2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
#!/usr/env/bin python3
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
2020-02-25 14:17:59 +01:00
from django.core.management import call_command
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
from django.utils import timezone
import psycopg2 as pg
import psycopg2.extras as pge
from django.db import transaction
import collections
2020-03-09 19:00:19 +01:00
from datetime import timedelta
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
2020-02-25 14:18:39 +01:00
from django.utils.timezone import make_aware
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
from django.db import IntegrityError
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from note.models import Note, NoteSpecial, NoteUser, NoteClub
from note.models import Alias
2020-02-25 14:19:34 +01:00
from note.models import Transaction, TransactionTemplate,\
2020-03-22 13:24:54 -04:00
TemplateCategory, RecurrentTransaction, MembershipTransaction
2020-02-25 14:19:34 +01:00
from member.models import Profile, Club, Membership
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
Script d'import de la nk15:
TODO: import transactions
TODO: import adhesion
TODO: import activite
2020-02-25 14:19:34 +01:00
TODO: import ...
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
2020-03-09 19:00:19 +01:00
M_DURATION = timedelta(days=396)
M_START = timedelta(days=213)
M_END = timedelta(days=273)
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
def import_special(cur):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM comptes WHERE idbde <0 ORDER BY idbde;")
map_idbde = dict()
for row in cur:
obj,created = NoteSpecial.objects.get_or_create(special_type = row["pseudo"],
balance = row["solde"],
is_active =True)
if created:
map_idbde[row["idbde"]] = obj.pk
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM comptes WHERE idbde=0;")
res = cur.fetchone()
clubBde, c = Club.objects.get_or_create(pk = 1,
name = "Bde",
email = "bureau.bde@lists.crans.org",
2020-03-09 19:00:19 +01:00
membership_duration = M_DURATION,
membership_start = M_START,
membership_end = M_END,
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
membership_fee = 5,
clubKfet, c = Club.objects.get_or_create(pk = 2,
name = "Kfet",
email = "tresorerie.bde@lists.crans.org",
2020-03-09 19:00:19 +01:00
membership_duration = M_DURATION,
membership_start = M_START,
membership_end = M_END,
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
membership_fee = 35,
map_idbde[0] = clubKfet.note.pk
return map_idbde
def import_comptes(cur,map_idbde):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM comptes WHERE idbde > 0 ORDER BY idbde;")
pkclub = 3
for row in cur:
if row["type"] == "personne":
#sanitize password
if row["passwd"] != "*|*":
passwd_nk15 = "$".join(["custom_nk15","1",row["passwd"]])
passwd_nk15 = ''
obj_dict = {
"username": row["pseudo"],
"password": passwd_nk15,
"first_name": row["nom"],
"last_name": row["prenom"],
"email": row["mail"],
"is_active" : False, # temporary
user = User.objects.create(**obj_dict)
#sanitize duplicate aliases (nk12)
except ValidationError as e:
if e.code == 'same_alias':
obj_dict["username"] = row["pseudo"]+str(row["idbde"])
user = User.objects.create(**obj_dict)
2020-03-09 19:00:19 +01:00
# profile and note created via signal.
profile = user.profile
profile.phone_number = row["tel"]
profile.address = row["adresse"]
profile.paid = row["normalien"]
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
note = user.note
2020-02-25 14:18:39 +01:00
date = row.get("last_negatif",None)
if date != None:
note.last_negative = make_aware(date)
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
note.balance = row["solde"]
obj_list =[user, profile, note]
else: # club
obj_dict = {
"name": row["pseudo"],
"email": row["mail"],
2020-03-09 19:00:19 +01:00
"membership_duration": M_DURATION,
"membership_start": M_START,
"membership_end": M_END,
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
"membership_fee": 0,
club,c = Club.objects.get_or_create(**obj_dict)
pkclub +=1
note = club.note
note.balance = row["solde"]
obj_list = [club,note]
for obj in obj_list:
2020-03-09 19:00:19 +01:00
map_idbde[row["idbde"]] = note.pk
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
return map_idbde
def import_boutons(cur,map_idbde):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM boutons;")
for row in cur:
cat, created = TemplateCategory.objects.get_or_create(name=row["categorie"])
2020-03-14 11:41:08 +01:00
if created:
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
obj_dict = {
"pk": row["id"],
"name": row["label"],
"amount": row["montant"],
"destination_id": map_idbde[row["destinataire"]],
"category": cat,
"display" : row["affiche"],
"description": row["description"],
with transaction.atomic(): # required for error management
button = TransactionTemplate.objects.create(**obj_dict)
except IntegrityError as e:
2020-03-14 11:41:08 +01:00
# button with the same name is not possible in NK20.
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
if "unique" in e.args[0]:
qs = Club.objects.filter(note__id=map_idbde[row["destinataire"]]).values('name')
note_name = qs[0]["name"]
2020-03-14 11:41:08 +01:00
#rename button name
obj_dict["name"] ="{} {}".format(obj_dict["name"],note_name)
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
button = TransactionTemplate.objects.create(**obj_dict)
def import_transaction(cur, map_idbde):
2020-02-25 14:19:34 +01:00
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM transactions LEFT JOIN adhesions ON transactions.id = adhesions.idtransaction ORDER BY -id;")
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
for row in cur:
obj_dict = {
2020-02-25 14:19:34 +01:00
# "pk": row["id"],
"destination_id" : map_idbde[row["destinataire"]],
"source_id": map_idbde[row["emetteur"]],
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
2020-02-25 14:19:34 +01:00
if row["type"] == "bouton":
cat_name = row["categorie"]
if cat_name == None:
cat_name = 'None'
cat, created = TemplateCategory.objects.get_or_create(name=cat_name)
if created:
obj_dict["category"] = cat
2020-03-22 13:24:54 -04:00
transac = RecurrentTransaction.objects.create(**obj_dict)
2020-02-25 14:19:34 +01:00
elif row["type"] == "adhésion":
2020-03-09 19:00:19 +01:00
print("adhesion not supported yet")
2020-02-25 14:19:34 +01:00
2020-03-09 19:00:19 +01:00
print("other type not supported yet")
2020-02-25 14:19:34 +01:00
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
def import_aliases(cur,map_idbde):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM aliases ORDER by id")
for row in cur:
alias_name = row["alias"]
alias_name_good = (alias_name[:252]+'...') if len(alias_name) > 255 else alias_name
obj_dict = {
2020-03-14 11:41:08 +01:00
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
with transaction.atomic():
2020-03-14 11:41:08 +01:00
alias, created = Alias.objects.get_or_create(**obj_dict)
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
except IntegrityError as e:
if "unique" in e.args[0]:
2020-03-14 11:41:08 +01:00
print("error, {}".format(alias))
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
class Command(BaseCommand):
Command for importing the database of NK15.
Need to be run by a user with a registered role in postgres for the database nk15.
2020-02-25 14:17:59 +01:00
def print_success(self,to_print):
return self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS(to_print))
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
def add_arguments(self,parser):
2020-02-25 14:17:59 +01:00
parser.add_argument('-s', '--special', action = 'store_true', help="create Minimum instance (special note and clubs)")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--comptes', action = 'store_true', help="import accounts")
parser.add_argument('-b', '--boutons', action = 'store_true', help="import boutons")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--transactions', action = 'store_true',help="import transaction")
parser.add_argument('-a', '--aliases', action = 'store_true',help="import aliases")
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
2020-02-25 14:17:59 +01:00
#reset database.
self.print_success("flush nk20 database")
# connecting to nk15 database
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
conn = pg.connect(database="nk15",user="nk15_user")
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory = pge.DictCursor)
if kwargs["special"]:
map_idbde = import_special(cur)
2020-02-25 14:17:59 +01:00
self.print_success("Minimal setup created")
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
if kwargs["comptes"]:
map_idbde = import_comptes(cur,map_idbde)
2020-02-25 14:17:59 +01:00
self.print_success("comptes table imported")
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
if kwargs["boutons"]:
2020-02-25 14:17:59 +01:00
self.print_success("boutons table imported")
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
if kwargs["transactions"]:
2020-02-25 14:17:59 +01:00
self.print_success("transaction imported")
2020-02-24 14:19:40 +01:00
if kwargs["aliases"]:
2020-02-25 14:17:59 +01:00
self.print_success("aliases imported")