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from argparse import FileType
from sys import stdin
from django.core.management import BaseCommand
from media.models import BD, CD, Manga, Revue, Roman, Vinyle, Jeu
class Command(BaseCommand):
Extract the database into a user-friendly website written in Markdown.
def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('--directory', '-d', type=str, default='.',
help="Directory where mkdocs is running.")
def handle(self, *args, **options):
directory = options["directory"]
with open(directory + "/docs/index.md", "w") as f:
f.write("# Media de la Mediatek\n\n\n")
f.write("Ce site répertorie l'intégralité des media présents à la Mediatek de l'ENS Paris-Saclay.\n")
for model_class, file_name in [(BD, "bd.md"), (Manga, "mangas.md"), (Roman, "romans.md"),
(CD, "cd.md"), (Vinyle, "vinyles.md")]:
with open(directory + "/docs/" + file_name, "w") as f:
f.write("# " + str(model_class._meta.verbose_name_plural).capitalize() + "\n\n\n")
titles = list(set(obj["title"] for obj in model_class.objects.values("title").distinct().all()))
for title in titles:
f.write(f"## {title}\n\n\n")
for medium in model_class.objects.filter(title=title).order_by("side_identifier").all():
if hasattr(medium, "subtitle"):
f.write(f"### {medium.subtitle}\n\n\n")
if hasattr(medium, "isbn"):
f.write(f"ISBN : {medium.isbn}\n\n")
f.write(f"Cote : {medium.side_identifier}\n\n")
f.write("Auteurs : " + ", ".join(author.name for author in medium.authors.all()) + "\n\n")
if hasattr(medium, "number_of_pages"):
f.write(f"Nombre de pages : {medium.number_of_pages}\n\n")
if hasattr(medium, "rpm"):
f.write(f"Tours par minute : {medium.rpm}\n\n")
if hasattr(medium, "publish_date"):
f.write(f"Publié le : {medium.publish_date}\n\n")
if hasattr(medium, "external_url"):
f.write(f"Lien : [{medium.external_url}]({medium.external_url})\n\n")
# Traitement différent pour les revues
with open(directory + "/docs/revues.md", "w") as f:
f.write("# Revues\n\n\n")
titles = list(set(obj["title"] for obj in Revue.objects.values("title").distinct().all()))
for title in titles:
f.write(f"## {title}\n\n\n")
for medium in Revue.objects.filter(title=title).order_by("number").all():
f.write(f"### Numéro {medium.number}\n\n\n")
if medium.double:
f.write("Double revue\n\n")
if medium.year:
f.write(f"Année : {medium.year}\n\n")
if medium.month:
f.write(f"Mois : {medium.month}\n\n")
if medium.day:
f.write(f"Jour : {medium.day}\n\n")
# Traitement différent pour les jeux
with open(directory + "/docs/jeux.md", "w") as f:
f.write("# Jeux\n\n\n")
for game in Jeu.objects.order_by("name").all():
f.write(f"## {game.name}\n\n\n")
f.write(f"Durée : {game.duree}\n\n")
f.write(f"Nombre de joueurs : {game.nombre_joueurs_min} - {game.nombre_joueurs_max}\n\n")
if game.proprietaire.username != "Med":
f.write(f"Propriétaire : {game.proprietaire.username}\n\n")
if game.comment:
f.write(f"Commentaire : {game.comment}\n\n")