mirror of https://gitlab.crans.org/bde/nk20-scripts synced 2025-03-17 19:21:16 +00:00

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

This commit is contained in:
Yohann D'ANELLO 2020-05-29 21:10:57 +02:00
commit ee54fca89e
9 changed files with 711 additions and 650 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from django.apps import apps
from django.db import transaction
from polymorphic.models import PolymorphicModel
def timed(method):
A simple decorator to measure time elapsed in class function (hence the args[0])
def _timed(*args, **kw):
ts = time.time()
result = method(*args, **kw)
te = time.time()
args[0].print_success(f"\n {method.__name__} executed ({te-ts:.2f}s)")
return result
return _timed
class ImportCommand(BaseCommand):
Generic command for import of NK15 database
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(args, kwargs)
self.MAP_IDBDE = dict()
def print_success(self, to_print):
return self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS(to_print))
def print_error(self, to_print):
return self.stdout.write(self.style.ERROR(to_print))
def update_line(self, n, total, content):
n = str(n)
total = str(total)
print(f"\r ({n}/{total}) {content:10.10}", end="")
def create_parser(self, prog_name, subcommand, **kwargs):
parser = super().create_parser(prog_name, subcommand, **kwargs)
parser.add_argument('--nk15db', action='store', default='nk15', help='NK15 database name')
parser.add_argument('--nk15user', action='store', default='nk15_user', help='NK15 database owner')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--save', action='store', help="save mapping of idbde")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--map', action='store', help="import mapping of idbde")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--chunk', type=int, default=100, help="chunk size for bulk_create")
return parser
def save_map(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(self.MAP_IDBDE, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
def load_map(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
self.MAP_IDBDE = json.load(fp, object_hook=lambda d: {int(k): int(v) for k, v in d.items()})
class BulkCreateManager(object):
This helper class keeps track of ORM objects to be created for multiple
model classes, and automatically creates those objects with `bulk_create`
when the number of objects accumulated for a given model class exceeds
Upon completion of the loop that's `add()`ing objects, the developer must
call `done()` to ensure the final set of objects is created for all models.
def __init__(self, chunk_size=100):
self._create_queues = defaultdict(list)
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
def _commit(self, model_class):
model_key = model_class._meta.label
# check for mutli-table inheritance it happens
# if model_class is a grand-child of PolymorphicModel
if model_class.__base__.__base__ is PolymorphicModel:
with transaction.atomic():
for obj in self._create_queues[model_key]:
self._create_queues[model_key] = []
def add(self, *args):
Add an object to the queue to be created, and call bulk_create if we
have enough objs.
for obj in args:
model_class = type(obj)
model_key = model_class._meta.label
if len(self._create_queues[model_key]) >= self.chunk_size:
def done(self):
Always call this upon completion to make sure the final partial chunk
is saved.
for model_name, objs in self._create_queues.items():
if len(objs) > 0:

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from django.core.management import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.functions import Lower
from wei.models import WEIClub, Bus, BusTeam, WEIMembership
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "Export WEI registrations."
def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('--bus', '-b', choices=[bus.name for bus in Bus.objects.all()], type=str, default=None,
help='Filter by bus')
parser.add_argument('--team', '-t', choices=[team.name for team in BusTeam.objects.all()], type=str,
default=None, help='Filter by team. Type "none" if you want to select the members '
+ 'that are not in a team.')
parser.add_argument('--year', '-y', type=int, default=None,
help='Select the year of the concerned WEI. Default: last year')
parser.add_argument('--sep', type=str, default='|',
help='Select the CSV separator.')
def handle(self, *args, **options):
year = options["year"]
if year:
wei = WEIClub.objects.get(year=year)
except WEIClub.DoesNotExist:
raise CommandError("The WEI of year {:d} does not exist.".format(year,))
wei = WEIClub.objects.order_by('-year').first()
bus = options["bus"]
if bus:
bus = Bus.objects.filter(wei=wei).get(name=bus)
except Bus.DoesNotExist:
raise CommandError("The bus {} does not exist or does not belong to the WEI {}.".format(bus, wei.name,))
team = options["team"]
if team:
if team.lower() == "none":
team = 0
team = BusTeam.objects.filter(Q(bus=bus) | Q(wei=wei)).get(name=team)
bus = team.bus
except BusTeam.DoesNotExist:
raise CommandError("The bus {} does not exist or does not belong to the bus {} neither the wei {}."
.format(team, bus.name if bus else "<None>", wei.name,))
qs = WEIMembership.objects
qs = qs.filter(club=wei).order_by(
if bus:
qs = qs.filter(bus=bus)
if team is not None:
qs = qs.filter(team=team if team else None)
sep = options["sep"]
self.stdout.write("Nom|Prénom|Date de naissance|Genre|Département|Année|Section|Bus|Équipe|Rôles"
.replace(sep, sep))
for membership in qs.all():
user = membership.user
registration = membership.registration
bus = membership.bus
team = membership.team
s = user.last_name
s += sep + user.first_name
s += sep + str(registration.birth_date)
s += sep + registration.get_gender_display()
s += sep + user.profile.get_department_display()
s += sep + str(user.profile.ens_year) + "A"
s += sep + user.profile.section_generated
s += sep + bus.name
s += sep + (team.name if team else "--")
s += sep + ", ".join(role.name for role in membership.roles.filter(~Q(name="Adhérent WEI")).all())

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from datetime import date
from django.core.management import BaseCommand
from django.db.models import Q
from member.models import Membership, Club
from wei.models import WEIClub
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "Get mailing list registrations from the last wei. " \
"Usage: manage.py extract_ml_registrations -t {events,art,sport}. " \
"You can write this into a file with a pipe, then paste the document into your mail manager."
def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('--type', '-t', choices=["members", "clubs", "events", "art", "sport"], default="members",
help='Select the type of the mailing list (default members)')
parser.add_argument('--year', '-y', type=int, default=None,
help='Select the year of the concerned WEI. Default: last year')
def handle(self, *args, **options):
if options["type"] == "members":
for membership in Membership.objects.filter(
if options["type"] == "clubs":
for club in Club.objects.all():
if options["year"] is None:
wei = WEIClub.objects.order_by('-year').first()
wei = WEIClub.objects.filter(year=options["year"])
if wei.exists():
wei = wei.get()
wei = WEIClub.objects.order_by('-year').first()
self.stderr.write(self.style.WARNING("Warning: there was no WEI in year " + str(options["year"]) + ". "
+ "Assuming the last WEI (year " + str(wei.year) + ")"))
q = Q(ml_events_registration=True) if options["type"] == "events" else Q(ml_art_registration=True)\
if options["type"] == "art" else Q(ml_sport_registration=True)
registrations = wei.users.filter(q)
for registration in registrations.all():

View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import psycopg2 as pg
import psycopg2.extras as pge
import datetime
import json
from django.utils.timezone import make_aware, now
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db import transaction
from note.models import Note, NoteUser, NoteClub
from note.models import Alias
from member.models import Club, Profile
from ._import_utils import ImportCommand, BulkCreateManager, timed
M_START = datetime.date(2019, 8, 31)
M_END = datetime.date(2020, 9, 30)
-4: 2, # Carte Bancaire
-3: 4, # Virement
-2: 1, # Especes
-1: 3, # Chèque
0: 5, # BDE
# some Aliases have been created in the fixtures
ALIAS_SET = {a[0] for a in Alias.objects.all().values_list("normalized_name")}
note_user_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="note", model="noteuser")
note_club_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="note", model="noteclub")
class Command(ImportCommand):
Import command for People base data (Comptes, and Aliases)
def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('-a', '--alias', action='store_true', help="import alias")
def import_special_account(self, cur):
cur.execute("SELECT idbde, solde from comptes where idbde <=0")
for row in cur:
note = Note.objects.get(pk=MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]])
note.amount = row["solde"]
def import_account(self, cur, chunk_size):
Import every account of the nk15 in a batch fashion.
Every Model has to be manually created, and no magic `.save()`
function is being called.
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM comptes WHERE idbde > 0 ORDER BY idbde;")
pk_club = 3
pk_user = 1
pk_profile = 1
pk_note = 7 # pk 6 is Kfet!
n = cur.rowcount
bulk_mgr = BulkCreateManager(chunk_size=chunk_size)
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
pseudo = row["pseudo"]
pseudo_norm = Alias.normalize(pseudo)
self.update_line(idx, n, pseudo)
# clean pseudo (normalized pseudo must be unique)
if pseudo_norm in ALIAS_SET:
pseudo = pseudo + str(row["idbde"])
# clean date
note_dict = {
"pk": pk_note,
"balance": row['solde'],
"last_negative": None,
"is_active": True,
"display_image": "",
"created_at": now()
if row["last_negatif"] is not None:
note_dict["last_negative"] = make_aware(row["last_negatif"])
if row["type"] == "personne":
# sanitize password
if row["passwd"] != "*|*" and not row["deleted"]:
passwd_nk15 = "$".join(["custom_nk15", "1", row["passwd"]])
passwd_nk15 = ''
obj_dict = {
"pk": pk_user,
"username": row["pseudo"],
"password": passwd_nk15,
"first_name": row["nom"],
"last_name": row["prenom"],
"email": row["mail"],
"is_active": True, # temporary
profile_dict = {
"pk": pk_profile,
"user_id": pk_user,
"phone_number": row['tel'],
"address": row['adresse'],
"paid": row['normalien'],
"registration_valid": True,
"email_confirmed": True,
note_dict["polymorphic_ctype"] = note_user_type
note_user_dict = {
"pk": pk_note,
"user_id": pk_user,
alias_dict = {
"pk": pk_note,
"name": pseudo,
"normalized_name": Alias.normalize(pseudo),
"note_id": pk_note,
pk_user += 1
pk_profile += 1
else: # club
obj_dict = {
"pk": pk_club,
"name": row["pseudo"],
"email": row["mail"],
"membership_duration": M_DURATION,
"membership_start": M_START,
"membership_end": M_END,
"membership_fee_paid": 0,
"membership_fee_unpaid": 0,
note_club_dict = {
"pk": pk_note,
"club_id": pk_club,
alias_dict = {
"pk": pk_note,
"name": pseudo,
"normalized_name": Alias.normalize(pseudo),
"note_id": pk_note
note_dict["polymorphic_ctype"] = note_club_type
pk_club += 1
# row import completed
MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]] = pk_note
pk_note += 1
def import_alias(self, cur, chunk_size):
Import Alias from nk15
We rely on validation of the models, but it is slow.
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM aliases ORDER by id")
n = cur.rowcount
bulk_mgr = BulkCreateManager(chunk_size=chunk_size)
pk_alias = Alias.objects.order_by('-id').first().id + 1
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
alias_name = row["alias"]
alias_name = (alias_name[:252] + '...') if len(alias_name) > 255 else alias_name
alias_norm = Alias.normalize(alias_name)
self.update_line(idx, n, alias_norm)
# clean pseudo (normalized pseudo must be unique)
if alias_norm in ALIAS_SET:
obj_dict = {
"pk": pk_alias,
"note_id": MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]],
"name": alias_name,
"normalized_name": alias_norm,
pk_alias += 1
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
# default args, provided by ImportCommand.
nk15db, nk15user = kwargs['nk15db'], kwargs['nk15user']
# connecting to nk15 database
conn = pg.connect(database=nk15db, user=nk15user)
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=pge.DictCursor)
self.import_account(cur, kwargs["chunk"])
# Alias Management
if kwargs["alias"]:
self.import_alias(cur, kwargs["chunk"])
# save to disk
if kwargs["save"]:
filename = kwargs["save"]
with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(MAP_IDBDE, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=2)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import psycopg2 as pg
import psycopg2.extras as pge
import datetime
import copy
from django.utils.timezone import make_aware
from django.db import transaction
from activity.models import ActivityType, Activity, Guest, Entry
from member.models import Club
from note.models import Note
from ._import_utils import ImportCommand, BulkCreateManager, timed
0, # BDE
4771, # Kataclist
5162, # Assurance BDE ?!
5164, #S & L
625, #Aspique
5154, #Frekens
class Command(ImportCommand):
Import command for Activities Base Data (Comptes, and Aliases)
def import_activities(self, cur, chunk):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM activites ORDER by id")
n = cur.rowcount
bulk_mgr = BulkCreateManager(chunk_size=chunk)
activity_type_id = ActivityType.objects.get(name="Pot").pk # Need to be fixed manually
kfet = Club.objects.get(name="Kfet")
pk_activity = 1
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
self.update_line(idx, n, row["titre"])
note = self.MAP_IDBDE[row["responsable"]]
if note == 6244:
# Licorne magique ne doit pas utiliser son compte club pour proposer des activités
note = Note.objects.get(pk=self.MAP_IDBDE[6524])
note = note.user_id
organizer = Club.objects.filter(name=row["signature"])
if organizer.exists():
# Try to find the club that organizes the activity.
# If not found, assume it's Kfet (fix manually)
organizer = organizer.get()
organizer = kfet
obj_dict = {
"pk": pk_activity,
"name": row["titre"],
"description": row["description"],
"activity_type_id": activity_type_id, # By default Pot
"creater_id": note,
"organizer_id": organizer.pk,
"attendees_club_id": kfet.pk, # Maybe fix manually
"date_start": make_aware(row["debut"]),
"date_end": make_aware(row["fin"]),
"valid": row["validepar"] is not None,
"open": False,
# WARNING: Fields lieu, liste, listeimprimee are missing
MAP_ACTIVITY[row["id"]] = pk_activity
pk_activity += 1
def import_guest(self, cur, chunk):
bulk_mgr = BulkCreateManager(chunk_size=chunk)
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM invites ORDER by id")
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
self.update_line(idx, n, f"{row['nom']} {row['prenom']}")
if row["responsable"] in CLUB_RELOU:
row["responsable"] = 3508
obj_dict = {
"pk": row["id"],
"activity_id": MAP_ACTIVITY[row["activite"]],
"last_name": row["nom"],
"first_name": row["prenom"],
"inviter_id": self.MAP_IDBDE[row["responsable"]],
def import_activities_entries(self, cur, chunk):
bulk_mgr = BulkCreateManager(chunk_size=chunk)
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM entree_activites ORDER by id")
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
self.update_line(idx, n, f"{row['idbde']} {row['responsable']}")
if row["idbde"] in CLUB_RELOU:
row["idbde"] = 3508
obj_dict = {
"activity_id": MAP_ACTIVITY[row["activite"]],
"time": make_aware(row["heure_entree"]),
"note_id": self.MAP_IDBDE[row["responsable"] if row['est_invite'] else row["idbde"]],
"guest_id": row["idbde"] if row['est_invite'] else None,
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
# default args, provided by ImportCommand.
nk15db, nk15user = kwargs['nk15db'], kwargs['nk15user']
# connecting to nk15 database
conn = pg.connect(database=nk15db, user=nk15user)
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=pge.DictCursor)
if kwargs["map"]:
self.import_activities(cur, kwargs["chunk"])
self.import_guest(cur, kwargs["chunk"])
self.import_activities_entries(cur, kwargs["chunk"])

View File

@ -1,441 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/env/bin python3 #!/usr/env/bin python3
import subprocess
import json
import datetime
import re
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from django.core.management import call_command from django.core.management import call_command
import psycopg2 as pg
import psycopg2.extras as pge
from django.db import transaction
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.timezone import make_aware
from django.db import IntegrityError
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from activity.models import ActivityType, Activity, Guest, Entry, GuestTransaction
from note.models import Note
from note.models import Alias
from note.models import TemplateCategory, TransactionTemplate, \
Transaction, RecurrentTransaction, SpecialTransaction
from member.models import Club, Membership
from treasury.models import RemittanceType, Remittance, SpecialTransactionProxy
Script d'import de la nk15:
TODO: import transactions
TODO: import adhesion
TODO: import activite
TODO: import ...
M_START = datetime.date(2019, 8, 31)
M_END = datetime.date(2020, 9, 30)
-4: 2, # Carte Bancaire
-3: 4, # Virement
-2: 1, # Especes
-1: 3, # Chèque
0: 5, # BDE
def update_line(n, total, content):
n = str(n)
total = str(total)
print(f"\r ({n}/{total}) {content:10.10}", end="")
def import_comptes(cur):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM comptes WHERE idbde > 0 ORDER BY idbde;")
pkclub = 3
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
update_line(idx, n, row["pseudo"])
if row["type"] == "personne":
# sanitize password
if row["passwd"] != "*|*":
passwd_nk15 = "$".join(["custom_nk15", "1", row["passwd"]])
passwd_nk15 = ''
obj_dict = {
"username": row["pseudo"],
"password": passwd_nk15,
"first_name": row["nom"],
"last_name": row["prenom"],
"email": row["mail"],
"is_active": True, # temporary
user = User.objects.create(**obj_dict)
profile = user.profile
profile.phone_number = row['tel']
profile.address = row['adresse']
profile.paid = row['normalien']
profile.registration_valid = True
profile.email_confirmed = True
# sanitize duplicate aliases (nk12)
except ValidationError as e:
if e.code == 'same_alias':
user.username = row["pseudo"] + str(row["idbde"])
raise e
# profile and note created via signal.
note = user.note
date = row.get("last_negatif", None)
if date is not None:
note.last_negative = make_aware(date)
note.balance = row["solde"]
else: # club
obj_dict = {
"pk": pkclub,
"name": row["pseudo"],
"email": row["mail"],
"membership_duration": M_DURATION,
"membership_start": M_START,
"membership_end": M_END,
"membership_fee_paid": 0,
"membership_fee_unpaid": 0,
club, c = Club.objects.get_or_create(**obj_dict)
pkclub += 1
note = club.note
note.balance = row["solde"]
MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]] = note.note_ptr_id
def import_boutons(cur):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM boutons;")
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
update_line(idx, n, row["label"])
cat, created = TemplateCategory.objects.get_or_create(name=row["categorie"])
if created:
obj_dict = {
"pk": row["id"],
"name": row["label"],
"amount": row["montant"],
"destination_id": MAP_IDBDE[row["destinataire"]],
"category": cat,
"display": row["affiche"],
"description": row["description"],
with transaction.atomic(): # required for error management
button = TransactionTemplate.objects.create(**obj_dict)
except IntegrityError as e:
# button with the same name is not possible in NK20.
if "unique" in e.args[0]:
qs = Club.objects.filter(note__note_ptr=MAP_IDBDE[row["destinataire"]]).values('name')
note_name = qs[0]["name"]
# rename button name
obj_dict["name"] = "{} {}".format(obj_dict["name"], note_name)
button = TransactionTemplate.objects.create(**obj_dict)
raise e
def import_transaction(cur):
idmin = 58770
cur.execute("SELECT *, transactions.date AS transac_date\
FROM transactions\
LEFT JOIN adhesions ON transactions.id = adhesions.id\
WHERE transactions.id> {}\
ORDER BY transactions.id;".format(idmin))
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
update_line(idx, n, row["description"])
# some date are set to None, use the previous one
date = row["transac_date"]
obj_dict = {
# "pk": row["id"],
"destination_id": MAP_IDBDE[row["destinataire"]],
"source_id": MAP_IDBDE[row["emetteur"]],
"created_at": make_aware(date),
"amount": row["montant"],
"quantity": row["quantite"],
"reason": row["description"],
"valid": row["valide"],
ttype = row["type"]
if ttype == "don" or ttype == "transfert":
elif ttype == "bouton":
cat_name = row["categorie"]
if cat_name is None:
cat_name = 'None'
cat, created = TemplateCategory.objects.get_or_create(name=cat_name)
if created:
obj_dict["category"] = cat
elif ttype == "crédit" or ttype == "retrait":
field_id = "source_id" if ttype == "crédit" else "destination_id"
if "espèce" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 1
elif "carte" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 2
elif "cheques" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 3
elif "virement" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 4
pk = max(row["destinataire"], row["emetteur"])
actor = Note.objects.get(id=MAP_IDBDE[pk])
# custom fields of SpecialTransaction
if actor.__class__.__name__ == "NoteUser":
obj_dict["first_name"] = actor.user.first_name
obj_dict["last_name"] = actor.user.last_name
elif actor.__class__.__name__ == "NoteClub":
obj_dict["first_name"] = actor.club.name
obj_dict["last_name"] = actor.club.name
raise Exception("You should'nt be there")
tr = SpecialTransaction.objects.create(**obj_dict)
if "cheques" in row["description"]:
elif ttype == "adhésion":
# Since BDE and Kfet are distinct, don't import membership transaction and use our custom transactions.
elif ttype == "invitation":
m = re.search("Invitation (.*?) \((.*?)\)", row["description"])
if m is None:
raise IntegrityError("Invitation is not well formated: {} (must be 'Invitation ACTIVITY_NAME (NAME)')"
activity_name = m.group(1)
guest_name = m.group(2)
if activity_name not in MAP_NAMEACTIVITY:
raise IntegrityError("Activity {} is not found".format(activity_name,))
activity = MAP_NAMEACTIVITY[activity_name]
if guest_name not in MAP_NAMEGUEST:
raise IntegrityError("Guest {} is not found".format(guest_name,))
guest = None
for g in MAP_NAMEGUEST[guest_name]:
if g.activity.pk == activity.pk:
guest = g
if guest is None:
raise IntegrityError("Guest {} didn't go to the activity {}".format(guest_name, activity_name,))
obj_dict["guest"] = guest
print("other type not supported yet:", ttype)
def import_aliases(cur):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM aliases ORDER by id")
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
update_line(idx, n, row["titre"])
alias_name = row["alias"]
alias_name_good = (alias_name[:252] + '...') if len(alias_name) > 255 else alias_name
obj_dict = {
"note_id": MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]],
"name": alias_name_good,
"normalized_name": Alias.normalize(alias_name_good)
with transaction.atomic():
alias, created = Alias.objects.get_or_create(**obj_dict)
except IntegrityError as e:
if "unique" in e.args[0]:
raise e
def import_activities(cur):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM activites ORDER by id")
n = cur.rowcount
activity_type = ActivityType.objects.get(name="Pot") # Need to be fixed manually
kfet = Club.objects.get(name="Kfet")
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
update_line(idx, n, row["alias"])
organizer = Club.objects.filter(name=row["signature"])
if organizer.exists():
# Try to find the club that organizes the activity. If not founded, assume that is Kfet (fix manually)
organizer = organizer.get()
organizer = kfet
obj_dict = {
"name": row["titre"],
"description": row["description"],
"activity_type": activity_type, # By default Pot
"creater": MAP_IDBDE[row["responsable"]],
"organizer": organizer,
"attendees_club": kfet, # Maybe fix manually
"date_start": row["debut"],
"date_end": row["fin"],
"valid": row["validepar"] is not None,
"open": row["open"], # Should be always False
# WARNING: Fields lieu, liste, listeimprimee are missing
with transaction.atomic():
activity = Activity.objects.get_or_create(**obj_dict)[0]
MAP_IDACTIVITY[row["id"]] = activity
MAP_NAMEACTIVITY[activity.name] = activity
except IntegrityError as e:
raise e
def import_activity_entries(cur):
map_idguests = {}
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM invites ORDER by id")
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
update_line(idx, n, row["nom"] + " " + row["prenom"])
obj_dict = {
"activity": MAP_IDACTIVITY[row["activity"]],
"last_name": row["nom"],
"first_name": row["prenom"],
"inviter": MAP_IDBDE[row["responsable"]],
with transaction.atomic():
guest = Guest.objects.get_or_create(**obj_dict)[0]
map_idguests.setdefault(row["responsable"], [])
guest_name = guest.first_name + " " + guest.last_name
MAP_NAMEGUEST.setdefault(guest_name, [])
except IntegrityError as e:
raise e
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM entree_activites ORDER by id")
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
update_line(idx, n, row["nom"] + " " + row["prenom"])
activity = MAP_IDACTIVITY[row["activity"]]
guest = None
if row["est_invite"]:
for g in map_idguests[row["id"]]:
if g.activity.pk == activity.pk:
guest = g
if not guest:
raise IntegrityError("Guest was not found: " + str(row))
obj_dict = {
"activity": activity,
"time": row["heure_entree"],
"note": guest.inviter if guest else MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]],
"guest": guest,
with transaction.atomic():
except IntegrityError as e:
raise e
def import_memberships(cur):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM adhesions ORDER by id")
n = cur.rowcount
bde = Club.objects.get(name="BDE")
kfet = Club.objects.get(name="Kfet")
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
update_line(idx, n, MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]].username)
bde_dict = {
"user": MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]],
"club": bde,
"date_start": row["date"][10:], # Only date, not time
"fee": 500,
kfet_dict = {
"user": MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]],
"club": kfet,
"date_start": row["date"][:10], # Only date, not time
"fee": 1500 if row["date"].month in [3, 4, 5, 6, 7] else 3500,
with transaction.atomic():
bde_membership = Membership.objects.get_or_create(**bde_dict)
kfet_membership = Membership.objects.get_or_create(**kfet_dict)
bde_membership.transaction.created_at = row["date"]
kfet_membership.transaction.created_at = row["date"]
except IntegrityError as e:
raise e
def import_remittances(cur):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM remises ORDER by id")
map_idremittance = {}
n = cur.rowcount
check_type = RemittanceType.objects.get(note__name="Chèque")
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
update_line(idx, n, row["date"])
obj_dict = {
"date": row["date"][10:],
"remittance_type": check_type,
"comment": row["commentaire"],
"closed": row["close"],
with transaction.atomic():
remittance = Remittance.objects.get_or_create(**obj_dict)
map_idremittance[row["id"]] = remittance
except IntegrityError as e:
raise e
print("remittances are imported")
print("imported checks")
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM cheques ORDER by id")
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
update_line(idx, n, row["date"])
obj_dict = {
"date": row["date"][10:],
"remittance_type": check_type,
"comment": row["commentaire"],
"closed": row["close"],
tr = MAP_IDSPECIALTRANSACTION[row["idtransaction"]]
proxy = SpecialTransactionProxy.objects.get_or_create(transaction=tr)
proxy.remittance = map_idremittance[row["idremise"]]
with transaction.atomic():
except IntegrityError as e:
raise e
class Command(BaseCommand): class Command(BaseCommand):
""" """
@ -443,64 +10,9 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
Need to be run by a user with a registered role in postgres for the database nk15. Need to be run by a user with a registered role in postgres for the database nk15.
""" """
def print_success(self, to_print):
return self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS(to_print))
def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('-c', '--comptes', action='store_true', help="import accounts")
parser.add_argument('-b', '--boutons', action='store_true', help="import boutons")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--transactions', action='store_true', help="import transaction")
parser.add_argument('-al', '--aliases', action='store_true', help="import aliases")
parser.add_argument('-ac', '--activities', action='store_true', help="import activities")
parser.add_argument('-M', '--memberships', action='store_true', help="import memberships")
parser.add_argument('-r', '--remittances', action='store_true', help="import check remittances")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--save', action='store', help="save mapping of idbde")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--map', action='store', help="import mapping of idbde")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--nk15db', action='store', default='nk15', help='NK15 database name')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--nk15user', action='store', default='nk15_user', help='NK15 database owner')
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
global MAP_IDBDE subprocess.call("./apps/scripts/shell/tabularasa")
nk15db, nk15user = kwargs['nk15db'], kwargs['nk15user'] call_command('import_account', alias=True, chunk=1000, save = "map.json")
# connecting to nk15 database call_command('import_activities', chunk=100, map="map.json")
conn = pg.connect(database=nk15db, user=nk15user) call_command('import_transaction', chunk=10000, buttons=True, map="map.json")
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=pge.DictCursor) #
if kwargs["comptes"]:
# reset database.
call_command("loaddata", "initial")
self.print_success("reset nk20 database\n")
self.print_success("comptes table imported")
elif kwargs["map"]:
filename = kwargs["map"]
with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
MAP_IDBDE = json.load(fp)
MAP_IDBDE = {int(k): int(v) for k, v in MAP_IDBDE.items()}
if kwargs["save"]:
filename = kwargs["save"]
with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(MAP_IDBDE, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
# /!\ need a prober MAP_IDBDE
if kwargs["boutons"]:
self.print_success("boutons table imported\n")
if kwargs["activities"]:
self.print_success("activities imported\n")
self.print_success("activity entries imported\n")
if kwargs["aliases"]:
self.print_success("aliases imported\n")
if kwargs["transactions"]:
self.print_success("transaction imported\n")
if kwargs["memberships"]:
self.print_success("memberships imported\n")
if kwargs["remittances"]:
self.print_success("remittances imported\n")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import psycopg2 as pg
import psycopg2.extras as pge
import pytz
import datetime
import copy
from django.utils.timezone import make_aware
from django.db import transaction
from note.models import (TemplateCategory,
from note.models import Note, NoteClub
from activity.models import Guest, GuestTransaction
from member.models import Membership, MembershipTransaction
from ._import_utils import ImportCommand, BulkCreateManager, timed
BDE_PK = 1
"espèce": 1,
"carte": 2,
"chèque": 3,
"virement": 4,
def get_date_end(date_start):
date_end = copy.deepcopy(date_start)
if date_start.month > 8:
date_end = date_start.replace(year=date_start.year+1)
date_end = date_end.replace(month=9, day=30)
return date_end
class Command(ImportCommand):
Import command for People base data (Comptes, and Aliases)
def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('-b', '--buttons', action='store_true', help="import buttons")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--transactions', action='store', default=0, help="start id for transaction import")
def import_buttons(self, cur, chunk_size):
self.categories = dict()
self.buttons = dict()
bulk_mgr = BulkCreateManager(chunk_size=chunk_size)
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM boutons;")
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
self.update_line(idx, n, row["label"])
if row["categorie"] not in self.categories:
cat = TemplateCategory.objects.create(name=row["categorie"])
self.categories[row["categorie"]] = cat.pk
obj_dict = {
"pk": row["id"],
"name": row["label"],
"amount": row["montant"],
"destination_id": self.MAP_IDBDE[row["destinataire"]],
"category_id": self.categories[row["categorie"]],
"display": row["affiche"],
"description": row["description"],
if row["label"] in self.buttons:
obj_dict["name"] = f"{obj_dict['name']}_{obj_dict['destination_id']}"
self.buttons[obj_dict["name"]] = (row["id"], self.categories[row["categorie"]])
def _basic_transaction(self, row, obj_dict, child_dict):
if len(row["description"]) > 255:
obj_dict["reason"] = obj_dict["reason"][:250]+"...)"
return obj_dict, None, None
def _template_transaction(self, row, obj_dict, child_dict):
if self.categories.get(row["categorie"]):
child_dict["category_id"] = self.categories[row["categorie"]]
elif "WEI" in row["description"]:
return obj_dict, None, None
elif self.buttons.get(row["description"]):
child_dict["category_id"] = self.buttons[row["description"]][1]
child_dict["template_id"] = self.buttons[row["description"]][0]
return obj_dict, None, None
return obj_dict, child_dict, RecurrentTransaction
def _membership_transaction(self, row, obj_dict, child_dict, pk_membership):
obj_dict2 = obj_dict.copy()
child_dict2 = child_dict.copy()
child_dict2["membership_id"] = pk_membership
return obj_dict2, child_dict2, MembershipTransaction
def _special_transaction(self, row, obj_dict, child_dict):
# Some transaction uses BDE (idbde=0) as source or destination,
# lets fix that.
field_id = "source_id" if row["type"] == "crédit" else "destination_id"
if "espèce" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 1
elif "carte" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 2
elif "cheques" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 3
elif "virement" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 4
# humans and clubs have always the biggest id
actor_pk = max(row["destinataire"], row["emetteur"])
actor = Note.objects.get(id=self.MAP_IDBDE[actor_pk])
# custom fields of SpecialTransaction
if actor.__class__.__name__ == "NoteUser":
child_dict["first_name"] = actor.user.first_name
child_dict["last_name"] = actor.user.last_name
child_dict["first_name"] = actor.club.name
child_dict["last_name"] = actor.club.name
return obj_dict, child_dict, SpecialTransaction
def _guest_transaction(self, row, obj_dict, child_dict):
# Currently GuestTransaction is related to a Guest.
# This is not ideal and should be change to the Entry of this Guest.
m = re.search(r"Invitation (.*?)(?:\s\()(.*?)\s(.*?)\)", row["description"])
if m:
first_name, last_name = m.group(2), m.group(3)
guest_id = Guest.objects.filter(first_name__iexact=first_name,
child_dict["guest_id"] = guest_id
raise(f"Guest not Found {row['id']} {first_name}, last_name")
return obj_dict, child_dict, GuestTransaction
def import_transaction(self, cur, chunk_size, idmin):
bulk_mgr = BulkCreateManager(chunk_size=chunk_size)
f"SELECT t.date AS transac_date, t.type, t.emetteur,\
t.destinataire,t.quantite, t.montant, t.description,\
t.valide, t.cantinvalidate, t.categorie, \
a.idbde, a.annee, a.wei, a.date AS adh_date, a.section\
FROM transactions AS t \
LEFT JOIN adhesions AS a ON t.id = a.idtransaction \
WHERE t.id >= {idmin} \
ORDER BY t.id;")
n = cur.rowcount
pk_membership = 1
pk_transaction = 1
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
self.update_line(idx, n, row["description"])
date = make_aware(row["transac_date"])
except (pytz.NonExistentTimeError, pytz.AmbiguousTimeError):
date = make_aware(row["transac_date"] + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
# standart transaction object
obj_dict = {
"pk": pk_transaction,
"destination_id": self.MAP_IDBDE[row["destinataire"]],
"source_id": self.MAP_IDBDE[row["emetteur"]],
"created_at": date,
"amount": row["montant"],
"quantity": row["quantite"],
"reason": row["description"],
"valid": row["valide"],
# for child transaction Models
child_dict = {"pk": obj_dict["pk"]}
ttype = row["type"]
if row["valide"] and (ttype == "adhésion" or row["description"].lower() == "inscription"):
note = Note.objects.get(pk=obj_dict["source_id"])
if isinstance(note, NoteClub):
child_transaction = None
user_id = note.user_id
montant = obj_dict["amount"]
obj_dict0, child_dict0, child_transaction = self._membership_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict,pk_membership)
bde_dict = {
"pk": pk_membership,
"user_id": user_id,
"club_id": KFET_PK,
"date_start": date.date(), # Only date, not time
"date_end": get_date_end(date.date()),
"fee": min(500, montant)
pk_membership += 1
pk_transaction += 1
obj_dict, child_dict, child_transaction = self._membership_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict,pk_membership)
# Kfet membership
# BDE Membership
obj_dict["pk"] = pk_transaction
child_dict["pk"] = pk_transaction
kfet_dict = {
"pk": pk_membership,
"user_id": user_id,
"club_id": BDE_PK,
"date_start": date.date(), # Only date, not time
"date_end": get_date_end(date.date()),
"fee": max(montant - 500, 0),
obj_dict0["amount"] = bde_dict["fee"]
obj_dict["amount"] = kfet_dict["fee"]
# BDE membership Transaction is inserted before the Kfet membershipTransaction
pk_membership += 1
pk_transaction += 1
elif ttype == "bouton":
obj_dict, child_dict, child_transaction = self._template_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict)
elif ttype == "crédit" or ttype == "retrait":
obj_dict, child_dict, child_transaction = self._special_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict)
elif ttype == "invitation":
obj_dict, child_dict, child_transaction = self._guest_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict)
if ttype == "don" or ttype == "transfert":
obj_dict, child_dict, child_transaction = self._basic_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict)
child_transaction = None
# create base transaction object and typed one
if child_transaction is not None:
pk_transaction += 1
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
# default args, provided by ImportCommand.
nk15db, nk15user = kwargs['nk15db'], kwargs['nk15user']
# connecting to nk15 database
conn = pg.connect(database=nk15db, user=nk15user)
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=pge.DictCursor)
if kwargs["map"]:
self.import_buttons(cur, kwargs["chunk"])
self.import_transaction(cur, kwargs["chunk"], 0)

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from django.core.management import BaseCommand
from wei.forms import CurrentSurvey
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "Attribute to each first year member a bus for the WEI"
def handle(self, *args, **options):
Run the WEI algorithm to attribute a bus to each first year member.

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/sh #!/usr/bin/sh
sudo -u postgres sh -c "dropdb note_db && psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE note_db OWNER note;'"; sudo -u postgres sh -c "dropdb note_db && psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE note_db OWNER note;'";
echo 'reset db'; echo 'reset db';
find apps/ -path "*/migrations/*.py*" -not -name "__init__.py" -delete
./manage.py makemigrations
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py loaddata initial