#!/usr/bin/env python3 from PIL import Image from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime import hashlib import json from random import choice import requests import smtplib # API_PREFIX = "https://beta.interieur.gouv.fr/candilib/api/v2/" # API_PREFIX = "https://candilib.ynerant.fr/candilib/api/v2/" API_PREFIX = "http://localhost/candilib/api/v2/" CAPTCHA_IMAGES = { "L'avion": "airplane", "Les ballons": "balloons", "L'appareil photo": "camera", "La Voiture": "car", "Le chat": "cat", "La chaise": "chair", "Le trombone": "clip", "L'horloge": "clock", "Le nuage": "cloud", "L'ordinateur": "computer", "L'enveloppe": "envelope", "L'oeil": "eye", "Le drapeau": "flag", "Le dossier": "folder", "Le pied": "foot", "Le graphique": "graph", "La maison": "house", "La clef": "key", "La feuille": "leaf", "L'ampoule": "light-bulb", "Le cadenas": "lock", "La loupe": "magnifying-glass", "L'homme": "man", "La note de musique": "music-note", "Le pantalon": "pants", "Le crayon": "pencil", "L'imprimante": "printer", "Le robot": "robot", "Les ciseaux": "scissors", "Les lunettes de soleil": "sunglasses", "L'étiquette": "tag", "L'arbre": "tree", "Le camion": "truck", "Le T-Shirt": "t-shirt", "Le parapluie": "umbrella", "La femme": "woman", "La planète": "world" } def calculate_checksums(): for name in CAPTCHA_IMAGES.values(): img = Image.open(f'captcha_images/{name}.png') img.save(f'captcha_images/{name}.ppm') with open(f'captcha_images/{name}.ppm', 'rb') as f: with open(f'captcha_images/{name}.ppm.sum', 'w') as f_sum: f_sum.write(hashlib.sha512(f.read()).hexdigest()) @dataclass class Candidat: codeNeph: str = '' homeDepartement: str = '' departement: str = '75' email: str = '' nomNaissance: str = '' prenom: str = '' portable: str = '' adresse: str = '' visibilityHour: str = '12H50' dateETG: str = '' isInRecentlyDept: bool = False @dataclass class Places: _id: str = '' centre: "Centre" = None date: str = '' lastDateToCancel: str = '' canBookFrom: str = '' timeOutToRetry: int = 0 dayToForbidCancel: int = 7 visibilityHour: str = '12H50' @dataclass(order=True) class Departement: geoDepartement: str = '' centres: list["Centre"] = None count: int = None @dataclass class Centre: _id: str count: int = 0 longitude: float = 0.0 latitude: float = 0.0 nom: str = "" departement: Departement = None def api(path: str, token: str, user_id: str, app: str = 'candidat', **kwargs) -> dict: return requests.get( API_PREFIX + app + '/' + path, data=kwargs, headers={ 'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-USER-ID': user_id, }, ).json() def send_mail(content: str, subject: str) -> None: print('\n') print(subject) print(len(subject) * '-') print() return print(content) smtp = smtplib.SMTP('localhost', 25) content = f"""From: Ÿnérant To: Ÿnérant Subject: {subject} """ + content content = content.encode('UTF-8') smtp.sendmail('ynerant@crans.org', ['ynerant+candilib@crans.org'], content) def main(token: str) -> None: response = requests.get(API_PREFIX + 'auth/candidat/verify-token?token=' + token) try: assert response.json()['auth'] except (AssertionError, KeyError): raise ValueError(f"Une erreur est survenue lors de la connexion : {response.content.decode('utf-8')}") user_id = response.headers['X-USER-ID'] me = Candidat(**api('me', token, user_id)['candidat']) print(f'Salut {me.prenom} {me.nomNaissance} !') departements = [Departement(**dpt) for dpt in api('departements', token, user_id)['geoDepartementsInfos']] departements.sort() for dpt in departements: centres = api(f'centres?departement={dpt.geoDepartement}&end=2021-07-31T23:59:59.999', token, user_id) dpt.centres = [] dpt.count = 0 for centre in centres: centre = Centre( _id=centre['centre']['_id'], nom=centre['centre']['nom'], count=centre['count'], longitude=centre['centre']['geoloc']['coordinates'][0], latitude=centre['centre']['geoloc']['coordinates'][1], departement=dpt, ) dpt.centres.append(centre) dpt.count += centre.count places = Places(**api('places', token, user_id)) for dpt in departements: for centre in dpt.centres: if centre._id == places.centre['_id']: places.centre = centre break else: continue break if places.date: print(f"Vous avez déjà une date d'examen, le {places.date}.") exit(1) print("\n") for dpt in departements: print(dpt.geoDepartement, dpt.count) for dpt in departements: for centre in dpt.centres: dates = api(f"places?begin=2021-04-26T00:00:00.000&end=2021-07-31T23:59:59.999+02:00&geoDepartement={dpt.geoDepartement}&nomCentre={centre.nom}", token, user_id) send_mail(json.dumps(dates, indent=2), centre.nom) centre.dates = dates PREFERRED_CENTRES = ["MASSY", "RUNGIS", "ETAMPES", "SAINT CLOUD", "SAINT PRIEST"] for name in PREFERRED_CENTRES: for dpt in departements: for centre in dpt.centres: if centre.nom == name: break else: continue break for date in centre.dates: if name == "SAINT PRIEST" and ("T07:" in date or "T08:" in date): continue break else: continue break else: print("Aucune date intéressante") return print("Centre :", centre.nom) print("Date :", date) # Resolve captcha captcha_info = api('verifyzone/start', token, user_id) print(captcha_info) captcha_info = captcha_info['captcha'] field = captcha_info['imageFieldName'] image_name = captcha_info['imageName'] image_file = CAPTCHA_IMAGES[image_name] captcha_images = captcha_info['values'] with open(f'captcha_images/{image_file}.ppm.sum') as f: valid_checksum = f.read().strip() for i in range(5): response = requests.get( f'{API_PREFIX}candidat/verifyzone/image/{i}', headers={ 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', 'X-USER-ID': user_id, }, ) with open(f'/tmp/image_{i}.png', 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) img = Image.open(f'/tmp/image_{i}.png') img.save(f'/tmp/image_{i}.ppm') with open(f'/tmp/image_{i}.ppm', 'rb') as f: checksum = hashlib.sha512(f.read()).hexdigest() if checksum == valid_checksum: captcha_result = captcha_images[i] print(requests.patch( API_PREFIX + 'candidat/places', headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', 'X-USER-ID': user_id, }, json={ 'geoDepartement': centre.departement.geoDepartement, 'nomCentre': centre.nom, 'date': date, 'hasDualControlCar': True, 'isAccompanied': True, 'isModification': False, field: captcha_result, }, ).content) if __name__ == '__main__': with open('/var/local/candibot/.token') as f: token = f.read().strip() main(token)