197 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File
197 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import date
from math import acos, cos, pi, sin
import os
import requests
import sys
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
import yaml
from irc import IRCClient
class Config:
class IRCConfig:
nickname: str = ""
host: str = ""
channel: str = ""
class SearchConfig:
position: "Location" = None
radius: float = 0
departements: list[int] = None
mentions: list[str] = None
irc: "IRCConfig" = None
delay: int = 300
search: list["SearchConfig"] = None
def __init__(self, irc: "IRCConfig", delay: int, search: list["SearchConfig"]):
if isinstance(irc, dict):
irc = Config.IRCConfig(**irc)
if not search:
search = []
search = [Config.SearchConfig(**sc) if isinstance(sc, dict) else sc for sc in search]
for s in search:
if isinstance(s.position, dict):
s.position = Location(**s.position)
self.irc = irc
self.search = search
class Location:
longitude: float = 0.0
latitude: float = 0.0
city: str = ""
def distance(self, other: "Location") -> float:
earth_radius = 6378
phi_a, phi_b = self.latitude * pi / 180, other.latitude * pi / 180
lambda_a, lambda_b = self.longitude * pi / 180, other.longitude * pi / 180
unit_dist = acos(sin(phi_a) * sin(phi_b) \
+ cos(phi_a) * cos(phi_b) * cos(lambda_b - lambda_a))
return earth_radius * unit_dist
class CentreMetadata:
address: str = ""
phone_number: str = ""
business_hours: dict = None
class Centre:
departement: str = ""
nom: str = ""
url: str = ""
location: Location = None
metadata: CentreMetadata = None
prochain_rdv: str = ""
plateforme: str = "Doctolib"
type: str = "vaccination-center"
appointment_count: int = 0
internal_id: str = ""
vaccine_type: list[str] = None
appointment_by_phone_only: bool = False
erreur: any = None
last_scan_with_availabilities: str = ""
request_counts: dict = None
appointment_schedules: list[dict] = None
gid: str = ""
def check_dpt(dpt_number: int, position: Location, radius: int = 20):
Recherche de rendez-vous disponibles pour les majeurs non-prioritaires
dans le département indiqué.
Renvoie une liste de couples (centre, nombre de doses dispo).
res = requests.get(f'https://vitemadose.gitlab.io/vitemadose/{dpt_number}.json').json()
last_update = res['last_updated']
centres_dispo = res['centres_disponibles']
centres_indispo = res['centres_indisponibles']
print(len(centres_dispo), "centres disponibles sur", len(centres_indispo), "dans le", dpt_number)
places = []
for centre in centres_dispo:
centre = Centre(**centre)
centre.location = Location(**centre.location)
centre.metadata = CentreMetadata(**centre.metadata)
if centre.location.distance(position) > radius:
# Centre trop loin
for schedule in centre.appointment_schedules:
if schedule['name'] == 'chronodose':
if schedule['total']:
# Places dispo en chronodose
places.append((centre, schedule['total']))
return places
def main():
if not os.path.isfile('config.yml'):
print("Le fichier de configuration n'existe pas. "
"Commencez par copier l'exemple depuis config.yml.example.", file=sys.stderr)
# Chargement de la configuration
with open('config.yml') as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
config = Config(**config)
irc_client = IRCClient(config.irc.host, config.irc.nickname)
# Connexion à IRC
irc_client.privmsg(config.irc.channel, 'coucou')
already_indicated = []
def msg(*mesg: str) -> None:
# Afficher un message dans la console et sur IRC
irc_client.privmsg(config.irc.channel, ' '.join(str(a) for a in mesg))
while True:
# Rechargement de la configuration
with open('config.yml') as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
config = Config(**config)
centres_id = [] # Centres disponibles
for search in config.search:
places = []
for dpt in search.departements:
places.extend(check_dpt(dpt, search.position, search.radius))
if not places:
print("Pas de place disponible autour de", search.position.city)
print(sum(place[1] for place in places), "doses disponibles autour de", search.position.city)
for centre, count in places:
if centre.internal_id in already_indicated:
# Message déjà envoyé, on spam pas
msg(count, "doses dans le centre de", centre.nom)
msg("Type de vaccin :", ", ".join(centre.vaccine_type))
msg(centre.metadata.address, centre.metadata.phone_number)
msg("Réserver sur", centre.url)
msg(" ")
# Pour chaque centre indisponible, on réactive les alertes
for centre_id in already_indicated.copy():
if all(cid != centre_id for cid in centres_id):
# 5 minutes
if __name__ == '__main__':