# Copyright (C) 2014, Ming Chen # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished # to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # This file is originated from https://github.com/python-cas/python-cas # at commit ec1f2d4779625229398547b9234d0e9e874a2c9a # some modifications have been made to be unicode coherent between python2 and python2 import six from six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse from six.moves.urllib import request as urllib_request from six.moves.urllib.request import Request from uuid import uuid4 import datetime class CASError(ValueError): pass class ReturnUnicode(object): @staticmethod def u(string, charset): if not isinstance(string, six.text_type): return string.decode(charset) else: return string class SingleLogoutMixin(object): @classmethod def get_saml_slos(cls, logout_request): """returns saml logout ticket info""" from lxml import etree try: root = etree.fromstring(logout_request) return root.xpath( "//samlp:SessionIndex", namespaces={'samlp': "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"}) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: pass class CASClient(object): def __new__(self, *args, **kwargs): version = kwargs.pop('version') if version in (1, '1'): return CASClientV1(*args, **kwargs) elif version in (2, '2'): return CASClientV2(*args, **kwargs) elif version in (3, '3'): return CASClientV3(*args, **kwargs) elif version == 'CAS_2_SAML_1_0': return CASClientWithSAMLV1(*args, **kwargs) raise ValueError('Unsupported CAS_VERSION %r' % version) class CASClientBase(object): logout_redirect_param_name = 'service' def __init__(self, service_url=None, server_url=None, extra_login_params=None, renew=False, username_attribute=None): self.service_url = service_url self.server_url = server_url self.extra_login_params = extra_login_params or {} self.renew = renew self.username_attribute = username_attribute pass def verify_ticket(self, ticket): """must return a triple""" raise NotImplementedError() def get_login_url(self): """Generates CAS login URL""" params = {'service': self.service_url} if self.renew: params.update({'renew': 'true'}) params.update(self.extra_login_params) url = urllib_parse.urljoin(self.server_url, 'login') query = urllib_parse.urlencode(params) return url + '?' + query def get_logout_url(self, redirect_url=None): """Generates CAS logout URL""" url = urllib_parse.urljoin(self.server_url, 'logout') if redirect_url: params = {self.logout_redirect_param_name: redirect_url} url += '?' + urllib_parse.urlencode(params) return url def get_proxy_url(self, pgt): """Returns proxy url, given the proxy granting ticket""" params = urllib_parse.urlencode({'pgt': pgt, 'targetService': self.service_url}) return "%s/proxy?%s" % (self.server_url, params) def get_proxy_ticket(self, pgt): """Returns proxy ticket given the proxy granting ticket""" response = urllib_request.urlopen(self.get_proxy_url(pgt)) if response.code == 200: from lxml import etree root = etree.fromstring(response.read()) tickets = root.xpath( "//cas:proxyTicket", namespaces={"cas": "http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas"} ) if len(tickets) == 1: return tickets[0].text errors = root.xpath( "//cas:authenticationFailure", namespaces={"cas": "http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas"} ) if len(errors) == 1: raise CASError(errors[0].attrib['code'], errors[0].text) raise CASError("Bad http code %s" % response.code) @staticmethod def get_page_charset(page, default="utf-8"): content_type = page.info().get('Content-type') if content_type and "charset=" in content_type: return content_type.split("charset=")[-1] else: return default class CASClientV1(CASClientBase, ReturnUnicode): """CAS Client Version 1""" logout_redirect_param_name = 'url' def verify_ticket(self, ticket): """Verifies CAS 1.0 authentication ticket. Returns username on success and None on failure. """ params = [('ticket', ticket), ('service', self.service_url)] if self.renew: params.append(('renew', 'true')) url = (urllib_parse.urljoin(self.server_url, 'validate') + '?' + urllib_parse.urlencode(params)) page = urllib_request.urlopen(url) try: verified = page.readline().strip() if verified == b'yes': charset = self.get_page_charset(page, default="ascii") user = self.u(page.readline().strip(), charset) return user, None, None else: return None, None, None finally: page.close() class CASClientV2(CASClientBase, ReturnUnicode): """CAS Client Version 2""" url_suffix = 'serviceValidate' logout_redirect_param_name = 'url' def __init__(self, proxy_callback=None, *args, **kwargs): """proxy_callback is for V2 and V3 so V3 is subclass of V2""" self.proxy_callback = proxy_callback super(CASClientV2, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def verify_ticket(self, ticket): """Verifies CAS 2.0+/3.0+ XML-based authentication ticket and returns extended attributes""" (response, charset) = self.get_verification_response(ticket) return self.verify_response(response, charset) def get_verification_response(self, ticket): params = [('ticket', ticket), ('service', self.service_url)] if self.renew: params.append(('renew', 'true')) if self.proxy_callback: params.append(('pgtUrl', self.proxy_callback)) base_url = urllib_parse.urljoin(self.server_url, self.url_suffix) url = base_url + '?' + urllib_parse.urlencode(params) page = urllib_request.urlopen(url) try: charset = self.get_page_charset(page) return (page.read(), charset) finally: page.close() @classmethod def parse_attributes_xml_element(cls, element, charset): attributes = dict() for attribute in element: tag = cls.self.u(attribute.tag, charset).split(u"}").pop() if tag in attributes: if isinstance(attributes[tag], list): attributes[tag].append(cls.u(attribute.text, charset)) else: attributes[tag] = [attributes[tag]] attributes[tag].append(cls.u(attribute.text, charset)) else: if tag == u'attraStyle': pass else: attributes[tag] = cls.u(attribute.text, charset) return attributes @classmethod def verify_response(cls, response, charset): user, attributes, pgtiou = cls.parse_response_xml(response, charset) if len(attributes) == 0: attributes = None return user, attributes, pgtiou @classmethod def parse_response_xml(cls, response, charset): try: from xml.etree import ElementTree except ImportError: from elementtree import ElementTree user = None attributes = {} pgtiou = None tree = ElementTree.fromstring(response) if tree[0].tag.endswith('authenticationSuccess'): for element in tree[0]: if element.tag.endswith('user'): user = cls.u(element.text, charset) elif element.tag.endswith('proxyGrantingTicket'): pgtiou = cls.u(element.text, charset) elif element.tag.endswith('attributes'): attributes = cls.parse_attributes_xml_element(element, charset) return user, attributes, pgtiou class CASClientV3(CASClientV2, SingleLogoutMixin): """CAS Client Version 3""" url_suffix = 'serviceValidate' logout_redirect_param_name = 'service' @classmethod def parse_attributes_xml_element(cls, element, charset): attributes = dict() for attribute in element: tag = cls.u(attribute.tag, charset).split(u"}").pop() if tag in attributes: if isinstance(attributes[tag], list): attributes[tag].append(cls.u(attribute.text, charset)) else: attributes[tag] = [attributes[tag]] attributes[tag].append(cls.u(attribute.text, charset)) else: attributes[tag] = cls.u(attribute.text, charset) return attributes @classmethod def verify_response(cls, response, charset): return cls.parse_response_xml(response, charset) SAML_1_0_NS = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:' SAML_1_0_PROTOCOL_NS = '{' + SAML_1_0_NS + 'protocol' + '}' SAML_1_0_ASSERTION_NS = '{' + SAML_1_0_NS + 'assertion' + '}' SAML_ASSERTION_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <SOAP-ENV:Header/> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <samlp:Request xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1" RequestID="{request_id}" IssueInstant="{timestamp}"> <samlp:AssertionArtifact>{ticket}</samlp:AssertionArtifact></samlp:Request> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>""" class CASClientWithSAMLV1(CASClientV2, SingleLogoutMixin): """CASClient 3.0+ with SAML""" def verify_ticket(self, ticket, **kwargs): """Verifies CAS 3.0+ XML-based authentication ticket and returns extended attributes. @date: 2011-11-30 @author: Carlos Gonzalez Vila <carlewis@gmail.com> Returns username and attributes on success and None,None on failure. """ try: from xml.etree import ElementTree except ImportError: from elementtree import ElementTree page = self.fetch_saml_validation(ticket) charset = self.get_page_charset(page) try: user = None attributes = {} response = page.read() tree = ElementTree.fromstring(response) # Find the authentication status success = tree.find('.//' + SAML_1_0_PROTOCOL_NS + 'StatusCode') if success is not None and success.attrib['Value'].endswith(':Success'): # User is validated name_identifier = tree.find('.//' + SAML_1_0_ASSERTION_NS + 'NameIdentifier') if name_identifier is not None: user = self.u(name_identifier.text, charset) attrs = tree.findall('.//' + SAML_1_0_ASSERTION_NS + 'Attribute') for at in attrs: if self.username_attribute in list(at.attrib.values()): user = self.u( at.find(SAML_1_0_ASSERTION_NS + 'AttributeValue').text, charset ) attributes[u'uid'] = user values = at.findall(SAML_1_0_ASSERTION_NS + 'AttributeValue') key = self.u(at.attrib['AttributeName'], charset) if len(values) > 1: values_array = [] for v in values: values_array.append(self.u(v.text, charset)) attributes[key] = values_array else: attributes[key] = self.u(values[0].text, charset) return user, attributes, None finally: page.close() def fetch_saml_validation(self, ticket): # We do the SAML validation headers = { 'soapaction': 'http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/security', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'accept': 'text/xml', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'content-type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8', } params = [('TARGET', self.service_url)] saml_validate_url = urllib_parse.urljoin( self.server_url, 'samlValidate', ) request = Request( saml_validate_url + '?' + urllib_parse.urlencode(params), self.get_saml_assertion(ticket), headers, ) return urllib_request.urlopen(request) @classmethod def get_saml_assertion(cls, ticket): """ http://www.jasig.org/cas/protocol#samlvalidate-cas-3.0 SAML request values: RequestID [REQUIRED]: unique identifier for the request IssueInstant [REQUIRED]: timestamp of the request samlp:AssertionArtifact [REQUIRED]: the valid CAS Service Ticket obtained as a response parameter at login. """ # RequestID [REQUIRED] - unique identifier for the request request_id = uuid4() # e.g. 2014-06-02T09:21:03.071189 timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() return SAML_ASSERTION_TEMPLATE.format( request_id=request_id, timestamp=timestamp, ticket=ticket, ).encode('utf8')