2020-05-23 11:22:23 +02:00

3860 lines
222 KiB

# 1 "clex.mll"
* Copyright (c) 2005 by Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification (LSV),
* UMR 8643 CNRS & ENS Cachan.
* Written by Jean Goubault-Larrecq. Derived from the csur project.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely,
* subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. Neither the author nor its employer is responsible for the consequences of use of
* this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise
* from defects in it.
* 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either
* by explicit claim or by omission.
* 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
* be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 4. This software is restricted to non-commercial use only. Commercial
* use is subject to a specific license, obtainable from LSV.
(* Analyse lexicale d'un sous-ensemble (tres) reduit de C.
open Cparse
open Error
open Ctab
let string_buf = Buffer.create 256
let string_iter f s = (* = String.iter; pas present en OCaml 2.04. *)
let n = String.length s
in for i=0 to n-1 do f (s.[i]) done
let count yytext =
(oldcline := !cline; oldccol := !ccol;
string_iter (fun c -> match c with
'\n' -> (cline := !cline+1; ccol := 0)
(* | '\t' -> (ccol := !ccol + 8 - (!ccol mod 8)) *)
| _ -> ccol := !ccol+1) yytext)
let parse_hex yytext tend =
let n = ref 0
in let len = String.length yytext-tend
in ((for i=2 to len-1 do
let c = yytext.[i] in
match c with
'0'..'9' -> n := 16 * !n + (int_of_char c - int_of_char '0')
| 'a'..'f' -> n := 16 * !n + (int_of_char c + 10 - int_of_char 'a')
| 'A'..'F' -> n := 16 * !n + (int_of_char c + 10 - int_of_char 'A')
| _ -> fatal (Some (!cfile, !cline, !ccol-len, !cline, !ccol))
("invalid hexadecimal number " ^ yytext)
let parse_oct yytext start tend =
let n = ref 0
in let len = String.length yytext-tend
in ((for i=start to len-1 do
let c = yytext.[i] in
match c with
'0'..'7' -> n := 8 * !n + (int_of_char c - int_of_char '0')
| _ -> fatal (Some (!cfile, !cline, !ccol-len, !cline, !ccol))
("invalid octal number " ^ yytext)
let parse_dec yytext tend =
let n = ref 0
in let len = String.length yytext-tend
in ((for i=0 to len-1 do
let c = yytext.[i] in
match c with
'0'..'9' -> n := 10 * !n + (int_of_char c - int_of_char '0')
| _ -> fatal (Some (!cfile, !cline, !ccol-len, !cline, !ccol))
("invalid number " ^ yytext)
# 88 "clex.ml"
let __ocaml_lex_tables = {
Lexing.lex_base =
Lexing.lex_backtrk =
Lexing.lex_default =
Lexing.lex_trans =
Lexing.lex_check =
Lexing.lex_base_code =
Lexing.lex_backtrk_code =
Lexing.lex_default_code =
Lexing.lex_trans_code =
Lexing.lex_check_code =
Lexing.lex_code =
let rec ctoken lexbuf =
__ocaml_lex_ctoken_rec lexbuf 0
and __ocaml_lex_ctoken_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
| 0 ->
# 95 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); comment lexbuf; ctoken lexbuf )
# 3059 "clex.ml"
| 1 ->
# 96 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); inlcomment lexbuf; ctoken lexbuf )
# 3064 "clex.ml"
| 2 ->
# 97 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); AUTO )
# 3069 "clex.ml"
| 3 ->
# 98 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); BREAK )
# 3074 "clex.ml"
| 4 ->
# 99 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); CASE )
# 3079 "clex.ml"
| 5 ->
# 100 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); CHAR )
# 3084 "clex.ml"
| 6 ->
# 101 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); CONST )
# 3089 "clex.ml"
| 7 ->
# 102 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); CONTINUE )
# 3094 "clex.ml"
| 8 ->
# 103 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); DEFAULT )
# 3099 "clex.ml"
| 9 ->
# 104 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); DO )
# 3104 "clex.ml"
| 10 ->
# 105 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); DOUBLE )
# 3109 "clex.ml"
| 11 ->
# 106 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); ELSE )
# 3114 "clex.ml"
| 12 ->
# 107 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); ENUM )
# 3119 "clex.ml"
| 13 ->
# 108 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); EXTERN )
# 3124 "clex.ml"
| 14 ->
# 109 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); FLOATING )
# 3129 "clex.ml"
| 15 ->
# 110 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); FOR )
# 3134 "clex.ml"
| 16 ->
# 111 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); GOTO )
# 3139 "clex.ml"
| 17 ->
# 112 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); IF )
# 3144 "clex.ml"
| 18 ->
# 113 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); INTEGER )
# 3149 "clex.ml"
| 19 ->
# 114 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); LONG )
# 3154 "clex.ml"
| 20 ->
# 115 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); REGISTER )
# 3159 "clex.ml"
| 21 ->
# 116 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); RETURN )
# 3164 "clex.ml"
| 22 ->
# 117 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); SHORT )
# 3169 "clex.ml"
| 23 ->
# 118 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); SIGNED )
# 3174 "clex.ml"
| 24 ->
# 119 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); SIZEOF )
# 3179 "clex.ml"
| 25 ->
# 120 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); STATIC )
# 3184 "clex.ml"
| 26 ->
# 121 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); STRUCT )
# 3189 "clex.ml"
| 27 ->
# 122 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); SWITCH )
# 3194 "clex.ml"
| 28 ->
# 123 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); TYPEDEF )
# 3199 "clex.ml"
| 29 ->
# 124 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); UNION )
# 3204 "clex.ml"
| 30 ->
# 125 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); UNSIGNED )
# 3209 "clex.ml"
| 31 ->
# 126 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); VOID )
# 3214 "clex.ml"
| 32 ->
# 127 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); VOLATILE )
# 3219 "clex.ml"
| 33 ->
# 128 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); WHILE )
# 3224 "clex.ml"
| 34 ->
# 129 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
let yytext = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
# 3232 "clex.ml"
| 35 ->
# 133 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_hex (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 0) )
# 3238 "clex.ml"
| 36 ->
# 135 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_hex (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 1) )
# 3244 "clex.ml"
| 37 ->
# 137 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_hex (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 1) )
# 3250 "clex.ml"
| 38 ->
# 139 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_hex (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 2) )
# 3256 "clex.ml"
| 39 ->
# 142 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_hex (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 3) )
# 3262 "clex.ml"
| 40 ->
# 146 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_oct (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 1 0) )
# 3268 "clex.ml"
| 41 ->
# 148 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_oct (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 1 1) )
# 3274 "clex.ml"
| 42 ->
# 150 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_oct (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 1 1) )
# 3280 "clex.ml"
| 43 ->
# 153 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_oct (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 1 2) )
# 3286 "clex.ml"
| 44 ->
# 156 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_oct (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 1 3) )
# 3292 "clex.ml"
| 45 ->
# 159 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_dec (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 0) )
# 3298 "clex.ml"
| 46 ->
# 161 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_dec (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 1) )
# 3304 "clex.ml"
| 47 ->
# 163 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_dec (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 1) )
# 3310 "clex.ml"
| 48 ->
# 166 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_dec (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 1) )
# 3316 "clex.ml"
| 49 ->
# 169 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_dec (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 2) )
# 3322 "clex.ml"
| 50 ->
# 172 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_dec (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 3) )
# 3328 "clex.ml"
| 51 ->
# 175 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (int_of_char (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1)) )
# 3334 "clex.ml"
| 52 ->
# 177 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (parse_oct (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 2 1) )
# 3340 "clex.ml"
| 53 ->
# 179 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT 7 (* bell, ^G *) )
# 3346 "clex.ml"
| 54 ->
# 181 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (int_of_char '\b') )
# 3352 "clex.ml"
| 55 ->
# 183 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT 12 (* form feed, ^L *) )
# 3358 "clex.ml"
| 56 ->
# 185 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (int_of_char '\n') )
# 3364 "clex.ml"
| 57 ->
# 187 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (int_of_char '\r') )
# 3370 "clex.ml"
| 58 ->
# 189 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (int_of_char '\t')
(* bell, ^G *) )
# 3377 "clex.ml"
| 59 ->
# 192 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT 11 (* vertical tab, ^K *) )
# 3383 "clex.ml"
| 60 ->
# 194 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
CONSTANT (int_of_char (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 2)) )
# 3389 "clex.ml"
| 61 ->
# 197 "clex.mll"
count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); Buffer.reset string_buf;
string lexbuf;
STRING_LITERAL (Buffer.contents string_buf)
# 3398 "clex.ml"
| 62 ->
# 202 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); ELLIPSIS )
# 3403 "clex.ml"
| 63 ->
# 203 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); RIGHT_ASSIGN )
# 3408 "clex.ml"
| 64 ->
# 204 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); LEFT_ASSIGN )
# 3413 "clex.ml"
| 65 ->
# 205 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); ADD_ASSIGN )
# 3418 "clex.ml"
| 66 ->
# 206 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); SUB_ASSIGN )
# 3423 "clex.ml"
| 67 ->
# 207 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); MUL_ASSIGN )
# 3428 "clex.ml"
| 68 ->
# 208 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); DIV_ASSIGN )
# 3433 "clex.ml"
| 69 ->
# 209 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); MOD_ASSIGN )
# 3438 "clex.ml"
| 70 ->
# 210 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); AND_ASSIGN )
# 3443 "clex.ml"
| 71 ->
# 211 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); XOR_ASSIGN )
# 3448 "clex.ml"
| 72 ->
# 212 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); OR_ASSIGN )
# 3453 "clex.ml"
| 73 ->
# 213 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); RIGHT_OP )
# 3458 "clex.ml"
| 74 ->
# 214 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); LEFT_OP )
# 3463 "clex.ml"
| 75 ->
# 215 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); INC_OP )
# 3468 "clex.ml"
| 76 ->
# 216 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); DEC_OP )
# 3473 "clex.ml"
| 77 ->
# 217 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); PTR_OP )
# 3478 "clex.ml"
| 78 ->
# 218 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); AND_OP )
# 3483 "clex.ml"
| 79 ->
# 219 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); OR_OP )
# 3488 "clex.ml"
| 80 ->
# 220 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); LE_OP )
# 3493 "clex.ml"
| 81 ->
# 221 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); GE_OP )
# 3498 "clex.ml"
| 82 ->
# 222 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); EQ_OP )
# 3503 "clex.ml"
| 83 ->
# 223 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); NE_OP )
# 3508 "clex.ml"
| 84 ->
# 224 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); SEMI_CHR )
# 3513 "clex.ml"
| 85 ->
# 225 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); OPEN_BRACE_CHR )
# 3518 "clex.ml"
| 86 ->
# 226 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); CLOSE_BRACE_CHR )
# 3523 "clex.ml"
| 87 ->
# 227 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); COMMA_CHR )
# 3528 "clex.ml"
| 88 ->
# 228 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); COLON_CHR )
# 3533 "clex.ml"
| 89 ->
# 229 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); EQ_CHR )
# 3538 "clex.ml"
| 90 ->
# 230 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); OPEN_PAREN_CHR )
# 3543 "clex.ml"
| 91 ->
# 231 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); CLOSE_PAREN_CHR )
# 3548 "clex.ml"
| 92 ->
# 232 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); OPEN_BRACKET_CHR )
# 3553 "clex.ml"
| 93 ->
# 233 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); CLOSE_BRACKET_CHR )
# 3558 "clex.ml"
| 94 ->
# 234 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); DOT_CHR )
# 3563 "clex.ml"
| 95 ->
# 235 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); AND_CHR )
# 3568 "clex.ml"
| 96 ->
# 236 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); OR_CHR )
# 3573 "clex.ml"
| 97 ->
# 237 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); XOR_CHR )
# 3578 "clex.ml"
| 98 ->
# 238 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); BANG_CHR )
# 3583 "clex.ml"
| 99 ->
# 239 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); TILDE_CHR )
# 3588 "clex.ml"
| 100 ->
# 240 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); ADD_CHR )
# 3593 "clex.ml"
| 101 ->
# 241 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); SUB_CHR )
# 3598 "clex.ml"
| 102 ->
# 242 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); STAR_CHR )
# 3603 "clex.ml"
| 103 ->
# 243 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); DIV_CHR )
# 3608 "clex.ml"
| 104 ->
# 244 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); MOD_CHR )
# 3613 "clex.ml"
| 105 ->
# 245 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); OPEN_ANGLE_CHR )
# 3618 "clex.ml"
| 106 ->
# 246 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); CLOSE_ANGLE_CHR )
# 3623 "clex.ml"
| 107 ->
# 247 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); QUES_CHR )
# 3628 "clex.ml"
| 108 ->
# 248 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); line lexbuf )
# 3633 "clex.ml"
| 109 ->
# 249 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); ctoken lexbuf )
# 3638 "clex.ml"
| 110 ->
# 250 "clex.mll"
( fatal (Some (!cfile, !cline, !ccol, !cline, !ccol+1))
("bad character '" ^ (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ^ "'") )
# 3644 "clex.ml"
| 111 ->
# 252 "clex.mll"
( EOF )
# 3649 "clex.ml"
| __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
__ocaml_lex_ctoken_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
and comment lexbuf =
__ocaml_lex_comment_rec lexbuf 239
and __ocaml_lex_comment_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
| 0 ->
# 254 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) )
# 3661 "clex.ml"
| 1 ->
# 255 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); comment lexbuf )
# 3666 "clex.ml"
| 2 ->
# 256 "clex.mll"
( fatal (Some (!cfile, !cline, !ccol, !cline, !ccol)) "end of file reached inside comment" )
# 3671 "clex.ml"
| __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
__ocaml_lex_comment_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
and inlcomment lexbuf =
__ocaml_lex_inlcomment_rec lexbuf 244
and __ocaml_lex_inlcomment_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
| 0 ->
# 258 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) )
# 3683 "clex.ml"
| 1 ->
# 259 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); inlcomment lexbuf )
# 3688 "clex.ml"
| __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
__ocaml_lex_inlcomment_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
and string lexbuf =
__ocaml_lex_string_rec lexbuf 247
and __ocaml_lex_string_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
| 0 ->
# 261 "clex.mll"
( () )
# 3700 "clex.ml"
| 1 ->
# 262 "clex.mll"
( string lexbuf )
# 3705 "clex.ml"
| 2 ->
# 263 "clex.mll"
( Buffer.add_char string_buf (Char.chr (parse_oct (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 1 0)); string lexbuf )
# 3710 "clex.ml"
| 3 ->
# 264 "clex.mll"
( Buffer.add_char string_buf '\007'; string lexbuf )
# 3715 "clex.ml"
| 4 ->
# 265 "clex.mll"
( Buffer.add_char string_buf '\b'; string lexbuf )
# 3720 "clex.ml"
| 5 ->
# 266 "clex.mll"
( Buffer.add_char string_buf '\014'; string lexbuf )
# 3725 "clex.ml"
| 6 ->
# 267 "clex.mll"
( Buffer.add_char string_buf '\n'; string lexbuf )
# 3730 "clex.ml"
| 7 ->
# 268 "clex.mll"
( Buffer.add_char string_buf '\r'; string lexbuf )
# 3735 "clex.ml"
| 8 ->
# 269 "clex.mll"
( Buffer.add_char string_buf '\t'; string lexbuf )
# 3740 "clex.ml"
| 9 ->
# 270 "clex.mll"
( Buffer.add_char string_buf '\013'; string lexbuf )
# 3745 "clex.ml"
| 10 ->
# 271 "clex.mll"
( Buffer.add_char string_buf (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1); string lexbuf )
# 3750 "clex.ml"
| 11 ->
# 272 "clex.mll"
( Buffer.add_string string_buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); string lexbuf )
# 3755 "clex.ml"
| 12 ->
# 273 "clex.mll"
( Buffer.add_char string_buf (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0); string lexbuf )
# 3760 "clex.ml"
| 13 ->
# 274 "clex.mll"
( fatal (Some (!cfile, !cline, !ccol, !cline, !ccol)) "end of file reached inside string literal" )
# 3765 "clex.ml"
| __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
__ocaml_lex_string_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
and line lexbuf =
__ocaml_lex_line_rec lexbuf 264
and __ocaml_lex_line_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
| 0 ->
# 276 "clex.mll"
( cline := parse_dec (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) 0 - 1; line2 lexbuf )
# 3777 "clex.ml"
| 1 ->
# 277 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); line lexbuf )
# 3782 "clex.ml"
| 2 ->
# 278 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); ctoken lexbuf )
# 3787 "clex.ml"
| 3 ->
# 279 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); Buffer.reset string_buf;
string lexbuf;
cfile := Buffer.contents string_buf;
ctoken lexbuf
# 3796 "clex.ml"
| 4 ->
# 284 "clex.mll"
( fatal (Some (!cfile, !cline, !ccol, !cline, !ccol)) "end of file reached inside # directive" )
# 3801 "clex.ml"
| __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
__ocaml_lex_line_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
and line2 lexbuf =
__ocaml_lex_line2_rec lexbuf 270
and __ocaml_lex_line2_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
| 0 ->
# 286 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); line2 lexbuf )
# 3813 "clex.ml"
| 1 ->
# 287 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); ctoken lexbuf )
# 3818 "clex.ml"
| 2 ->
# 288 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); Buffer.reset string_buf;
string lexbuf;
cfile := Buffer.contents string_buf;
line3 lexbuf
# 3827 "clex.ml"
| 3 ->
# 293 "clex.mll"
( fatal (Some (!cfile, !cline, !ccol, !cline, !ccol)) "end of file reached inside # directive" )
# 3832 "clex.ml"
| __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
__ocaml_lex_line2_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
and line3 lexbuf =
__ocaml_lex_line3_rec lexbuf 275
and __ocaml_lex_line3_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
| 0 ->
# 295 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); ctoken lexbuf )
# 3844 "clex.ml"
| 1 ->
# 296 "clex.mll"
( count (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); line3 lexbuf )
# 3849 "clex.ml"
| 2 ->
# 297 "clex.mll"
( fatal (Some (!cfile, !cline, !ccol, !cline, !ccol)) "end of file reached inside # directive" )
# 3854 "clex.ml"
| __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
__ocaml_lex_line3_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state