message += 'e';
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Nuk u gjet asnjë rezultat';
searching: function () {
return 'Duke kërkuar…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Hiq të gjitha sendet';

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Serbian Cyrilic
function ending (count, one, some, many) {
if (count % 10 == 1 && count % 100 != 11) {
return one;
if (count % 10 >= 2 && count % 10 <= 4 &&
(count % 100 < 12 || count % 100 > 14)) {
return some;
return many;
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Преузимање није успело.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Обришите ' + overChars + ' симбол';
message += ending(overChars, '', 'а', 'а');
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Укуцајте бар још ' + remainingChars + ' симбол';
message += ending(remainingChars, '', 'а', 'а');
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Преузимање још резултата…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Можете изабрати само ' + args.maximum + ' ставк';
message += ending(args.maximum, 'у', 'е', 'и');
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Ништа није пронађено';
searching: function () {
return 'Претрага…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Уклоните све ставке';

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
define(function () {
// Serbian
function ending (count, one, some, many) {
if (count % 10 == 1 && count % 100 != 11) {
return one;
if (count % 10 >= 2 && count % 10 <= 4 &&
(count % 100 < 12 || count % 100 > 14)) {
return some;
return many;
return {
errorLoading: function () {
return 'Preuzimanje nije uspelo.';
inputTooLong: function (args) {
var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
var message = 'Obrišite ' + overChars + ' simbol';
message += ending(overChars, '', 'a', 'a');
return message;
inputTooShort: function (args) {
var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
var message = 'Ukucajte bar još ' + remainingChars + ' simbol';
message += ending(remainingChars, '', 'a', 'a');
return message;
loadingMore: function () {
return 'Preuzimanje još rezultata…';
maximumSelected: function (args) {
var message = 'Možete izabrati samo ' + args.maximum + ' stavk';
message += ending(args.maximum, 'u', 'e', 'i');
return message;
noResults: function () {
return 'Ništa nije pronađeno';
searching: function () {
return 'Pretraga…';
removeAllItems: function () {
return 'Уклоните све ставке';

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More